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Best KH13 Moment of 2016

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Pretty much what the title says. Mine would have to be the gif party we had in avoid the mods, but there were other cool moments as well. What was yours?

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This year's been kind of nice, not too bad and not too good.


I wouldn't call it a moment, but more of a thing that happened that led to a pretty tolerable year. I got to meet Organization Member XV, who has been one of the kindest and most understanding people in the whole wide world! When either one of us are struggling or dealing with something, whether it's inside or in real life, we both understand each other and we try to help/comfort each other. And unlike most people in my life, she doesn't give me put downs every day of my life, and encourages me to chase my dreams. Plus, she has shared so much with me, and I have been able to share my thoughts with her. :3



Rock on!

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In this year of my own personal antics: I found the avatar of my dreams, I performed exorcists by dropping steamrollers on people's heads, I ruined everybody's childhood by making a moment in KH2 dirty, I wrote a disturbing story about Barney's love life, I tried and failed to resurrect BS Chronicles but still managed to give it a good send off with a Christmas special, I celebrated my fifth year anniversary on the site, and just today, I finally surpassed the mighty Dave on the top reputation page and I just uploaded a send-off to 2016 that will hopefully not let anyone down.


As for everything else, I dunno because I only live in my own little world and only notice the things I do.


... I'm kidding. There's been lots of cool things that have happened this year but even if I wanted to, I can't really remember all of them or list them down, not because of the above statement, but just because my memory is doo-doo. xD

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Obviously -1022

what is -1022?


While on topic, the best KH13 moment of 2016 was the sunglasses Lenny guy

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