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Hero of Light XIV

[Spoilers] How much time has passed between KH2 and 2.9 The First Chapter?

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More specifically, how much time has passed from between KH2 to Coded, Coded to DDD, and DDD to 0.2's ending "2.9 The First Chapter"? Because up to this point we have had a mostly straightforward measure of time in the series.


KH X/Unchained X/X Back Cover takes place in "the Age of Fairy Tales" countless years in the past (supposedly about 1000 apparently, though that still sounds a little too recent to me), Birth by Sleep took place 10 years before KH1 (with the fall of Radiant Garden taking place 9 years before KH, so 1 year after BBS), and then KH1 happened.


But then things get a little tricky. (I basically go over the events of KH1/Chain of Memories/358/2 Days/ KH2 Roxas Prologue in the next 4 paragraphs, so if you get the gist go ahead and skip to the shorter one underneath. But if you're curious, keep reading.)


On the day Sora turns into a Heartless, Roxas is born in Twilight Town and inducted into the Organization, and Namine is also born in Castle Oblivion and made the Organization's prisoner, Sora returning to human form within the same day. Then 6 days later, Xemnas fights Sora in Hollow Bastion, and later goes on to speak with Roxas on the Dark Margin. The next day Xion joins the Organization, and then 9 days later (Day 16 by Roxas' count) Sora has already beaten Ansem and sealed Kingdom Hearts with Mickey and Riku (which also means that by this point in time Aqua's story in 0.2 concluded), and the plan is made to use Sora in Castle Oblivion. Another 8 days later (Day 24) Sora arrives at Castle Oblivion, half of the Organization already being stationed there in the days between. The next day (Day 25) Riku shows up in Castle Oblivion, meanwhile Roxas and Xion have their third mission together where Xion uses the Keyblade for the first time. By the next day (Day 26), Vexen is the first member of the Organization to be destroyed while Sora's memory continues to be heavily changed, word makes its way to the World That Never Was and Roxas falls into a deep sleep. Several days pass (about 23) until Sora destroys Marluxia (on Day 49) and goes to sleep inside the pod to regain his true memories, while Riku is confronted by Zexion. The next day (Day 50), Roxas wakes up, and by the day after (Day 51) news has spread that all of the members at CO have died. By the next day (Day 52), Axel watches Riku, Mickey, Namine, and DiZ leave the castle (Ansem's shadow was likely beaten by Riku at some point in between Days 49 and 52).


About 19 days pass until Axel returns from C.O. on Day 71. Roxas, Axel, and Xion all become friends on Day 74, and by some point around Day 95, DiZ and Namine have moved into the Twilight Town Mansion, bringing Sora along with them shortly after. By Day 96, Xion can use the Keyblade on her own again, and at some point between Day 52 and Day 149 Riku and Mickey split ways to pursue their own goals, and Namine has become aware of Roxas and Xion's existences. On Day 149, Xion and Riku fight, with Riku being the victor. On Day 171 Xion is defeated by a Heartless and falls into her own deep sleep for about 22 Days, unknowingly siphoning Sora's memories in the process. On Day 193 she wakes up and resumes missions (after a tricky start). By Day 224 Namine has realized that she has been having trouble restoring Sora's memories due to Roxas and Xion connecting with each other, and the next day (Day 225) Xion accesses the Organization's main computer in her search for answers about who she is and where she came from. On Day 255, Xion goes to Castle Oblivion and comes across Axel, before running off and eventually learning the truth and escaping from the Organization. At the same time, Namine tells Riku that Sora can't wake up while Roxas and Xion still exist. On Day 276, Xion has her nightmare and is rescued by Riku, Roxas unknowingly passing by, and Riku explains the truth to Xion. From then on, he and Xion work together for a little while. On Day 297, Roxas and Axel investigate C.O only for Roxas to collapse (due to being too close to Ventus), forcing them to relocate to Twilight Town. There they encounter Xion and Riku before they make their escape. The next day (Day 298), Roxas and Axel find Xion, Axel subduing her and dragging her back to the Castle That Never Was.


By Day 300, Sora's memories have nearly come to a halt, and 21 days later Roxas' power has been getting absorbed by Xion. Day 352 comes and Axel thwarts Saix and Xemnas' plan to trick Roxas and Xion into killing each other, meanwhile Sora's memory restoration has come to a complete halt, forcing Riku to take action at the urging of DiZ. On Day 353 Axel lets Xion escape Xigbar, where she then meets up with Riku one last time, who guides her to Namine. On Day 354, Xemnas reveals the truth of the Replica Program to the rest of the Organization and orders Axel to retrieve Xion, while Roxas places the last mysterious device in Agrabah. Meanwhile, Riku meets up with Mickey and tells him to look after Sora and the others before he leaves. Day 355, Roxas leaves the Organization, and on Day 356 Namine explains to Xion what she must do, before Axel shows up to retrieve her by force. Axel succeeds and Xemnas puts the finishing touches on Xion, turning her into a weapon to absorb Roxas and the last of Sora's memories and power. On Day 357, Roxas and Xion have their epic clash, which results in Xion being defeated and absorbed by Roxas, pleading with him to free Kingdom Hearts and stopping Xemnas' plans. Day 358 has come, and all but Riku and Roxas have completely forgotten any trace of Xion's memory, as the two clash in front of Memory's Skyscraper. Roxas beats Riku, Xion's voice urging Riku to unleash his full power and use the power of Darkness and Ansem's shadow to subdue Roxas and take him to Twilight Town.


Roxas and Riku have forgotten their last memories of Xion, and on Day 359, Roxas awakes to his "First Day" of his last week of Summer Vacation in DiZ's digital Twilight Town, and Axel's mission to find him begins. Day 360, Roxas meets Riku-Ansem for the "first time", and on Day 361 he meets Namine for the first time after entering his Dive Into The Heart. Day 362 and Axel crashes the Struggle Tournament to take Roxas back to the Organization, but is chased off by DiZ. Roxas falls off the clock tower and unknowingly contacts Kairi through Sora. Day 363, Roxas resumes his routine and comes across more traces of Axel's Nobody squadron trying to subdue him, and later learns more of the truth of his existence from Namine, while Axel is ordered to either bring Roxas back or kill him. On Day 364, Roxas wakes up to a lifeless Twilight Town and is guided to the Mansion by DiZ, where he learns the truth of who he really is and is determined to find DiZ, the man responsible for his suffering. Axel confronts Roxas one last time in a desperate battle to the death, only to be defeated by Roxas' reawakened power, silently vanishing with the hopes that they would meet again someday. Roxas confronts DiZ and finally comes face to face with Sora. He accepts his destiny and fades away into Sora, completing him. Sora awakes on Day 365, and his journey in KH2 begins.


That's about the end of any documented account of time in the KH series by any of the Ultimania so far, and no attempt has been made to distinguish how much time passes between the events of KH2, Coded, KH2's post-credits ending, Blank Points, Dream Drop Distance, and 2.9 The First Chapter. Not only that, but no length of time is really given for the events of those games or BBS and KH1. I mean, if the events of CoM could take place over 25 days, then who's to say how long the other games took? But I guess my main concern is really the gap between KH2's pre-credits ending and 0.2's post-credits ending (2.9).


What really gets me here is that at the time of Blank Points, Ansem The Wise told Aqua that a year (or more) may have passed since he last saw Sora, and while his memories may be fragmented, I doubt they would just carelessly throw in a fake amount of time in there. Yet the last Ultimania was released in 2014, and it still listed Sora's age as 15, but this was released in conjunction with 2.5, so it had nothing in consideration when it came to 2.8.


So with what we do know and can reasonably speculate within this knowledge, can we actually make an educated guess as to how much time has passed between KH2 and KH3's prologue?

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A month at most. Re:coded's right after KH2, since Jiminy is looking at his journals for the first time since KH2, I'd imagine it's as soon as he gets a chance. Then Yen Sid asks Mickey to call Sora and Riku with urgency for the Mark, so again DDD is pretty soon after KH2. And while Sora is away for long enough he misses Riku and Kairi, I don't think he spent more than a day visiting his Dream Eaters.


And Ansem the Wise tells Aqua it's been at least a year since be MET Sora, and as he says his heart was clouded with vengeance and that was not the case anymore in TWTNW, he has to be talking about when Sora was asleep right after CoM. So putting the end of CoM at not too long after Roxas is born, and accounting for the time that passes throughout KH2, you get "at least a year now".

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If Sora is 15 by the start of KH2, and is still 15 throughout DDD, he'll probably be 16. Seeing as KH2 is probably close to taking place in a few months, ReCoded probably took place in a day or so, Sora taking the Mark of Mastery probably didn't take that long, but then with Donald and Goofy saying Sora's been gone for a long time, I'd say at least a month? So he's either going to be 16, or pretty darn close.

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Well, Hero Of Light, this well documented account of events is impressive, to say the least! If anything, I'd say...



...that you are the physical incarnation of my eye! That, or you're Luxu! Either way, you've done a fantastic job recording events with my eye! :3



But well, to answer your question, when it comes to Sora's last adventure and leading up to his upcoming one, I'd say that no more than two months probably passed between events! Because since many things are happening at once, I assume it all took place in about one or two months time! But that's just what I think!

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If Sora is 15 by the start of KH2, and is still 15 throughout DDD, he'll probably be 16. Seeing as KH2 is probably close to taking place in a few months, ReCoded probably took place in a day or so, Sora taking the Mark of Mastery probably didn't take that long, but then with Donald and Goofy saying Sora's been gone for a long time, I'd say at least a month? So he's either going to be 16, or pretty darn close.


No, he is 16 in Dream Drop Distance. It says so in the Reports.

It's been either a year or over a year. Sora is 16 in Dream Drop Distance. It says so in the Reports.

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