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Thanks to Khinsider: http://www.khinsider.com/


Prequels and Side with its stories, has kept the Followers of the Kingdom Hearts Franchise for Years Engaged Series. Fans Have Anticipated the next title in the Big Franchise for some time: Kingdom Hearts III (KH III). In a Recent Interview, Tetsuya Nomura discusses life, his full schedule of projects, and notably what his plans are for KH III.


Nomura-san commented on the current challenges he faces developing KH III:


"For any sequel of the mainstream storyline of the Kingdom Hearts series, that would be Kingdom Hearts III"


He added:


"But the problem is that the opportunity of developing the sequel is not currently [possible]. The team is busy, I am busy."


Even with his busy schedule, KH III is still something he wants to do and is preparing for. Nomura-san had this to say about his thoughts on the next chapter in the storyline:


I'm thinking about what's going to be next after Kingdom Hearts II, the future that is Kingdom Hearts III. Time has nearly come to [work on] that concept.


With the game's concept phase being in sight, it leads to the question: When can we expect it? When asked if we would see it on the current generation of consoles, he gave this revelation:


Yes it might be possible. It is my desire to develop the next Kingdom Hearts on the existing platform, but the problem with a new console is that it has new technical requirements ... So, yes, I'm willing to create something on the existing console because when we aim for another non-existing future console, the release of the title will be far in the future. That's my concern.


Nomura-san is a busy man, even stating he had to "sacrifice my private time, my marriage, my family time" to stay on top of all his current projects. At least KH III is one of those projects. No matter how long it takes, it will be worth the wait.

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Poor Nomura, I'm beginning to feel sorry for him. He's done so much to bring us these games yet it takes up the majority of his personal life to stay on top of things. I wish him the very best and I hope he has good health despite all the pressure to create Kingdom Hearts 3. Don't worry Nomura, take your time, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait! :D

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this is rather unfortuanate but i can't blame him. besides, judging by this statement, Kingdom Hearts 3 will be made in 2011


It probably won't be made in 2011. Probably by 2012 at the earliest

Meh, i dont really mind, i mean, we waited for BBS, cant wew wait 1-2 more years for the big picture?


Yeah sure, I mean, we waited for like 4 years for BBS. We can wait for about 2-3 years for KH3

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I believe conceptual development will take place in 2011 and then the actual game development will begin in 2012. After that I'm not sure but I think that we will have to wait until at least 2013 for KH3. It'll be a long wait but at least we'll have a Kingdom Hearts game every year! (re:Coded for 2011 and hopefully KH3D in 2012) :)

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Yeah, KH3 will probably be out for sales in around 2013 or 2014 and if we're lucky Re:Coded will be released in the US around this upcoming December and KH3DS will probably be released in late 2011

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this is rather unfortuanate but i can't blame him. besides, judging by this statement, Kingdom Hearts 3 will be made in 2011


Are you serious? That final fantasy game he is working won't come out until late 2012 IF WE'RE LUCKY. (I wish I could find the article I read that in) This means that KH3 won't even be possible until 2013. Of course The team has to work on the english version which will be another year making KH3 possible by hopefully 2014, add the three years it will take to develop plus the one year for the English release and you have KH3 coming out in 2018.


Don't get excited just yet...

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I feel so bad for Nomura. He sacrificed all of that for us, the fans.

That's really awesome of him, though I wish he hadn't had to do that. Makes me feel like a jerk for being a part of what drove him away from his family. =(


I'll wait for however long it takes for KHIII.

I probably won't have the console it's going to be on for a while anyways.

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I feel so bad for Nomura. He sacrificed all of that for us, the fans.

That's really awesome of him, though I wish he hadn't had to do that. Makes me feel like a jerk for being a part of what drove him away from his family. =(


I'll wait for however long it takes for KHIII.

I probably won't have the console it's going to be on for a while anyways.



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Although I feel bad for him, and his sacrfice, I know KHIII is going to have release and development problems.


I'll be perfectly honest, KHIII is probably going to pull a StarCraft stunt. I thought KHIII from the start was going to come out in 2012, but after this interview, I'm changing the date D:

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