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When Someone Says That The Handheld KH Games Are Pointless

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Indeed. Wait until said person gets bombarded by plot points they didn't know about and soon they'll hurry off to play the other games...

Or they'll complain about how stupid it is that the series didn't tell them the games were important and they'll stop playing. You know, like stupid, barbaric people do.

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Or they'll complain about how stupid it is that the series didn't tell them the games were important and they'll stop playing. You know, like stupid, barbaric people do.

That too. Then they'll start to trash on the series and blame Nomura/Square for things that never happened

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My reaction:




Never mind story, they're going to be caught so off-guard by how radically different the KH3 gameplay has become, that game has had at least 4 games worth of experimenting put into it. They thought KH1 to KH2 was a huge jump? Pffffft! X)

kh3 is a big ball of everything from the previous games xD

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when someone says Days and Re:Coded are important to the story



I fail to see what could be more important than Jesse McCartney, Quinton Flynn, and Wayne Allwine.

As for re:coded... eh, at least it didn't have Surges or Balloons or stackable Hastes.

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Days, at least, gives us more world building if no actual effect on the overall plot.


Coded tho

And whatever world building Coded would undergo would at the end of the day be pointless seeing as all the worlds were just data simulations.

Re:coded had at least fun gameplay.

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While I did enjoy playing Days, and seeing the lives of Roxas and Axel in the Organization, it really didn't seem to develop the main story a whole lot. As for Coded, I really did not care for it. It almost felt like a rehash of CoM, where we just revisit familiar worlds, but without the card system and no important story elements that couldn't have just as easily been explained within a few cutscenes in DDD.


As for BBS, I did appreciate gameplay and story, but at the same time, it felt like story elements that sort of came from nowhere, and some of it doesn't fit well with what happened in KH1. It makes one wonder what Nomura's original plan for all of KH, story-wise, was going to be. The only thing I recall is that he planned to kill off Axel/Lea completely. All that said though, it's now hard to really imagine KH without the BBS installment, now that it's been there for some years, and is classified more as a main installment, more than a spin-off.


And then, DDD... I, for one, really liked it! When I first saw Xemnas enter in a cutscene, I was like, "WWWHHHHAAAAA?!" There were a few twists and turns that, at first, really confused me. But the end of the game tied it all the confusion together, and it felt more like a main installment than a spin-off. I also really enjoyed the gameplay.


All in all though, it does feel like SE has slightly abused the series. With all the side-titles, the story becomes very confusing, unless you pay close attention and tie it all together. Not to mention, the $$$ that goes into buying game after game. No wonder Nomura has to put the "Reconnect. Kingdom Hearts" at the end of every side installment these days.

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I love the importance u gave to CoM xD

After it was remade for the PS2 I stopped regarding it as a handheld game. I know that goes for both BbS and DDD at this point too, but those two I still regard as handheld games.


As for what I think of CoM: it hardly has any replay value, the combat was a nice experiment that was both very fun to play around at times and other times just tedious, and I have a lot of issues with how they wasted the opportunity to tell Riku's side of KH1 with Reverse/Rebirth. But in the end, I still regard it as one of the best KH game solely due to the writing. The writing in CoM is one of the best, if not the best writing ever seen in any KH game.

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