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Name "your world" (give it a name) here.

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Hey, hey, hey, my dear friends. How are you, guys? Really good? Thumbs up? So, then, I created this thread, because for me, it is quite interesting to hear your ideas/opinions (as always), and this time, I want to hear your guys's imaginative names for (some) of the worlds you guys most want in KH3 (or any other future title). Oh, and there should not be name for both Tangled and Big Hero 6's worlds here, because since they're going to appear in KH3 anyway, we'll already figure their names out when the game is released. OK, who wants to be the first one to start? What, me? Alright, then, let's go:


1) Lady and the Tramp (and its sequel) world: "Bella Notte City"



2) Oliver and Company world: either "Wild Streets" (due to the film taking place in New York) or "Streets of Gold"



3) The Rescuers (and its sequel) world: "Adventurer's/Explorer's Land/Territory"



4) Toy Story (and its 2 sequels) world: "Playtime Neighborhood"



5) Wreck-It Ralph world: "Arcade Terminal"



6) Finding Nemo (and MAYBE its sequel) world: "Wide/Open Ocean" (it could replace Atlantica)



7) 101 Dalmatians (animated film, not the live-action remake, and its animated sequel) world: "Spotted City"



8) The Incredibles world: "Heroes's Homeland"



9) A Bug's Life world: "Ant Island"



10) Frankenweenie world: "Spooky Town" (it could replace Halloween Town)



All right, guys, it's your turn now. Give me your best ideas and good luck.


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  On 1/18/2017 at 2:06 PM, KH4Real said:

Atlantis: The Sea of Mysterie

Toy Story; Toy World

Pocahontas: Forest of the Wind

Wreck it Ralph: Arcade World

"The Sea of Mysterie"? Hmmm, quite interesting, just as "Forest of the Wind". Good job.

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101 Dalmatians: "Spotted Streets"


Sword & The Stone: "The Dark Lands"


Toy Story: "Toy Box"


I don't have many ideas beyond that, so just for fun, here's some fancier names for pre-established worlds:


Deep Jungle (Tarzan) --> "Waziri Jungle" (reference to the tribe from the original book series)


Halloween Town/Christmas Town (Nightmare Before Christmas) --> "Holiday Hallows"


Land of Dragons (Mulan) --> "Dragon Dynasty"


Beat's Castle (Beauty & The Beast) --> "Terre de Beautè" ("Land of Beauty" in French)


Port Royal (Pirates of the Caribbean) --> "Buccaneer Tides"

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Treasure Planet: Intergaltic Seas


Beauty and The Beast (I'm hoping for a full fledged one in KH3, besides Beast's Castle): The Enchanted Countryside


Oz The Great and Powerful: The Wondrous Land of Oz


Jungle Book: Rhythmic Jungle


Wreck-It-Ralph: Game Central Station


Atlantis: The Lost Empire


The Black Cauldron: The Wicked Kingdom or Malevolent Woods


Princess and The Frog: Voodoo Bayou


Brave: Mystic Highlands

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Here's a couple of names of Disney Worlds based from Disney Movies that haven't appear in the Kingdom Hearts series yet.

The Princess and the Frog - The Bayou of Wishes

The Jungle Book - Man's Jungle

The Sword in the Stone - The Land of Knights

The Great Mouse Detective - Baker Street

Robin Hood - Outlaw Forest

Brave - Dynasty Kingdom

Monsters Inc. - Monstropolis

Toy Story - Toys Playground

The Incredibles - Heroes Realm

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Ooh, this is fun!  Lemme try!


  • Treasure Planet: Montressor Spaceport! (As that'd be the main hub of that world, as it leads to different parts of the galaxy, including Treasure Planet itself!)
  • Atlantis: The Lost Empire! (Yeah, this one should remain the same. xD)
  • The Emperor's New Groove: Wild Jungle! (Since in the movie, Kuzco and Pacha go through a vast jungle in order to get back to Kuzco's palace!)
  • Meet The Robinsons: Todayland! (This would be in the future where Lewis meets Wilbur's family!)
  • Chicken Little: Oaky Oaks! (Self explanatory, it's the name of the city Chicken Little and his friends live in!)
  • Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Caribbean Sea! (Cuz from Dead Man's Chest onward, there's more than just Port Royal, ya know?)
  • Brother Bear: Totem Tribelands! (Cuz of all the native American tribes living there and the whole totem thematic of Brother Bear!)

That's it from me! :P

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  On 1/18/2017 at 11:26 PM, Firaga Sensei said:

101 Dalmatians: "Spotted Streets"


Sword & The Stone: "The Dark Lands"


Toy Story: "Toy Box"


I don't have many ideas beyond that, so just for fun, here's some fancier names for pre-established worlds:


Deep Jungle (Tarzan) --> "Waziri Jungle" (reference to the tribe from the original book series)


Halloween Town/Christmas Town (Nightmare Before Christmas) --> "Holiday Hallows"


Land of Dragons (Mulan) --> "Dragon Dynasty"


Beat's Castle (Beauty & The Beast) --> "Terre de Beautè" ("Land of Beauty" in French)


Port Royal (Pirates of the Caribbean) --> "Buccaneer Tides"

"The Dark Lands" because the movie takes place during the Dark Ages, right?

  On 1/19/2017 at 1:33 AM, ExperienceTheDivine said:

Treasure Planet: Intergaltic Seas


Beauty and The Beast (I'm hoping for a full fledged one in KH3, besides Beast's Castle): The Enchanted Countryside


Oz The Great and Powerful: The Wondrous Land of Oz


Jungle Book: Rhythmic Jungle (1)


Wreck-It-Ralph: Game Central Station


Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2)


The Black Cauldron: The Wicked Kingdom or Malevolent Woods (3)


Princess and The Frog: Voodoo Bayou (4)


Brave: Mystic Highlands

1), 3) and 4) Send your ideas to SE, now. :smile:  :happy:  :)  :D

2) LOL, good pun.

  On 1/19/2017 at 1:50 AM, Movies798 said:

Here's a couple of names of Disney Worlds based from Disney Movies that haven't appear in the Kingdom Hearts series yet.

The Princess and the Frog - The Bayou of Wishes

The Jungle Book - Man's Jungle

The Sword in the Stone - The Land of Knights (1)

The Great Mouse Detective - Baker Street (2)

Robin Hood - Outlaw Forest (3)

Brave - Dynasty Kingdom (4)

Monsters Inc. - Monstropolis

Toy Story - Toys Playground

The Incredibles - Heroes Realm

1) Sounds very SE-esque

2) LOL, good pun.

3) Much better than just "Sherwood Forest"

4) Quite fitting

  On 1/19/2017 at 1:54 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

Ooh, this is fun!  Lemme try!


  • Treasure Planet: Montressor Spaceport! (As that'd be the main hub of that world, as it leads to different parts of the galaxy, including Treasure Planet itself!) (1)
  • Atlantis: The Lost Empire! (Yeah, this one should remain the same. xD)
  • The Emperor's New Groove: Wild Jungle! (Since in the movie, Kuzco and Pacha go through a vast jungle in order to get back to Kuzco's palace!)
  • Meet The Robinsons: Todayland! (This would be in the future where Lewis meets Wilbur's family!)
  • Chicken Little: Oaky Oaks! (Self explanatory, it's the name of the city Chicken Little and his friends live in!)
  • Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Caribbean Sea! (Cuz from Dead Man's Chest onward, there's more than just Port Royal, ya know?) (2)
  • Brother Bear: Totem Tribelands! (Cuz of all the native American tribes living there and the whole totem thematic of Brother Bear!)

That's it from me! :P

1) Brilliant, absolutely brilliant

2) Yeah, but, ummm...can they just rename worlds like that?


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  On 1/19/2017 at 2:50 PM, SRKTVAMDGRLXN said:

1) Brilliant, absolutely brilliant

2) Yeah, but, ummm...can they just rename worlds like that?


1) Thanks! I find it only fitting, considering that spaceport leads to different places, which would make sense to how Sora and the gang would arrive to that world, docking the Gummi Ship on said spaceport! :3


2) I think so! There could be a possible name change, ya know?

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  On 1/20/2017 at 1:41 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

1) Thanks! I find it only fitting, considering that spaceport leads to different places, which would make sense to how Sora and the gang would arrive to that world, docking the Gummi Ship on said spaceport! :3


2) I think so! There could be a possible name change, ya know?

You know what? You're completely right. Remember back in KH2 when "Hollow Bastion" got renamed to "Radiant Garden"? I must admit: I'm impressed with your intelligence.

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  On 1/20/2017 at 1:52 AM, SRKTVAMDGRLXN said:

You know what? You're completely right. Remember back in KH2 when "Hollow Bastion" got renamed to "Radiant Garden"? I must admit: I'm impressed with your intelligence.


Yep, like Radiant Garden indeed! So it's not out of the realm of possibility that Pirates coming back would come with a name change for its world, ya know?


And thanks! I appreciate the compliment! ^^

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  On 1/20/2017 at 1:53 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

Yep, like Radiant Garden indeed! So it's not out of the realm of possibility that Pirates coming back would come with a name change for its world, ya know?


And thanks! I appreciate the compliment! ^^

You're welcome. Speaking of which, what did Nomura-san say exactly? That (aside from Mount Olympus, of course) ALL the Disney worlds would be new or that ALMOST ALL the Disney worlds would be new?

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  On 1/20/2017 at 1:59 AM, SRKTVAMDGRLXN said:

You're welcome. Speaking of which, what did Nomura-san say exactly? That (aside from Mount Olympus, of course) ALL the Disney worlds would be new or that ALMOST ALL the Disney worlds would be new?


Yes, he did say that.  Now, Mount Olympus technically counts as new, since we've never seen that area of Olympus in the KH games before, so it could be that we revisit some previous worlds, but in entirely different areas that were never accessed in the other games, ya know? That way, it retains its "new" status, ya know?

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  On 1/20/2017 at 2:02 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

Yes, he did say that.  Now, Mount Olympus technically counts as new, since we've never seen that area of Olympus in the KH games before, so it could be that we revisit some previous worlds, but in entirely different areas that were never accessed in the other games, ya know? That way, it retains its "new" status, ya know?

OK, but which one?

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  On 1/20/2017 at 2:02 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

Yes, he did say that.  Now, Mount Olympus technically counts as new, since we've never seen that area of Olympus in the KH games before, so it could be that we revisit some previous worlds, but in entirely different areas that were never accessed in the other games, ya know? That way, it retains its "new" status, ya know?

I don't really think so. He clearly made a point that KH3 will almost have New worlds.

Like Tangled or Big Hero 6. I only see two old worlds returning.

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  On 1/20/2017 at 2:05 AM, SRKTVAMDGRLXN said:

OK, but which one?


Hmm, I don't remember! I know that the interview was from 2015, but the one who always has instant links to these interviews is Flaming Lea, so if anything, you should ask her! X3


  On 1/20/2017 at 3:36 AM, KH4Real said:

I don't really think so. He clearly made a point that KH3 will almost have New worlds.

Like Tangled or Big Hero 6. I only see two old worlds returning.


Well, that's true, but remember, he said mostly, as in, there may be at least a few worlds, possibly up to three or four, that are returning worlds! And I'm pretty sure that original worlds such as Radiant Garden, Castle Oblivion and other notable ones should return, ya know?

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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  On 1/21/2017 at 1:47 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

Hmm, I don't remember! I know that the interview was from 2015, but the one who always has instant links to these interviews is Flaming Lea, so if anything, you should ask her! X3



Well, that's true, but remember, he said mostly, as in, there may be at least a few worlds, possibly up to three or four, that are returning worlds! And I'm pretty sure that original worlds such as Radiant Garden, Castle Oblivion and other notable ones should return, ya know?

Those are actually official worlds I was talking about Disney worlds and so was Nomura I think.

The end of KH2 spoils which worlds are probably done.

Edited by KH4Real

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  On 1/21/2017 at 11:55 AM, KH4Real said:

Those are actually official worlds I was talking about Disney worlds and so was Nomura I think.

The end of KH2 spoils which worlds are probably done.


Ohhh, I see!  Well, let's hope that Nomura was referring to Disney worlds, cuz if he meant worlds in general, I'd despair if I didn't see any of the non-Disney worlds return! D:


And the end of Kingdom Hearts II? Or do you mean 0.2? And if so, don't spoil me, cuz I wanna see for myself when I have the game! And you said "worlds" which means Sora refers to more worlds than one in that lengthy cutscene at the end of 0.2!? Gahhh, I must resist spoilers!  Please don't spoil me! X_X

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  On 1/22/2017 at 1:04 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

Ohhh, I see!  Well, let's hope that Nomura was referring to Disney worlds, cuz if he meant worlds in general, I'd despair if I didn't see any of the non-Disney worlds return! D:


And the end of Kingdom Hearts II? Or do you mean 0.2? And if so, don't spoil me, cuz I wanna see for myself when I have the game! And you said "worlds" which means Sora refers to more worlds than one in that lengthy cutscene at the end of 0.2!? Gahhh, I must resist spoilers!  Please don't spoil me! X_X

Don't worry I haven't seen any spoiilers from 0.2. At the end of KH2 yeah.

Beauty & The Beast for example. Atlantica is probably done aswell.

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