KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted April 3, 2017 (edited) Chapter 19: Distancing I walked out of my corridor onto my driveway at my place still in my Elite form. I didn't want to go to the school. I merely wanted nothing to do with a Keyblade or anyone related to it. I walk up the driveway into the house through the garage. "Hello? Mom? Dad?" I called. I see mom walking into the kitchen from the dining room and hear dad coming down the stairs. "Oh Ben, you're home," mom said. She came up to me and gave me a hug and kiss. "I thought you would be at the academy." Dad walking through the kitchen as well. "Hi buddy," he said. "I'm surprised you're home. So what's up?" My sister was at school as it was about eleven in the morning. "Mom, dad, I need to tell you both something important," I said and we sat down at the dinner table. I explained everything that just happened between myself, my friends, and the Foretellers. My parents kept quiet the whole time and just listened. I explained to them how the Foretellers's predecessors kept a secret from my ancestor (which I explained how he is quickly) and they kept that secret from my friends and I too as well as everyone they met in the Magic Kingdom. I expressed to them my feelings of hurt and betrayal and tried to hold back my tears and keep myself together. Mom and dad nodded as they listened and when I finished, there was a bit of silence between us. Finally, dad spoke up breaking the lull. "So your relatives were tricked into believing they were fighting people who served darkness," dad said "and then the very people who came from the original group kept that from you guys until you learned it yourselves." "Yeah, that's exactly it," I said slightly choked up. "Mom, dad, I feel absolutely... I don't know..." I started losing it a little and mom came over to me and gave me a hug. "Alright, alright," she said gently and in her motherly way. Then she let go and sat back in her chair. "I don't know what to do now," I said. "I mean, if I am merely nothing more than a tool, then... I don't know." "Well, I think you should pray about it," mom said. "Ben, you are no tool. I know my boy and he is brave, strong, and light-filled. You need to make a decision here and whatever you choose to do, we will support you." I wiped away the tears, blew my nose, and got myself together. "You're right, you're right," I said. "I'll go someplace where I can pray about this. Thank you. Love you." I gave them hugs and kisses and then left the house and opened a corridor and left. I knew a perfect place I could go to: the church, and not just any. Coming out of the corridor, I found myself in the La Cite des Cloches in front of Notre Dame. I look around and see people go to and fro doing their business. I look up the cathedral and go inside. Walking through the doors, I take a few steps in and look to the pews and see faithful Catholics spread dotting the pews. It must be Eucharistic Adoration and some have come to the cathedral to pray. I walk up the center aisle to the third pew from the front on the right side, genuflect, step sideways, kneel onto a kneeler (there were no seats, just kneelers), make the Sign of the Cross, fold my hands and pray. I close my eyes and let my soul do the talking. I needed to be enlightened by God. I had no idea what to do. I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do and that is to destroy the darkness and save the light. Instead, I learn I am nothing more than a pawn to correct the mistakes, rather the crimes, of five people. I felt Polemistis himself in my heart feel heavy because he clearly is still feeling sorrow from the discovery. He thinks he was killing Keyblade wielders of darkness, but learns thousands of years later that he murdered his friends and the person he called master is part of the reason that millions of Keyblade wielders died miserable deaths. It tore him apart as it tears me apart that I am now just a means to clean up their mess and sweep any responsibility of their under the rug. I open my eyes and look up at the sanctuary and remain in prayer. Then, I feel a hand on my right shoulder, look up and see the archdeacon with a gentle smile on his face. He nodded when I saw him and I smiled and felt so glad to see him. I stood up and shook his hand and he embraced me. I step out into the aisle, genuflect making the Sign of the Cross, and then we quietly leave the pews to the other side of the cathedral walking slowly. "My son, it is good to see you here," he said to me. "Likewise father," I replied. "Can we talk alone? I would like confession." He nods and we walk to a door that leads to a space in which the priest resides. He closes the door and we sit down. "In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti," he said in Latin. "Bless me father for I have sinned. It has been six months since my last confession," I replied while making the Sign of the Cross. I then proceed to tell him first my sins and then proceed to tell him what I learned recently from the Foretellers. I told the Archdeacon everything that they told me and how I was merely used to fix the wrongs of theirs and to possibly cover up this scandal in the end. I kept my emotions in check as I told him everything and he in the meantime listened the whole time with an unchanging expression and nodding as he listened. After I finished, there was a pause and the archdeacon was nodding a bit before he spoke up. "My son, what they did was wrong," he said. "They have sinned against God terribly and it is between them and the Lord. You are right in feeling hurt and sorrow. They betrayed you and your trust as well as your relative's. I only suggest you to consider this: whether to forgive them or not. That is between you and the Lord as well as it is your soul that you should consider. You do not need to reconcile though as forgiving and reconciling are two very different things. If they are truly sorry for their sins and ask for your forgiveness, forgive them. It is up to you to decide whether or not to reconcile with them. You are not in sin if you decide not to reconcile with them." I nodded and listened to everything he said. "For your penance, go to the cemetery and pray for the departed," he said. "Maybe it will give some consolation. Now I ask you pray a good act of contrition." I prayed the Act of Contrition I knew from home. After I finished, the archdeacon gave me the Absolution. "Dominus noster Jesus Christus te absolvat;" he said in Latin "et ego auctoritate ipsius te absolvo ab omni vinculo excommunicationis et interdicti in quantum possum et tu indiges. Deinde, ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen." I made the Sign of the Cross as he spoke and blessed with the Sign of the Cross. I looked up and smiled at him. "Go in peace my son," he said. "Thank you father," I replied. I get up and he tells me one more thing. "This evening, I will be praying the night prayer with other priests," he said. "You are more than welcome to join. I believe God will be pleased with your sincere repentance and give you His mercy." "I will be more than happy to do that father," I replied. Then I bade him farewell until the evening and left the room. I walked toward the cathedral doors and exit the cathedral and go on my way to the cemetery. I pass the townsfolk and they wave or nod in greeting and I return the favor. I felt very comforted by this. I need to be around normal people even though they are part of a different world. One that came to be because of Keyblade wielders that lived on Earth. I made it to the bridge and found heartless all over the place. I sighed, summoned my Keyblade and just took all of them out without the use of magic. I didn't feel like using magic anyway. After they were gone, I went on my way through the outskirts and then I approached the gate and came upon the cemetery. The atmosphere around me was exactly like I saw in HD3D and no different than when I was last here. I made the Sign of the Cross and slowly walked forward through the cemetery looking at all the graves around me. I stop at one where it had a stone slab over it with an image of a person in front of a headstone and kneeled down and put the tips of my fingers on the edge of the slab and lightly touched the edge. I prayed over the person that is lying before me. "At least you did not die by the hands of someone else," I said somberly. I then got up and continued to pray for the rest of the dead lying in the cemetery. Then I went through the catacombs and came out in the Old Graveyard. I continued to pray for all the dearly departed that are laid to rest here stopping by a common grave and bending down to pray for them. I slowly walk through the graveyard and then finally managed to come to the end of the cemetery. I then turned around and went back the way I came walking back toward the catacombs, through the other cemetery, through the outskirts, and onto the bridge heading back toward the city of Paris. I make it to the town outskirts where people were going about their business, but not in as great of numbers, when someone called out to me from behind. "You there! Stop!" they ordered. I freeze and look behind me and freeze. I see a man in judge's attire. To be precise, the attire I have seen Judge Claude Frollo and his son Judge Jean Claude Frollo have worn. "Judge Frollo?" I say confused. "How can you be here?" I see the man walking toward me with some soldiers and guards next to him. There is something rather different about Judge Frollo. He looks like Claude Frollo, but there are noticeable differences. "I am the judge of Paris," he said. "After my brother and nephew died, I was called to take their places." I was trying to put the pieces together and then it came to me. "Wait a minute," I said. "You're Judge Jehan Frollo! Claude Frollo's brother!" Jehan Frollo was not there when Claude Frollo was killed and Jean Claude Frollo followed. I have heard of him, but he was never talked about in this world. "At your service," he responded. "Now then, I will be asking the questions. I learned of my brother's and nephew's deaths because of some gypsies. The vermin murdered my brother and nephew for doing God's Will. How I was angered at hearing such news. Now I look for the three of them that killed them both. Have you any idea whom I may be referring to and where they are?" I start getting warm and sweating bullets. I slowly move backwards while they move forward slowly. "N-n-no, I do not," I said. Jehan Frollo now had suspicion and curiosity on his face. "Hm, you know, you look like you are one of the three behind the death of my nephew," he said. I merely kept walking away slowly. "Arrest him!" he ordered. The guards ran up to seize me and I turned and high tailed it out of there. The guards were running after me on foot and two were on horseback. I ran as hard as possible trying to get back to the cathedral. Reaching the bridge, I saw the horseman had made it there before me. I was surrounding on both sides. I looked back and forth between the two sides and then I teleport using lightning. The soldiers covered themselves and then they see I am gone. "Hggrrrgh, I know where he is," Jehan Frollo said. I teleported to town and I looked around to see where the soldiers are. I then hear slight sounds coming from them and then I run to the cathedral I look behind and see the soldiers coming from a corner and they catch me and come after me. I run to the cathedral and manage to make it to the doors. I open them and slam them shut. "Sanctuary! Father I need sanctuary!" I shout. Luckily none of the parishioners were in the church. The archdeacon opened the door quickly and ran to me. "My son! What is it?!" he asked. "Why do you need sanctuary?" "Father, Jehan Frollo learned I am the third person that was there that time his nephew fell and died," I said with panic. "He is trying to arrest me and surely put me in prison and then..." I swallowed hard knowing that I will be burned at the stake. The archdeacon was awestruck with the statement. "Jehan... Frollo..." he said. "He is just as bad as his brother. Do not worry, I will protect you." The doors to the church swung open and the judge and his guards came in. "There, seize him and bring him to the Palace of Justice," he ordered. "You WILL NOT touch him!" the archdeacon shouted at them causing them to freeze. "I highly suggest you respect the sanctity of the church or you will be like your brother and nephew." The judge had anger on his face and gritted his teeth. "He will be arrested," the judge said. "Arrest him!" The guards were about to step forward, but then a man stepped in front of me. Phoebus! "I highly suggest you all respect the law of sanctuary," he said. "Or would you rather I have the king's army come in and arrest all of you?" The judge growled and then turned and left the church. Phoebus turned toward me and smiled. "Phoebus, thanks," I said. "Of course," he replied. "Unfortunately, you can't leave the cathedral now. I will try to have something done to keep Frollo from arresting you." I nodded in thanks and then he left the church. "I absolved you from any sin before the nephew was gone," the priest told me. "You are innocent. If he executes you, it will be murder on his part. I am afraid though you must stay here." I nodded and he went off into the church. I decided to walk up to the roof of the cathedral and there, I looked out to the view of Paris and decided to just think. "Hey there," I heard someone next to me say. I look and see and it's Quasimodo. "Is something wrong?" "Hi Quasimodo," I replied. "I have a lot on my mind. I have Jehan Frollo trying to get me and arrest me. I have to stay here." "Oh well, I'm sorry it is that way," Quasimodo replied. "He's after you and Esmerelda as well, but primarily me," I said. "I was there when Jean Claude Frollo fell from the cathedral just like your master. I did what the archdeacon said I should do as I was executing God's Judgment. Now Frollo wants his revenge." "Oh, well, I will help in any way I can," the hunchback said. I nodded in thanks and he turned and went back into the bell tower. He then rang the bells for the hour. That evening, I used my magic and covered myself in my black coat and put my hood up. The bells were rang again by Quasimodo and the archdeacon proceeded with two other priests wearing Franciscan habits with hoods up and I fell in line praying with them as seen in the film first singing the Confiteor (I confess in latin) with the organ just as it was sung in the film. There was some light coming down from the windows enough to light some of the church, but there was shadow along the side of the church. I felt at peace as I prayed with the priests and felt relieved. It felt right and necessary. The next day, I woke up from my sleep in Quasimodo's quarters in the bell tower and I went down into the nave and then went to pray at the sanctuary saying good morning to Jesus. After I did so, I saw Quasimodo come down from the stairs looking for me and I approached him and we talked a little. Just then, Esmerelda came rushing in all worried. "Quasimodo! Guys! Phoebus has been captured!" she said. "Frollo has captured him and wants Polemistis to come out and face him." I am stunned in silence, but I breath in and out. "Let's go then," I say and we rush out into town and see Phoebus imprisoned in a cage with Jehan Frollo and his men surrounding the cage. "Ah, there you are gypsy," Jehan said to me irking me since I am a Roman Catholic. "See him here? He will be executed tonight for treason. Unless you give yourself up to me." He was looking right at me. I sucked it up and stepped forward. "Let him go," I said putting my arms forward. The gypsy and hunchback protested, but the guards already let the captain go and put me in cuffs and led me to a prison. The rest of my allies already went back to the cathedral to get help from the archdeacon. Latter that day at sunset after I was tried and convicted of murdering a public official, I was led from the prison to the square. I looked at the guards next to me and they don't look back and their eyes were covered. Then, one of them looks at me and takes off his helmet. I gasp at the sight. "Polemistis, you have also been found guilty of mass murder," the dark Keyblade wielder said. "You have been sentenced to death for that crime as well. What a pity how the mighty have fallen." I couldn't resist their grip of me and I was led to the square and then bound to the stake in a setup like Esmerelda's in the film. I try to summon my Keyblade, but it won't work. I can't do magic either. "Oh the rope binding you prevents you from using your magic and Keyblade," the same Keyblade wielder said. "Now you get to lose not only your powers, but everything you love all because of your crimes." He then walked off the platform laughing. Jehan then walked up the steps to the platform and glared at me. "You stand now ready to face the fires of Hell," he said. "Gypsies like yourself are to be burned and your witchcraft is also reason why. Now I have my revenge against you and once you are gone, they will be next." I knew who he was talking about. I saw them in the grasp of the other soldiers. Then he puts the torch to the firewood and lights it all on fire. Meanwhile, I am powerless to do anything as the fire grows slowly yet noticeably and the smoke increases. I merely look up into the sky and shed a tear that here and now, I will die. "God, into your hands, I commend my spirit," I said with sorrow and some weeping. I begin coughing as the smoke has started to enter into my lungs as I am suffering smoke inhalation. Suddenly, I hear someone land on the platform and look at them. They break the chains and unbind me from the stake. I widen my eyes at seeing the person. "NOCTIS?!" I shout. "How are you-?!" "Hang on!" he said. I grabbed onto him and he warped us to the top of the cathedral where Quasimodo had the cauldron of copper. There we see Quasimodo and his stone friends with the very same cauldron. The hunchback must have used the distraction to slip from the guards grasp and climb up the cathedral. "Out of the way!" he shouted. We moved and he poured the molten liquid and it flowed onto the floor and then it poured into the streets of the square blocking anyone from entering the cathedral. "Noctis, why are you here?" I asked him inside the bell tower in the room where Quasi placed the gypsy in the film. "I heard what happened with the Foretellers," he said. "I also had a bad feeling you were in trouble so my heart led me here." "Thank you," I said. We then walk out into the open and we see Jehan there coming through the door from the nave with sword in hand and enraged. "I will not be stopped by that same trick," he growled. Noctis and I then turned and ran and he came after us. We made it back to the center of the roof and were standing next to each other near the railing. Jehan had his focus on me. "I will destroy you gypsy for your murder of my brother and nephew," he said. "I will also destroy your gypsy friend too." He then swung his sword and I summoned my Keyblade and blocked the strike. The judge fought both myself and the Lucian on the roof and clearly has better skills than his relatives. He got Noctis to stand on the railing and I am on the other side of Frollo. The judge then took his cape and covered Noct's head and swung it down causing Noct to fall just like his brother did to Quasimodo. Noct fell and caught grasp of a ledge of the cathedral and hung on to the cape and pulled the judge down as well who is hanging at the bottom. He holds onto a ledge knowing the Lucian would let go of him and then finds a way to climb back up. Meanwhile, I grab onto Noct's hand and hold on. Frollo manages to climb back up onto a gargoyle and swings again. I have to fight him with my left hand as I held onto Noct with my right. It was tough and Frollo put my blade into the wall or even the gargoyle he stood on. Soon, he disarmed me and I slid a bit as Noct was still struggling to grab something. Frollo laughed in a maniacal way and raised his sword above his head. "And He shall smite the wicked and send them into the fires of Hell!" he shouted. Just then, like in the film, the gargoyle begins to give way and the judge tripped up and ended up hanging on to the head of it. Putting my Keyblade into the gargoyle weakened it. The judge held on for dear life as he was about to fall. Then, the gargoyle roared making the judge scream and then it gave way causing the judge to fall into the fiery molten copper and thereby fulfilling what he blasphemed just like his brother and nephew. Noctis wasn't able to grab anything and I was already beginning to fall myself. If he threw his sword to warp, he would have caused me to slip and fall into the copper myself. Just then, I feel three people grab me and I look to see it's my allies. They all pull Noct and I up onto the roof. Down below, the dark Keyblade wielders are being killed by warriors of light and Frollo's soldiers are arrested. "Thank you," I said. "Of course, we couldn't let you guys die," Esmerelda said. The hunchback and captain agreed too. Then they turned and went into the church to speak to the priest leaving myself and the Lucian alone. I turn to him. "Thank you Noctis," I said and we bumped wrists. "Hey, I have some place I want to take you," he said. "I think you'll like it." "Thanks, but I don't know," I said unsure if I want to go to any other world. "I insist," he replied. "Besides, your friends will be there." A corridor then opens for us. "Where are we going?" I asked as we walked toward the corridor. "A place I have wanted you guys to see for a while," he said with a smile. I knew exactly where we were going now. Edited April 24, 2017 by KingdomHearts3 2 The Transcendent Key and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 13, 2017 Wow, what a heartfelt chapter! I can't even begin to imagine the pain Ben and his friends must be feeling! And OMG, yet another Frollo!? The Frollo family lineage is bad to the core! But yes, this was an awesome chapter! Can't wait to see what's next! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted April 17, 2017 (edited) Chapter 20: Kingdom of Lucis We walked through the corridor heading toward the place Noctis wanted to take me for a while. It was quiet between us in the beginning, but then I finally spoke up. "So... Noctis," I said "how long have you wanted to take us there?" "Well, for a while now," he replied. "It was when we were helping you fight the Dark Elite. After visiting your world, I immediately thought you guys should be shown my world." I nodded and then we step out into Noctis's world. "Welcome to Insomnia, the Crown City of Lucis," he said. I looked up and around and it's everything Final Fantasy XV had depicted. We were in the courtyard in front of the palace gates. I could tell we were just outside the palace. I could only look upward as I could not believe the majesty of the place. Majesty is the word to describe Insomnia for obvious reasons. We took a few steps forward and then stopped. Noctis merely looked at me with a slight smile on his face as he saw my awestruck gaze. "Noctis..." I was able to say. I didn't know what to say. I was literally speechless. "Nice to see someone surprised," he said. "Let's go. The rest of you are with Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto." I looked at Noct and nodded and we walked forward walking into the palace entrance. There gathered around are Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio talking with my friends. They all turn their attention towards us. "Greetings Master," Ignis said bowing. I realized that he was referring to me since I am a Keyblade master. "Hi guys," I said to everyone and then turn my attention toward my friends. "So when did you guys get here?" I asked them. "Well we actually all went home and told our families what the Foretellers told us," Adrian replied. "I merely decided to head to Twilight Town and sat up on the clock tower and was alone for a while. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Gladiolus there and well, here I am." "I actually went to the Keyblade Graveyard," Jack said. "I decided that on our behalf, it would be the right thing to do to... apologize... for the errors of our predecessors. I merely bent down at different Keyblades and just apologized or merely kept quiet. I look behind me and see Prompto all skittish." "I wasn't skittish! I was... a little nervous. That's all," Prompto said in protest. "Oh come on, you were scared stiff," Gladio replied. "Anyway, Prompto invited me to follow him and here I am," Jack finished. "I went to Destiny Islands," Shane said. "Sora and company didn't know I was there. In fact, I didn't want them to know. I wanted alone time. I just stood at the shore and just looked out in thought. I wanted to try and clear things up in my head. I saw Ignis walk up next to me and before I knew it, I am standing here talking to you." "And speaking of being here," Ignis interjected. "I think it would be proper if we showed you around the city. What say you Noct?" "Sounds good specs," Noct replied. He then put an arm around my shoulders. "I'll show Polemistis here around. Why don't you guys split up like you were before?" "I'm all for that," Prompto replied. "Same here," Gladio followed. "Shall we give the tour then?" Ignis asked. We all nodded and split up the way we did before. While Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto showed my friends the city, Noctis showed me around the palace. It was quiet amazing with all the hallways and rooms. The place was absolutely huge. I don't think any castle on Earth could match the size of the royal palace. Not even Versailles could hold a candle to this. It really is like a city within a castle. The architecture and artwork is exactly as depicted in Final Fantasy XV. It looked almost completely realistic in the game, but seeing it in real life gives it a whole new meaning. We passed by butlers, maids, and servants throughout the palace. They bowed to Noctis and greeted me as well using the same royal greeting. It made me wonder why because I am no citizen nor am royalty. Sure I am one of the Supreme Elite, but that's merely a title given to my ancestors thousands of years ago by... the very same people they killed. I almost got choked up thinking about this, but I had to forget it came to mind or I'd embarrass myself. Noctis pointed out the different places within the castle and the different rooms. He told me so much that it's hard to remember it all. He told me all about the different rooms in the castle and of the different inhabitants and what they must do. He talked all about the Kingsglaive, the guard that he directly commands. They protect the king and the city of Insomnia. When the king falls, their powers fail and cannot fight the way they are supposed to as they failed to protect the life of the monarch and of the city they are sworn to defend. He then talked about the King's Shield and their job as the personal bodyguards to the royal family. It was all so fascinating even though I already knew about it. Noctis telling the stories made it more interesting. Finally, we walk through a pair of very large doors and enter the throne room. It was all exactly as I have seen. "Wow..." I said awestruck. "Yup," Noctis replied. "I figured you'd get a kick out of this." We both walked into the center of the room and then stopped as I looked up and around. Then I turn my gaze toward above the throne and saw the crystal, the heart of the world. "That's the crystal, the heart of Eos," I said. "Yessir, that's what keeps this world alive," Noct replied. "My job is to make sure it stays safe." I look at Noctis and see him walking toward the right staircase and went up the stairs. He then reaches the throne, steps in front, and then sits on the throne somewhat in the same position like in the Final Fantasy Versus XIII poster of him except his legs were not crossed. I then remembered a very important detail. "Oh, so then, you're really King Noctis Lucis Caelum..." I said. He just nodded. I then give the Keyblade warrior's salute, go on one knee, and bow. "Stop the formalities," he said waving his hand in a brushing motion. "You know me when it comes to that formal stuff. Besides, it should be the other way around. I may be the king, but you have more king in you than me." I then stood back up "Noct, you know fully well that's bull crap," I said. "You were the True King and still are. I think you are where you should be." "My husband doesn't like when people have manners towards him," a female voice said. It was coming from behind me so I turned and I gasp as I see walking in Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, the queen of Lucis and oracle. "Luna! Er, uh... Queen Lunafreya!" I said correcting myself. I bowed to her the same way I bowed to Noctis. She bowed her head and we both rose. Her features were gentle and her smile was gentle. Everything about her was gentle like a ballerina and yet she was strong and tough. "My husband doesn't like when people show manners," she teased. "That's not true! I just... don't like all the formalities. It makes me all antsy," he protested. I merely chuckled some as did Luna. "It's a pleasure to meet you Master Polemistis," she said. I nodded, grabbed her hand, and kissed the top of it. With someone like Luna, you BETTER be a gentlemen or you'll turn her off. At least, that's how I viewed it. "Noctis? I was wondering, why was I given a royal greeting by the servants?" I asked. "Well, you are royalty now," he replied. "In fact, all of you guys are." "But I'm from Earth," I said. "I'm a natural-born American citizen like the rest of us Elite and I have no Lucian blood running in my veins." "Clearly, you've forgotten what I, King Noctis Lucis Caelum XIV, can do," he said. He then sat upright in the throne. "Remember when I went to Earth and saw your leader? I met the President of the United States, remember? I actually talked about making you guys royalty of the Lucian line. Well, I learned in your Constitution that something like that is illegal. Luna also warned me against doing that saying the astrals may not take to it kindly. However, the president did allow me to make you guys citizens of Lucis while keeping your United States citizenship. Even though I can't make you guys part of the Lucian line, you are still the Supreme Elite and so I told everyone to greet you like you all are part of the line of kings." I was just stunned at hearing all of this. Noctis wanted to make my friends and I part of the Lucian line of kings. He wanted to make us part of the Lucis Caelum lineage and make us heirs to the crown! Just that intention alone blew me away. Sure it's illegal under the U.S Constitution, but Noct still made us Lucian citizens. "Noct... I... I don't know what to say..." I said stunned. "I mean, after seeing you with that cat before purging the scourge, I knew you had a soft side, but then to hear you do this..." "Noctis can be very thoughtful," Luna told me. "He was actually more thoughtful toward you four than me." "No! I mean... I'm thoughtful toward you," Noct said defensively. She chuckled and went up to the throne to sit with him. "Noct, I can't thank you enough for the thoughts," I said. "Ah, it's nothing," he replied. "Your president in those negotiations was tough, but he was a nice guy. Mickey was there too and I like him; he's a cool guy. Well now that you're all official Lucians, you guys need to dress like us." I looked at my clothes. "What? What's wrong with these?" I asked. "They aren't from here and you'll stick out like a sore thumb," he replied. "I have some clothes for you. I think they'll fit you okay." Servants came up, bowed to the king and queen, and then led me off to change into my Lucian outfit. I guess now that my friends and I are official Lucians, now we need to dress like them. I guess we are now becoming Lucians. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Foretellers went to Twilight Town to the clock tower and sat up there. The fallout from revealing the truth was not pretty. Yen Sid asked them about the truth and they opened up. He too looked distress at learning the truth. Although he was forgiving, he told them that they need to go to a place in solitude and reflect on what they did and their decision to keep quiet the truth. They decided here at the clock tower. The Keyblade Graveyard would only fuel their guilt and no other world had a true quiet place to think. The only thing the five of them heard from the tower was the small breeze. All of them sat looking into space somberly. They felt awful at what transpired. "I feel just awful," Ava said. "Were we right in keeping it quiet?" Invi asked. "We weren't right at all," Ira replied. "We were wrong not telling them the truth. It only turned out that we were keeping it from more than just them." "Now that everyone knows, they lost trust in us," Aced followed up. "I don't think so," Gula said. "You know, I remember learning that my ancestor prayed that Polemistis could one day forgive him and the rest of our ancestors. They didn't tell the first Supreme Elite the truth and instructed the successors to not tell the truth either. Only those that succeeded them could know. I guess the chicken flew the coop in the end." "Perhaps we give them time to think," Ira suggested. "Maybe in time, they will come to forgive us. As for reconciling... I am not sure if they will reconcile with us." "I hope they will," Ava said. They all got up, left the clock tower, and decided to walk around town. There was no one walking through the commons so it was quiet. Just then, a voice spoke up; a very... familiar voice. All the Foretellers freeze looking around for where the voice is coming from. "Oh how the Foretellers betrayed the Supreme Elite!" the voice mockingly said. "How could they cover up such a scandal?!" "They are just like their forebearers," a second familiar voice. "They cover up their misdeeds and their crimes." "What are they to do now that no one trusts them?" a third familiar voice asked. "Well, why don't we just ask them?" a fourth familiar voice said. The Foretellers then turn, look up onto the roof of a building and lo and behold, there standing on top is the Dark Elite. Dark auras cover them all as they stand with their arms crossed and maniacal grins on their deathly pale faces. "The Dark Elite?" Aced said. "But... how can this be?" "How are you here?!" Invi demanded. "Why we are just here doing our duty," Polemos replied. "Seeing the truth come out is most comical and wonderful. Now the plans he has can go forward." "Plans? Who are you in league with?" Ava asked them. The Dark Elite merely chuckled and disappeared into dark corridors. The Foretellers did not understand how the Dark Elite are here. All they understand is this is not a good sign. If the Dark Elite are here in the Realm of Light, who else could be here too? More importantly, who are they working with? Edited April 24, 2017 by KingdomHearts3 2 KHLegendIII and The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 17, 2017 Yowza, the Dark Elite are back! This is bad! I'm sure the Foretellers are gonna be all worried now! Wow, and it was so nice of Noctis to make Ben and friends citizens of Lucis and have them be treated like royalty, that's badass! Also, congrats for over 1000 views on your story, man! Keep up the great work! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted April 22, 2017 (edited) Chapter 21: Becoming a Lucian I was taken to Noct's room and there, I was placed in the middle of the room. Meanwhile, the maids and butler grabbed clothes and helped me undress from what I am wearing now. As I have one piece taken off, it's replaced with a Lucian version of it. I realized about half way through my dressing, I was putting on one of Noct's old outfits. I have my small jacket with a train that goes down to the half way point of my calves and t-shirt taken off and then I had a black t-shirt put on and then a black jacket with a collar put on and zipped up completely. My fingerless gloves were taken off and then black gloves placed on. I then had my shoes taken off and then my hakama pants after and then had black pants put on and then black boots. I seemed to have had everything put on and so the butler and maids take me in front of a mirror and looking at my reflection, I see me dressed in Noctis's Final Fantasy Versus 13 outfit. I guess the outfit I remember Noctis wearing in Versus 13 was one of multiple ones and it seems he decided not to wear this a while ago. I just took it all in as the maids and butler stood by. "Is it okay Master Polemistis?" the maid asked. "It's perfect," I replied still looking at my reflection. I then turn to face them. "Then I believe we shall go before his majesty and show him," she replied. I nodded and then we walk out of his room and walk back to the throne room doors. The maid told me to wait just before the doors for a second and so the doors opened wide and she walked in. Noctis and Luna were sitting together at the throne still. "Your majesty," the maid said. "I present to you the new citizen of Lucis, Master Polemistis of the Supreme Elite." She then stepped aside and I figured that was my cue so I take a small breath in and walk through the doors and stand in the middle of the throne room. "Your majesty," I said bowing and then standing upright. "Wow, you look better than I do in those," Noctis complimented. "I came across these after you guys fought the Dark Elite and figured that they were best worn on someone else. I then realized the outfit would be best suited for you since I never wore it. Now, you're a real Lucian. He then got up from the throne along with Luna and they walked down the stairs on opposite sides and walked toward me. He then held out his hand and smiled slightly. I smiled slightly as well and shook his hand. Luna gave me a nod which I returned. "Hey, so why don't you and I walk and talk some?" the king suggested. "I think now that you are one of us, you learn what it's like to be a Lucian." "I think that's a great idea," I replied. We bade Luna farewell until later and she went off to do her thing. Meanwhile, Noctis and I walked throughout the castle and parts we did not get to. This was a perfect time for asking Noct some questions and important ones at that. "So Noct, I am curious about the Lucis Caelum line," I said. "Mind telling me about it?" "Oh yeah! I never told you about the royal line," he said. I already had a general idea about the line of Lucian kings and queens and the Ring of the Lucii that all of them had to wear before it was destroyed. Noctis though told me about stories that I never knew about the royal line in regards to specific monarchs. He didn't know their names, but knew their stories. He even explained to me the Lucis these ancestors of his knew hundreds of years ago in what I consider the Middle Ages in Earth's timeline. He explained the Royal Arms and the use for each one of them and their separate short stories including his father's sword. Noctis even briefly talked about his grandfather, Mors Lucis Caelum. He explained all of this to me as we walked throughout the castle and actually went to his room. Arriving there, we were silent for a bit. Now, I had my chance to ask him an important question. "Noctis," I said. He turned to look at me. "I know what you and your friends did to save Insomnia, Lucis, and all of Eos. I know you are the True King and I know that you gave up your life to fulfill your purpose. I know everything that happened. There is one thing I don't know and want you to explain: how are you and Luna here? Why did Jack, or Aiton rather, find you as one of Hades's pawns?" Noctis looked down and off to the side. He then turned toward the windows and took a few steps toward them. He then answered me without turning around. "After I gave up my life, I found myself in the afterlife with Luna," he explained. "We were together at last for all eternity and couldn't be happier. Time didn't seem existent when we were together. We sat in that very same throne room we were just in with the crystal in the afterlife, just the two of us. Then, the doors open and we see a figure with gray skin, orange eyes, and blue fire for hair and wearing a black tunic with a skull on it walk in. He told us that Lucis and Eos are in danger as a darkness that is worse than the Starscourge is approaching and told us he could have us return to Lucis, turn the clock back on all of our ages, and restore Ignis's sight. However, there was a catch. I had to go with him and Luna returns to Insomnia. He also conditioned that I had to accept darkness into my heart and do what he said. I accepted the terms and I went with him to the Underworld while Luna returned to Insomnia. The rest is history as Aiton saved me and I learned that I was merely a tool that would never get my freedom." He then turned around and faced me. "So that's it," he finished. "That's why we're here. That's why Ignis has his sight and why we all look like ourselves when it all started." "Wow," I said. "So Hades wanted to use the situation in Lucis and in the Realm of Light to get you to fall in line with his plans. He has been trying to lead a coalition to taking over the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World and you accepting the darkness will allow him to send you there and take over the kingdom. Heh, what goes around, comes around eh? I haven't forgotten the time you told me about your training with Gladio years ago. You said your father gave you a role model when you were struggling and frustrated." "Oh yeah," he said. "Here, take a look." He then brought me over and showed me an engraving from the times from the early days of Lucis's founding. To put it in Earth's timeline, this looked like it came from the ancient days of the Roman Empire. It had a picture of a boy that looked like me and had a sword that looked like my Keyblade. "Hey, is this the thing you said your father showed you?" I asked. "Yeah, this is you, or rather, your predecessor," Noct replied. "My father told me that before Lucis came to be, there was an ancient kingdom named Solheim. Dad told me that towards the end of Solheim's days, people learned and told the story of a warrior of light that held a sword shaped like a key. The warrior was described in detail and someone decided to create an image what he looked like. Dad told me the story went on to say that one day, that warrior will go on to purge a darkness deeper than the scourge that plagues our star and save all of the light." I looked at the image of me for a bit. "Hmph, it is just a fairy tale," I said. "I don't think I will be that guy. Besides, I don't do anything alone. I have my friends standing with me and my family to support me. The four of us are brothers and we have each other." I heard Noctis chuckle a bit "Heh, you sound kind of like us," he said with a smile. "So dad told me that I should take on after this warrior and use him as a role model. I eventually learned his name and then realized who he was. That's when I heard of the Supreme Elite and who they are. You guys are pretty cool." I just smiled and nodded. "Thanks Noctis," I said and we bumped wrists. We then went down and met up with my friends and Noct's friends in a dining hall. I jumped at seeing them for they were wearing Lucian clothes similar to mine. "I see you guys were also given the memo," I said. "With that, nice outfits." "Same with you," Shane replied. "You look good in that." I nodded. "I like these clothes," Jack said. "Thanks for all the hospitality." "But of course," Ignis said. "It is our pleasure." "Got to make you walk and talk like us," Gladio said. "Yeah, and those clothes on you look awesome," Prompto followed. "Well, you guys think we should go back home?" I asked my friends. "Hey, stay a while," Noctis persuaded. "Master, I agree with his majesty," Ignis said. "You have had a rough few days with the Foretellers telling you the truth and you were nearly burned at the stake recently by a corrupt judge." "Iggy's right," Prompto followed. "You guys have been through a lot. Stay a while with us." "Wouldn't be fun seeing you guys just hitch outta here after moving around," Gladio said. The four of us looked at each other and nodded. "Alright, we'll stay for a little longer," Adrian said. "Whoo hoo! Sleepover!" Prompto cheered. Gladio just rolled his eyes and Ignis sighed and shook his head. Us Elite just chuckled. We had our dinner in the grand dining hall and were served some of the best food Lucis had to offer. There was still sunlight, but it was starting to set. After being shown our own rooms for the night, we went off and each did our own thing. I decided to walk around the city of Insomnia. I exited the citadel and went through the streets of the Crown City just to look around. People walked to and fro going about their own business. I merely looked around and watched as life in the Crown City. People were dressed in fashion that is similar to back home on Earth. The people acted not much different than people back in my world although a bit kinder. It was like I was in my own world except I am not. As I walked, some people waved at me and others called me out saying hello. I returned the greetings with a smile on my face. It was nice and it was amazing. I then decided to find a very specific place. I went back to the citadel and I looked around and finally found the Crownsguard room where they train. I just looked around a bit strolling slowly. "I see you found the Crownsguard room," a voice from behind me said. I look behind me and it's Noctis again. "Yeah, I wanted to see where this was," I replied. "This was where I trained under Gladio for so long," Noctis said. "It was tough and I couldn't get it and gave up a few times. He still kept on helping me and, well, got me to where I am now." "I believe it is a little surprising the Keyblade did not choose you to be honest," I said to him. "Nah, as someone who is the True King, I definitely won't be a Keyblade wielder," Noct replied. "Well, I did make you a Lucian. Now, you have to fight like one." I stood facing him completely as he was standing on the opposite side of the room. He summoned his Sword of the Father and took stance. "C'mon, summon your Keyblade," he said. I summoned Ultimate Apocalypse and took stance as well. "Show me what you got!" Noct said. He used Warp Strike and I used Blitz Raid and we clashed. We push off separating ourselves and then go at it again. Seeing as how we don't have all the space in the world in this room, we have to be careful not to get carried away. Noctis was tough all the way around. He was exactly as I remembered him last time. We fought a while back when I was doubting my abilities. He did not like me doubting myself and fought me to prove to him that I don't doubt myself. Now I had to prove I can fight like a Lucian. We fought hand on hand only. Any magic we used for for warping and teleporting. We used it often when fighting each other. Sometimes, we would warp and teleport (he warps, I teleport) and fight like what Noctis did when fighting Ardyn. Soon, we got into a stalemate when I parry and back kick Noctis send him sliding backwards. He bent over and panted some. "Man, you're good," he said. "I think you've proven you can fight like a Lucian." I stood up completely from my stance and unsummoned my Keyblade. Noctis manages to stand up, unsummon his sword and we walk toward each other in the center of the room and grab hands. "Good match," he said. "Same with you," I replied. It was a fine day. Even though I wanted to go home, I am glad we are staying for the night. It was time well spent as now us Supreme Elite have become Lucians. Edited April 22, 2017 by KingdomHearts3 2 KHLegendIII and The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 23, 2017 Whoa, what an awesome chapter! I really loved it, and good God, that bit of backstory about Noctis and Hades coming to them to offer them another chance at life was surprising! But, as Hades is always someone who plays dirty, it was logical that he wouldn't keep his end of the bargain! Wow! And also, the Supreme Elite as Lucians are pretty awesome! And I loved the story of Solheim as well! Great work, as always, man! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted April 29, 2017 Chapter 22: Rage Awakened I woke up the next day to a bright day. It was possibly around nine o'clock in the morning. I get up, clean myself up, put my Lucian clothes on (the servants were good in cleaning them last night and returning them), and went out of my room. I look to see the king and queen, but unsurprisingly, Noctis is still asleep with Luna not there anymore. I see the sheets all folded where she was. I merely rolled my eyes at seeing him still asleep and went off downstairs. I walk into the dining hall and see Luna eating breakfast all alone with a butler by her side. She noticed me and looked up and smiled. "Good morning Master Polemistis," she greeted me. "Please, call me Ben," I replied. "Good morning your majesty." She had a look of confusion. "Ben? I beg your pardon, but I thought your name is Polemistis," she inquired. "Well, you see, I really have two identities," I said and then I went on to explain my ancestor and what he did to remain alive for thousands of years. I then explained my story and how I came across the Keyblade and where. I also explained my friends too and their first names too. Lunafreya had fascination and intrigue on her face as I told the story. Meanwhile, I had my breakfast given to me. It was of eggs and toast with butter with bacon. Luna and I talked about multiple things. She asked me about the Keyblade because she knew only a little bit about it. I asked her about her duties as oracle and about her family and she explained how the position of oracle came to be. It was a good conversation with her. My friends came in as Luna and I were talking. "Morning your majesty," Shane said. All of them bowed at the same time. "Good morning, Adrian, Shane, and Jack," she said nodding acknowledging them. They walked to their chairs and sat down and their plates with their breakfast was handed to them. Luna began talking to them about the same stuff she discussed with me and they explained summing up what I told her. She then changed topic. "Goodness, is my husband still in bed?" she asked. "Yup, he still is," I responded. I then hear footsteps and in comes Gladiolus, Ignis, and Prompto. "Morning your majesty, masters," Ignis said. "'Sup guys?" Prompto said. "Is his majesty still getting his beauty sleep?" Gladio asked. "Yeah, yeah," I replied. I then snapped my fingers and then had an idea. "I just had a great idea. He needs to be woken up right?" "Oh yeah, I see where you're going," Gladio said. "Um... I am not sure if this is exactly a good idea," Ignis said. "What?" Prompto asked. Gladio just looked at him. "Ooooohh... yeah let's do it!" The Lucians and I went to Noct's room quietly and we slowly and quietly crept in. He was still asleep. We all quietly grabbed the corners of the bed and got into position. "NOCTIS! WAKE UP!" we all screamed and then pulled up sending Noctis into the air. He was screaming and flailing while in the air. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" he shouted. "C'mon sleeping beauty, time to seize the day," Gladio said. "I believe his majesty has royal affairs to tend to," Ignis said. "And her majesty is waiting in the dining hall for you." "Yeah! Can't keep everyone waiting you know," Prompto followed. Noct sighed. "Alright, alright," he said. "I'm up now. By the way, who is the wise guy that came up with scaring the hell out of me?" I merely smiled and laughed. Noct looked at me and just smirked and shook his head. He then went off to get dressed and get ready for the day. I decided to step outside of the citadel for a bit and just take the day in. I walk down floor after floor and then out of the doors and onto the steps. I walk down some and stop and just breath it all in and look around. "Hey Ben," I hear someone in front of me say. I look down the steps and my mouth opens in shock as I see Sora walking up the steps wearing not his KH3 clothes, but Lucian clothing. I could tell what he is wearing is based on Noctis's outfit. "Sora?" I said. "How are you here? Why are you here?" "I had a feeling that you were not entirely okay so I came here," Sora said. "I'm your friend and I don't leave friends behind." I smiled and gave Sora a hug. "Thanks bud," I said. I let go and then look behind me to see Noctis walking down the steps. He wasn't wearing his royal robes, but was wearing his regular clothing. "Sora? I'm surprised you're here," Noct said. Sora waved at the king. "Hi Noct!" he said gleefully. "I figured I might as well stop by and say hello to you guys. Ben was also on my mind as well and I figured I might as well see how he is." "Meanwhile, you fools set up a trap for all of you!" a voice said. We look down the steps and see a mixture of dark Keyblade wielders with keys in hand and Lucians with nasty looking swords in hand. They were standing at the base of the stairs. There were about thirteen of them with some wearing dark armor and some wearing only dark clothes. "Who are you?!" Sora shouted. "Us? We're merely here just executed justice for a certain someone here," a Keyblade wielder said and then he looked at me. Immediately, rage and other negative emotions started running through me. A woman in armor then stepped in front of us. "I don't think you boys should be fighting guys like these," she said. It was Aranea. "Aranea?" I said. She turned and looked at me. "Hey handsome, are these guys bullying you?" she asked. "Heh, they are making my blood boil," I replied. "In order to take care of business, it needs to be just you all and us," a Lucian said. Then, like in the Kingdom Hearts series, a barrier surrounded us and blocked off the doors. "Noct!" Ignis called. When they tried to run to us, they hit the barrier and were pushed back. "What the hell?" Gladio exclaimed. "It's some sort of barrier," Prompto said. Luna was with them. "Be careful Noctis!" she called to him. "Got it!" he responded. Sora and I summoned our Keyblades and Noctis summoned his armiger with all thirteen weapons floating and rotating around him. Aranea got into stance with her sword in hand and the three of us stood next to her. All the dark Keyblade wielders and Lucians lined up in a row next to each other and both sides charged. I ended up taking on three people composing of two Keyblade wielders and a Lucian, Aranea faced two Lucians and a Keyblade wielder, Sora faced three Keyblade wielders, and Noctis faced three Lucians and a Keyblade wielder. He had to use his armiger to fight all three of them at the same time. The rest of us fighting one-on-three have to fight to the death to stay alive because Lucians are tough fighters and aligning with Keyblade wielders only makes it tougher. In my case, I didn't care. My rage and anger at the mere reminder of what I have learned came back into mind and I fought with sheer aggressiveness putting them all on their heals. I used my magic and hand-on-hand combat all at the same time mixing it up going back and forth. I fight one with my Keyblade and then hit the other with magic. They don't know what to expect as I keep it unpredictable. Then in one motion, I spin and slash through all of their abdomens putting my blade halfway into their bodies. They all freeze and then fall to the ground dead. I head over to Sora's side and help finish off his enemies. Noctis and Aranea partner up and finish off their enemies as well. All the enemies disintegrate into dark energy and their heart float up to Kingdom Hearts. We are all breathing for breath as the barrier comes down and Noct's friends, his wife, and my friends all come running toward us from the citadel. "You guys okay?" Jack asked us all. "Yeah, no problem," Sora replied. "How about you Ben?" I said nothing as I was still calming down. They all noticed. "Ben? You okay?" Gladio asked. I still said nothing for a moment and then replied. "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied. "You sure?" Sora asked. "I said I am fine!" I snapped. Everyone grew silent. I sighed. "I'm sorry," I said. "What they said before, it just brought back the bad memories on what the Foretellers told us." "We felt bad too because we felt used too," Sora said. "We were just as part of it as you were so we know how you feel." I smirked. "Maybe not because my ancestor learned he murdered people he called friends because of their deceit," I replied. "He may not understand that, but at least give him credit where it's due," Noctis said. I nodded and we all turned to go back inside the citedel, but then we hear some strange sound like a creature roaring. I look behind and I see a maralith, the very same creature Noctis and company fought in Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV. It looked exactly like the creature in Brotherhood. We all gasped at seeing the thing. "A daemon?" Noct said. "How the hell is it here?" Aranea asked. "I don't know, but I can tell it's after us," I said. The creature shrieked and hissed as it slithered up closer to us and bared its swords. All of us, the Lucians and us Elite, summoned out weapons and surrounded the daemon. It shrieked again and then started attacking starting with me. It was fast and I had to fight just as fast especially since it had six swords. It lunged toward me and I merely teleported behind it just above head level and threw my Keyblade at its head hitting it. It jolted and then screeched again. Soon, it started going after Noctis and then everyone started attacking everyone. When it got overwhelmed by attacks, it spun around creating a swirl with its tail and hitting all of us just so it can create room for itself and then attack again. It lunged toward Luna and was about to kill her when Noctis and Gladio sliced off two arms. It stopped what it was doing and was screeching again in pain. Aranea struck it across the middle of its back and Adrian struck it across its back making it scream. My friends then jumped and sliced off the last arms making it reel in pain like in the anime. I then stepped in front of it and then stabbed it right in the middle of the body just above where the abdomen turns into snake tail. It screamed in pain and there my anger flared. I then grit my teeth and then twist my Keyblade ninety degrees counterclockwise where the creature was screaming more. I then turn it one hundred eighty degrees the other way where now it is sounding somewhat like it is crying in bursts. "Ben! Stop! It's done now!" Adrian called out to me. "It's finished! End it now!" Ignis shouted too. "Stop Ben! Can't you tell it's had enough?!" Sora pleaded. I did not listen. My rage was my only thing I paid attention to. I turned my Keyblade ninety degrees to its initial position and pulled it out and then I jump up and behead the thing silencing it forever. I was gasping for breath looking at the beheading remains. Sora slowly walked towards me trying to see if I am okay. I then grit my teeth again and scream to the heavens while creating a humongous column of fire that consumed the daemon and burn it while turning it back into darkness. After the fire dissipates, I turn around to see Sora walking toward me. I immediately lose it there and embrace him tightly as I wept heavily. All that the Foretellers told us, all the harm we have done, all of the people we have hurt in the process, all the betrayal we have endured, all of the people we have lost... I mean, I just lost it there sobbing. "S-s-s-sora, why?" I managed to say while sobbing. Sora kept quiet and just embraced me. "It's alright, it's okay," he said softly. I continued to weep bitterly until I finally pulled myself together, wiped away my tears and cleared my throat. I then walked up to the group. "I think it's time we go home," I said to my friends. "That's a good idea," Shane said. We bade the Lucians farewell and then went in a corridor to go back home. 2 The Transcendent Key and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted May 4, 2017 Gahhh, the tension! The betrayal! The sheer madness of it all! Brilliantly done, and the choice of words for the chapter title was a stroke of genius! Wow, when Ben gets mad, he really gets mad! This was awesome stuff! Can't wait for more! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sarrin 100 Posted May 4, 2017 I agree with TranscendentKey, this was masterfully done 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted May 10, 2017 Chapter 23: A Time for Understanding When we left Lucis, Sora left at the same time as well. The four of us walked through our corridor in silence. I had much to think about. Truly, I had not fully recovered from what the Foretellers told me. I was betrayed by my very own master. My ancestor called Gula a friend. He trusted him and now, millennia later, he learns that he was set up and not a warrior, but a murderer. Polemistis murdered people he once called friends. It is the same with the rest of them; they were also betrayed by their own masters. They called their masters friends. To make this all worse, the Foretellers kept this all quiet and hoped we would fix the mess they made without knowing so their treachery would be covered up and never brought to light. It made me question my role in the Keyblade War and then fighting the Dark Elite. Was I really the bad guy after all? Am I the one in the wrong? Am I really the one bringing about the chaos and ruin? Are my brothers doing the same as well? Am I really no different than Polemos? All these questions were rushing through my head and making me feel anger and stress. I still kept quiet until we got back to our world. We walk out onto the courtyard in the rear of the academy. It was later in the day as it was around four in the afternoon. We stood in silence in the courtyard. "Well... what do we do now?" Jack asked. "I think we all need to just live our lives for now," Adrian suggested. The rest of us nodded in silence and then went home to our own homes with our own families. The next day, we came to the school and started the class sessions as usual. We went through the normal routine as per usual. However, I had a rough time keeping concentration here and there and it affected my teaching. By the end of the day after we finished all the class sessions, everyone had their time to socialize and practice and such. I decided to sit at the edge of the courtyard pavement facing the valley before me and just think. I was looking into space subconsciously hearing the conversations behind me. I could not sit in one of the thrones in the throne room as I am now. I hear the conversation dying a little bit as people went inside into the throne room and in half an hour, it was quiet. It felt like a mere few minutes though. I didn't keep track of time at all since I have too much on my mind. Then, I hear someone approach me on my left side. "Master Polemistis?" a male voice said. I look left and up and see Wyatt there. "Oh Wyatt," I said. "You dyed the top of your hair. It looks nice and fitting for you." He has hair spiked up in front and on top of his head and before it all dark brown, but now the bangs and top are dyed blond at the tips. He smiled and nodded at the compliment. "Thanks. I figured it would fit a Keyblade wielder's style," he said. I half smiled and then looked back down into space with a frown again. "Is something wrong?" Wyatt asked. He then sat down next to me on my left. I paused and then spoke. "It's nothing. Just a lot going on," I replied. "You can tell me," Wyatt insisted. "Okay, but you have to keep this between us. Do you promise?" I said. He did the Keyblade warrior's salute in reply showing his loyalty and oath. I nodded and then began. "You guys and girls might have been wondering why we have been gone for so long," I explained. "Well, we had to fight dark Keyblade wielders that were causing trouble again. While beating them back, we have been constantly accused of murder. Going to our masters, the Foretellers, we asked them what the meaning of these accusations is and if they are correct." I swallowed hard. "They said that it is true. their ancestors were looking for a traitor and quarreled with each other. Their tension erupted into the war. They told my ancestors that they will be fighting dark Keyblade wielders hiding the truth from them." "And... what was the truth?" Wyatt asked. "The truth was the people my ancestors fought were the people they called friends," I replied with a lump in my throat. "The people that gave them the title Supreme Elite, some may have been killed because of them. The people that were saved from darkness by my ancestors were killed by them. All of this before our ancestors fell to fate and came to Earth to sleep until we awoke them." "So why are you angry at the Foretellers now?" Wyatt asked. "They had the secret passed down to them," I replied. "Though there were successors to the Foretellers, the successors became the descendants by blood of the original Foretellers. The secret of the deceit of their ancestors was passed down to them and they kept it quiet hoping all of this would pass and we Supreme Elite fix it all and so the scandal could be covered up and swept under the rug. They used not just us, but the seven lights, the Lucians, Yen Sid, and any who helped us to cover up their ancient scandal." "Oh..." Wyatt said nodding looking down into space. "Now I am questioning myself," I said. Wyatt snapped his gaze toward me. "What?" he said. "I am wondering Wyatt so many things about myself," I said. "Am I really the bad guy in all of this? My duty is to protect the light from the darkness, but am I really just promoting and protecting a dark secret? Was I on the right side in the Keyblade War fought a couple years ago? Are Shane, Jack, and Adrian doing the same thing in the meantime? Am I any different than my dark counterpart? Now, we have the Mark of Kye and all Keyblade wielders respond to our call in this world, but now with all that we have discovered in the picture... I question us." Wyatt huffed a bit and shook his head. "Huh," he huffed. "You know what? I am rather angry at hearing you say that stuff." He then got up and went to the school. I looked at him from the ground. "What? What does that mean?" I ask standing up. Wyatt stops in his tracks and turns around to face me. "I must admit, I find it insulting that you are comparing yourself to Polemos," Wyatt said with frustration. "You two were COMPLETELY different! He did everything he could to kill you and the rest of you Elite so the Dark Elite could take over all of the light and plunge everyone into darkness. He killed and destroyed everything in his path INCLUDING PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD! And you are going to sit there and compare yourself to him?! It's disgusting to see you do that and hear that trash." "I killed people too you know!" I shouted. "I just learned I was a mere puppet along with the rest of us Elite and instead of protecting light, it seems that I am serving to hide for good a dark intention and secret. My job was to protect the light, but it turns out I am serving a dark purpose all along! What's the difference between that and Polemos?!" "Polemos served a darkness because he wanted power," Wyatt calmly said. "You fought back against him because you swore to protect the least among us. Yeah, you told us that promise you made back then and said you keep now." I had no response to this. He's right, I did make that promise. All us Elite made that promise. I held that child and promised him to protect him when the four of us were in Epcot. I got choked up here and had a rough time holding back tears. Wyatt walked up to me. "I know you guys were used," he said. "I get all of that stuff. But just because you learned of the wrong thing they did just recently doesn't make everything you did before you knew bad. Master Polemistis always did what he could to protect the light and I know that's what he always does." He then smiled warmly and I felt a bit better. "Thanks Wyatt," I said smiling. Wyatt held out his hand and I grabbed it with mine and we held it. "I don't know what you guys plan on doing now, but whatever it is, I'll support you guys," Wyatt followed up. I nodded and pulled him into a hug. I then let go and he gives the warrior's salute and goes inside. I breath in deeply and out wondering what's next. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Months later... It has been months since I had that conversation with Wyatt in May. A new school year for my sister has been under way and it's November now. We had a trip to Walt Disney World planned and booked with our resort and dining reservations all booked as were our Fastpass+ choices as well. It was the second day and we decided to go to Magic Kingdom. Walking into the park, I smiled warmly looking around with my family at Main Street U.S.A with all the Christmas decorations up for the holiday season. Just then, a flash came and I saw the Keyblade War briefly and I froze in place. The vision disappeared and I stood in the middle of the street standing still like a statue feeling trauma at being reminded. My family noticed and called to my until I heard my mother's voice. "Ben!" she called. I looked at her as she approached. "Be at peace. Let it go now. We're here as a family. Let's just enjoy this time together." I nodded and then followed after my family. We did everything planned for the morning and afternoon and now it's later where the sun is in the west. We decided to sit at the train station; I decided to look out over Main Street and just think. I stood at the rail and looked out. It was nice wearing some normal clothes for a change after almost constantly being in my Elite form. I stand looking out when someone to my right speaks to me. "So it seems you have been struggling," an adult male said. I look to my right and there is Mr. Iger. "Oh Mr. Iger," I said. "Good to see you." "Likewise," he replied. "Yen Sid told me all about what has happened in regards to the original Supreme Elite and the Foretellers. I know of their secret and have been told you four have been struggling." I nodded in silence. "Mr. Iger, I have struggled," I said. "I've questioned our roles and places and whether we have done the right thing. I just recently thought about my ancestor and how his life was cut short." "Well Ben, you have to make a decision now," Mr. Iger said. "You need to do the thing that is right for all of you and will bring peace to all of you." "Thank you Mr. Iger," I said. He nodded and then left the station and went out of the park. I then see to my left Polemistis. "How are you now?" I asked him. "I think I am better now," he replied. "I still feel the scars though, but that's a burden I'll bear with the rest of us." I nodded. "You know, you had your life cut short quickly," I said. He nodded in understanding. "Yes I did," he said "but thanks to you guys finding us, we live on and grow with you." "I have just wished that you had a chance to live your own lives," I said. Then I had an epiphany at that moment on what I need to do with my friends. Polemistis looked at me with confusion. "What are you saying?" he asked. I merely looked at him and slightly smiled and then his eyes widened a little and he started shaking his head. "Oh no, you can't be thinking..." he said. I started nodding. "Oh yes, it's the right thing," I replied. My mind has been made up and now I have to discuss this with my family and friends. 1 KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted May 12, 2017 Great chapter! I could really feel the tension that Ben was going through! I mean, it's not easy knowing that you were used as a weapon to kill your very own friends. Anyone would feel guilt ridden! You portrayed Ben's feelings very well! And I liked that Wyatt provided some reassurance and backbone to snap Ben out of his funk ya know? Very well done! I can't wait for the next chapter! 1 DarylTrect reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted May 16, 2017 (edited) Chapter 24: A New Beginning I went home and discussed this with my family. All of us this time discussed it as I wanted my sister's opinion as well. I could not tell how they felt at first. They ended up telling me they would support whatever I decided to do even though they gave their opinion. I was not the only one that went to talk to family about this. Shane and Jack did as well with their parents. Adrian told his family what he was going to do. The four of us actually discussed this right after I came back from Walt Disney World. We decided to wait until the new year and it is a little warmer. In the meantime, we live our lives normally doing what we usually have done while keeping in mind big changes are coming. It is finally April and the holidays of Christmas and Easter have come and gone. We are currently in the Easter season about three weeks into it since the season lasts for seven. It is warmer now with the temperatures around the mid sixties Fahrenheit. We are all a year older and yet things haven't felt different... until now. We all talked over the plan again and once again confirmed we will do it. We went to our families again and they once again gave their blessings and support. We went on top of a hill at a ski place near my home using the ski lift. There was no one around since it was not open for skiing and only open for sightseeing, but people were not going up to look out and around. Up there, we gathered together in a circle and paused for a while just getting ourselves ready emotionally and mentally. "This is it," Adrian said. "When we do this, we can't go back. This is permanent." "It's the right thing to do though," I said. Jack and Shane nodded in reply. "You ready?" I asked. They all nodded now. We change into our Elite forms and summon our Keyblades. Then, we grab them by the blade, lift them up pointing toward us, and we stab ourselves in the chest where our hearts are. I felt immediate pain as I felt the blade enter my chest over my heart. I felt my heart be in pain as well. Then, our Keyblades disappeared leaving light coming from the gaps created and we all go limp, but manage to stay up by some force. Strangely, the Mark of Kye appeared and glowed on ourselves as this all transpired. Suddenly, we see hearts come from the gaps in our chests and float up above us about six feet over our heads. They stopped there and just floated while the clothes we wore in our Elite forms disappear into flashes of light. Suddenly, our bodies become no longer limp and we stand up fully again and the cavities of light disappear. Looking around at each other, we are wearing our normal clothes as we have become normal people now. Looking up, the four hearts were floating and not moving anywhere when suddenly, like when Vanitas's lingering spirit manifests in Birth by Sleep, light energy wraps itself around the four hearts and manifest into four people... very familiar people. I watch with my eyes wide open, but mouth closed keeping my amazement in check. The light forms into the Supreme Elite from top to bottom. They had eyes closed and hands off to the side slightly with palms open facing up. The four of them then float down gently landing on the ground in the middle of our circle. They then open their eyes and looking around abruptly and feeling themselves. It's one thing to be the Supreme Elite and have your own identity, it's a whole different thing to see the Supreme Elite (the original to be precise) standing in front of you now in the flesh and no longer as mere spirit or what have you. They look around at us with mouths slightly open in shock. Polemistis then looks at me. "Wh-wh-why...?" he managed to say. "It was the right thing to do," I said. "You all had your lives taken away from you and now we are giving you the chance you never had: a chance to live your life completely." "But... you know we have told you that we were happy where we were," Polemistis said. "Why did you still do this?" "Well, after learning you all and us were used then and now as part of a major scandal," I said, "I talked this over with my family and the four of us have talked it over. We all decided that we had to right the wrong done so long ago. We were just regular people before the Keyblade showed up in our hands and now, we decided to change our lives for good and allow the Supreme Elite to do what they tried to do back then: defeat the darkness. Maybe now you could find out who that traitor was then and is now. Look, we want to be regular people now. We were never meant to take you guys up as part of us. You entered into us so we could defeat Ronnie and Nick and survive the Keyblade War and then to defeat the Dark Elite. You gave us help and that's all. Besides, I must admit, your plan of returning sounds like something Master Xehanort would do." Polemistis looked like he was punched in the stomach at that. I had to be honest. I mean, I am nothing more than a means for Polemistis to return. The way Polemistis would return as he described sounds similar to a ways in which Master Xehanort would try to return. My friends are no different in regards to Kyrios, Aiton, and Kidemonas. The rest of the Elite looked at their respective descendants and my friends nodded confirming that we did discuss that too. Polemistis looked down, pursed his lips, and nodded. "I had to be honest with you," I said. "You wanted to return and knew your descendant would awaken you and bring you back. Now you get exactly what you have wanted and now you can complete your mission left incomplete for thousands of years because of the Keyblade War. We already have Axeron, Soraxan, Derron, and Braxon taking the reins over the academy. We told them that they will be in charge for a while. If you guys want to stop by there, be our guest. Now, you can go and fulfill your purposes. We'll listen and obey your commands whenever you give them." Polemistis felt the middle of his abdomen, looked down briefly, and then at me. "Actually, that won't be happening," he said. "What? Why?" Shane asked. "Look down at yourselves," Kidemonas replied. We did and we gasp. The Mark of Kye is still on us still glowing. "No way! We still have it?!" Jack exclaimed. "How is this possible?" Adrian asked. "Think about it: how are you four still standing here?" Kyrios asked. We thought about it for a second and then we realized it. Oh yeah, why ARE we still standing here? And then we put the dots together. "Yes, that's exactly it," Aiton said. "The Mark of Kye chose YOU guys, not us. If it chose us, we would have it on ourselves and you guys would not have it and be turned into nobodies. Then we would have to make you human again the rough way." "So basically, the Mark has become like a shield for you all," Kidemonas said. "The first time it acted that way was when you fought the Dark Elite. They stabbed you, but then the Mark saved your lives from slipping away. Now, it has become a part of you. Not only is it your shield, but also, remember, it gives the bearers power over all Keyblade wielders of Earth." "Every Keyblade wielder of light on Earth listens to you now and responds to your call," Polemistis followed. "Because the seven lights, union members, and your apprentices have become parts of your hearts, they respond to your call as well. We are also subjected to your summoning." "Nonetheless though, you guys still have authority over us," I countered. "We are regular Keyblade wielders now living normal human lives." We summon our Keyblades that we first held; me the Star Seeker, Adrian the KH3D Ultima Weapon, Jack the Wayward Wind, and Shane the Fenrir. "You know? It's been a while since I have held this," I pointed out and my friends concurred. "So, look, you are free now. We will answer your call whenever you need us. We'll just try to keep things as peaceful as we can wherever on Earth we go." The Supreme Elite nodded and we shake their hands and hold them. Now, we have changed our lives for good. No more are we Supreme Elite. We are the common Keyblade wielder of light. Sure we have the Mark of Kye, but we will not use it at all. Now, the Supreme Elite are free and have returned. They can go and complete their mission and fulfill their purpose at last. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ephemer and Skuld gasped quietly to themselves when they saw Ben and company stab themselves with their Keyblades and release the hearts of the original Supreme Elite from themselves. They were absolutely stunned and at a loss for words and had their mouths open in shock. They were far enough to hear and see what was happening while keeping out of sight and out of ear range that picks up small sounds. They immediately turned around and went down the hill. "We have to tell him NOW!" Ephemer said with panic. Skuld merely nodded with the same panic and they opened a corridor and went through it. Then they come out onto a beach in front of the tower and go through the entrance and up floor after floor. They reach the top and see the armored figure sitting all relaxed on his throne, but without the Keyblade. The two union members walk briskly up to the throne. "Your majesty!" they called. "Ephemer, Skuld, what is it?" the figure asked calmly. "You looked as though you have seen a ghost." The two were pale as ghosts. "Your majesty, the Supreme Elite have returned," Ephemer said. "I knew that already," the figure said. "They returned before the second Keyblade War becoming a part of their descendants' hearts after years of slumber." "No, what Ephemer is saying is Ben and company have set the Supreme Elite free," Skuld said. "In other words, Ben, Adrian, Shane, Jack, and the Supreme Elite have split." At that statement, the figure immediately sat upright and stood up. "What?! What is the meaning of this?!" he demanded. Ephemer and Skuld proceeded to recount everything they heard from the conversation on that ski slope on Earth. The figure, even though he had a mask, looked into space between him and the two union members. He then slowly sat back onto his throne with shock on him. "I had a bad feeling all along," he said. "I feared that a certain event would provide an excuse for darkness to act more aggressively. Now with the two sides split... I, as the Keyblade Emperor, am the ruler over all Keyblade wielders and the Mark of Kye is not meant for Keyblade wielders of Earth alone. Now they will not use its power leaving everyone astray like sheep." "What do we do now?" Skuld asked. "We let fate continue to take its course," the Keyblade Emperor said. "We let the two sides go on their way and hope that they unite again. I have only hope in that case, but not certainty nor exactly optimism. As for what happens now in regards to the actions of darkness, I fear the kingdoms of Earth are now in more danger than ever." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nox walked in the dark room up to the black coated figure. "Master, the Supreme Elite and their descendants have split," he said. The figure chuckled loud enough to be audible. "Perfect," he said. "Now it is time to sow seeds of... division... on Earth. Let's make sure they are kept busy in the meantime." "Including Ben and his friends?" Nox asked. "Absolutely them as well," the figure replied. "Also, we now need to look for them. The kingdoms hold the answers as to where they are." "Yes master," Nox replied. "Are you all ready now?" In the blackness, five figures stepped forward toward the dim light shining down on Nox. They wore dark leopard, bear, snake, unicorn, and fox hoods. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sora was hiding in the bushes near the group and saw and heard everything that they discussed and saw the Supreme Elite and regular boys split. He was absolutely stunned. He just witnessed Ben, Shane, Jack, and Adrian set free the original Elite from themselves and now are regular Keyblade wielders. He also now sees the original Supreme Elite in the flesh. He slipped away and left Earth in a corridor and went to Mysterious Tower. There in Yen Sid's office were the rest of the lights and Yen Sid. They all turned to face him when he walked in. He looked into space with eyes glazed over from shock. "So how are they doing?" Riku asked. No answer came from Sora. "Sora? Are you okay?" Kairi asked. "What is it Sora? What did you see?" Yen Sid asked. "Ben and his friends set the Supreme Elite free," he said. Gasps came from all of them. "They did what?!" Ventus shouted. "What happened on that world?!" Aqua demanded. Sora told the whole story of what he saw and heard. After he finished, the office was dead silent where one could hear the ringing in their ears. "What now Master Yen Sid?" Terra asked him making everyone face him. Yen Sid bowed his head and closed his eyes in meditation. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and faced up. "For the time being, let us continue to fight the encroaching darkness," he said. "We cannot interfere with their decision to sset their predecessors free. What is done is done. However, with the original Supreme Elite now with us, we can continue to fight the darkness. We will not defeat it nor beat it back; we can only slow the progress and hope that the Elite and their descendants will unite again. For it seems that it isn't so much as the original Elite defeating the darkness than the descendants." Edited May 17, 2017 by KingdomHearts3 2 KHLegendIII and The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted May 17, 2017 Whoa, what a twist! I was suspecting something along these lines, but for them to revive the Supreme Elite in full body and form is just amazing! Gahhh, chills went down my spine! I did not expect this! Ah, so the armored one is this Keyblade Emperor you said he was...hmm, I wonder what he has to do with all of this? He seems shady, though not as shady as the cloaked figure Nox was talking with! So much hype, so much tension, gahhh, so amazing! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted May 23, 2017 Chapter 25: The Lost Two I did what I needed to. We all did what we needed to. The Supreme Elite are now their own people and they can now do what they were meant to do. No going back now. Nothing would change my mind nor my friends' minds. "Are you sure you-?" Polemistis began to ask. I didn't let him finish. "Yes I am," I immediately said. "We made the choice and what's done is done. Now, we go home and live normal lives. You are the ones in charge now." "Okay then," Polemistis said with reluctance. My friends and I bade farewell to them and went down the hill and we went home. The Supreme Elite stayed on the hill silently thinking about what has happened. "I don't know what we should do now," Kyrios said. "Me either," followed Aiton. "We have been living as a part of them and now here we are as people." "The one thing that really punched me in the gut some was when Ben said our plan for return is something Master Xehanort would conjure," Kidemonas said. "Yeah that got to me as well," Polemistis said. "Hey guys, our plan for returning, was it selfish? I mean, we said in Daybreak Town we would return one day and promised we would do so one way or another. I even told Areti that my descendant would awaken me and I would return again; we all said that actually. Were we selfish?" "We kept a promise," Kyrios replied. "We said we would return to each other. Yeah we lost each other in the war, but we ended up keeping a promise millennia later." "Yeah, but we used our descendants as conduits," Aiton said. "I mean, the way in which we kept ourselves alive is indeed something Master Xehanort would possibly do." "And that is exactly how I would do it," a raspy ale voice said. Chills went down all of their spines and they turned toward the trees and see none other than Master Xehanort coming from the woods. "Master Xehanort?" Polemistis said. "But... how? You were defeated by the seven lights." "Indeed as were my twelve other selves," he replied. "However, as long as my lingering spirit has ties to darkness, it is not so simple to defeat the darkness as well as myself." "You saw it all didn't you?" Kidemonas asked. "Indeed my boy," the old man replied. "And he knows of your divide from your descendants. I knew they all had the blood of yours running within them. That is why I feared them back then. Now, learning of the Foretellers treachery in ancient times and the treachery the successors have continued today, I knew it would be only time before the boys would take matters into their own hands. And now stand before me the four masters of yore, the Supreme Elite. If only it was five." Master Xehanort then chuckled at that last bit. This struck a nerve with the four. Memories of Nikitis and their rejection of him from becoming a part of the Supreme Elite. "We wanted to save him from losing his life trying to save us," Polemistis replied with aggravation. "He knew already and was okay with it." "Tell me, who told him about your fates?" Xehanort asked. "It must have been one of the Keyblade wielders because we told a group of Dandelions," Aiton responded. "Was he a Dandelion?" he asked. The boys shook their heads. "Did you tell any other Keyblade wielders besides the Dandelions?" They shook their heads again. Master Xehanort chuckled. "It must be someone else then," he said. "Do not think that the little darkness that was in his heart then would not grow with every successor that lived after him until it is inherited by a descendant bearing his name." "Descendant?" Polemistis said. "Who? No one goes by his name. Just what are you after and who are you in league with?!" Master Xehanort chuckled as he turned around and walked into a dark corridor and disappeared. "I can't believe he is here," Kidemonas said. "I would like to know why and how and what his presence means." "I don't know the answers to that," Kyrios said. "All I know is something, or someone, has been pulling strings and apparently been making things go in a certain direction." "So then, we have to go off and start taking care of business," Polemistis said. "We now are our own people and yes even though the Foretellers used us to clean up and hide their mess, we do what is right anyway because the Realm of Light is in danger. We have to try and do what we are able to do." "We kind of owe our descendants you know," Kidemonas said. "We used them to come back and now we have to find a way to make it up to them." "Yes... that as well," Polemistis said. "We'll know how to do so when the time is right." They open a light corridor and leave Earth and go to another world to fight back against the encroaching darkness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walked through the front door of my house and stood in front of the entrance. My family looked at me and I just nodded signaling it's done. My parents and sister gather around me and hug me and I hug all of them and just keep it there for a while. It felt like forever being in the embrace. We all then let go after a minute or so. "So what are you now?" dad asked. "Just a regular Keyblade wielder," I replied. "I am no longer my predecessor. He is his own person and an actual human being. As a Keyblade wielder, he has authority over me." "Will he be anything like you?" mom asked. "Mom, he will be exactly like me," I replied. "I don't think we will see him or his friends for a while." "Are you going to have to travel to other worlds though? That's a concern of mine," mom asked. "No... no more..." I replied. "I am a normal person now. We can be a normal, Catholic family." Mom gave me another brief hug and then we went on living our lives. I cannot concern myself with what's out there anymore. The Supreme Elite now are in charge and they have Keyblade wielders at their disposal in the different worlds that can be an extra set of eyes and ears and help them. I am no different on Earth as one of millions of Keyblade wielders. My friends are as well for we all agreed on this and now walk on this path. I went to karate the next day. It felt nice to return back to karate to teach the students and train again. Adrian was there as well and he showed up earlier than me. He was teaching already so when I walked in, he looked up, nodded with a smile, to which I returned it, and then looked at the students he was teaching again. I greeted my masters and then when the prior class was over, I went up to Adrian and shook his hand and went into the male changing room. "So, how are you feeling?" I asked. "Alright. I'm getting along," he replied. "It is still weighing on my mind though even if it is just a bit. It's always in the back of my mind." "Yeah, me too," I said. "We'll get over it though and get used to it," he followed up. I nodded and we returned to the floor to teach the next class. The next day, my family and I went to the Walkway over the Hudson, an old rail bridge for trains now converted into a walkway. It is gorgeous and peaceful up here. People go by on their bikes, walk their dogs, or jog across the walkway. Meanwhile, I am at the midway point over the bridge looking out over the river toward the bridge where vehicles are crossing over. I have my arms on the railing that's the height of my neck and just lookout with thoughts of two days ago coming back. My family was all to my right. "So, you thinking about what you did a couple days ago," a male voice asked me. It sounded deep and familiar to someone else, but it wasn't ominous. I didn't bother looking assuming it's a Keyblade wielder that's aware of what I have done. "Yeah, it is starting to fade away," I answered. "You feel like you made the right choice?" he asked. "Yes, it was the right thing to do," I answered. "I think so too because it now makes you weaker and more pathetic," the voice said ominously. It now sounded familiar and it gave me chills up and down my spine. Oh Lord, please tell me it isn't him, I thought. I turn around to my left and see standing some several feet away from me none other than Vanitas. "Hello Ben, miss me?" he asked. I had my eyes wide open and mouth slightly open. My dad stood in front of mom and my sister shielding them. "How- how are you here?" I asked. "Ventus killed you. The seven lights killed all thirteen of you." "Yeah that moron did," he responded. "Did you think that I go down that easily? As long as my spirit has ties to darkness, I'm going nowhere pal." "You learned then," I asked. "Of course I did idiot," Vanitas replied. "We have eyes and ears everywhere. How stupid do you think I am?" "Watch the attitude sonny," I growled. "Believe me, if you did not release him, I would be scared," Vanitas said. "You should be right now dearie," a voice like mine said. Vanitas turned around and there was Polemistis with arms crossed. "Honey, I'm home," he taunted to Vanitas while smiling. "Hmph," Vanitas huffed. "I'll be sure to keep note of this and tell him." "Him? Who are you in league with?" I asked. Vanitas looks at me, chuckles, and then disappears into a dark corridor. I then look at my ancestor who walks toward me and my family. "I'm rather surprised you are here," I said. "I am not using the Mark anymore you know." "I couldn't let my descendant be threatened," he said. "Where are the rest?" I asked. "They're visiting their descendants," he replied. "We wanted to see you all before we went to another world. It was something we all sensed we should do." I nodded and smiled. My family walked up next to me. "Oh, this is Polemistis," I introduced to them. "He is my ancestor or rather yours as well." "You look exactly like my son," mom said. "Yeah, I knew then my descendant would look like me," Polemistis said. My family then spoke to him asking him questions and he answered. This lasted for about five minutes before he had to cut it short. "Well, I have to go now," he said. "It was nice formally meeting all of you." "Thanks Polemistis," I said. "See you soon." "Yeah, you too," he replied and held out his hand in a handshake. I grabbed it to shake his hand, but then he pulled me into an embrace catching me off guard. "Be careful of them," he said softly into my ear. "I don't want someone from their side to harm you. I'll be sure to protect you all." "We'll be okay," I said hugging him back. "Thank you though." We let go and then he leaves in a light corridor. Vanitas's appearance raised many questions. Why is he here and for what purpose? Who is he in league with? All I know is this: an old enemy has returned. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted May 24, 2017 MASTER XEHANORT AND VANITAS HAVE RETURNED! JUST WHAT IN THE BLAZES IS HAPPENING HERE!? THE SHOCK VALUE HAS GONE OVER 9000!!! GAHHHH, THE HYPE! Great chapter, man! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted June 5, 2017 Chapter 26: Peeling Back Layers The Foretellers were walking around now Districts 4 and 5 of Traverse Town. Things have still been silent for them as they continue to lay low. Aced then stopped where he was and gritted his teeth. "Enough of this wallowing!" he shouted. The other Foretellers jumped and immediately turned to look at him. No one said anything, but looked at him with shock. "We've wallowed in pity long enough," Aced said. "We have remained in shadow and out of sight long enough. We have made a serious mistake, no, a TRAGIC mistake not telling everyone our secrets and telling them the truth. Now we must go and amend our errors." There was silence between them. The others merely looked into space as Aced looked among them waiting for someone to say something. "Aced, you know how we left things with them," Gula said. "They haven't forgiven us and we have never apologized for our deceit. What makes you think that they will even forgive us let alone reconcile with us?" "Gula, you once said you hoped they would forgive us right? Do you still believe it?" Aced asked. Gula nodded in reply. "Then why are you now doubting?" "Do you not remember how he reacted?" Gula asked. Aced knew who "he" was. "He was about to leave us and I wanted to stop him from leaving. I wanted to apologize to him or at least... Anyway, I grabbed his wrist, but then he used his magic against me. I felt his rage and it was true and real. It also felt like it came from not just him, but all of them. It was also the hurt his predecessors had learning the truth that I felt too. Aced, our ancestors BETRAYED the Supreme Elite and sentenced them to death. Now, we did the same thing to them all over again. The blessing in that instance during the Keyblade War is they found a way to break the chains fate was strangling them with. Did we go to them then? No. Instead, we continue to let things go and hope our betrayal would be a mere forgotten artifact lost to time. You think they will be so willing to forgive us after all of that?" Aced merely breathed in through his nose and out. "Not as they are now," Aced responded. "However, if we started getting involved and fighting this dark threat as penance, we could receive their forgiveness and reconcile with them." "Aced, you know what happens when we combine our powers together-," Ava was saying when Aced immediately cut her off. "NO AVA!" he shouted startling her. "We cannot continue with the old ways anymore. The Supreme Elite then and now have demonstrated that it does not matter what union you are from, we are all allies... family in a way. If they can do it without any sort of darkness there, why can't we?" Ava sighed and looked down while the rest looked into space. Invi then looked at Aced and walked up to him. "It's at least worth a try," she said and put her hand on his shoulder. Aced looked at the other and they looked at him and nodded. "You know, you're a better leader than I am," Ira chuckled. "I guess that's why it was your original role." Aced smiled and nodded. They went back to District 4 when they see Nox standing there. They stop and gasped. "You! Why are you here?!" Ira demanded. "Merely to do what I am supposed to," he said. "So, it looks like you are going off to somewhere. Where are you going? Going to make things right between you and the Supreme Elite?" "Yes, because we owe them," Invi said firmly. "How priceless," Nox replied. "I might need a hanky for the tears. Well, I might as well be a gentlemen and let you all go then." "I thought you had something to do in regards to us," Ava said. "Oh yes! Fool that I am," Nox replied. Just then, five dark corridors of darkness opened. "I would like you to meet some... friends... of mine." Then coming out of each corridor, they see standing a step behind Nox five figures all wearing the same hoods and clothes and all darker. The Foretellers gasped at the sight and couldn't breath. "Wha-?! Is that-?!" Invi tried to say, but couldn't finish. "Foretellers, I present to you your dark counterparts," Nox said. "You can call them the Dark Foretellers." The Foretellers were stunned at the sight and had no idea how this could be. "How is this possible?" Aced wondered aloud. "It started with your ancestors," Nox said. "They had darkness in their own hearts beginning with the first betrayal of the Supreme Elite and everyone else who was in their respective unions. The bangles used in those times merely laid the foundation. Then, they fought in that first Keyblade War striking down their enemies and whomever challenged them spilling the blood of a fellow Keyblade wielder. Since they were connected with their successors already, that darkness was passed down to them as well and carried on generation after generation, dynasty after dynasty until it came back to you again. When the second Keyblade War was wrought, the darkness was ready to free itself because it could not consume your hearts. Then, when you pondered how to tell the Supreme Elite the truth openly acknowledging your transgressions, that was what set your darkness free. And now as the Dark Elite roam the Realm of Light, so too do the Dark Foretellers." The Foretellers closed their mouths and no longer looked shocked, but now looked as though they would puke. They looked pale as ghosts realizing that they have also been subjected to the same thing as the Supreme Elite in regards to their counterparts. "Now let me introduce you all personally to your own counterparts," Nox said. "Gula, this is Laimar; Ava, this is Aplis; Aced, this is Apath; Ira, this is Thymo; and Ava, this is Zilev." All the Dark Foretellers then grinned maniacally sending chills down the Foretellers spines. "Now that you have met them, they must go and do what he told them," Nox said. "Just tell us who this 'he' is!" Gula shouted. The Dark Foretellers started disappearing into their dark corridors and Nox was about to leave. "Funny, I thought there were six of you," he said with a smile. "Number six has no union and that is who I serve." He then disappeared in a dark corridor. The Foretellers now had eyes wide open and were breathing heavily and now were feeling a cold sweat. "Not him..." Ava managed to say. They all know who the sixth one is. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My friends and I decided to eat at a local diner. We decided to hang out all of us and just talk. We were not to talk about anything related to Kingdom Hearts. It was just pure regular talk. We talked about our families and anything else we could come up with. It was okay though. We were fine with it. Once we were done eating and talking, we left the diner. We still talked when someone addressed us. "So, have a nice time?" someone asked sarcastically. I look in front of me and I freeze losing all senses. There standing a few yards in front of me is Ronnie, my old rival and nemesis. I couldn't speak or anything; I was that stunned seeing him. "My, you looked like you've seen a ghost," Ronnie said. He looked exactly like I remember seeing him, but he has dark gold eyes and his hair has tinges of black highlights in them. He had darkness float off of him. He grinned evilly meanwhile, I feel cold all over. "I killed you..." I managed to say. "Heh, you need to be reminded clearly," he replied. "Darkness is not so easily defeated." "But... what... are you?" I asked. "Spirit and darkness," he replied. "My darkness was released when you killed me as was my lingering spirit, but thanks to him, he used my darkness and spirit together and now, I am once again alive." He then summoned his Keyblade. "Now, I want to see how you fight." I had no choice. I wasn't the Supreme Elite anymore. I summoned my Star Seeker Keyblade and took stance. Ronnie noticed my Keyblade and chuckled. "Well, it looks like you are not the Supreme Elite anymore," he said. "I'm going to enjoy this." He charged and we clashed. I had a rough time blocking because he was that strong. In fact, I think he is stronger than ever. I don't remember him being this strong before. Then again, he might be stronger than me in general because I gave up the power of the Supreme Elite. I still tried to fight back, but I was struggling and he looked like he was giving effort, but not a ton as he looked rather at ease mostly. I tried using magic, but he merely struck it down or blocked it completely. We clash again and he parries me and front kicks me knocking me backwards. My friends try to get involved, but Ronnie uses his free hand and summons black chains to keep them in place. I was left all alone on my back and Ronnie standing over me. I was about to swing my Keyblade at him, but he blocked it and dislodged it from my hand leaving me weaponless. I propped myself up on my elbows and saw Ronnie point his Keyblade at me and grin maniacally. "It's a pity you decided to let Polemistis go," he said. "And so passeth a worthy opponent. Now I will kill you once and for all!" He prepared about to stab me and I merely closed my eyes and looked away. Suddenly, light flashed and I look and standing in front of me is a boy with hair like Ienzo's and a hat with a feather blocking Ronnie's stab. "What?! Who are you?!" Ronnie shouted. "Someone you should be wary of," the boy said. He then parried Ronnie's Keyblade off to the side and I quickly got up. "What? You, you must be Blaine," I said. He looked behind at me. "At your service," he said. "Now it seems you need help. I got your back." I nodded and resummoned my Keyblade. Ronnie growled. "Huh, we'll be meeting again sometime soon," Ronnie threatened. "And this time, I will kill every single one of you." Ronnie then disappeared into a dark corridor. Blaine and I unsummoned our Keyblades and he turned around to face me. He was like what I saw in the game except now it's a full figure. It's fascinating seeing him. I guess he is one of those many Keyblade wielders I didn't know existed. My friends joined us and Blaine tipped his hat in greeting. "Blaine at your service," he said. "Thanks for saving me," I thanked him. "Of course," he replied. "Only natural for someone like me to save one of the Supreme Elite." I immediately frowned and got tense inside. "I don't go by that term anymore," I said firmly. "Oh... why?" he asked. "Wait, I remember now. Listen, things are getting worse. The darkness is now started to fight the light in different ways and through different people. It isn't even Keyblade wielders alone anymore." "That grim reaper in Halloween Town then..." I said. "Yeah, that is a mere example," Blaine replied. "Everything all started from one person: the sixth apprentice, Luxu." All of us were shocked at hearing his name. 2 The Transcendent Key and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted June 6, 2017 This was an amazing chapter! I particularly loved the exchange between the Foretellers! I really felt like I was witnessing them conversing with each other! Out of all of them, I think you nailed Aced's personality the most. Like, I could imagine Travis Willingham's voice with the dialogue you put in place! Excellent work! DANG, AND NOX SERVES LUXU!? LUXU IS THE CLOAKED MAN!? GAHHH, WHAT IS THIS!? Also, the whole story behind the creation of the Dark Foretellers was very well played out, and I loved that you put Blaine into the mix as well! Great work man, I can't wait for the next chapter! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted June 13, 2017 (edited) Chapter 27: Sown Seeds My friends and I were stunned at hearing the name. In fact, we were convincing ourselves we heard that wrong. "I'm sorry," I said. "We must have heard you wrong. You said Luxu is the root of all of this?" "Yup. He's the one," Blaine replied. "He is the reason why you were fighting some unorthodox enemies from the darkness." "Ben, I'm starting to have some second thoughts about our choice," Adrian told me. "No," I replied. "The Supreme Elite can take care of it. They are the ones that will save the Realm of Light and the world. We will do nothing, but help in any way we can." "PUT YOUR HANDS UP NOW!" someone screamed at us. We turn around and see someone dressed in black clothing with a hood up and holding a gun at us. From behind him come two others: one wearing dark grey sweatpants and a light grey sweat-jacket with hood up and the other wearing a cap backwards and wearing a black leather jacket, black t-shirt, and black pants. They all had guns pointing towards us five. We just raised our hands and stood still. "What do you guys want?!" Shane demanded. "Drop and give us your money NOW!" the guy in the cap shouted back. "Or we'll have to bring you guys on a little ride to see the boss." "Wait a minute..." Jack was about to say then I cut in. "Who is this boss?" I asked. "Wears a hood all the time," the guy wearing a grey sweat-jacket replied. "Give us the money or we'll shoot you!" "What do we do?" Blaine whispered to me. "I know what to do," I said. Then, I disappeared stunning the three guys. They look around quickly to see where I am. "YOU CAN'T HIDE!" the black sweat-jacket guy screamed. Then suddenly, I appear behind the guy in the grey hoodie with Keyblade in hand and stab him through the back. Out from his mouth came a blood chilling scream. I pull my Keyblade out of his back and he falls to the ground dying immediately. The two other guys were about to shoot my friends when Adrian and Blaine got involved and used their Keyblades to disarm them. The two low-lives, though disarmed, tried to grab hold of their Keyblades, but Shane and Jack got on top of them and it became like a wrestling match. Eventually, Shane slashed across the abdomen of the grey hoodie guy and Adrian finally managed to stab the black hoodie guy. While the black hoodie guy fell and quickly breathed his last, the death of the grey hoodie guy was a lot longer and he was bleeding out. I approach him and put my Keyblade to his neck. "Who is this boss of yours?" I sternly asked. Blood started coming from the thief's mouth and dripping from the sides. "He wears... a black... coat..." he said and then passed on. All of us unsummoned our Keyblades and just stood in place. "Luxu..." I just said. "It looks like he is planting seeds of darkness here," Blaine replied. "What do you think Ben?" Jack asked. "What do we do?" "Just like I said before," I replied. "We help in any way possible. We could be like the other Keyblade wielders out there that are eyes and ears for the Supreme Elite." We all agreed to do just that. Blaine left to head to another world while we all went home for the night. We wanted to believe that it was merely one incident and it would not become common, but we felt in our hearts that seeds have been sown. Police came later that night after someone reported the scene and they found the three guys there. Just as they were examining the scene, the three bodies all dissipated into light particles and their hearts floated up into the night sky leaving nothing behind. "Well... that was weird," one officer said. "What do we tell the boss?" another office asked. "Well, we tell him there was no crime," a third officer replied. "We have no evidence at all. No bodies, no blood marks, nothing our forensic team could determine anything happened here." A forensic examiner said exactly that; the team could not find anything that contained evidence. They all packed it up and went back to the station and reported everything they saw and examined. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Supreme Elite walked through the Keyblade Graveyard and when they got to the center of the cemetery, they stopped and looked out at the different sections of the cemetery. Immediately, memories came back of their fight long ago. "You know," Kyrios said, "we have never seen for ourselves after the Keyblade War what became of Daybreak Town and now..." He didn't finish his thought. Aiton, Kidemonas, and Kyrios then look over at Polemistis and see him sobbing while looking out. "Polemistis? What's wrong?" Aiton asked. He approached Polemistis and put his hand on his shoulder. "Some of these Keyblades here," Polemistis managed to say, "belonged to friends of ours. They were put here because of us and have remained here as nothing more than grave stones. We did this!" Polemistis then put his face into Aiton's shoulder and wept bitterly. Aiton put his other arm around Polemistis and comforted him. "Hey, hey, it's alright," Aiton said gently. Kidemonas and Kyrios also approached them. Polemistis then got himself together and wiped away the tears. "You know something," he said, "I was also thinking about something Ben said. The way in which we returned does sound like something Master Xehanort would do. We used people, our own descendants, as means to reach our ends of returning. They were our conduit and we used them to come back. Maybe we should have let fate take us and let our descendants grow to become what we were and more." "Polemist, you understand that the Foretellers basically set us up right?" Kyrios asked. "It was not just us who were set up, it was all our friends as well. You keep on saying how we murdered our friends. Let me ask you this: you don't think they possibly murdered each other too?" Polemistis thought about it and nodded slowly. "Not only did we have our own lives cut short, but so did our friends," Kidemonas followed. "If we succumbed to fate then, we would have literally died in vain. It would have shown we could have been used for their purposes and then thrown aside. It would have meant the same thing for all our friends. If anything, we have actually avenged everyone who has died here." Polemistis wiped his eyes and felt consoled. "Thanks guys," he said and smiled. "I'm glad I have you all as brothers." "Let's head to another world," Kyrios suggested. The rest nodded and they left in a corridor and went to a new world. When they step out of the corridor, it looks like a place on Earth, but it's much different. "What is this place?" Aiton asked. They looked around and saw it was very busy. People were going to and fro minding their own business. Polemistis eventually came across a sign and read it. "This world is called San Fransokyo," Polemistis said. "Really? Interesting..." Aiton observed. Then they hear an explosion coming from one of the streets and they see people running away. The Supreme Elite head in that direction and see six people dressed in different colored gear using strange weapons they haven't seen before. A boy in purple gear was riding on a white, rounded figure wearing red gear and flying around on him. The six are fighting what look like people of this world wearing black gear of the same nature that had black visor glasses on. There were at least thirteen of them. One of them, a male, noticed the Supreme Elite and pointed them out. "There they are!" he shouted. "Get 'em!" All thirteen of them saw the Supreme Elite and charged toward them. The Elites summoned their Keyblades and started fighting them along with the six. At the end of the battle, all thirteen of the enemies retreated leaving the Supreme Elite with the six all panting. "Boy that was annoying," the boy with purple gear said. "Are you guys the Supreme Elite?" The four of them grew wary. "Yeah... who wants to know?" Polemistis replied. "We're just asking because those guys were asking about you," a girl with yellow gear said. She appeared to have wheels on her feet. "I'm Polemistis and this is Aiton, Kyrios, and Kidemonas," Polemistis introduced. "Who are you guys?" "We're Big Hero 6," the guys wearing what looks like a monster costume said. "I'm Hiro and this is Baymax," the boy wearing the purple and black gear said. "He's my brother Tadashi's robot." "Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion," the robot said. "Go Go Tomago," the girl wearing yellow and black gear said. "'Sup?! I'm Wasabi!" the guy wearing green gear with green blades said. "I'm Fred and I am Fredzilla!" the guy wearing a monster costume said. "Honey Lemon at your service," a girl wearing magenta and red gear said. The Supreme Elite nodded and smiled. "So you guys said those thirteen idiots were looking for us?" Kidemonas asked. "Yeah, they wanted to bring you guys to some guy named... what was it again?" Hiro said. "Lettuce? Luxury?" Wasabi said. "Ugh, Luxu!" Go Go shouted in disgust. The Elites had chills hearing the name. "Luxu?" Polemistis said. "No, not him," Aiton said. Then they all huddled together. "Guys, I think we have a very tricky situation at hand," Kyrios said. "Yeah, I have a feeling Luxu is causing darkness to act more aggressively," Kidemonas said. "Yes and he's doing it by using people in the separate worlds," Aiton said. "Simply put, he is sowing seeds of division," Kyrios said. The weight of that started to sink in because if you have seeds of division in every world, how do you fight it and what do you look for?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nox was in the Magic Kingdom in the Town Square looking down Main Street USA. No one knows who he is, but don't like his appearance and so keep their distance and rush off. He is looking at Cinderella Castle meanwhile. "I know it's here," he said. "I want to know where it is exactly." He started walking down Main Street USA straight towards Cinderella Castle. He then had a hunch. He went to the walk way and snuck in to an exit only for cast members. He went down into the Utilidors and came upon the main control room where the lighting and announcements are made and controlled from. In other words, he entered the heart of the park. "It has to be down here," he said. "Hey! You can't be down here!" a cast member shouted at him. Nox raised his hand and put the cast member in a choke and raised him off the floor with his magic. He then twisted his hand and snapped the neck of the cast member killing him. The body then dissipates into particles with the heart floating up through the ceiling. Nox then made his way through twist and turn and came across what looks like a vault door. He uses his Keyblade to open it up and it does and leads into a dark corridor. Nox enters having the door close behind him. Walking in the darkness for a minute, he sees a light at the end and what appears to be a glowing Mickey head. "This must be it," he said. He reached the end of the corridor and looks at the Mickey head glowing in a white light. He summons his Keyblade and points it at the Mickey and shoots a beam of light at it. From the Mickey, an orb of light is set free and it makes its way to Nox and floats in front of him. Nox puts his hand out to grab it and it floats in his hand. Nox grinned maniacally. "Found it," he said. "The first light needed. Just you wait Supreme Elite, I will fulfill the vow my ancestor made." He then disappears into a dark corridor. Edited June 23, 2017 by KingdomHearts3 1 KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted June 14, 2017 SAN FRANSOKYO! YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!!!! GAHHHHH!!!! I still can't believe Luxu is the one heating things up! X_X And wait,, he couldn't be...could he? Is he who I think he is...? O.O Great chapter man, this was awesome! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted June 23, 2017 Chapter 28: Perseverance Jack was about to go out and take a walk around the neighborhood. He wanted to just go without thinking about stuff in regards to the Kingdom Hearts Universe. He had his phone on hand, house keys just in case, and his best pair of sneakers on. He is fully prepared and heads out. Luckily it was half cloudy and half sunny; rainy is in the forecast for later in the evening and since it's later afternoon, he is just fine with his timing. In the meantime, Jack decided to just have an empty mind and feel everything around him. He wore nothing Kingdom Hearts related. He did not want anything to do with that universe to come to mind at all. His desire for peace was the only thing he cared about. In fact, as he walked, he remembered something (he hated having to already do this even though he said not to) Captain Jack Sparrow said to him and Ephemer on the journey to Tortuga. He remembered Sparrow told him that he does not run away, but rather fights to run away. It made him think everything he said he would not think about. Did we run away by stepping away from what we were? he thought. We let them go free and live because of the Foretellers. Is that really a legitimate reason why we should have set them free? Jack is probably the first person of the four of them to be second guessing the decision to release the Supreme Elite from their hearts and no longer hold that mantle. Because of the Mark of Kye, they are still here, which means it chose them, not the Supreme Elite. Jack also couldn't help, but wonder what exactly the Supreme Elite are thinking and what they are doing. He's sure they are probably in some world beating back the darkness. It's amazing how Luxu has made it attack from multiple sides. Hopefully, the Keyblade wielders of light are able to hold them at bay. As of now, Jack and his friends are like any common Keyblade wielder in the universe. Who cares if they have the Mark of Kye? They answer to the Supreme Elite. They no longer go by those names and go by their own identities. No longer are they two names, one person, but they are one name, one person. Jack was finishing up his walk and was about to walk up the driveway when he heard someone address him. "Jack! We meet again," a male said. Jack immediately had chills up his spine and froze in place. He really did not want to turn around, but he had to. He turned around and there standing a few paces away from him is none other than his fraternal twin brother Nick. Nick was wearing strange and dark red and black clothing and his hair is blond with a dark tint to it. His eyes are gold and he has a slight dark aura coming off of him. He was grinning with amusement at his brother's stunned silence. "I-I killed you. How...?" Jack said. "Oh I think you know how," he replied chuckling. "You know you can't take me down that easily." "What do you want from me?" Jack asked. "Oh I merely wanted to say hello to my good old brother," Nick said. Jack knew that was a lie. "You aren't very good at lying you know," he said. "Heh, I guess I am not," he said. "I did however come to fulfill my duty though." "For Luxu right?" Jack said. All Nick did was grin. Jack knew that meant yes. "What are you after anyway? What does Luxu want?" "Why what else could he want?" Nick replied. "He wants you four gone. Oh wait, there are eight now, are there not?" He chuckled mockingly taking a shot Jack and his friends for setting the Supreme Elite free. That aggravated Jack making him clench his fists. "Yes there are and there are no regrets setting them free," Jack said defiantly. "They won't be taken by darkness and so we set them free. The darkness will not defeat the Supreme Elite." "Oh it may not be able to defeat them, but it will defeat you!" Nick shouted and immediately summoned his Keyblade. "I have wanted to kill you ever since that Keyblade War and I almost did, but then that dastardly power of yours took my chance away from me and now that you're alone, I can finish you off the I should have years ago!" He immediately started swinging his Keyblade at Jack. Jack had to avoid and dodge the swings since he was caught off guard. Nick went to swing overhead at Jack and Jack summoned Wayward Wind and blocked the strike. He then countered with his speed. It was not enough and Nick attacked again. The punishment Nick delivered to Jack was ruthless, but Jack still endured and persevered against the aggressiveness. He tried to fight back, but it did not do much and Nick merely blocked and countered just as brutally. Jack tried to persevere in this opposition. He isn't as strong anymore and was like any kind of Keyblade wielder and so this was like the opposite when he was the Supreme Elite fighting a dark Keyblade wielder. Nick eventually gave Jack a strong kick and forced his brother backwards onto the ground and rolling towards the house a bit. Jack lost grip of his Keyblade and it came out of his hand, fell off to the side, and disappeared. Jack was now vulnerable as Nick walked toward him with Keyblade pointing right at his face and laughing. "You know, I might as well ask you a question I bet you are familiar with: do you fear death?" he said as he put his blade close to Jack's face. Jack just glared back and forth from the blade to Nick and back and finally to Nick. "No... I don't," Jack replied. "Hmph, you probably should fear death because your death will be utmost painful and terrifying," Nick replied. "And I will make it so dark, your last moments will be the ones you fear the most and moments I will enjoy the most." He then pulled back to stab Jack and all Jack did was cover his face. Nick went to stab, but then was stopped and blocked by Ephemer and Skuld. Jack uncovered his face and looked up at them. "Ephemer! Skuld!" he said joyfully smiling. "Glad we made it in time!" Ephemer said. "We have never seen your brother before," Skuld said. "Now it seems we already know how horrid he really is." Ephemer and Skuld forcefully pushed Nick off making him step backwards a few times. "Grrrrgh, I'll make sure you idiots pay for that," he growled. "I'm not done with you Jack. I'll be sure to have some friends keep you and your friends company." Nick then disappears into a dark corridor. Jack got up and the two union members unsummoned their Keyblades and turned around to face Jack. "Thanks for saving me," Jack said. They nodded in reply and grinned. "Hey, I want to know something and I want the truth. Who is this person that you answer to?" Ephemer and Skuld immediately went pale and their smiles turned into frowns. They remained silent and nervous. "Well, you see here..." Ephemer began to say without finishing. "Jack, I'm afraid we can't tell you who he is," Skuld said. "Why not? Why shouldn't I have any suspicion that you are not in league with Luxu and traitors?" Jack questioned. "Oh no! We are not in league with him at all," Ephemer said. "If it makes you feel better, this person we answer to ordered us not to tell you who he is until the time is right." "He's a Keyblade wielder and he is on the side of light though," Skuld added. "What do you mean 'when the time is right?'" Jack asked. Ephemer and Skuld gave little looks and small signals and Jack wasn't understanding, but then it made sense to him. "Oh... You mean... when we reunite with them, right?" Jack asked. Ephemer and Skuld didn't answer, but Jack already knew this was what they meant or rather, what this mysterious figure ordered them to do. Jack nodded in understanding. "Well I hate to burst your bubble, but it will not happen," Jack said. "Your boss unfortunately will not be meeting me or any of my friends. He can meet our ancestors instead." "Well Jack, he begs to differ," Ephemer said leaving it out there. He and Skuld then open a corridor and leave Jack at his house alone to think about who this figure is and why they seem to believe Jack and his friends will reunite with the Supreme Elite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Supreme Elite were in San Fransokyo helping Big Hero 6 beat back these mysterious new villains. They can't figure out what this is, but have a feeling it's Luxu's doing. In the meantime, the four masters and Big Hero 6 planned an attack on a base of theirs in an abandoned building. Everyone will enter through different angles and basically put the place under siege and take out all enemies inside. This building was an abandoned factory used by Professor Callaghan to get his revenge of Allistar Krei using Hiro's invention. So now, in the middle of the night, they all quietly surround the building and time this all out. The Supreme Elite have a minute to clear a path and then Go Go, Wasabi, and Honey Lemon will go in with the first punch and then Fred, Hiro, and Baymax will bring in the next punch to overwhelm. The Supreme Elite sneak in and in the shadows see a guard dressed like the thirteen villains earlier on duty. They also notice that it appears dark Keyblade wielders have also joined up and are assisting. So the Elites go into the shadows and sneak up on the unsuspecting villains. Polemistis quickly quiets the guard and slits his throat silently. The rest do the same and quickly take out the rest of the villains in the vicinity. They hear a small ding and then a blast from the above windows shatters the glass and the first wave comes through. The Supreme Elite follow and they come upon more of the black geared villains and dark Keyblade wielders and they all fight. Then, the second wave come in to overwhelm and so all of Big Hero 6 and the Supreme Elite are fighting the dark forces. They are outnumbered about four to one, but they are taking out large swaths of enemies. The Supreme Elite are striking down and killing the Keyblade wielders and foes of this world. It was tiring as the numbers were constantly being replenished, but they persevered. Eventually, the four of them got tired of the struggle and decided to enact drastic measures. They looked at each other, nodded, and pointed their Keyblades up and summon large columns of light which grew and then exploded in a powerful force. Once it disappeared, all dark enemies were on the ground dead and unconscious. Big Hero 6 were all knocked away from the blast and managed to get up and were approaching the Elites. Suddenly, a dark corridor opened and out of it came a black coated figure. "Luxu!" they all shouted in unison. "My, my, if it isn't the Supreme Elite," he said. "I haven't seen you in ages. How are you enjoying your time in the land of the living?" He chuckled making the Elites angry for that was a shot at them remaining alive while their friends remained to die miserably and their gravestones standing to this modern age. "What are you after Luxu and why?" Polemistis demanded. "Why I am merely fulfilling what the Master wanted before the Keyblade War," Luxu said and then summoned No Name. "You see this eye? It's the Master's eye placed there so he could see the future and if it is going accordingly as he foresaw long ago. The future is a beautiful one created with balance and under the care and control of one individual. How does one do that? They unlock Kingdom Hearts of course and gain power no man has ever witnessed before. My ancestor of my name was to pass down this Keyblade to his successor and Master Xehanort was to fulfill the purpose. As Master Xehanort failed to accomplish what he was meant to do, I am here to complete the task and obtain the prize no one has ever obtained..." "... the X-blade!" Luxu and the Elites said in unison. "But how are you...?" Polemistis was about to ask when out from dark corridors came five figures dressed exactly like the Foretellers, but in dark colors and with black auras surrounding them. "I present to you the Dark Foretellers," Luxu said. "So you have them, the Dark Elite, which makes nine along with Master Xehanort, Vanitas, Ronnie, and Nick..." Polemistis counted and then gasped. "Then that would mean...!" "Yes Master Polemistis, the thirteen darknesses," Luxu said. "Then how are you obtaining seven lights?" Polemistis asked. "Oh I have someone doing that already," Luxu replied. "Don't worry, once you see him, some memories will surely be resurrected. I am sure you'll love reliving them. I know I will." He then laughed opening a dark corridor and all six of them left San Fransokyo. The Supreme Elite were absolutely stunned at what they just learned. It seems now the task at hand has become even harder. They'll have to persevere though... they have to. 2 The Transcendent Key and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted June 23, 2017 GAHHH, LUXU MADE AN APPEARANCE BEFORE THE HEROES! GAHHH, I'M DYING HERE!!! But dang, it looks like Ben and the others may find things more difficult for themselves after having liberated the Supreme Elite from within their hearts! But they did the right thing, right? Also, I'm just loving how all this is building up into one big showdown! I especially loved Luxu being the one to complete the Master's goal after all this time! Excellent work, man! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted June 29, 2017 (edited) Chapter 29: A Few Surprises My family and I had to go to the grocery store. To be precise, we had to go to nearby Walmart supermarket and get some food and other necessities. It's something we usually do whenever we are running low on anything. It isn't our favorite thing to do as well because of the crowds that show up particularly on weekends and the distance. However, this had to be done so we decided to go on a weekend in the afternoon around 2 pm. We get there and grab a cart and begin our shopping. "Okay, so let's get your mother's a sister's stuff," dad suggested. Mom and my sister went off to get their own personal stuff. Meanwhile, dad and I got a couple toiletries like toothpaste and hand soap. We came back and mom and my sister put their stuff in the cart. We then went off to get other things from aisles filled with household items. We went to the food section of the store and looked for foods we usually buy. We split up and I head down a frozen food aisle. I stop and look around for a second for a particularly a frozen food bag. I then feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around and see someone in a white t-shirt with a grey strip at chest level, black cap, black sneakers with white soles, and white fingerless gloves. "Excuse me, where might I find a store manager or even a street vendor?" the guy asked. "Oh the manager is up front, but as for a street vendors, I don't think there..." I said before trailing off. Looking at the face some more, I realized immediately who it was. "Noctis?" I said. He then smiled, winked, and nodded. I looked around and brought him off to the side and we spoke in low voices. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Are you crazy? How on earth did you find me at all?" "I caught wind of what you guys did," he replied referring to my split from my ancestor. "I heard everything the Foretellers did long ago and leading up until now. I know I'm late to the party, but I couldn't sit by when I did hear." "What of your friends?" I asked. "Where are they?" "Well... I sort of went off-" he said, but then I cut him off. "You took off without anyone knowing?!" I asked shocked. "I couldn't just let you guys be alone," he said. "I have to protect the citizens of Lucis and you count as one. You're also one of my best friends and I do this because I care." "Thanks Noct," I said. "I also came here to tell you something you guys need to know," he added. "Even though Niflheim and Lucis have become one nation, it seems that old forces that once served the empire have started to create divisions." "Luxu..." I said. "He must be doing this." "I figured you heard about that and I wanted to ask," Noct said. "Well thanks for telling me," I said "but I am not the Supreme Elite anymore. You'll have to find them and tell them. Hopefully you find some Keyblade wielders in Lucis, more like Eos in general, who can fight this." Noctis looked a bit stunned, but had to remember that this is the new normal now. "I'm sorry Noctis," I apologized. "This is the new normal now." "Ben? Who is this?" I heard my mom ask. I look behind me and the three of them are together. "Oh, just someone asking if I have an idea where the store manager is," I replied. I looked back at Noct and nodded. He nodded in return and looked as if he understood. He then whispered into my ear. "I liked what you were before," he whispered. Then he stepped away, nodded, and went on his way. I was left in thought thinking about what he said. I could tell what it meant: Noctis liked me as the Supreme Elite. He liked me more as Polemistis and myself. My dad called me again and I snapped out of it and went to them and we finished our shopping. We went home and put all the groceries away and did our thing until dinner. In the meantime, I thought a lot about what Noctis said. Why does he like me as the Supreme Elite more than as I am now? I mean, the Supreme Elite themselves are here still. They are their own people now. Yeah they don't have the Mark of Kye, which has not appeared on me or my friends for some time now, but that doesn't mean Keyblade wielders should not be answering to them. They are superior in skill and power and they know what to do. Besides, they deserve lives of their own. The Foretellers predecessors lied to them and it cost them. Now they get a second chance. The Foretellers... Thinking about them angered me. They first hide the truth thousands of years ago from my ancestors. They are told the Keyblade War was a fight between forces of light and darkness. It really was a war between unions; friend against friend. The Elite thought they were killing off enemies of the darkness, but were really slaughtering their own friends because of the deception they were given. Then, thousands of years later, in an effort to hide their crimes and scandalous behavior, they keep quiet and let my friends and I fix their mess so it can be swept under the rug never to see daylight and for them never to face accountability for their heinousness due to them. It is so hard to forgive them because this affected millions of people. Not only that, but I feel used as do my friends, the seven lights, and our appren- well... our fellow Keyblade wielders since they are no longer subordinate to us, but to the Elite. They deceived Master Yen Sid! It is so hard to forgive them and I am trying to. At least I don't have to reconcile with them because reconciling and forgiving are two different things. Suddenly, I hear the doorbell ring and a knock on the door. That's strange, who could this be? I get up and head to the door. Mom is following me behind a couple steps behind me. I open the door and my jaw drops and I am absolutely stunned. Standing on my front porch are the seven lights except Mickey. Sora, Riku, Kairi, Ventus, Terra, and Aqua are all standing on my front porch with Sora right in front of me on the other side of the screen door we have. He had a big grin and put his hands behind his head like he usually does. In fact, everyone had a smile or a grin on their face. "Hiya Ben!" Sora said cheerfully. Mom approached next to me. "Oh... hi..." she said surprised. "You didn't tell me Ben you had friends coming over tonight." "I never told you because I never planned it," I said still shocked and still looking at the six. "Well come on in," mom said and we opened the screen door and the six of them all came in. They looked around the main floor of the house looking at pictures of my family and I, our pictures of us in Walt Disney World, and our images of Christ and the Virgin Mary. "Wow, some place you got," Ventus said to me. I said nothing still. I finally managed to figure out something to say. "Hey, um... why don't we all sit in the living room and talk," I suggested and everyone agreed. They all went into the living room while I told mom what I was doing. "Ben, why are they here?" mom sternly asked me. "I'm as stumped as you," I replied. "I am going to ask what's going on." Mom nodded and then went off to the upstairs. I went over to the living room where everyone was paying attention to me. "Okay, how the hell did you guys find me?" I demanded. "Well, thanks to a certain Lucian and following the connection of us to you through the Mark of Kye, we found you," Sora said. Noctis told them and they actually pursued me using my connection to them. "I told you I don't use the Mark," I said. "I answer to the Supreme Elite as do you. I don't think they would like you being here." "I think you know better than that," Aqua said. She's right, I lied there. "Okay, but I am not liking this," I replied. "Still, I want to know right now why on God's green Earth you are here." "Well, while we have been trying to go around mending these divisions on worlds," Ventus said, "we actually talked about your situation with the Foretellers." "We think that maybe you should forgive them and reconcile with them," Riku said. I was silent for a bit. This was something I was actually thinking about. "You know, I can do the former, but not the latter," I said. "Huh? What do you mean?" Sora asked. "As a Catholic, I have to forgive them," I explained. "The reason why is because it's my own soul I have to be concerned about. I don't have to reconcile with them. That's a completely different thing in of itself. I can't and won't reconcile with them is because I have no clue for sure that they won't lie to me and my friends again just like it was done just before the Keyblade War and then in the past few years." "Ben, their ancestors thought they were doing what is best for yours," Terra said. Then I snapped. "NO! WRONG ANSWER!" I screamed at them. They all became wide-eyed at my reaction. "They did NOT do what's best for my ancestors! They didn't want to face responsibility for their actions and so caused the deaths of millions! Their descendants are just the same! They lied and deceived us to cover up their predecessors' lies and sins! WE! WERE! USED! All of us including you seven! Now we should reconcile with them?!" It was silent for what felt like an hour even though it was just a minute. "You should at least consider it," Kairi said. "They have to help beat back the darkness. If you all can't reconcile with them, we won't win this fight." "You know, I became too close to darkness," Terra said. "I realized that I was doing things and acting in ways that concerned Master Eraqus and wanted Aqua to watch me for." "I betrayed Sora and Kairi," Riku added. "I was so concerned about leaving our little island that I caused darkness to tear us apart and enter into my heart. It is somewhat like what Terra allowed, but on a greater scale." "The point they are making is they reconciled with us," Aqua said. "Even though they did things we found appalling, we forgave them and reconciled with them." "Have you guys done so with them?" I asked. "No... They haven't been seen since then," Ventus replied. "If I can guess one thing and be right, they have felt horrible about what they have done because I could tell how much they regretted not telling you guys the truth." "Besides, you need them and they need you," Sora said. He then got up from the couch, stood in front of me, and put a hand on my shoulder. "I hope you can see that and eventually reconcile with them." I merely nodded. "I'll be sure to pray about it and go to a priest about it," I replied. I just thought that today had a few surprises. The first was finding Noctis in a freaking Walmart super store. The second was all of these guys here finding me and my house. The final one was their suggestion my friends and I reconcile with the Foretellers. That's something I'll have to pray about. Edited July 13, 2017 by KingdomHearts3 2 The Transcendent Key and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted June 30, 2017 Ooh, this is definitely hard on Ben! It's not easy to forgive such a large scale mistake, and I can understand Ben's feelings on the situation! Overall, it shows just how human he is, ya know? I just loved how you put Noctis up in casual clothing, lol, I imagined it in my head as pretty funny, and the Seven Lights appearing in Ben's house was also awesome! Keep up the awesome work, man! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted July 1, 2017 Chapter 30: An Unexpected Hero Axeron, Soraxan, Derron, and Braxon were watching over the students at the Keyblade academy. They have been the ones in charge of the school ever since they received word that the Supreme Elite and their descendants split and now live separately from the other. They realized upon hearing this why they were told they would be in charge of the academy for a while and graciously accepted the duty. They couldn't tell the students. It would create disorder and worry among them. Some might decide to go out and find the Elites and/or Ben and company. They had to act as if everything is normal and natural. They were all in the courtyard practicing magic spells. By now, some students have been learning and practicing some advanced spells and other advanced material. "Alright Wyatt, let's see it," Axeron said. Wyatt nodded and with much ease, he used a powerful spell, Mega Flare and hit the target creating a huge flash and explosion. "Awesome job!" Axeron complimented. "Now show me the rest." Wyatt showed Axeron the rest of the advanced spells he learned and has just about mastered. Axeron was very much impressed with Wyatt's skill and ease at showing him these advanced spells. He has even learned attacks and spells, though with some improvement needed, that no one else in the academy has learned as they are for select Keyblade masters like the Supreme Elite. "I must say, you're a special one," Axeron said. "You of course need to improve the new material, but I think you'll be on your way to your Mark of Mastery exam." "Thank you Axeron," Wyatt replied. "Axeron, when are the Supreme Elite coming back? They haven't been back in weeks." "They should be back soon," Axeron replied trying to keep his cool. "I sense it could be today, but I believe their return is imminent." Just then, four light corridors opened up and out came the Supreme Elite. Everyone looked in their direction and excitement was in the air for their return. The four apprentices went up to them and bowed. "Masters, it's so good to have you back," Axeron said on behalf of his friends. All the Elites had smiles on their faces. They students rushed over calling out the Elites' names. Wyatt had a face full of joy and was about to rush to them, but then froze in place and the joy washed away immediately into concern. He felt something different about them. They are not the Supreme Elite he knew; these people only have one heart in them, not two and he does not sense Ben's heart in Master Polemistis and the same with the rest. Soraxan noticed Wyatt standing at a distance from everyone. "Wyatt, is something wrong?" he asked. "The Supreme Elite have finally returned you know." Wyatt did not answer for a few seconds and then finally said something. "Yeah... I just can't believe they're back," he replied uneasily. He had a feeling something was wrong. Why does he sense one heart in each of them and not two? Where are Ben and his friends? They are his masters, not these people. Yeah they are the Supreme Elite, but not the ones he knows and has come to love. It hit him there and then: these are the original Supreme Elite. These are Ben's, Adrian's, Shane's, and Jack's ancestors. That means Ben, Adrian, Shane, and Jack are somewhere. Not only that, he doesn't sense the Mark of Kye on these people. The Supreme Elite helped teach the students for the next couple of hours and as the sun started setting, everyone went inside. "Wyatt, aren't you coming in?" Derron asked him as everyone moved inside the building. "No, I think I will continue my training out here," he said. Derron shrugged his shoulders and went in with the crowd. "What was that about?" Braxon asked him. "Don't know," Derron replied. "He wanted to merely train outside some more." "On his own?" Braxon asked. "Beats me," Derron replied again. "All I know is he is prime for his Mark of Mastery and is a special one. I don't blame him for still training and asking for alone time." The sun did not set completely for another couple of hours so there was still plenty of daylight left. All the students were in the throne room while the Supreme Elite went to the library with the apprentices to talk. Wyatt lied earlier about training outside some more. That was a decoy. He quietly went to the library, which is the academy's basement, hid, and overheard the conversation between the two sides. "Alright, what happened?" Axeron asked in a lower voice and firmly. "I did not see it coming," Polemistis replied. "Ben and I were in the Magic Kingdom of Walt Disney World and he expressed to me thoughts about me living my own life. I told him how I felt happy as I was and wondered what he was thinking. Before we know it, we were released from their hearts and became our own people." "Living once again in the land of the living," Kidemonas followed up. "So how is the Foretellers connected to all of this?" Soraxan asked. "Their ancestors, our original masters, told us that the Keyblade War was a conflict between light and dark," Aiton explained. "It turned out to be a war in which friends fought friends, a civil war if you wish." "Here we are thousands of years later learning that we were lied to," Kyrios said. "Then we learn the descendants, Ben's and his friends' masters, kept it all quiet to keep the past crimes secret and to cover it all up so it never sees the light." The apprentices were absolutely stunned at hearing this. "Where are Ben and company now?" Derron asked. "We don't know," Polemistis replied. "We haven't even seen them in days, weeks actually." "Wow, this explains why we were put in charge for a while," Braxon said in awe. Wyatt is losing his mind over all of this as he eavesdropped on the conversation. He knew something wasn't right and now learned that it was more than he originally thought. He snuck away keeping quiet and hidden and went outside through the front entrance of the academy. "I have to find them," he said to himself out loud and in a low voice. He then ran off down the hill onto the road, crossed it, and then went into the woods trusting his heart to lead him. Meanwhile, the apprentices and Supreme Elite were speaking about other things after they spoke about their classified topic as they walked back up to the main floor of the academy. Axeron started getting a not good feeling about Wyatt. "Hey guys, I have been thinking about Wyatt," he said. "He was acting rather strange earlier." "I noticed too," Polemistis said. "I have a feeling he knows the truth." The eight of them swiftly went to his room and did not see him there. They looked throughout the many rooms and could not find him. They met up again in the throne room after their initial search. "Anything?" Kyrios asked. The rest shook their heads. It came to Axeron right there. "Oh no," he said. "He must have..." He couldn't finish the thought. Wyatt must have overheard them and now has decided to find Ben and company. "He couldn't have!" Polemistis protested. "Yes he did and I am going to find him," Axeron said. "You guys calm everyone else here. Wyatt was asking me about you guys earlier so I have to find him." The Elites and rest of the apprentices nodded in agreement and Axeron went out the front. He had a sense of where Wyatt went and started down the hill to the road and then into the woods. Wyatt trekked through the woods. He sensed in his heart the Mark of Kye leading him and now he is pretty sure the overall direction in which it is leading him. Meanwhile, he is looking around his surroundings as he is in the middle of the woods in the middle of upstate New York. Wyatt grew wary of his surroundings and had a slight fear over him since he was alone and he has really no clue where he is or where exactly he is going. He then hears a call of his name behind him. "Wyatt!" a voice called. Wyatt whipped around about ready to summon his Keyblade when he sees Axeron running towards him. "Oh my goodness! Wyatt!" Axeron said joyfully. "What are you doing?" "I heard it all," Wyatt said sternly and with some worry and fear. "They are not the Supreme Elite I know. Where are Ben and the rest of my masters?" Axeron was quiet for a second realizing Wyatt did overhear it all and more. "You are truly a special Keyblade wielder," Axeron said in a soft voice. "For you to sense who they are and to sense the Mark of Kye when no one else among your comrades at the school has that ability is extraordinary." "Where is Ben?" Wyatt asked with more sharpness. "I have a general direction of where he could be, but I want to know exactly where my master is." "I don't know Wyatt," Axeron replied. "He could be back home, he could be in Walt Disney World, I don't know." Wyatt started breathing heavily and look overwhelmed. "Here, calm down," Axeron said gently and approaching the student. "Look, let's go back and we can find them another time." Wyatt nodded and they began trekking back toward the school. A couple minutes later, they see someone looking like Polemistis walking through the woods too. "Master Polemistis?" Axeron said and they walked towards him, but when they got close, they froze and gasped. The figure looked at them and then smiled with a maniacal grin. It was Polemos, not Polemistis. "Well, well, well," he said. "Just who might you be son?" He was looking straight at Wyatt ignoring Axeron. Wyatt immediately summoned his Keyblade and took stance. "Oh you're a Keyblade wielder eh?" Polemos said. "Name's Wyatt," Wyatt replied. "I'm a student under Master Polemistis." "Oooohhh, are you now?" Polemos said approaching the two. Axeron summoned his Keyblade as well as he a Wyatt started retreating slowly as Polemos advanced. Just then, they look to their left and see another person approaching Polemos. "Polemos, what's happening?" he asked. "Have you figured out any more leads?" "Ronnie! Look at this here!" Polemos motioned. Ronnie looked at Wyatt and Axeron and an evil grin spread across his face. "Well isn't this a surprise?" Ronnie said. "You're Ronnie, Ben's nemesis," Wyatt said. "Oh is that how that idiot speaks of me?" Ronnie asked. "You must be, what? A student of his? Well I must say you look rather strong. How about we test that?" Ronnie and Polemos summoned their Keyblades. "If you think he was such a great teacher, than show us you fool!" Polemos demanded. The two sides clashed and fought. It was a fight in which Axeron and Wyatt were going back and forth between Polemos and Ronnie as they fought in the little clearing they were in inside the woods. Wyatt was struggling for both of these enemies were strong. He had to constantly retreat or he would have been a goner in a few seconds. These two were that strong. It was a shock for him that Axeron has managed to keep himself upright although he could tell it was not by much that Axeron has kept himself up. They found themselves surrounded by Polemos and Ronnie as the two dark Keyblade wielders were circling them. "Wyatt! We have to work together now!" Axeron exclaimed. "How do we do that?! Wyatt replied. "We have to use a joint attack," Axeron said. "I have never been taught that stuff!" Wyatt pleaded. "Just trust in me and in yourself," Axeron said. Wyatt merely nodded. "Oh isn't that sad," Polemos mocked. "It seems the young student has already reached the end of his line. What a pity." "What a waste," Ronnie added. "You're a disgrace to Ben and Polemistis. You're better off dead than ever putting your hands on a Keyblade. Don't worry, we'll make this quick... AFTER ALL THE PAIN!" The two of them laugh maniacally at the suggestion angering Wyatt. "Now!" Axeron shouted. Wyatt and Axeron then performed Unison Rush on the two enemies hitting them over and over and from different directions. They both give the final attack drilling Polemos and Ronnie and sending them back about fifteen yards. The two get up, but slowly grunting and huffing. "Alright, you win," Ronnie said. "Don't expect him to save you next time," Polemos said to Wyatt. Then the two of them disappeared into dark corridors. Wyatt and Axeron then unsummoned their Keyblades and exhaled. "Good job," Axeron complimented. "If I had the authority, I would say you have passed the first trial of your Mark of Mastery exam." Wyatt smiled and nodded. Then the two of them went back to the academy and Wyatt, the four apprentices, and the Supreme Elite all spoke alone together about the battle. "Thank goodness you're safe," Polemistis said relieved. "Ben will surely be glad you are alive." "Will you tell him about our fight?" Wyatt asked. "I'll be sure he knows," Polemistis promised. "Speaking of him, where is he?" Wyatt asked again. "I don't know," Polemistis said insisting. "I don't know where he is. However, I think you have sensed we do not have the Mark and went after him, yes?" Wyatt looked down. "No worry, we'll be sure you find him." Wyatt looked back up and nodded. "Besides, I think you have become an unexpected hero." Wyatt smiled and nodded in thought. I guess after the recent fight he had, he kind of became an unexpected hero. 2 KHLegendIII and The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted July 2, 2017 Hmm, I sense that this Wyatt person may become an important character in this story! He's definitely one to watch out for, that's for sure! For him to have sensed something amiss when the Supreme Elite came shows of some potential in the boy! Great work on this chapter! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites