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Miku Hatsune

A Lesson In Romantics~OHSHC Roleplay SHOUNEN AI (1x1 w/ Zexion/Ienzo)

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And Kyouya couldn't help but alow faint red tint his cheeks. That look Tamaki was giving him was near unresistable. God...how has he contained himself for so long...

"I...I suppose you're right." He mumbled, placing his hands in his pockets. "As for the dance, which lovely lady do you plan to ask? I know you have a long list to choose from." Kyouya said with a slight smirk.

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"Well, I'm kinda stuck between two people..." He murmered, playing with the hem of his uniform nervously. "What about you? You should take one too!" he insisted with a gleaming smile.

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"I've been contemplating it." Kyouya lied smoothly, looking at Tamaki slightly from the corner of his eyes. "Who're your two?" He questioned, curious. Kyouya could never tell who Tamaki prefered out of the girls that came. He treated them all the same. So he couldn't help but be curious. It was most likely Haruhi but she was already asked by Hunny, surprisingly. And she excepted, thoughKyouya knew it was to avoid the blond.

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"Well, there's Haruhi..." The poor guy was in the dark about her being taken. "And the other one is..." Tamaki chuckled, making no effort to lie. "And the other one is you!" He was surprisingly blunt.

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Kyouya's throat went dry and he found it difficult to swallow as he stopped walking. Did...he jus hear Tamaki correctly? Did he say he wanted to go with...Kyouya atempted to disreguard it and he walked faster, trying to walk past and ahead of Tamaki in hopes of leaving him behind. Why? Maybe it wasbecause, truthfully, no one ever really liked him like that. Hell, his family didn't even love him.

"In that case you deserve to know that Haruhi is taken." He stated, avoiding the other topicof himself as he just got by Tamaki.



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Kyouya looked at the pleading, lovable look in Tamaki's eyes and wanted to say 'of course'. But let's face it. Even Kyouya has his fears of love. And for not experiencing it for most of his life, he didn't want to risk it not working out. So he hesitated.

"I..." (C'mon...) He took a deep breath and-


"No." (...whut.) He looked away from Tamaki, removed himself from the blond's grasp and continued down the hall. "Rengei(sp?) asked me. I already agreed." He lied, leaving poor Tamaki behind.


(I wanna kill myself for doing that but don't worry, they'll end up together ;D And am I the only one who HATES KyouyaxRengei?!)

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Tamaki's shoulders slumped. He wanted to cry. "But..." Nothing came after 'but'. He just turned and walked the other way, back to the Music Room/Host's Room. He had lost his appetite.

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(xD Why the hell do you even have chilipowder?! And I agree with you. God thing I had some of this planned out or this would be a disaster.)


Kyouya continued to the lunchroom, ignoring his heart that was ripped in two to te best of his ability. He lost his apetite as well.


Jade gulped, fumbling with her sleeve. She saw Yuuki lingering in the Host Room and took a deep breath. 'Come on Jade, you can do it!' She put on her usual smile and approached Yuuki as always, hands twisting and turning behind her back.

"H-hey Yuuki." Damn stutter.

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"Hey." He replied coolly, unwrapping another lollipop and sticking it in his mouth.


Tamaki went to his room for a minute, leaving the lights off. He wanted nothing more than to be alone.

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Jade bit her lips, confidence slowly dwindling. She was intimidated ask Yuuki all the time and she always failed. So this time she was gonna...

"So-um. I was kinda'...sorta' wondering if maybe you....well if you...wanted to..." Jade paused, slumping as she lost it. Fail. "Wanted to...tell me where Tamaki is?" She improvised. Though it was always mistaken as her "crush" on Tamaki...she never really like liked him. Sure he was cute but...Yuuki was really who she liked.


(Yeah, not gonna' happen. Nekozawa has Yuuki in the bag. Poor Tamaki?)

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(Lol. Yeah I know. DAMMIT KYOUYA.)


"Last I saw, he was in his room sulking." He pointed to Tamaki's door with his thumb. "I wouldn't touch that subject though. You know, that stupid dance thing. I think he was turned down or something. If you're looking to ask him, I think you'd better hold off until he's back to normal." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. He was debating whether to ask Nekozawa. He didn't want to drag him into the light, but maybe if they found an isolated corner or something...ARGH, THAT'S SO PERVY, THOUGH.

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Jade blinked, nodding just slightly.

"Oh...right. Of course, yeah that's definitely what I was going to see him for. The...dance..." She said, laughing nervously as backed up. Jade then wondered...who in their right mind would turn down Tamaki? So, ignoring Yuuki's warning, she hesitantly went to the door and knocked gentle.



(xD PEEEERVYYYYY? And its all part of my plan :D Though I will admit, Kyouya is a dick ^^')

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Jade hesitantly opened the door and stepped inside. It was really dark. So she made her way to where she though Tamaki would be and sat next to him.

"Um...I don't think you know me, I'm more of Yuuki's errand girl but I'm Jade." She gulped, eyes searching to find Tamaki. "Listen...I know you're upset about something and I may not be good at making myself feel better but...but I've been told I'm a great listener so what's othering you?" Jade asked quickly. She knew Tamaki wasn't easily angered but she never knew how he would react when upset.


(I'm hallucinating Shelby O.O I thought I heard/saw rain outside and when I told my dad he said that their was nothing there. Oooooh dear.)

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"I know who you are..." For some reason, he felt as if he could trust her. There wouldn't be any harm in telling her, would there? What's the worst she could do? I mean, she seems nice. "The one I love just turned me down...in the worst way they could have done it."

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Jade frowned, tilting her head to the side. How could anyone be so mean? Afterall, Tamaki was sweet. A bit of an idiot at times but sweet. She respected that he didn't say the name and didn't question the matter of who.

"Oh...I see." She gave a small laugh. "I can kinda've u derstand your problem, except I haven't even asked yet...he would never..." She shook her head, looking back at Tamaki with a determined gaze. "Tamaki, don't get so upset. Think about it this way. You state your mind very easily. But what if the person you asked was...well, to afraid to accept? What if they wanted to but just didn't want to risk anything they miight already have with you?" Jade tooka deep breath before continuing. "At least you show the curtesy to compliment them by showing your affection. If they turn away, it could be they don't know how to really handle it. Does...that make some sense to you? Or...is there something I left out?" Jade asked innocently. On the inside, she wasquite pleased that Tamaki trusted her and knew who she was. It meant he recognized her face out of the sea of girls who visit him.

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Maybe that was why. She had a grand point. He began to lift his head in realization but then drifted his gaze back to the floor and sighed. "I don't think he'll ever get it. What's the use?" He asked almost rhetorically, laying his cheek on his knuckle in sorrow.



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(xD IKR? I want names, age, and color of underwear!!!)


Jade gave a small pout, rubbing his back soothingly before catching on. Wait...he? He being? She wasn't a simpleton. Tamaki had walked out with...

"Kyouya..." She looked over at the blond before leaning in, hesitating, and giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek in reassurance, surprising even herself.

"Don't worry Tamaki, I'm sure everything will work out fine between you and Kyouya, okay? Give him time. Now, I want you to get out there, smile, and have a good time with your friends." Jade said, giving a brilliant smile. "It makes me sad to see you upset, the Prince is never upset afterall." She explained, getting up and holding out her hand to him. "Okay?"


(I have the opening song of Beauty and the Beast stuck in my head xD)

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Tamaki widened his sapphire blue eyes at her and smiled. "I...guess I could." He got up by himself, brushing off his uniform and went to Host some chicks.


(I wonder how Kyouya is doing right noooowww~~)

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(I was getting theeeereeee?)


Jade nodded, following Tamaki out to go by her irreplacable spot next to Yuuki (unless Nekozawa is present xD) and smiled, rocking back and forth on her heels.

"I did it?"


Kyouya sighed, leaning back in his chair in the lunch room. He hadn't eaten anything and disreguarded everyone that came to adress him. He still felt horrible for what he did to Tamaki. He just knew he was moping around. Shaking his head, the teen got up and exited the lunchroom, heading back to "HQ".

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"Did what?" Yuuki asked, only slightly interested. He shoved his hands inside his pockets, reaching around for a new lollipop. Nothing.


Tamaki flawlessly charmed every girl in the room, throwing winks and smiles like no tomorrow. Now he just waited for Kyoya to be in a better mood.

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Jade rolled her striking blue eyes, nodding in Tamaki's direction.

"I fixed it. He's happy now." She said, quite pleased with her work. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out one of the lollipops she had nicked from Yuuki yesterday. "Here you go." She was...bright...er than usual.


Kyouya took a deep breath, polishing his faccade for the ladies. He his his worry with his usual collected, sharp apearance, not looking to bored or to excited. Nuetral. Carefully, he opened the door. And he saw whhat he didn't expect. Tamaki in full swing. What had got him so chipper?

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"Oh. And thanks." He really didn't care about Tamaki. As long as he got paid.


He saw Kyouya and beamed, but made it look like he was happy to see one of his clients instead. He came to apologize! Or at least he hoped so.

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Jade took a gulp of air before looking to the ground again. Her confidence had been boosted by Tamaki's positive reaction but...Yuuki's unnenthusiasm brough her back down again. Of course she should have expected that. He never praises her.

" 'Welcome..."


Kyouya didn't miss Tamaki's brightened expression. It made his heart jump a bit. He didn't show that of course. Instead, he sat at a table close to Tamaki's, that way he could catch him when nesseccary. He needed to apologize...To keep up his act to the ladies however, he opened his laptop, pretending to check the finacial account for the Host Club.

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