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I'll just let the Mini-Rant speak for itself... I love this community but some things actually need to stop. Hope you all enjoy though :D

Watched the whole video, I enjoyed it! Definitely agree with you. Don't these people ever get sick of Kingdom Hearts? It seems it's the only franchise that some of them even know about. I can wait until 2020 and beyond in all honesty, I don't have much free time and if I do want to dedicate my time to a game I have to go out of my way to do so. I've got plenty of other things to keep me occupied.

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Well said. I mainly agree because 2.8 just came out. The HD collection thing, is not only Square being nice. They just love re-releasing their games. A little trend from them basically anyone will notice. 0.2 has me hyped for KH3 and I'll admit that I really want it to come out. However I won't beg for it. I want Nomura to take his time and make a fantastic game that will live up to the hype. Plus, I got other games to play and studies to worry about so, I'll be kept busy enough to the point where waiting won't be a problem. The people who complain probably don't even have a life to worry about.

Edited by MythrilMagician

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While I am really hoping for more KH3 info, there are plenty of other things that I am more preoccupied with right now (like if Dragon Quest XI will be coming out West, and if/when the next Kirby game will be coming out).  Not to mention that there are other games that I enjoy more than the KH series.  And of course, there's real life that I need to focus on too.

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I agree,as long as we know the game is being made and there's one trailer, we don't need constant news updated about games,we just need to be patient.If the developpers want to give us constant updates that's good,but they don't have to,they don't own us anything(except for the rare cases like FFXV where the game has been in developpement for ages and we were wondering if the game was canceled or not)

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