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Corrupted keyblade

Kingdom Hearts High

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It was time for Dexer and Texsera to meet at the fortress Dexer started walking towards the field when he saw the girl with the keyblade rider talking to Texsera. Dexer hid himself in the shadows and got close to them practicly under them but he looked like Texsera's shadow. Dexer watched them as they talked to eachother

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Texsera looked at her."Hey..."Texsera says.She looks around."(Tonight at lights out.)"Texsera thinks.She looks at Astra."Well,you're Astra right?"Texsera asks.Sghe looks at her."Um,nice keyblade runner."Texsera says.

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"Heh, thanks!" She said smiling.

"And yeah, my name is Astra. Didn't think we had the pleasure of introductions. With all the explosions and junk." She laughed. "And you must be named~" She looked at her attire and her eyes.


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Texsera looks at her."Yeah,that's my name."Texsera says.She starst to think."Hey,did they got to goet the girls out of the floor?Usually it willl take weeks."Texsera says as she looks at the sky.She keeps looking around."(Where's Dexer?)"Texsera thinks as she looks around.

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Dexer was under Texsera and he thought to her "(We can take her with us or you can ditch her just say uh uh twice if we are taking her with us but just stand there and wait for me to reveal myslef)" Dexer said in a thought to Texsera. Dexer was getting good at his shadow control he was able to take the shape of Texsera's shadow, he felt proud of himself

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Texsera thinks for a while."(Well,depends...do you trust her Dexer?)"Texsera thinks.She loooks at Astra and crosses her arms and just stears at her.She was thinking that she had been the first human to not insult her as aNobosy.yet she still had some doubts.She looked at her for a while.

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"(Well we will have to decide that at the fortress so I'm taking her with us)" Dexer said as he jumped up and used Astra's shadow to tie her up part of the shadow covered her mouth so no one could hear her then the shadow transported her to the fortress exactly like when he had done that to Texsera. Dexer and Texsera were leaning up on the table. Dexer had an apple in his hand agian, Dexer liked apples they brought him peace

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In an instant, Astra was being kidnapped.

Her eyes opened wide in terror.

WHAT WAS GOING ON?! Her heart and mind raced frantically.

When whatever was holding her let her loose, she completely lost it. Her hearts stopped.

"What..what was that...?"

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Texsera sighs and looks at Astra.Then at Dexer."You really have a wierd way to know who to trust.But it's a really cool way too."Texsera says.She looks at Astra who was struggeling.She gets a notebook from her bag that she brought and started to draw Astra on the chair."(Don't worry Astra.You won't turn into a Nobody or anything.Just a test of trust.)"Texsera thinks as she draws.

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Dexer watched Astra struggle and mumble in her shadow bindings "Sorry heartless have trust issues but come on we don't know her that well she could have some secret agenda." Dexer said as he looked at astra then tightened the shadow that was covering her mouth making it harder for her to speak. "Shhh your shadow is binding you and its stronger than you so stop strugling" Dexer said

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As soon as he said the word, the 'thing' tightened its grip.

"Mphm!" Astra said, her voice muffled.

She didnt understand any of this. Trust for what? What would the want HER for? And why was Texsera so calm about this? She had so many questions and needed so many answers. She closed her eyes and hoped for it all to end.

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"I'll answer all of your questions as soon as you ask me your questions" Dexer said as he shook his head at her. "Oh by the way I can read minds its a heartless gift/curse It comes out like actual talking so just think away" Dexer said to Astra. Dexer started eating his apple "Your not like most humans are you?" Dexer asked her

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(Sorry for not being active for 3 pages. School work :() Jonathan saw the fensing field cleared up. (Finally, I can practice.It took forever.)thought Jonathan. Jonathan put the basketball in the tent and ran to the field. "Alright, Jonathan. Your first opponent will be Matt" stated his fensing teacher. He walked onto the mattress where he was supposed to train. His other opponent had spikey hair, blue eyes, baggy pants, a red t-shirt, and he had dark skin. His opponent had a keyblade, which was End of the Earths. Jonathan summoned Lost Memory.

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Astra glared at him.

'No, I'm a Keyblade Wielder.Didn't you see my Runner?' Astra thought. If this guy could read minds, she had better keep her cool and not get scared. 'Just tell me why I'm here.' She thought. She wanted to summon her Keyblde but then she had second thoughts. It wouldn't be a good time to do that...

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Dexer took his massive keyblade out and stabbed it in the ground infront of her and leaned on it "No it wouldn't be a good idea to do that, and you are here because I need to know if you can be trusted and won't try to kill us later on or go make our lives misrable" Dexer said as he put the massive keyblade away and made a stone chair rise from the ground for him and Texsera to sit in

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Texsera sees this and sits on one of the chairs.She looks at Astra."Please.Just listen."Texsera says as she keeps drawing.She finishes the finla touches and sees that she has drawned Astra tied up on a chair.Texsera putted the notebook away and looked at Dexer.

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Dexer looks over at the picture in the note book and laughs why did you draw her tied up like she is now, thats kind of odd geeze isn't a memory enough, why did you draw that?" Dexer asked as he finished his apple then he looked at Astra who was struggling and mumbling even though it wasn't helping Dexer moved the shadow from her mouth for a second to let her get a good breath then he put it back over

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Texsera shrugs."I dunno.I just draw what I see at the moment.It helps me relax."Texsera says.She looks at Astra and then at Dexer.She looks at her wirstwatch."We should be carefull that we don't get caught.Or else we could get in deep trouble.And by two reasons."Texsera says as she looks at Astra.

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"Your right but this thing is invisible to anyone but the ones who enter so noone can enter but us" Dexer said with a yawn. Then he looked at Astra who was just sitting their all tied up looking tired and quiet. Dexer pulled out the page of the tied up Astra and hung it on the wall. Then he looked at Astra "Guess we have to kill you now" Dexer said as he saw her eyes get big "just kidding" Astra's eyes got smaller then she mummbled something at him.

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Texsera couldn't help but to laugh.She saw that Astra gave her a death glare.She tries to stop but she can't."I'm sorry Astra.But I can't help it for some reason."Texsera says between some laughs.She finally stopa and rubs her eyes as she feels a little sleepy.But she manages to be awake.She looked at Dexer and thought that this is te closest thing she has ever gotten to a friend,if they were friends.

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"I could take you..." She mumbled under her breath.

"So basically, you just brought me here to see if you could trust me..?" She said, flexing the little muscles she had. Astra felt uncomfortable and tried to force herself untied. Unfortunately, she failed. She slumped back and sighed. "Trust me for what exactly..?"

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If it's not too late to join...


Name: Lucis Nox

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Species: Nobody

Sterotype: Psychopath

Sports team: None

Weapon: A red alteration set of Saix's claymores, and a blue alteration set of Xemnas' Ethreal Blades.

Appearence: Lucis is about 5 feet 11 inches. He is lanky, but agile. He has shoulder length, spiky blonde hair. There is a single slash scar on his left cheek, right under his left eye. His eyes are golden. His skin is a light tan. He wears a gray T-Shirt, with the Nobody emblem embedded on it, a belt with the same symbol, and black jeans.

Bio: Lucis was sent to Kingdom Hearts High after a tragic accident in his home. On his old world, the World that Never Was, his family was attacked by a swarm of Heartless, and their hearts were consumed by the darkness. Lucis' heart also was consumed. This darkness mentally affected Lucis, leaving him psychotic. Lucis then awoke in the Realm of Nothingness, only to be found by Organization XIII's number I, Xemnas. Lucis was trained by Xemnas, and by one of Xemnas' right hand men, Saix. To ensure a safe life before being able to join the Organization, Lucis was sent to Kingdom Hearts High to get an education about the world.

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"I already told you to make sure you don't give us any trouble" Dexer said to her Dexer looked at a watch and saw it was late so he looked at Texsera and said "Lets go to our dorms, I'll shadow jump you there" Dexer said then he looked at Astra who looked ready to be untied but Dexer shook his head and laugh "I'll untie your shadow in the morning sleep tight" Dexer said as he grabbed Texsera and the transported to her dorm

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As Lucis sits in his dorm, located at the far end of Kingdom Hearts High, he reflects on what he was told before he was sent here. Do not trust anyone. Do not make friends. Just learn. An ant crawling on his desk distracts Lucis. He smashes the ant with his thumb, and then smears the ant across the desk. He then proceeds to stare at where he crushed the ant, and begins to fall into a state of uncontrollable laughter. After a good 20 minutes of laughing, Lucis looks out of the window, and realizes that it is a full moon. "No wonder I'm feeling crazy..". Lucis puts his Geometry homework into his folder, and goes to lay down on his bed. Tonight was going to be long.

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Texsera looked at Dexer."Thanks.I hope she dosn't tell the principal.But if she does,I can always take the blame."Texsera says.She sits on the bed and starts to think."(I hope she dosn't start to bother us afer this.Oh well.)"Texsera thinks.She looks at Dexer."You're going to sleep?"Texsera asks.

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