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Image Super Mario PS4

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If that's true if Nintendo take Mario Bros. to the next level, agreed  & worked together with Sony and have it for PS4 both physical copies and Digital copies that in my honest opinion would be awesome & see how they'll do only time will tell & like what Isaix just said Maybe if Nintendo becomes a third party someday only time will tell if they choose to,if they want to take Mario Bros. to the next level to the next stage for PS4 & of course it also depends on if the fans of Mario Bros. series want it to happen.


I said only time will tell because Nintendo company have a lot of to do,busy times,releases,trailers to post or show or to show off or to show their upcoming titles,etc. etc. if Nintendo have time & if they're open to try it and see they'll might try it and see what happens next like i and Isaix just said maybe if Nintendo becomes a third party someday only time will tell anyway that's my response and that's my thoughts & my opinions :).

Edited by Cloud87

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When you say go, be ready to throw...?


If that's true if Nintendo take Mario Bros. to the next level, agreed  & worked together with Sony and have it for PS4 both physical copies and Digital copies that in my honest opinion would be awesome & see how they'll do only time will tell & like what Isaix just said Maybe if Nintendo becomes a third party someday only time will tell if they choose to,if they want to take Mario Bros. to the next level to the next stage for PS4 & of course it also depends on if the fans of Mario Bros. series want it to happen.


I said only time will tell because Nintendo company have a lot of to do,busy times,releases,trailers to post or show or to show off or to show their upcoming titles,etc. etc. if Nintendo have time & if they're open to try it and see they'll might try it and see what happens next like i and Isaix just said maybe if Nintendo becomes a third party someday only time will tell anyway that's my response and that's my thoughts & my opinions :).

well I don't think sony would like to work with nintendo after the whole SNES CD/Nintendo Play Station fiasco 

Edited by ajddavid452

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The reviews are already storming in!


"loving the change of pace, thanks for the port!" -Some guy

"When is it a PC port?" -PCMasterRace guy


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