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Sorry if there is a tread thing like this. ok whats the point in makeing Final Mixes it just confuses the American and European fans of the game. ok for example say that you play the first Kingdom Hearts game then you get Re:CoM and you know in the opening you see Sora about to fight Xemans in Hallow Bastion and the person knew nothing about Kingdom Hearts Final Mix then he would be like "what the heck i dont remember this being in the first game?" same with KH2 when your playing as Roxas and he has his dreams. i know that becaues my cousin did play KH2 he didnt know anything about KHFM and then he played KH2 and i had to explain it to him. so what im basicly asking is why do you think Nomura makes Final Mixes?

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the final mixes serve as better versions of the kingdom hearts series which japan keeps to themselves its to make us want their games more and its workin it has more of the story, gameplay, and weapons than the originals i wish i had all the final mixes

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I do find it unfair that Square includes scenes from the Final Mixes in the Western releases of games as flashbacks.

Those that don't look up the Final Mixes online have no idea what's going on then, and probably do get confused.


If Japan wants to keep those games to themselves, then fine. They can have those games.

Just keep it out of our games. =/

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The Final Mixes are so the Japanese fans get to enjoy the game as much as we did.

As the English version has improvements, such as better colors and quality.

English voice acting.

In BBS and KH new boss battles and cutscenes.

New items

Bug/Glitch fixes

among other things.


North Americans should just enjoy the English versions and Re Com.


We never hear European or Australian fans complaining, and they don't even have Re Com. Because North America don't buy Kingdom Hearts Re makes.


Re Chain of Memories sales were very bad in North America, Square Enix told North America that would happen.

Its true two months after its release you could still get the Pre order bonus easily.

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Final Mixes are made to better explain situations in the game, as well to add more mystery.


In my opinion, they are pointless. All they do is confuse the hell outta people. The only good FM is going to be the BBS FM, because Nomura said it is actually going to explain the secrets of the story, unlike the rest of the FMs.

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Because the Japanese versions are released first, the english versions may have more content and less glitches. To make up for this, FMs are released in Japan and nowhere else. This is completely fair, if FMs were released in the US and Europe, things wold be out of balance again.

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What Fredfredbug4 said!!


Think about it like this

The Japanese = Beta testers (sorta)

The English = Perfected Product

It'd only be fair for the Japanese to get a version of the perfected product.


I mean I'm sure you'd be pretty pissed if you found out the Japanese got one of our American games but with fixed glitches and extra stuff.

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