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KH1 Why does the Wooden Sword suck?

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When I was playing KH1, years ago. I thought it was a cool touch how you couldn`t effect the Heartless until you got the keyblade. I thought maybe the keyblade was the only weapon that could hurt heartless.

But then it turns out everybody and their dog can hurt heartless, so I figure it`s something to do with the weakness of what is essentially a stick of wood.

But then in Hollow Bastion you can very effectively hurt heartless with a wooden sword.

So what`s going on?

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When I was playing KH1, years ago. I thought it was a cool touch how you couldn`t effect the Heartless until you got the keyblade. I thought maybe the keyblade was the only weapon that could hurt heartless.

But then it turns out everybody and their dog can hurt heartless, so I figure it`s something to do with the weakness of what is essentially a stick of wood.

But then in Hollow Bastion you can very effectively hurt heartless with a wooden sword.

So what`s going on?




and i wouldn't consider it effective, but still, it is something to consider...and you can cast magic from it too, which i find odd, what would be cool though is if it caused your sword to get a status effect, so like your sword would catch on fire if you used fire, so on, haha

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Heartless, nobodies, and unversed can be destroyed by anything really. However a heartless will only restore its heart when it has been destroyed by a keyblade.


That's not really the question.

The question is why does the wooden sword do nothing at first, but does something later on against the heartless?


And I honestly have no idea! That's really weird.

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maybe sora's magic has something to do with it.Or maybe he develpoed a stronger heart or he just swings harder and faster :P


yeah, thats what i think, he wasnt quite used to fighting heartless with it...but then at hollow bastion he got better...


maby its because sora said my friends are my power


um...i think you misunderstood, and even then it still wouldnt make sense, no offense, sorry

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I agree with the guy above me and Zeno/Naruto. And @ Ventus/Roxas... no. Just no. He doesn't say that until the fight with Riku, and he doesn't even fight with the wooden sword after he says that, because he gets the Keyblade back immediately after. But then again, I could see where your coming from. His friends ARE his power, so that makes sense. But as I said, he doesn't actually say it until later.

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Because, by then, Sora has evolved from "Slight Gary-Stu" to "SUPER STU". /discussion


Butseriously, the only reason why Sora can kill the heartless with the sword in HB is because he's a Gary-Stu. Seriously, put him through a Litmus test and you'll see what I mean.

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M(G)ary S(t)u is to frequently thrown around these days. Yes, Sora can do a lot of things, but it wouldn`t be a very interesting game if every challenge you ran into couldn`t be solved by you.

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M(G)ary S(t)u is to frequently thrown around these days. Yes, Sora can do a lot of things, but it wouldn`t be a very interesting game if every challenge you ran into couldn`t be solved by you.


You're forgetting that not only can Sora solve every problem he faces on his own, he is also one of the few chosen keyblade masters, has a ton of friends, is "the chosen one", can do whatever the hell he wants without suffering any consequences (like murdering a ton of people for almost no reason *ahem*TheOrganization*ahem*), everyone he meets automatically loves him, has almost no enemies (the few he has hate him for virtually no reason other than that he's "so perfect and full of light"), is one of the only characters with magical powers, is always happy and only loses his temper when it's "justified", never makes anyone angry or upset except when it's "justified", pretty much does everything right on the first try, and of course the previously mentioned wooden sword.


If that's not a textbook definition of a Stu, then I don't know what is.[


And it's such a commonly used word because, sadly, Sues/Stus are becoming more common (though it's not like it's a new thing; Sues/Stus have existed since literature began. But, I digress).

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Im not sure where it said this (maybe the Ansem Reports) but ordinary people cant fight the Heartless, Nobodies & Unversed. People like Leon and the others have a kind of Light or unseen power that can let them fight those foes. At first Sora lacked that power, but the Keyblade gave him that Light and even when Riku took the Keyblade he didnt take that power from Sora. Thats why he could still fight.


The first other example I can of is in

Deep Space when Gantu says their weapons can't kill Unversed, yet Stich can with the same kind of weapons.



Theres also in Kingdom Hearts 2 twice, 1 where Roxas cant kill the Dusk cause he forgot how to call the Keyblade until he digitally gets one. The 2nd is when Saix overpowers Seifer's group with Beserkers.


Its not so much the weapons useless (though it can be interpreted as such) but the person behind the weapon is useless.


And as bad as Gary-Stus can be portrayed, Sora in my opinion is tolerable/likable

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M(G)ary S(t)u is to frequently thrown around these days. Yes, Sora can do a lot of things, but it wouldn`t be a very interesting game if every challenge you ran into couldn`t be solved by you.


You're forgetting that not only can Sora solve every problem he faces on his own, he is also one of the few chosen keyblade masters, has a ton of friends, is "the chosen one", can do whatever the hell he wants without suffering any consequences (like murdering a ton of people for almost no reason *ahem*TheOrganization*ahem*), everyone he meets automatically loves him, has almost no enemies (the few he has hate him for virtually no reason other than that he's "so perfect and full of light"), is one of the only characters with magical powers, is always happy and only loses his temper when it's "justified", never makes anyone angry or upset except when it's "justified", pretty much does everything right on the first try, and of course the previously mentioned wooden sword.


If that's not a textbook definition of a Stu, then I don't know what is.[


And it's such a commonly used word because, sadly, Sues/Stus are becoming more common (though it's not like it's a new thing; Sues/Stus have existed since literature began. But, I digress).


I'm really getting sick of people trying to pretend that the Orginization is some innocent, random group of people, who Sora out of nowhere decided to slaughter because he felt like it.

Every member of the Organization attacks Sora, mocks him, steals his friends, plays mind games with him, and in general, behave like antagonists.

Sora is one of the few chosen keyblade wielders because he's the main characters. Wouldn't it be something, if instead, Riku or someone was the keyblade wielder, and Sora just sort of wondered around waiting until Riku saved everybody? (And before the fangirls speak up, NO!)

Everybody loves him because as a general rule, Sora decides to save their lives when he sees them. Sounds like a pretty good reason to like somebody, I dunno. Beyond that, it is also explained that the only significant thing about Sora is that his heart touches everybody he meets, so that's why people tend to love or hate him.

The villains hate Sora for messing with their plans. It may not be 'deep' but it's a pretty solid reason.

Really, M(G)ary S(t)u's can only exist in media where you aren't intended to be empowered (Horror games, and a lot of books and movie) But a character has to be powerful in order for the game to be fun, not frustrating, and I really don't see how being friends with the good guys is some how a bad thing.

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I'm really getting sick of people trying to pretend that the Orginization is some innocent, random group of people, who Sora out of nowhere decided to slaughter because he felt like it.

Every member of the Organization attacks Sora, mocks him, steals his friends, plays mind games with him, and in general, behave like antagonists.


Well, most people think that the Orgization is innocent because they don't mean to be "antagonists" on purpose. What else do you expect them to do? I would do the same thing they're doing so that I could get my heart back if I ever lost it. And even though Sora didn't lose his feelings as a heartless let's just say that HE DID. What do you think he would do; Sora wouldn't just give up his feelings for his friends would he?


Anyways, getting on topic, that's the way Nomura wants it. It's a video game, anything can happen. He's the main character therefore he has those strange "perfect" abilites.

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The sword does no more damage to the heartless in HB then it does in DI. O.o


Rox, the wooden sword doesn't even hurt the Heartless at all in DI. I would know, I was replaying KH the other day, and I spent about an hour trying to land a solid hit on those dang shadows, but nothing worked.

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I'm really getting sick of people trying to pretend that the Orginization is some innocent, random group of people, who Sora out of nowhere decided to slaughter because he felt like it.

Every member of the Organization attacks Sora, mocks him, steals his friends, plays mind games with him, and in general, behave like antagonists.


Well, most people think that the Orgization is innocent because they don't mean to be "antagonists" on purpose. What else do you expect them to do? I would do the same thing they're doing so that I could get my heart back if I ever lost it. And even though Sora didn't lose his feelings as a heartless let's just say that HE DID. What do you think he would do; Sora wouldn't just give up his feelings for his friends would he?


Anyways, getting on topic, that's the way Nomura wants it. It's a video game, anything can happen. He's the main character therefore he has those strange "perfect" abilites.


What really gets me is that if the Organization had just come up to Sora and asked him to keep fighting heartless, he probably would have. Instead they try and manipulate him, his Nobody, and his friends.

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wat i think is that the wooden sword doesnt do damage in di but i hb u r a higher lv and have experience in fiteing heartless


But the sword literally passes right through the heartless.

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Hm, never realized it. i just wnted to get to the part were you become a heartless. and you think sora would be something else than a cute little shadow. something like the one in the very begning, the one that looks like some one took a heart shaped cookie cuter and stabbed it into it's chest.


S.A.F. Foe Eva

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