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Deseo watched Stella disappear within a sigil of her own creation, having it disappear just moments later. Similar to the dark portals, then!...but less darkness and more magic. The tone of the leader made Deseo grin. So serious! Much dismay. Apparently they had a task now, collective at that. To apprehend the girl on the roof, who was armed, by the way, and had apparently knocked someone down already. "That's our first task?" Deseo asked, looking rather annoyed at it, but he went along with it, nerveless. It was an obvious fact that they outnumbered the girl, so taking her down shouldn't be much of a problem, he figured. He reached to his back again, pulling out his dual swords, recently cleaned up, sharpened, and ready to slice whatever it got in their way. He walked over, taking a look at the man that had collapsed on the floor. "Should've run away if he can't take the heat." Deseo commented nonchalantly, looking up at the girl. There was the target. He swung one of his blades, the blade making a loud click as it expanded into its bladed whip form, wrapping itself around the nearest ledge before he used the momentum to pull himself up, pushing himself off the wall to swing upwards onto one of the many window stills, and quickly up the wall to the roof until he reached it, pulling his bladed whip with him. He landed a few feet from the girl, clicking his whip back together into its blade form. "I know there's competition about being evil, but don't you think beating down old men is a little bit cliche?" Deseo joked, a smile on his face as he spun his blades and charged forward at her. He swung one of his blades, once again dismantling it into its whip form to extend its reach to the girl.

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Ardyn was in a calm state of mind while the events transpired. Sure, there was one injured, and an enemy on the roof, but should he interfere? but more importantly was Stella, her power was something he knew, something familiar, something he wished to see in action. His thought was broken when Aranea moved her arm.
"I think we've had enough time to study the situation," she said, "don't you think, Chancellor?"
Aranea nodded her head and Hotaru quickly follower behind her, once outside Hotaru used the Dragoon's help to jump into the roof while she just jumped like she always had. Once on the roof Aranea looked to see if Ardyn was on the square, and to her surprise, he wasn't.
"You should pay more attention, Miss Highwind," The voice of the Chancellor said behind her, "You could get hurt if you don't."
The Dragoon gulped quietly, when did he followed them? he didn't made any noise. Those questions would have to wait for another moment, for now they had a mission.
"I will consider your advice, Chancellor Izunia," Aranea said calmly, "but for now let's complete our task. Hotaru! You know what to do!"
The young wielder nodded and pointed his recently summoned weapon towards the mysterious girl.
"Alright, let's do this!"
At that moment Aranea summoned her lance and, without waiting another moment, threw it towards the girl, in a moment said lance was engulfed in fire, fire that was casted by Hotaru moments before. On the other hand Ardyn was waiting, those two worked good together, thanks to their time around each other, no doubt. Oh well, he should at least try to help, for now. There was the other one too, of course. Deseo, wasn't it? Perhaps he could get rid of him at that moment, but who was he to deny him of his fun.
"This should keep me busy for awhile," he said flatly, "I have a lot to spare, after all."
The Chancellor reached out his hand in the direction of the girl, a crossbow appearing on his hand, and with a press of the trigger, three different arrows were shot towards the mysterious girl.

Edited by Elrandir

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Seracus stood up from his chair, and began to walk into the square. He looked up at the roof, and made a huge jump and landed on the roof. He summoned a Divewing Keyblade, but this Keyblade looked different, with it shown to have a rainbow symbol  like any other Divewing Keyblades above it's hilt, and it had a small grey-colored filigree similar to that of the X-Blade just above the hilt, and the blade is a little longer, with glowing veins of Light and Darkness around it, and for a brief second, a mysterious Heart-like Emblem was shown in the rainbow symbol briefly before it quickly disappeared. He held the Keyblade by his side, looking at the girl with a smirk on his face. "Hello, it would seem that you intruded our 'free time'. It would be great if you just... Left." Said Seracus, talking to the girl. Seracus raised his Keyblade, and cast a Firaga Burst spell, creating a big fireball above him, multiple small fireballs at the girl. 

Edited by KHLegendIII

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(Sorry Sabre; I had thought it was Lightning and not Zion that had fallen onto the table from your first post!)


This young woman's demeanor really caught Clarice off-guard.  She was so jovial and playful, though she could sense a strong light within her.  Yes, she would be a worthy ally, of that she was certain.  The blonde folded her arms over her chest, closing her eyes as she bowed her head slightly.  "Well, I guess so long as you're unscratched that's all that matters.  It is nice to meet you, Zion.  My name is Clarice.  Will you join us?"


There was something about Zion's demeanor that seemed contagiously friendly and annoying at the same time to Clarice.  Normally hers was not the sort that she would fraternize with, but she seemed innocent and friendly enough.  It would be important for Clarice to make allies in Vanguard, and if she were to do it she had to start somewhere.  Zion seemed like a decent enough place.




"Well, that seems rather noble of you.  I'm sure you are a great addition to the cause," Skylar responded, making himself comfortable in a seat alongside Seracus.  The man did not seem like he was very interested in small talk, but those were precisely the kind of people that Skylar loved talking to most.  It made it easier for him to ramble their ears off, and they would hardly retort because often they wouldn't be listening in the first place.  He'd received many promises of fortunes and first-born children that way.


It was then that Seracus revealed an unwanted guest, to which Skylar took pause and frowned.  So soon?  Xehanort's cronies had already learned of their little meeting?  He supposed that it wasn't too farfetched.  Someone could've caught wind of an invitation, or perhaps an invitation was provided to a traitor who had leaked their meeting place.  Even still, Skylar felt it foolish of someone to intrude upon so many Keyblade wielders gathered in one place for the sole purpose of destroying them.  Whomever it was had a serious death wish or was loyal to a fault.


Apparently it was just some little girl, but little or not was subjective, and irrelevant to the current situation.  Skylar's Keyblade materialized in his palm as he kicked back out of his seat, approaching the others upon Vaner's command.  He did not intend to assault her directly, however; others were already doing a fine job of that.  He was going to pursue her from the rear, in hopes of apprehending her should she attempt to flee.  He began to swiftly climb the buildings expertly, seeming quite agile and balanced as he perched from one narrow place to the next.  It would be a little while before he reached her, but he was determined to prove himself useful.

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{Traverse Town: 1st District}

The girl silently cursed herself for getting caught. If she was lucky, she'd get out of here with minimal wounds and just have to face a lecture. Ki was gonna be so mad. She turned to leave, but Deseo grappled his way up.

"That's cute from you." She snapped back to Deseo's question.

Growling like a demon, the girl swung her broad sword around, deflecting Deseo's extended sword and brought her wand hand up for a point blank shot at Deseo's chest, but caught sight of a flaming lance coming her way. Throwing her legs out from under her, the girl dropped to the ground, the burning weapon passing overhead. Once her back hit the roof, she rolled back onto her shoulders and used her wand hand to do a hand stand, then flipped onto her feet, her sword pointed at Deseo.

"Freeze." She growled, casting an ice spell.

A instant later, a crossbow bolt pierced her outstretched arm, while Ardyn's other two grazed the arm. Crying out in pain, the girl dropped to a knee, barely holding on to her sword. She had to get out. But how could she shake...

"The recall system!" She thought desperately.

She dropped her wand, which immediately zipped to a holder on a braced on her left arm like it was drawn by magnets. She dug in her hoodie's pocket and pulled out a phone. She managed to press a button, but it was the wrong one. Cursing, she tried to back out as Seracus's Firaga Burst charged up and was being hurled. Seeing another fiery attack coming in, she dropped her phone and put up arms protectively, a barrier forming in front of her. The Firaga Burst slammed into the barrier, cracking it and eliciting a cry from the girl. Flames spread out from the spell, threatening to burn anyone who tried to get close too soon.

As all this was going on, Vaner continued to check on his fallen ally. Another black clad figure, smaller then the first, ran around the corner of the item shop and slid to a stop near Vaner.

"What happened?" The Vanguard Director asked, taking a glance at the battle.

"Took the lead after I spotted the intruder." The new comer said as he pulled an elixir out of a satchel. "I warned him not to over do it, but he doesn't listen."

Nilas ran over to Vaner, holding his keyblade.

"How do I get up there fast?" He asked, pointing to the roof.

Vaner glanced at Nilas, then the roof before coming to a decision.

"Like this, hold on." He said.

The Director reached out a hand, causing Nilas to be lifted off the ground.

"Whoa!" The Keyblade Neophyte exclaimed, staring at his dangling feet.

"Eyes up!" Vaner ordered, before jerking his arm around in a throwing motion, sending Nilas flying towards the roof.

While awe struck by what was happening, Nilas still managed to get his head on task in order to raise his Keyblade and start a swing as he started the downward part of his flight. The girl, still crouched behind her barrier, could only watch as the Keyblade Neophyte sliced through her cracked barrier, destroying it. Due to the impromptu aiming of this flying attack, Nilas's blade only nicked the girl's shoulder on it's way past, but it was enough. The girl roared as light and darkness erupted from her, sending the still air born Nilas shooting off in a different direction, making flail to grab something. He managed to grasp the edge of a building as he started his way down.

Energized by a Limit Break, the girl grabbed her sword in both hands and spun around, creating pillars of Light and Darkness around her. At the end of her spin, The Final Limit was unleashed, sending multiple pillars towards each person that attacked her.

Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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Seracus tried to block the pillar coming his way by slamming his Keyblade to the ground, causing pillars of stone to appear from the ground in front of him. He gritted his teeth as the stone pillars took the attack, although some of it's power seeped in, creating some burns on Seracus' left arm, and the pressure pushed him back a little. He looked at his wound, and frowned, and he cast Curaga on himself, in an attempt to heal himself as best as he could. He looked at the girl with a frown on his face, and he raised his Keyblade into the air, and it emitted a radiant light. "Well, it looks like we'll have to have to do this the hard way." Said Seracus, talking to the girl. Seracus began to channel power into his Keyblade, and created an orb of Light from his Keyblade, and raised his Keyblade into the air, and cast it into the air, where it grew bigger, and then it sent small bursts, but powerful, bursts of Light from it at the girl. 

Edited by KHLegendIII

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Deseo pulled back his Whipped-Sword, seeing the Freeze magic shoot straight at him. He collected his swords and crossed them together before slashing at the spell, shattering it as it hit his swords. It wasn't without flaw, as the cold spread across the tip of his swords and his hands, giving a slight burn against his skin. He hissed, taking a step back as he clanked his swords together to break off the frost. "What a b-!" Before he could finish that thought, however, numerous attacks were launched at the girl, only for her to create a surge of attacks, sending pillars of darkness and light alike at everyone around her. Deseo's eyes widened as she barely dodged one, barely missing him as he fell right into the path of another one. He didn't hesitate. He stabbed his blades onto the roof beneath his feet, spinning as he made a circle around him. At its completion darkness rose from the traces, surrounding Deseo in the shape of a protective shield of darkness from the pillar as it hit. It protected him, but just barely, Deseo huffing as he struggled to keep it steady. He'd use this shield to keep himself safe at night. To be able to sleep without the worry of a Heartless stealing his heart or attacking him while his guard was down. To use it against an attack so powerful was a first for sure. The pillar eventually disappeared, but the force itself sent Deseo flying back a few feet as the shield disappeared. Deseo grunted, quickly getting onto his feet, even if a bit wobbly. "Hey...that HURT!" Deseo yelled, bearing his teeth. He turned his swords into their whip form, covering them with darkness as he did so. He crackled his bladed whips, sending slashes of darkness straight at the girl.

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A swirl of golden feathers showered rhe battlefield...or were, more precisely, brought towards them from a jetstream. Winding thrush the battle, the mysterious girl's Limit Break was blocked by shields and a double-bladed Keyblade - the powerful Forward Unto Dawn. Zion summoned her other Keyblades as singles, surrounding the girl.

"I know that voice. I KNOW YOUR VOICE." She cried. "YOU'RE DEAD. YOU DIED IN MY ARMS...WHY DO YOU HAVE HER VOICE?" Zion shouted in anguish. All of her tertiary Keyblades began to glow, Zion beginning to create Chains of Light. "How...dare...HOW DARE YOU SOUND LIKE HER!" She cried in sorrow, unleashing her chains of light at the black-cloaked figure.

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The attacks were a success of sorts, the mysterious girl was hurt, but she also manged to make a counter attack in the form of pillars of light and darkness. Hotaru was moving quickly while trying to avoid being hit, Aranea jumped into the sky, the pillar following all the way up, and Ardyn remained still, watching the display.

"Impressive," he said, "for someone that young."

As a pillar was about to hit the Chancellor he turned around, his crossbow disappearing and giving place to a shield, a shield used to block the attack. It was a powerful one, that was for sure, the Chancellor even got a few burns on his face, of course, they would heal in time.

The Dragoon was coming down, her summoned spear was coming with her in direction to Ardyn, she landed in front of the Chancellor, dissipating the pillar of light in front of the man, then she picked her weapon and threw it towads the pillar following her wielder friend.

"You have my thanks, Miss Highwind," Ardyn said calmly, "Let us continue with our attack against our mysterious enemy, yes?"

Aranea was about to answer when another one of the peeple appeared and attacked the girl. She sounded angry, very angry, and if their attack was something to consider, it would be better to not interfere.

"I do not want to get in the middle of that attack," Aranea said to Adyn, "Wouldn't you agree, Chancellor?"

Hotaru finally made his way towards his friend, he was panting, not fully used to attacks like those.

"I have to admit," he said, "this isn't like fighting heartless back at home."

The Chancellor looked at the Wielder, perhaps he could help the young one, give him more power, perform a bonding and make him one of the...what was it called? a Glaive? Surely he could benefit from the power that could be bestowed upon him.

Edited by Elrandir

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{Traverse Town: 2nd District}

As the battle raged on in the 1st District, a third dark clad figure burst out of the gizmo shop and onto the clock tower platform, axe raised. His eyes scanned the roof to find it empty beside the sidecar glider the intruder had used. After a moment to confirm no ambush was waiting, he stalked over to the glider. If this was how the infiltrator got in, she might not have the teleporting capabilities to leave with out it. Plus it might have some data in its systems to track its origin.

As the big man reached out to grab the handle bars, a burst of light and coding erupted from the side car, causing him to take a step backwards. A young man in dark sunglasses and a beanie obscuring the top half of his face appeared, holding a sword. It took only an instant for both men to evaluate the situation before attacking. The sword and axe met, sparking off each other with each blow. Beanie tried to force the Guard back, but the big man stood his ground.

"Where is she?" Beanie demanded.

He knocked the Guard's axe to one side with his sword, following up with his free hand wreathed in dark flames. The Guard took the blow to the chest, forcing him to stumble back a few paces. Beanie pressed his advantage and slashed with his sword at the ground, causing a small wall of flame between the two fighters.

"Tell me where the girl is, and I won't have to beat it out of you!" Beanie threatened, standing half on the seat for the glider.

"She's being greeted by others." The Guard standing up straight. "You have other concerns."

Moving quicker then one would think a big man could, the Guard brought his axe up, then smashed down into the ground, causing a crack to snake forward through the ground, spitting up debris as it went. The crack went under the wall of flame and hit the glider, sending it tumbling off the platform. Beanie dropped his sword, which disappeared in a swirl of data, and grabbed hold of the controls as the craft tumbled.

"Come on!" He yelled as he tried desperately to power up the glider before it hit the ground.

The engine fired a few feet from the ground. Beanie heard it and hauled on the controls to pull up. The side car scraped against the ground, but he managed to get it air born. He considered turning around and continuing his fight with the Guard, but he caught sight of flashes of light in the next district. His partner was more important. He revved the engine and shot off on the glider, dodging a few chucks of building the Guard threw after him.


{Traverse Town; 1st District}

After preforming her Final Limit, the girl knew she had only a few more seconds before her Limit Break wore off and she'd feel her wounds again. She took a moment to pull the bolt from her arm, eliciting a grunt of pain. As she rose again, Seracus's orb did like wise. Gritting her teeth, she used her Limit Break's enhanced speed to use her sword to deflect the orb's pulses.

"Have to get over the crest of the roof." She thought as energy still crackled through her body. "Get out of this thing's range."

Hearing Deseo's shout just in time, the intruder turned to see his bladed whips crack out two dark slashes. She managed to pivot, sending some of the orb's pulse to try and dissipate one of the slashes while getting her sword between her and the other one. The plan half worked, with the redirected light weakening one of the slashes, but not totally destroying it. Both slashes slammed into the already battered blade, shattering the sword and sending the girl flying back. She crashed into the roof a little further on, the light and dark tendrils from her Limit Break fading away.

The intruder tried to pick herself up, but all the wounds and aches reminded her of their existence. She fell back, but she knew she had seconds before she was set upon again. She struggled up and tried to make a break for it when the fury of Zion struck. The girl looked around wildly, then stood stone still when she heard Zion's cries. Surrounded by Keyblades, the girl was left with one option. She reached out and in a swirl of darkness and light, she grabbed the hilt of the No Name Keyblade, though it's glowing blade was lavender.

"Stop!" She cried, raising the blade above her head.

The low level time spell only had radius to effect Zion's attack, freezing the chains in midair. The girl collapsed onto her knees, breathing heavily. Her hooded face turned up to look at Zion.

"What are you doing here?" She shouted, confusion and concern in her voice. "You're not suppose to be here!"

"Hey!" A new voice yelled, the source rocketing over the roof tops on the sidecar glider.

Beanie, sword in hand cast a modified Blackout spell, sending a single bolt of darkness at Zion. If it hit her, it would cause temporary blindness, but not damage. With his other hand on the controls, Beanie fired the glider's underbelly laser to try and keep the other targets on the roof at bay. As he came down low near where the girl was, he juked the controls to turn the glider sideways, dipping the sidecar into Zion's network of Keyblades. The girl stabbed into the sidecar with her Keyblade and held on tight as another juke pulled her up and onto the righted sidecar a few moments before the time spell gave out, unleashing the magical chains on open air. With his comrade on board, Beanie hauled on the controls to try to get altitude as fast as he could.

On the roof, Nilas pulled himself up and was about to charge back in when Zion entered the fray. He relaxed a little, which was too much as the last second rescue left the Keyblade Neophyte fumbling with his blade, trying to think of a good spell to cast.

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Seracus just looked on at the situation, and was charging up another orb of Light in his Keyblade, waiting to send it up. A Corridor of Light opened up in the center of the square in the First District, and Seracus looked at it, wondering someone else was arriving. Tyler walked out of the Corridor of Light, and looked around, smiling, until he saw the situation, and grew serious. "What's going on here? I came to join the group that was supposed to assemble, and I find the town under siege? Are we under attack?" Asked Tyler, asking a question. Seracus looked at Tyler, and up at the side car that was moving in the sky. 

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Deseo had to take a step back once the woman known as Zion stepped up, unleashing her own attack of light with unrelenting force, anguish and anger in her voice. It was as if a bomb had just gone off. Overall, Deseo knew that he needed to keep a distance from her. Next thing he knew a guy in a hover bike of some sort, no, a glider, came flying right in. He shot at them with some lasers, causing Deseo to quickly dodge them, deflecting one with his blade as he watched the Beanie guy pick the girl up and do its best to get out of there. They were running away! Deseo quickly scoffed, eyes narrowing. "Oh no you don't." If there was one thing Deseo was, besides his already delusional and unstable self, was a stubborn and vengeful son of a gun. He wouldn't be allowing the enemy to get away so easily. He rushed forward, shooting beams of darkness from the tip of his right blade, aiming to at least land a hit. He pulled back his left whip and swung it forward at the glider, the blades wrapping themselves on whatever piece it clung to tightly. Deseo was easily pulled forward, his tiny body compared to a gilder not strong enough, but he didn't let go just yet. He stabbed his right blade against the rooftop beneath, darkness spreading from the blade as it gripped onto the roof tiles for dear life, Deseo digging his heels, hoping that he could at the very least slow it down enough for the rest to figure something out. Darn it. For this much trouble they should give him two cinnamon buns.

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A loud clanging sound echoed throughout the roof as the darkness spell struck light.  A winged Keyblade was extended to deflect the darkness spell as the tall blonde woman stood before Zion, protecting her from the blow.  "Are you alright?" she asked, voice surprisingly tender as she turned a glance toward Zion.


Suddenly the sound of Deseo's Keyblade arrested Clarice's attention, causing the blonde woman to flee from Zion's side.  She ran with alarming speed to Deseo's aid, grasping his small form with one arm and extending the other.  Golden energy began to accumulate along her palm and shoot forth, golden beams skyrocketing in the direction of the glider.  Should they meet its target, the enemies would find themselves stalled from the Slow spell.


The pull from the glider was indeed intense; Clarice could only hope that she was doing more good than harm from aiding Deseo.




Leaping from rooftop to rooftop was the dragoon Keyblader, anxious to accomplish his first mission and play an actual role in their enemy's capture.  Unfortunately, however, all of the action was taking place upon a very different roof from where he was precariously perched, causing him to leap down back into the crowd of Keyblade wielders.  Looks like I missed my chance to shine, Skylar thought as he watched the glider begin to make its getaway.  He placed a hand on his hip, watching as two of their Keyblade wielders refused to let them go.  Did his new friends stand a chance?  The blue-haired man doubted it, but it would be interesting to see the result nonetheless.

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Aranea was watching the scene while thinking what to do, she could use an electric attack with Hotaru, but their, whatever they were, would get hurt. In the meantime another newcomer appeared, Hotaru was the one more surprised than the others.
"And we have another one," he said, "shouldn't we help them?"
Ardyn just shrugged, her smile not leaving his lips.
"And hurt them?" he asked as his shield disappeared "I think not, my friend. Let them have their fun, we can wait. It is getting a little crowded in here, and if you miscalculate your attack then someone else could get hurt."
Hotaru looked at Ardyn with curiosity, the man was strange, but he was also smart. Something was telling him that he had to keep his eyes on him always.
"I see," he said slowly, "Alright, we will wait then."

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{Traverse Town; 1st District}

As Beanie tried to evade incoming spells, the hooded girl struggled to roll onto her side while keeping a grip on the glider and prepared a defensive spell. As she gathered the mana, Deseo's whip blade wrapped around the connecting shaft between the sidecar and the main body of the vehicle. The sudden deceleration this caused made the girl to jolt forward, nearly sending her off the front end of the sidecar. Beanie revved the engine more to pull away from the impromptu tether, but the pull from the whip increased making the glider's velocity nearly zero.

Nilas watched what Deseo and Clarice were doing and felt mad he wasn't doing more to help. Gritting his teeth, he reared back and hurled his Keyblade at the glider.

"More incoming!" The girl called out, raising her Keyblade to erect a barrier between the glider and Clarice's golden beams, but Nilas's arching Keyblade hit and sliced through the edge of the sidecar near where the girl was clinging to it.

The force of the impact and the debris it kicked up caused the girl to lose her grip and she slipped off the glider.

"Ki!" She yelled as she plummeted to the ground.

"ONI!" Beanie shouted.

Thinking quickly, he killed the engines for the glider and dove off as Clarice's beams hit the glider. Without its engines, the glider gave way to the pull of Deseo and Clarice's might, beginning a slow motion fall straight for them. The girl hit and bounced off the roof of the item shop, her Keyblade flying from her grip as she appeared to go limp. Beanie did a midair dash to catch up to her and used a little wind magic to lighten the impact, which he twisted to take the majority of.

Ignoring some of his groaning muscles, Beanie struggled up, stooping to get the girl's less injured arm over his neck, and get a hand around her waist to support her. As he turned to make a break for more cover, Vaner extended his sword to box the duo in corner made by the Item Shop and an upper level of the roadway.

"Ready to give up and have a chat?" He asked in a calm, almost friendly voice.

Beanie stood stone still, his dark glasses keeping his eye movements secret.

"Not really feeling a chat, to be honest." He answered in a slightly snarky tone.

"Stall." He thought. "There's gotta be a way out of this."

"Let me guess" he continued aloud, "you in with Maleficent? Or are you some new comers trying for the villain game?"

"None of the above." Vaner replied, reworking his evaluation of these intruders. "We're allied with the Lights to keep the worlds safe."

"Ah, you're sticking with that story." Beanie said, thinking fast.

There was one last option, but it was dangerous. What if the darkness got to them? A squeeze of his shoulder from the girl's draped hand let him know she was ready. It was now or never.

"Well, if you are the good guys, you should probably be worried more about Destiny Islands then us. Its living on borrowed time."

Beanie reached behind him and touched the wall, summoning a dark corridor. The girl managed to raise a hand above her head, light shivering from between her fingers.

"Flare." She growled in a weak voice, causing the light in her hand to flash violently, but not able to deal damage.

In that flare, Beanie jumped back trying his best to shield the girl with his body as they went through the dark portal. Vaner tried to grab at them, but was too late. A moment later, the light and the portal were gone.

"They gone, boss?" The 2nd guard called from his place by the injured guard's side at the foot of the stairs.

"They're gone." Vaner confirmed, staring at the spot the duo had been, looking thoughtful.


(Note: there is a slightly damaged phone on the roof to be found)

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Seracus frowned as he witnessed Beanie and the girl make their escape, and noticed a broken phone on the roof, and picked it up, examining it. But the frown disappeared quickly, and he looked over at Tyler, and smiled, and jumped down from the roof, and walked over to him, his Keyblade disappearing. "Ah, it would seem we have another guest. My name is Seracus, and these peopel here are fellow Vanguards who have pledged to fight against the Darkness. Who might you be?" Asked Seracus, asking Tyler a question. Tyler looked at Seracus, studying him, and smiled. "The name's Tyler, and I came from the World of Twilight Town. I was sent here by my Keyblade Master, Thomas, to join a group called the Vanguard to help protect the Light. He's also my Father, and I've been training under him for years, and most of that training was to use this Keyblade." Said Tyler, talking to Seracus. Tyler raised his hand into the air, and shockingly summoned the Keyblade used by Gula. Seracus looked at the Keyblade with shock for a brief moment, and he looked at Tyler with what seemed to be anger, which quickly faded with his shock, replaced by a smile. "Ah, so you posses an... Interesting Keyblade. Do you mind if you explain what it is?" Asked Seracus, asking Tyler a question. Tyler smiled, as he looked at everyone, although he was slightly bothered by Seracus' earlier look, but he didn't think much of it. "Sure, the Keyblade I've been trained to use is the Keyblade wielded by the Foreteller who led the Leopardos Union... It was one of the only blades to have survived the Keyblade War." Said Tyler, talking to everyone.

Edited by KHLegendIII

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Deseo grunted as he held onto his whip and the glider for dear life, his knuckles turning white. A woman by the name of Clarice even took pity on him, keeping him from going over. However once it was obvious to the enemy that they wouldn't be going very far, they ended up shutting down the motors and jumping right off, leaving the glider to be pulled straight at them with all of the force that they were pulling in the first place. Deseo fell himself fall back on his butt, only to see the glider come straight at them. "Oh sh*t!" Deseo screamed, his eyes widening as he narrowed his eyes. "Get your head down!!!" Deseo yelled, quickly retracting the whip holding onto the glider back to its sword-form as he roared, darkness pooling underneath. Just as the glider reached, a few feet away from hitting them, claws emerged from the pool beneath, similar to the ones of a Heartless as they slammed themselves against the glider, wrapping around and stopping it in its tracks just a foot away from hitting them both. Deseo held his breath, concentrating at the weight of the glider, feeling relief once it came to a stop. He allowed himself to collect some breath for a few seconds before gently lowering the glider back on the tiles in front of them with a loud THUD. The moment it hit the tiles, the claws and darkness dispersed into thin air, the shadows retracting back into Deseo as he used his swords to keep himself from falling to his knees. He quickly looked over at Clarice, his eyes narrowing. "Favor for a favor. This means nothing." He insisted, hissing as he did so. Stubbornly, he forced himself back up, resting one of his blades back into its sheath as he used the other one like a cane for balance. The enemy got away, even after all that. Well damn.

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"And off they go," Ardyn said calmly, "We have to give them credit for getting away when they were clearly overmatched."
Hotaru finally regained his breath after a few minutes, maybe all of this was beyond him, he was mostly a self-taught warrior after all, he could do many things, but he still needed training.
"I must also congratulate you in your teamwork, Miss Highwind," The Chancellor said while looking at Aranea, "You and our young friend here are a good match on the battlefield."
The Dragoon could not, for the life of her, make sense of the Chancellor's true intentions, yet she agreed that Hotaru and herself made a good team.
"Thank you, Chancellor," she replied, "I never had the chance to watch you in combat, but I guess you are alright."
Ardyn made a flamboyant bow and tipped his hat to show some gratitude for the Ex-commodore's words.
"Why thank you, Miss Highwind," he answered before looking at Hotaru, "And you, Hotaru, did a good job assisting Miss Highwind, but you have a lot of room to improve. Perhaps I could lend you a hand, so to speak."
The Chancellor reached his hand out for a handshake, Hotaru looked at Ardyn with some skepticism, but he slowly nodded and grabbed his hand in the end.
"Sure, I would like that," Hotaru answered before feeling a little dizzy, "Thanks, Ardyn."
There was that ever present smile of the man's face, but this time, something was slightly different, something Hotaru could not understand.
"Well then," Ardyn said, "Why don't we rejoin our friends below?"
With those last words the Chancellor jumped down from the roof, followed by Aranea and Hotaru. Things surely looked to be interesting in the future.

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{Traverse Town: 1st District}

Vaner retracted his sword and placed it back in his coat. These new comers were...unexpected. Something to follow up, possibly. He turned back and walked to the head of the stairs. He pulled out a communication device and hit a code to send an "all clear" to Stella.

"Alright, everybody, listen up." He called out, crossing his arms. "First of all, this is Bert."

He jestured to the black garbed figure tending to the wounded man. Bert hesitated for a moment, then undid the wrapping around his face, revealing a man with short brown hair and stubble.

"Hello." He greeted, managing a tired, but still friendly smile.

"He's one of many agents I have around the worlds." Vaner continued. "You will meet some on missions, but I have no intention of giving you a list here and now. That kind of trust is earned. If you found the danger we were just in distasteful, leave now, because that is nothing to what we will face."

As Vaner spoke, a golden rune appeared in the cafe. A moment later, Stella and a small, balding man stepped out of it, then it closed. Vaner took a moment to acknowledge them.

"If you are still interested in protecting the worlds, there is already work to be done." The Director continued. "The intruders mentioned Destiny Island being in danger. A team of you will be sent to check it out. Stella has an eye witness to a gathering of darkness in the Lanes Between. She's gonna need volunteers too. There is a lot to be done and not a lot of time. But together we can get it done. Divide yourselves up as you see fit."

"Commander." Came a deep voice from on high.

A third Dark garbed man crouched at the edge of one of the roofs.

"The Light wielder has something you should see." He said, gesturing to Seracus.

"May I have it?" Vaner asked, holding out his hand to Seracus.

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Seracus glanced over at Vaner, and turned away from Tyler, and walked towards Vaner, and handed him the broken phone, smiling. "Here you go, sir. I found this on the roof... Oh, and before we continue with anything else, how would we like to welcome another member of this fine group, his name is Tyler, and he has quite an interesting Keyblade which should catch your attention." Said Seracus, talking to Vaner. Seracus pointed his hand at Tyler, and pointing at Gula's Keyblade, which Tyler is holding. Tyler waved sheepishly, laughing slowly. Seracus looked at Stella, still smiling. "I'll step in to help out, if you don't mind me stepping in?" Asked Seracus, asking Stella a question. 

Edited by KHLegendIII

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Hotaru was looking between Stella and Aranea, surely she was going to-
"We would be delighted to help you out," Ardyn said while bowing, "You can count on Miss Highwind, Hotaru and myself, Miss Stella."
The Dragoon stared at the Chancellor, she was thinking about helping Stella, but this man spoke first.
"We wish to help you," Aranea said, "If another world is in danger then we would gladly offer our help."
Hotaru nodded and smiled at Stella.
"Sure thing," he said, "We will help you in any way we can."
Ardyn was staring at Hotaru from behind, the kid had spirit, all he needed was to get stronger. He wanted to help a noble cause, just like he did a long time ago. Something about Hotaru made Ardyn remember thing he would rather forget.
"Just say the word," Ardyn said, his smile slowly making itself present, "And we will be on the job."

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Deseo listened to the leader, listening to his instructions and suggestions. So they could actually leave if they wanted to. Deseo honestly thought about it for a few moments. He could walk away and not get involved with this crap again and just...mellow and cry in his own pitiful space of darkness in between the corridors. But that would mean that he would lose the change of revenge on those punks that ran off! Besides...he had a bone to pick with that dragoon lady. He also had a deal with lady Stella. At least, a one sided one when it came to her eyes. The dead wouldn't be using them after all.  They had two options; Destiny Island or the Lanes in Between. He stepped forward, casually jumping down from the roof before landing gracefully on one of the cafe's umbrella's and then on the floor beneath. "I wish to volunteer to join on the Lanes in Between with mom, I mean, Stella!" Deseo said, smirking as he walked over to her. "It's a reunion of darkness, isn't it? You're going to need my expertise, and resistance...I hate sand anyways." Deseo scowled before giving the best mischievous grin he could muster at Aranea. "Wouldn't want you to miss me, big sis." Deseo said, hoping that the sister thing would actually cause annoyance. The fact he hadn't lost his sanity or grip of reality was a mystery even to him, even with the darkness he wielded.

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"Evening Bert!" Nikolai called, from his seat at the table. He blew on the mug of coffee in his hands and took another sip from it. "Apologies for not helping everyone, I am simply useless without my morning coffee." Hiroki came back from the cafe, a plate with a cinnamon bun on it and sat next to Nikolai. 

"It's evening." The Chosen One pointed out the flaw in Nikolai's logic, which the Prince waved off with a casual gesture.

"Regardless, it seemed you all quite had it handled. I would have jumped in if anyone seemed too terribly in danger, I do have a heart I promise. Big enough for everyone here, especially you ladies." Nikolai smiled and winked at some general direction, not really towards anyone. Hiroki grumbled something under his breath as he began to eat the cinnamon bun. "Also, my friend and I would love to visit the Islands. Sounds like a lovely vacation destination really."


Selvera on the other hand, was busy. She had tried to keep her distance in the fight, waiting for vulnerabilities, evaluating the enemy. In the end, her help wasn't needed either though. Which was fine. Good to save energy for the tougher fights down the line. Still. Something irked her about the fight as it had gone down. Yes, many things irked her, but there was something off about this one. She moved towards where the opponent had made their escape. She knelt down to the ground, moved towards the walls. Searching for anything of value or worth, whether as a clue or gold. She'd love either. She heard Vaner continuing about, and if she found anything she pocketed it, and moved back towards the group in time to hear the assignments. "Lanes Between." She gave her answer. No reason really. Maybe a little reason, to stray from that Nikolai creep. Beyond that, nothing.

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Shirou Emiya, Traverse Town


...Magecraft just had wonderful effects, didn't it?


Shirou roamed around the town it had been a few days since his incident he had been fighting against a magus with space-time magic... To the point where he had to use Unlimited Blade Works the issue was the guy had pierced Rho Aias right as he finished and in some distorted twist of magic that somehow didn't blow him up he had awoken in this town....

...Saber, Rin.

He had no way of contacting them the place was odd in so many ways like it was entirely different world he adjusted his red scarf some clutching a note in his hand... This seemed like the perfect track to get him back home... However, his journey to the first district was stopped as helped a girl retrieve a dalmatian that had somehow gotten up into a flowerbed hooked to one of the building's windows.

He smiled crouching and ruffling the girl's hair as she had thanked the nineteen-year-old profoundly for rescuing the dog. He had continued on stopping just to help with the most basic of things. His selfless nature had not gone unnoticed by some people in Traverse Town having a grown a small name as some sort of local hero and helper of the town.

He chuckled at the thought. "Just my duty as a Hero of Justice even if people don't know my name or remember me." He mumbled softly to himself. He continued his walk stuffing his hands into his pockets he could almost memorize the type of music that'd go over such a surreal town one of mystical beauty yet calming and jazz like... It had such a calm and homey feeling to it. 



Though I suppose that was good. The world its self-was a refugee camp of some sort for those who lost their worlds to 'darkness' or somehow ended up here through whatever means and it fit that purpose rather well.

He eventually reached the large gateway into the first district pushing it open as he walked inside awaiting to see what was on the other side.

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Of course his friends didn't succeed, precisely as Skylar had predicted.  The Keyblade wielder retreated to the gathering where Vaner introduced Bert, as well as providing the option on whether to continue in the Vanguard operation.


"Well, I'm already here, aren't I?  Might as well make myself useful," Skylar commented, immediately silencing himself as Vaner further explained his plan to send some Keyblade wielders off to Destiny Islands.  The blue-haired man wrinkled his nose.  Beaches weren't really his thing.  Sure, if he had the right girl and the right tan with all the leisure time in the world he might be more apt to going, but as it stood right now he'd been hoping for something a little different.


"I'll go to Destiny Islands," spoke up a female voice.  Standing in the parted crowd was Clarice, who'd recently descended from the rooftops after an interesting encounter with Deseo.  "You're right: they did speak of the world's near-death.  They are probably hanging by a thread right now, and it's our obligation to save it."


Noble words, Skylar thought to himself.  He knew that there would be plenty of volunteers and not everyone could go.  His ears did perk at the mention of The Lanes Between, and when he noticed his red-headed lady friend volunteered, well, he knew that destiny had chosen his course.  "And I'd like to volunteer my aid to The Lanes Between, Sir.  Yeah, I think I could do some good there."

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