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43 Big Words For IGN In 2017

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Don't pay attention to them. They are just a bunch of sellouts, as long as you got the green, they'll say whatever you want them to say about your overhyped piece of trash you call a "game" (not you, the game company)

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Not a fan of the generalization and broad targeting of the company as a whole for a few problem individuals. How easily we forget the actual review scores for the KH Games, I believe they were listed before on another topic, but here they are:


Kingdom Hearts - 9/10


Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - 8.4/10


Kingdom Hearts II - 7.6/10


Kingdom Hearts: Re: Coded - 8/10


Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - 8/10


Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - 8.5/10


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance - 8.5/10


As a whole, IGN believes the series to be pretty good (Ocelothandgesture) with the exception of those who don't know much about it who are mistakenly assigned to talking about it and I believe they made a correction to that one time, with more research being done and a reupload. And that memetic individual who said Roxas was "a garbage character no one cares about" is one person.


IGN doesn't hate Kingdom Hearts. Maybe they have had incidents of being paid to say things, but come on, enough with the witch hunting and lynching. Enjoy your games, please.

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Not a fan of the generalization and broad targeting of the company as a whole for a few problem individuals. How easily we forget the actual review scores for the KH Games, I believe they were listed before on another topic, but here they are:


Kingdom Hearts - 9/10


Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - 8.4/10


Kingdom Hearts II - 7.6/10


Kingdom Hearts: Re: Coded - 8/10


Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - 8/10


Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - 8.5/10


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance - 8.5/10


As a whole, IGN believes the series to be pretty good (Ocelothandgesture) with the exception of those who don't know much about it who are mistakenly assigned to talking about it and I believe they made a correction to that one time, with more research being done and a reupload. And that memetic individual who said Roxas was "a garbage character no one cares about" is one person.


IGN doesn't hate Kingdom Hearts. Maybe they have had incidents of being paid to say things, but come on, enough with the witch hunting and lynching. Enjoy your games, please.


I have no problem with opinions from IGN. I could care less about their whole "Roxas is a garbage character" ordeal, and I think people blew that our of proportion.


However, when you put Kingdom Hearts III on a list of games that you say are coming out in 2017, that's false reporting which will mislead many of the more casual side of the fanbase that doesn't really check sites like this.


This is a more serious problem that can't be allowed to happen again. You can call it witch hunting, but this time they deserve whatever backlash they get. It's not a matter of an opinion that one staff member had, it's an article that reported false information that other people can take the wrong way. I wouldn't be surprised if I started seeing people say that KH3 was supposed to be out in 2017 "because IGN said so."

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They deserve whatever backlash they get? lol Are we still talking about videogames? KH3 could still show up in 2017.

"But but but there can only be one KH game a year and we haven't seen enough of KH3 for it to come out in 2017!!!" ~Annoying KH Fan

Yeah we haven't seen KH3 in a while, but that just shows that NONE of us know its current status. If you want to make educated guesses that's fine, but unless you are working on the game yourself, you really have no idea.

The game was announced in 2013. I don't care that they switched engines, or that Nomura himself admitted they announced KH3 too early. As far as I'm concerned, the timer starts when a game is announced. So a game announced in 2013 and arriving in 2017 would be a fair assumption. Can't blame IGN for that at least.

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They deserve whatever backlash they get? lol Are we still talking about videogames? KH3 could still show up in 2017.


"But but but there can only be one KH game a year and we haven't seen enough of KH3 for it to come out in 2017!!!" ~Annoying KH Fan


Yeah we haven't seen KH3 in a while, but that just shows that NONE of us know its current status. If you want to make educated guesses that's fine, but unless you are working on the game yourself, you really have no idea.


The game was announced in 2013. I don't care that they switched engines, or that Nomura himself admitted they announced KH3 too early. As far as I'm concerned, the timer starts when a game is announced. So a game announced in 2013 and arriving in 2017 would be a fair assumption. Can't blame IGN for that at least.


"Could" is not an excuse to put an unconfirmed game on an article called "43 Big Games Coming In 2017."


Did I ever say there could only be one game a year? That's irrelevant. 2.8 and 1.5 + 2.5 are coming out next year, so that argument could very well be false.


I don't need to know its current status to say that nobody confirmed it to be a 2017 release. Whatever Nomura and his team are doing is their business, and nobody here is making educated guesses but IGN.


I understand it would be a fair "assumption," but that's not at all what the article was about. It is an article about games that are for sure to come in 2017. KH3 isn't the only game they got wrong; God of War and Spider-Man were on that list, both games that are not confirmed for 2017.


If you want to go ahead and call me an "Annoying KH Fan," I've got no problem with that but you have to at least agree that IGN isn't exactly being a very trustworthy news source at this point.

Edited by Rocketboy

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"Could" is not an excuse to put an unconfirmed game on an article called "43 Big Games Coming In 2017."


Did I ever say there could only be one game a year? That's irrelevant. 2.8 and 1.5 + 2.5 are coming out next year, so that argument could very well be false.


I don't need to know its current status to say that nobody confirmed it to be a 2017 release. Whatever Nomura and his team are doing is their business, and nobody here is making educated guesses but IGN.


I understand it would be a fair "assumption," but that's not at all what the article was about. It is an article about games that are for sure to come in 2017. KH3 isn't the only game they got wrong; God of War and Spider-Man were on that list, both games that are not confirmed for 2017.


If you want to go ahead and call me an "Annoying KH Fan," I've got no problem with that but you have to at least agree that IGN isn't exactly being a very trustworthy news source at this point.

Whoa, slow down there buddy.  The quote wasn't directed at you, and I never called you an Annoying KH Fan.


No one has confirmed KH3 for 2017. Or for 2018. Or for 2019. No one has confirmed anything. So I don't blame people for saying it'll be out in 2017. If anything, it's Square's fault for not saying anything. They're not obligated to give us a release date at this point, but at the same time they can't stop people from throwing out release dates.


And I think you're taking an article about VIDEO GAMES waaaaay too seriously. It's just a list of games they're excited for and that they're thinking will come out next year. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Whoa, slow down there buddy.  The quote wasn't directed at you, and I never called you an Annoying KH Fan.


No one has confirmed KH3 for 2017. Or for 2018. Or for 2019. No one has confirmed anything. So I don't blame people for saying it'll be out in 2017. If anything, it's Square's fault for not saying anything. They're not obligated to give us a release date at this point, but at the same time they can't stop people from throwing out release dates.


And I think you're taking an article about VIDEO GAMES waaaaay too seriously. It's just a list of games they're excited for and that they're thinking will come out next year. Nothing more, nothing less.

The problem here is that IGN is stating in this video that Kingdom Hearts will release in 2017 as though it were a fact, when it's not. Is it possible for a 2017 release? Yes. Has it been confirmed? No. That's why this is a problem, because this video is giving false information, which people will take as a fact.

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Not a fan of the generalization and broad targeting of the company as a whole for a few problem individuals. How easily we forget the actual review scores for the KH Games, I believe they were listed before on another topic, but here they are:


Kingdom Hearts - 9/10


Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - 8.4/10


Kingdom Hearts II - 7.6/10


Kingdom Hearts: Re: Coded - 8/10


Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - 8/10


Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - 8.5/10


Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance - 8.5/10


As a whole, IGN believes the series to be pretty good (Ocelothandgesture) with the exception of those who don't know much about it who are mistakenly assigned to talking about it and I believe they made a correction to that one time, with more research being done and a reupload. And that memetic individual who said Roxas was "a garbage character no one cares about" is one person.


IGN doesn't hate Kingdom Hearts. Maybe they have had incidents of being paid to say things, but come on, enough with the witch hunting and lynching. Enjoy your games, please.

KH2 lower then Re:Coded? What joke.

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Look what I've found today. 


Now, I can forgive them for making a mistake because it's the right thing to do. But what they did to the annotation of the video, is nuts! To me it's just making things worse. 






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