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Image My addiction - Why sis calls me namin

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Very good! ^^ I think you'd be a lot better if you included more shading, and maybe coloured a few drawings, but your proportions and features are very good. :)

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No, it depends on how hard you try, there are some guys who are quite artistic as well, haven't you noticed that most manga writters (mangaka) are men and not women? Just my opnion anyway, since there are many female artists as well.

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No, it depends on how hard you try, there are some guys who are quite artistic as well, haven't you noticed that most manga writters (mangaka) are men and not women? Just my opnion anyway, since there are many female artists as well.


no i havent noticed that, but yeah that is true, i guess i was going on the people i know, like absolutely none of the guy's (including me) are artistic in free hand standards,

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Thanks for all you said. :D I'm just a beginner, but that was my best and i'm glad you guys liked it.

Check out my lates works - this is the first time I EVER try to copy a printed image O.O-a> on deviantART


a> on deviantART


My skills may inprove once I've just started a drawing course :D:D:D:D


And, about what Keyblader and sis were saying, I do think men are great artists, not only in manga, but most painters and famous artists - not people we know who can just darw well, I mean, who earns living from their art - are men.

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cool, it always seems that girls are way more artistic than guys lols


Leonardo Da Vinci, Andy Worhol, Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso aren't considered men?


Namine you're drawings are very good <3

Just darken them a bit xD And a little more shading here and there and they'd look fantastic.

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cool, it always seems that girls are way more artistic than guys lols


Leonardo Da Vinci, Andy Worhol, Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso aren't considered men?


Namine you're drawings are very good <3

Just darken them a bit xD And a little more shading here and there and they'd look fantastic.


i said in a later post that i just was basing it off the guys i know....

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Namine you're drawings are very good <3

Just darken them a bit xD And a little more shading here and there and they'd look fantastic.


Yep, my drawing teacher said I would learn about shading, and he also said I should make more "delicate" hands, because the ones I draw are huge. . .



Nobody is born knowing how do to do something. We learn it as we do it over and and over again, day after day, year after year. and I, I can't wait for my time to come when i'll finally make this dream -being PERFECT at drawing - come true. Why? Why such a meaningless dream? I do't know. This weird addiction keeps forcing me to want to ...draw...

So stupid and won't lead me anywhere - or maybe it will -

I don't know

Well, i shold just shut up about my mad toughts for now, or sis wil keep saying I'm crazy (even if sometimes I really am) or that I'm a poet (I wish i was)

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And I thought I was the only one who watched Wolf's Rain here. Sis you're a poet! A poet that makes very good drawings, and stop saying you're bad because you're not.

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Tobeo!!!! I love him!!!!! Wolf's Rain is amazing!


cool i'm not only one who likes Toboe in here - when drew those at school people started saying Toboe was gay x.x but they even know wolf's rain, so why couldn't they shut up?


And I thought I was the only one who watched Wolf's Rain here. Sis you're a poet! A poet that makes very good drawings, and stop saying you're bad because you're not.


To be a poet you have to see the world on a special way, and, to see the world like this you have to have "poet's eyes". I can consider one of my eyes is a "poet's eye", but my other is ordinary, as a result I can say weird things a few poetic phrases, but I can't write like the ones whose both eyes are of this kind, I can't write like true poets do. ::'(::'(:

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P.S I think people think Toboe is gay because of his hair and reactions.


Yeah, people at my school said so (about his appearance, becuase they don't know this anime) , but I'm sure Toboe is NOT gay. He is a bit unsure and very cute (even with that hair, I must admitt) :D:D:D:D

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