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The 13th Kenpachi

(Spoilers) Who is your favourite character in Chi Back Cover?

(Spoilers) Who is your favourite character in Chi Back Cover?  

123 members have voted

  1. 1. (Spoilers) Who is your favourite character in Chi Back Cover?

    • The Master of Masters! He's just so goofy!
    • Luxu, he's shrouded in mystery.
    • Invi-She's a snitch!
    • Gula-That page never fell out of his pocket
    • Aced-Everyone was against him :(
    • Chirithy-He's too cute
    • Ira-He's a good leader
    • Ava-She's so caring
    • Ephemera-He's so nosey
    • None of them

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I really have to say this...despite not trusting him, I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the Master of Masters. I never truly expected to like him that much. The over-the-top silly personality mixed with a mysterious serious vibe makes him truly stand out. Which is why I am trying to be careful by not trusting him right now. But, who is to say I still can't enjoy him xD I can tell the actor, Ray Chase, was having a BLAST doing this character. I think the animators had fun doing him too because how physically expressive he was without seeing his face.


If I were to choose another favorite.....I'd say Ava. Such a darling young lady who is the peacekeeper. I am also liking Aced. We all know he is not the traitor for a fact. It's TOO easy to predict a brash personality would be the one suspect. If anything, he is just a precious big bear that needs more love LOL

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I was surprised at how much Back Cover made me actually care about the Foretellers. It was interesting seeing their personalities flesh out the way they did, particularly the Master of Masters, which won my vote without a second thought. He really is a character unlike anything we've ever seen in the franchise, with a profound sense of wisdom, a very eccentric sort of ego, and a delightfully morbid sense of humor. Excellent voice work by Ray Chase, for sure.


Luxu gets a special mention as well, if only for the way he interacts with the Master in this film. I wasn't exactly sure what to make of him when he first showed up in X, but now I can't help but feel for him. (Not exactly sure what I feel, but I feel.) Like, he really doesn't seem like a bad guy... at all. There's more weight to the idea of the Master being a bad guy - cryptic messages, an off-kilter sort of cadence, a crazy leitmotif, the fact that he essentially carved out his own eye and forged it into the Keyblade that would become Xehanort's, etc. - than the idea of Luxu being one. But still, there's so much mystery surrounding the two of them that I can't help but wonder when or if we'll at least learn about them in KHIII, since neither are confirmed to make an appearance.

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Master of Masters was pretty funny to be honest. It was refreshing to see a character like him in the series, he's just so bonkers at times.Of the Foretellers though, gonna have to go with my union gut and say Invi. I really like her design and thought she was pretty cool.


The one I'm most curious about though is Luxu, partly because of his role.

Edited by KHSoraKeyBlade

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The Master of Masters wins for me. A Comically Serious guy is a freaking Keyblade Master? A vey wise man yet still very sassy and sarcastic. Two different personalities combined together in a very powerful way. Ray Chase did a masterpiece after a bit of a letdown from what we expect from his role as Noctis in Final Fantasy XV (but he did a very good job in XV too, mind you.)


Luxu deserved a mention too. At first when I watched the browser game I had thought he is the villain, but when I watched Back Cover, I don't see a villain in Luxu. I saw something else. Something.... unfamiliar. I don't know how to describe it. But the point is that I still no longer see him as a villain.


Out of the Foretellers, my favorite is Ava. She's the only one who remained faithful to her role while the others, in one way or another, strayed; she keeps her patience when she needs it the most; and she always tries to do her best to do what is right. I kinda like Aced too. No comment on the others, but I do ship Gula x Ava.

Edited by Dave the Assassin

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Ava because she's sweet and kind yet strong and brave, then possibly Ephemera because he's cute and caring yet inquisitive and doesn't care if someone's from another union or not in terms of how he treats them. After that probably the Master of Masters because, as everyone's already said, he's quirky and funny. I want to see more of Luxu as well though because he seems like a nice guy but his role is so mysterious. I also like how he went, "Ew!" when he realised the keyblade he was holding had the Master's eye in it xD   

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