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What which Tales Of game should I start

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First I played Tales Of Zestiria but stopped after 6 hours because I didn't like it so much but I bought it for 15 euros anyway.

With what Tales of game should I start because I do have interest even though the gameplay seems oke to me and the world to I want to give this series another try.

Do all games take place in the same world? If not which game is the most expanded and got sequels/prequels because I don't like it to just leave behind the world and characters.

What are the worst and best in the series?

I am watching Tales Of Xillia because I heard it got a sequel and this series is new to me to.

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I've only played Zestiria and Graces f. I couldn't play enough of Zestiria, because it was boring and the characters were uninteresting. Graces f on the other hand I loved, because despite the story being somewhat predictable and some bad cliches in there, the main cast were all really fun and made me want to play through their adventure.


Still, I'm not a Tales of expert so maybe I'm not the best person to ask.

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you should play tales of xillia 1 first. It's a pretty easy game and pretty much establishes how the tales of battle system works for the most part 

Edited by Zeldablade7

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Tales of Phantasia was the first one I've played (and i think it is even the oldest title^^)

It is a veeeery good game, but like i said it's pretty old, i played it on the GBA back then (i think the original was a SNES version though...) So i guess you'd probably have to play it on an emulator xD

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Tales of  Besrita since its the new one that's coming out soon I guess its a good place to start

Edited by Joker

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The Tales of series has its pros and cons, but I have actually found it one of the better JRPGs out there. I have to say that Symphonia is hands down my favorite, and Xilia was a pretty good one as well. I couldn't beat Zestiria because, like yourself, I found it to be pretty boring and the characters didn't have much depth to them.


I think one problem with the series is that each game takes so long to get into. I really didn't like Symphonia until quite a while--nearly 1/3 of the game--and then I found myself loving it. They do require patience, which isn't for everyone. It's not a very likeable game right away, but the reward is worthwhile if one can bear through the rough spots.


It really won't matter much where you start, but personally I would recommend either Symphonia or Xillia. They take places with different characters and different worlds, so you won't miss much. :)

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Well, I've played four of the Tales games, those being Xillia, Symphonia's 1 and 2, and Graces F! I loved all of them for their awesome combat, anime styled graphics and amazing stories! And much like Final Fantasy, each Tales game has its own world and characters, ya know?  But for when it comes to which you should play, I guess it really just boils down to which one would attract you the most! I suggest you watch trailers or gameplay trailers of different Tales games before deciding which one to buy! Since I've only played four, I can't give you a concrete opinion on which one you should play, even though the four I mentioned are awesome! X_X

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The Tales games don't take place in the same worlds.Its like Final Fantasy,they all have similar elements but their stories don't connect.As for the best and worst it depends on your personal tastes of course,my favorites are Xillia and Graces f and my least favorites are Symphonia 2 Dawn of the New World and Phantasia.


I'd recommend starting with either Symphonia or Xillia,of all the Tales games I've played they have the best stories and the most interesting characters.Symphonia is the 4th game in the series so the gameplay is a bit archaic compared to the newer games,but I didn't have any problems getting into it so you should be fine.Xillia is one of the most linear game in the series and the world is not that interesting to explore but the good story and fun gameplay makes up for it in my opinion.


Personally I started with Graces f,it has the best gameplay of the series,but the story is ok,its good but not great,its the Tales game I got the most laugh out of,so you could start with this one I guess but its also the hardest I've play,if you like a decent challenge go with this one

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