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Text The 'To Do' List

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Haha Guys cool it. I'm sure Darky is trying to finish the next chapter as fast as she can. Right Darky!? 8D

Oh I liked that chapter, to me it was a tiny bit boring but I still LOVE the story! <333

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Alrighty, guys! Here's chapter 10! :D


Link -------> http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5243233/10/The_To_Do_List


And by the way...


You guys should read my one-shot I've got posted on here. It's a AkuRoku one-shot called 'Sacrificial Love' and it's kinda sad, but I like it and the other people on FF.net liked it, so I now need your opinions on it and whether I should continue it when I can. :D Thanks!

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Yeah, I desperately want to turn this entire thing into a AkuRoku fic and have the rest of the chapters be JUST them. But I would feel bad about leaving everyone else, so I have to decide who's going to be in the next chapter. I already have the whole AxelXRoxas thing planned out and I have a pretty good idea for their next chapter.


Got any suggestions or favs for the next chapter?

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I really like it! Especially the dedication.. were those there before... because that is the first time i read the bold.. ROFL


anyway nice chapter! :D

but why does Kairi need to break up with Sora o.o;

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NO, NO, NO, NO!!! I would NEVER abandon this story!


I just had surgery and am STILL recovering, no thanks to a certain friend who forgot I had stitches in and hit me, playfully but still...... >.< It hurt! and it started bleeding when i got home and, and... -deep breath- Okay, I'm cool.


Anyway, I'll work on this week seen as how I'm grounded and can't go anywhere and it's vacation week... -.- Grounded on vacation... FML. So, hopefully, I'll have chapter twelve up by the end of this week. I'm so, so, so, sorry about leaving you all hanging! Dx I feel really bad!

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