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Corrupted keyblade

Kingdom Hearts High

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Dexer didn't even talk to Ashton or Texsera he just started fixing the rubble alone and depressed. Dexer hated himself for what happen. He made earth walls appear and cover up and fix the broken school. Dexer went to the school court yard and sat up at the top of the clock tower that connected the students to the other worlds. Dexer sat up there his blade was in his lap Dexer was thinking alot

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Texsera looked around."(How did this happened?)"Texsera wonders.She looks to see the bodies of the girls that she stuck to the floor.She felt a sudden guilt take over her.Strange for a Nobody.But she felt horrible inside out.She smelled the blood and she felt sick.She went and found a bench.She just sat there.

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Ashton then stood next to Texsera.'' Don't worry we can make it though. When i mean we i mean me.''said Ashton as he stabed Texsera in the liver. He pulled out his sword and saw Texsera fall to the ground.'' Now time to find tose other schools.''said Ashton as he ran to the forest

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Texsera letted out a yelp of pain as she felt the sword penetrate her skin and into her. He pulled out the sword and Texsera fell down and helded her wound."It was you.You did this!"Texsera says.Suddenly the dustflier comes by.She looks at it."You need to warn Dexer.I'll stop him.Go."Texsera says.The dustflier goes to warn Dexer.Texsera stands up and start to chase Ashton with kayblade at hand.

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Ashton then stopped and started to fight Texsera.'' Yes it was me but you have no prove it was me.''said Ashton as he stabed Texsera in the lung. After that Ashton disappeared in a potorl. Ashton the was worryed about Dexer coming to kill him.

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Texsera falls down and helded her wound as she was having trouble breathing. The blood pouring from her wound tainted her clothes. The pain was just to much for her to take. She was a keyblade wielder. Yes. But she was still just practically a kid. Not used to get this hurt or getting this kind of injuries.She looked around."He's gone..."Texsera says.She stands up and limps trying not to fall to their secret hideout.She sat on one of the chairs and tried to catch her breath.

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Dexer shadow jumped to Texsera then used his darkness to seal the wound then put her to sleep so he could go take care of Ashton. Dexer drew his sword and walked into the courtyard, voices in his head started to talk to him. "Its all your fault end your life Dexer put that keyblade through your heart" Dexer picked up his blade then walked off and stood there waiting for Ashton to show up.

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Suddently Envus appeared infront of Dexer.

"You've got some reputation on this school for sure. First the rebelion actions and entering the tournament, Don't worry I'm not the enemy. If you're searching for that guy that stabbed your friend. he went that way". he pointed to where Ashton ran away. "Waiting here won't solve the problem though". Envus walked to Texsera. he saw her laying on the ground and her heals were healing really fast. He must have used his power to heal her. normally she would be dead by now. It took a while and he was just looking at her. He walked back to Dexen. He stood beside him waiting for his answer.

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Jonathan looked at Envus. (I haven't seen that kid before. Is he new here? He looks like he's a senior.) thought Jonathan. (He doesn't look suspicious, but I can't be too sure.) thought Jonathan. Jonathan approached Envus. "Who are you?" asked Jonathan. Jonathan just finished up his part of the tournament, and he was extrememly tired. He looked at his watch. It was about 1:05 PM.

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Dexer stood there full of anger his aura that sorounded him became darker, his keyblade had a dark aura now too. Dexer just looked off into space "Thanks for telling me where he is, you can come and help me if you want but I would prefer that somebody would watch Texsera" Dexer said as he ran off in that direction passing right by Jonathan

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Texsera wakes up and sits up a bit."What...happened?I must have passed out or something."Texsera says.She notices that her wounds are healing."Huh?Who...Dexer?"Texsera asks as she looks around.She only sees Jonathan and Envus.She had reconized Jonathan from seeing him around.But not Envus."Who are you?"Texsera asks Envus.She looked around.She helded her wound a bit.She felt it healing.She looked around."Where's Dexer?"Texsera asks a little worried.She looks at the boy again.She stands up and looks at him."(Who is he?And where's Dexer?Last thing I remember is being stabbed.)"Texsera thinks.She looks at him waiting for an answer.

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Dexer couldn't find Ashton so he went back to Texsera and saw her standing there talking to Jonathan and Envus. Dexer put his keyblade and armour away and walked up to them then stood by Texsera "Whats going on over here?" Dexer asks as he sees the ditch of bodies he made then decided to burry all the bodies seperatly for respect to their bodies

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Texsera looks at Dexer."Dexer..."Texsera says.She sees that he decides to bury the bodies.She looks down saddly thinking of what had happened.She walked outside past by them.She looked around and saw all of the blood.She takes out a chard."The last memory of Holow Bastion."Texsera says.She raises the chard up."Pure soul."Texsera says.The chard starts to shine and the blod starts to evaporate and dissapear.After a few minutes it's all gone.She looks at the shard."Thanks Merlin."Texsera says.

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Dexer stood up after buring the bodies real quickly then he saw Texsera clean up the blood from the magic of her crystal that she had then he heard her say, "Thanks Merlin" "Who is that?" Dexer asked as he rubbed off the dirt that was on his knees from when he was burring the bodies, he then walked over to Texsera to see what she was going to say

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A cloaked Lucis appears in front of everyone, with blades in hand. "The events that have recently occurred are being orchestrated by a group of people that you may have never heard of before. A group of people like me, cold and heartless, lonely and fragile, emotionless but powerful. We want hearts, and we must kill to get them. Kill for the ultimate power." Lucis snaps his fingers, and immediately several corridors of darkness open. "Choose the right corridor, and you can save your souls by not being killed on this spot. Choose the wrong door, and you will find out the consequence."

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Texsera looks at him and shows hm the shard."Merli is a wizard that lived in Hollow Bastion.He was practically the only one that didn't wanted me dead back at Hoolow Bastion.He said that I was special and that no one else can tell me other wise.And that you don't need a heart to be a great person or warrior.He was also the one who encoureged me on coming here.Besides the fact that I wanted out of Holow Bastion."Texsera explains as she puts the shard away.he looks around and sighs.Suddenly a man appears.She looks at him and hears of what he has to say.When he finishes,Texsera thinks."We can do that?"Texsera asks.She looks at all of the corridors.

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Dexer studied Lucis and wondered who he was and why they wanted the hearts and why they would destroy the school and a bunch of inocent people for whatever there goal was. Dexer then started to count the corridors and there were thirteen sorounding them. Dexer looks at the several corridors then looked at Texsera "I'll go in that one" Dexer says as he drew his keyblade and ran into the corridor.

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Texsera looks at him.She tsrats to think.She studies each and every one of them."(Witch one could be right?)"Texsera thinks.She looks at Lucis and then back at the corridors.She looks at them."Einnie...meinnie...minney..."Texsera says.She summons her blade and points at one at one of them."...mo."Texsera says as she enters one of them.She enters and looks around.She wonders where she is."(What is this place.Oh please tell me thatI choose the right one.)"Texsera says.

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Dexer had his keyblade drawn as he searched through the place then the light disapeared for only a second and when they came back on Dexer was suronded by Twilight thorns, Trinity armours, Dark followers and many other heartless "Wrong room a voice said" Dexer heard a voice say then the attackers threw their fist down at him all at the same time. Dexer jumped up and backflipped out of the way. Dexer swung his keyblade killing one of the many darkfollowers and wounding the otherones

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Texsera thinks and looks around."(What is this place?Did I picked the right doorway?)"Texsera thinks.She keeps walking when she feels something grab her leg."Uh?!"Texsera asks.She sees a Neoshadow rising up.She summons her blade and slashes it destroying it.She looks to see a whole bunch of Orcas surround her."No way...there dozens of them!"Texsera says in surprise.She steps back.She sighs."Let's go."Texsera says as she attacks them.

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Dexer landed a huge slash went through his enemies spliting them in half killing them instantly. Dexer then looked and saw a behemouth in his way Dexer didn't want to fight it so he used his heartless powers to control its mind and make it be peaceful. Dexer jumped on the back and went out to the other side of the Corridor ending back where he started before he entered

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After a few minutes,from about 18,to 3.Texsera was exhasuted and was panting,and gasping for air.She looked at the remaning Orcas."Time to get this done."Texsera says.She runs towards them and attacks one of them.One of the Orcas took her and slammned her against the ground.She quickly got up and made her blade glow.She slashed one of them and she kills it.She feels blood coming over her eyes.It stings and she wipes it off,only for more to come.She dodged an attack and killed another one.She finally kills the last one.She desummoned her blade and passed through the corridor.Only to come face to face with Dexer."Dexer,you're here.Did you had to fight off heartless?"Texsera asks when she notices her entire left side of the face was being covered with blood.

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"I'm fine I fought all kinds of things but is that your blood?" Dexer asks as he uses his power over the elmetns to poor water on her to clean off her blood. Reed pulled out some bandages and bandages her scraps and scratches. Reed then does the same to his arms. All the blood was washed off her body and her wounds were cleaned and healed for now

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Texsera looks at herself.She was all healed up."Wow.You're powers are amazing."Texsera says as she looks at him and smiles.She looks around."Hey,where did that guy go?"Texsera asks as she looks around.She starts to think."(Those were alot of Orcas...I've never fought like that before.I guess I'm getting stronger.)"Texsera thinks.She looks at Dexer."Well...what should we do now?The school is practically in ruins.And everyone or mostly everyone are dead."Texsera says sadly.

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Dexer grabs Texsera's hand and they walk up to the clock tower in the schools plaza. Dexer starts to get darker, his heartless self is feeding and gettting stronger off the anger, sadness and fighting thats been happening with him. Dexer starts to get bigger and blacker his hands turns into dark claws and black wings form from his back. "I don't know what to do, but none of this is helping me out. I'm going to ask you the same thing agian" Dexer says

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