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Corrupted keyblade

Kingdom Hearts High

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Welcome to Kingdom Hearts High! Kingdom hearts has been open but strangley its a school for "Specail" teenagers. At this school we accept Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, and Keyblade weilding humans. You have to be in atleast one sport.










Sterotype: (jock, nerd, bully, outcast, ect..)

Sports team:



Bio: (why your at the school)


here is mine


Name: Dexer

Grade: Sophmore

Gender: Male

Species: Heartless Keyblader

Sterotype: Loner

Sports Team: Fencing, and Swimming

Weapon: Loner's Shadow

Appearence: Tall guy with long brown hair that has blue streaks in it and covers his dark yellow eyes. He usualy wears a dark tight tshirt and long baggy blue jeans with wholes, his skin is a normal tan but he has a dark aura that suronds him. He has Dark angel wings that come from his shoulder blades.

Bio: His parents forced him to move from the peaceful twilight town after he was attacked by dozens of heartless that formed with him making him a heartless himself. Dexer doesn't like most people but there is a few that he does like, but Dexer usualy keeps to himslef.

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Sports team:Swimming and volleyball.

Weapon:Wishes beyond the comet.(Keyblade)

Appearences:She has short brown hair,brown eyes and glasses.She wear a black cap,red shirt with a black sleveless vest.Black pants,red covrse and black fingerless gloves.

Bio:She was an outcast at Hollow Bastion since she was a nobody.She was about to give up in life when she found out about the school.She sighned up in chance of finding a better chance at life as a nobody and maybe make friends if possible.She tries her best to make friends,but her serious attitude toward new people can crash the chances at times.There for,she bearly tries or talks to anyone and usually just draws on a notebook.

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Name: Jonathan

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male

Species: Keyblade Wielder

Sterotype: (jock, nerd, bully, outcast, ect..) Outcast

Sports team: Basketball, Track, Fensing, and Swimming

Weapon: Lost Memory

Appearence: About 5 foot 9 inches, wears a black coat with red shorts and he wears glasses

Bio: (why your at the school) His parents forced him to go to school after hitting his aunt with a keyblade

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Name: Amu

Grade: Sophmore

Gender: Female

Species: Keyblade Wielder

Stereotype: Punk

Sports team: Baseball and Track

Weapon: Frolic Flame

Appearence: Short black hair, blue eyes, a red short-sleeved hoodie, black capris, and red hightop converse. She wears black fingerless gloves, a heart locket with a red gem in the middle. And two red and black-checkered X-crossing belts.

Bio: She was never happy at Oblivion Academy, so her parents moved her to a new school.

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Name: Envus

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male

Species: Keyblade Wielder

Stereotype: Lone wolf

Sports team: Baseball, American football , freerunning, Mixed Martial Arts.

Weapon: Hero's Crest Keyblade

Appearence: Normal length for kids his age. Has long black hair with blue eyes. Scar on his left eye. He weares a black sleeveless vest with 2 sweatbands on each wrist. Long black jeans with Blue and black nike-like shoes

Bio: First he was a student at "Guardian College" but somehow he couldn't manage to stay on that school cause he had to much fights with other students. His parents decided after he got kicked out that school that he could go to Kh High. It looked like a great school to continue his training on being a Keyblade Wielder.

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All accepted lets start.


Dexer walked through the halls with his schedule in his hand and his Ipod's headphones in his ears. Then as the songs changed he heard a bell ring he thought it was part of the song. Dexer sat down and shut his eyes, when he open his eyes the halls were empty. Dexer then saw a shadow of some teachers walking down the hall looking for kids who were tardy. Dexer quickly turned into a shadow on the wall that resembled the lockers, the teachers passed by and didn't even realize that the random messenger bag in the floor didn't have the owner next to it. Dexer ran into the auditorium but the door was locked he then shadow jumped passed it but it put him on top of the stage where all the other students saw him. "Already late on your first day aren't you?" Principle Oath said "Whats your name?" Oath asked.


"Dexer Zechnas, Sophmore" Dexer said as he nervously pushed his hand through his hair and looked at the crowd. All the other students were there in the Auditorium laughing and watching Dexer. Dexer walked off the stage to a dark corner. As he walked to it, he slipped and fell, his shoe was untied, that made all the other kids laugh at him even more. His stuff fell out of his bag when he fell. "As if I needed to stand out anymore" Dexer muttered to himself

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Texsera was walking and drawing without a care in the world.She passed by the auditorioum doors and didn't even minded to get near them.She kept walking and drawing until she bumps into someone.It was a teacher."My,and who you might be?"The teacher asks."Texsera Stargazer.Sophmore."Texsera says."Well then Ms.Stargazer.You need to go to the auditorium now."The teacher says as she points towards the door.Texsera looked at the ground and closed her eyes."Can't I skip it today?It's not that important anyways."Texsera says."You're a Sophmore and it's not important?Come on."The teacher says as she takes Texsera to the auditorium."Escuse me sir,but I found her walking around the hallway past the doors."The teacher says to the principal.Texsera sighs."Please sir.Do I have to be here?"Texsera asks crossing her arms.She looked at the ceiling.She just closed her eyes and passed by the principal as if he didn't existed.She went down some small stairs and she bumps into Dexer."Oh,sorry."Texsera says as she continues to walk.She decides to sit on the floor and keep drawing.She looked at the principal to see what he had to say.

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Name: Fooh.

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male


Sterotype: Nerd

Sports team: Eating honey

Weapon: The power of the almighty honey jar

Appearence: Posted Image

Bio: He will rule the world

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@LazorKitteh: lol



It was a stormy night. Lots of rain, and no where to practice fensing, basketball, swimming, or track for Jonathan. Lightening struck. (Looks like the storm won't clear up tonight. Better wait for tomorrow to practice.) thought Jonathan. Jonathan walked to his bed and lyed down on it. Jonathan, suddenly remembering out of the blue, took out his Spanish homework, for he still needed to do it. He was taking Spanish 2 for his Spanish course.



Jonathan got out his backpack and took a small flashlight from his bag and then zipped back up the backpack. He turned on his flash light. He looked at his watch. It was 11:30 PM. Jonathan took out his pen and started filling in the correct answers for his Spanish homework which was due tommorow morning for 1st period. It was easy for Jonathan: Only 2 pages of conjugating AR, ER, and IR verbs. After doing his homework, Jonathan yawned and lyed down on his bed.

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Amu walked down the sidewalk, the cold wind pushing her hair back. She always took long walks when she needed to think. Tomorrow, Amu had school. She had to go to her school with almost no friends. Which, of course, she didn't like. She closed her eyes and put her hands in her pocket. She pulled out her cellphone to check the time.

1:00 A.M.

She sighed and looked at the starry sky. "Should be headin' home then..." Amu stated, and continued to walk slowly.

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Fooh sat on his bed and ate his midnight snack: A jar of honey. "Omnomnomnomnomnomnom." He reached in for even more honey, but he felt nothing. He looked inside. It was empty. Fooh Bear was sad. Oh well, he might as well get to bed. He looked over at a trash can type thing that was nearby and he threw the honey jar at it hoping for it to land in it, but instead, it landed on the wall next to it and broke to pieces.


"...Oh well. I'll clean that up tomorrow."

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(I forgot to mention its a boarding school, you live their basicly) and I guess your accepted HellFire



Dexer picked up his stuff as he watched the girl that came in later than him get dragged by a teacher. Dexer didn't put all his stuff in his bag he had to put it all in his arms and walked up to the aisle. A Human jock thought it would be funny to stick his foot infront of Dexer tripping him. Dexer fell agian and dropped all his stuff. Dexer was mad and hated the laughter from the Jock, Dexer punched the jock in the face breaking his nose, Dexer then drew his keyblade and pointed it at the heart of the jock, some teachers ran up to him and tried to stop him. Dexer grabbed his stuff and and shadow jumped to his dorm room

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Texsera saw what the boy had done."(He punched that jock directly on the face...and that keyblade...he also wields one I guess...)"Texsera thinks.She takes this oportunity and escapes from the meeting.She takes a good look at the jock before hse goes."Wow,He really did a number on him.But that jock did deserved it."Texsera says.She sees some of the girls walk around the halls.She walks and dosn't look at any of them as they were murmuring as she passed by.Texsera finally got to her dorm and entered.She fell on the bed."Man,the first day of school and things are already quite exciting."Texsera says.She then thinks for a bit."I hope that things here don;t get as bad as Hollow Bastion."Texsera says.She takes out her keyblade and starts to mess around with it.

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Dexer woke up the next morning and see's that he has swimming now. He shadow jumps to the room and sees the girl who was dragged in the auditorium. Dexer then walked into a corner and sat down as he saw some principals walk by the class room. Dexer put his face in his hand and just shadowed himself from the teacher who saw him hit the guy.

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Texsera sat on one of the chairs and started to draw again on her notebook.She looked around to see the guys and girls.She sighs and keeps drawing until she notices the guy from yesterday."(Him again...)"Texsera thinks.A teacher passes by."Atleast you came to the class I see."The teacher says.Texsera notices it was the same teacher she was dragged from."Yes.I'd never miss something as important as a class."Texsera says in the most convincing way possible.The teacher just walked away.Texsera kept drawing until some girls came infront of her."Hey.You're that girl that dosn't have a heart right?"One of the girl asks.Texsera broke the pencil with one hand at the comment.

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Dexer turned into a shadow and slid under the girls and jumped inbetween Texsera and the other girls. "Whats wrong with not having a heart?" Dexer asked as his aura started to grow around him. He shook his head revealing his heartless eyes. The bright yellow eyes freaked out the girls and they ran off. Dexer pushed his hair back over his eyes. He took of his shirt and his pants turned into a swim suit. Dexer dove in and swam

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Texsera watched as the girls ran away.She was about to say something but the boy dives in the pool."Um...thanks..."Texsera says.She hears a whistle blow."Texsera.You're up.Into the pool."One of the teacher says.Texsera sighs and takes off her shirt and pants to reveal that she had a conplete swimming suit underneath.She takes off her glasses and gets near the edge and dives in.She gets up to the surface."It's kind of cold.But very nice."Texsera says.She floats around.

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The bell rings while Dexer is still in the pool. Dexer barely cares but he wants to get to fencing class. Dexer gets out of the pool then goes to the guy locker room and dries off then he puts on his shirt and pants. He sat down and tied his Black and Red high top converses. Dexer got out of the locker room and got to the exit doorway and just stood their thinking

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Texsera heard the bell and let out an annoyed groan.She got out and went to the dressing room where she got dried up and gets dressed.Some girls were watching her."Watch this."One of the girl says.The girl pulls a string and a bucket of icy cold water falls over Texsera."Huh?"Texsera asks.She hears some girls laughing.She didn't summened her blade.But she snapped her fingers and the girls got stuck sucked to the ground and half of their bodies were under the floor."Whoops."Texsera says as she passes by.She waks over to the Volleyball field and gets ready for practice.

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Fooh woke up. He walked outside to his honey-mobile and rode to school.




Fooh entered the building, screaming, "AM I LATEEE?"


He walked down the hall, with full honey jar in hand, honey spilling out all over the halls.

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Dexer walks around and sees a fencing arena he saw two guys fighting with swords that turned into keyblades. Dexer walked in and they both turned around and watched him walk into the area they took of their mask and walked to him. One of the guys had a weird nose and a black eye. "HA HA I rember you" Dexer said with a laugh. Then all of the jocks freinds surronded him with thier keyblades. They all lunged at Dexer at once Dexer had thrown up a sheild that caugh everyone. Dexer picked lifted his hand and watched it get dark then a coach grabbed his hand and dragged him and the jock into the auditorium with the whole school watching. "You to will fight fair 1x1" The coach said. Dexer watched his oppenet charge at him with his keyblade

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Texsera was about to start playing when an announcement came on."Attention students.All of you is to report to the Auditorioum now."The principla says.Texsera puts her hands on her hips and walks to the auditorioum.She walks up to the front."What is it this time?"Texsera asks crossing her arms.She over hears a coversation of two students."Did you hear?It's the Jock from yesterday against that guy that punched him." "That guy...what was his name?Dexer?" "Dexer?"Texsera asks.She looks at the stage to see the two of them getting ready to fight."Oh boy..."Texsers says.She saw the fight begin.The Jock charged at Dexer.

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Amu heard the announcment and as soon as she walked through the doors, she saw two boys fighting. She was turning her heel to leave but she seized oppertunity.

Amu analyzed their fighting styles.

"Agressive...with a tinge of defense..." she murmered. She decided to stick around and watch. After all, there is never a bad time for recon. She walked towards a seat and sat down, observing.

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Dexer grabbed the blade of his enemey and flipped him onto the ground. The jock got up then did a quick blitz but missed. Dexer shadow jumped behind him and tackled him to the ground and started to punch him in the face, the more he punched him the darker Dexers fist got. "This is sad" a coach said with a murmur "Use a keyblade Dexer" Dexer drew his keyblade it was ginormous it was like clouds sword but as a keyblade. Dexer was four feet away and pointed his keyblade at his oppenet. Dexer just blocked all of his oppenets attacks "Attack him" the coach said. Dexer did sonic blade on the jock then jumped in the air and did a spiraling sonic blade headed down. dexer tried to desummon his keyblade but it would work. Dexer tied his blade behind his back then stuck out his hand to the jock

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