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     It's been, i don't know, I year or two since I've been on this site and never posted anything. I kind of feel bad for doing that, but personal problems got in the way of what I really enjoyed doing--commenting on forum posts (although it was on another site, not this one. But still.). It's just a realization I've finally come to. If you want to do something, do it, and don't hold yourself back like i did for years. And if you have a goal, a dream, anything of the sort, never let anyone try to push you down to their level; that dream, once it becomes a reality, feels amazing when you accomplish it, especially if it took years.


     I guess this is where I actually say "Hi" to you all again and give some information about myself. I'm 19 year old college freshman who aspires to be an author. My best subjects are English (of course) and Mathematics. I love reading visual novels, watching anime, and reading books as well. Naruto was my first ever anime that got me into it, and in a way I'm grateful. His "Never give up" motto stuck in my head. However, I haven't been watching anime recently (due to the same personal problems), but if you want you can recommend me some  :tongue: . 

Currently, I stream on twitch, trying to beat games fast while also joking around and having fun. One more thing you should know: I'm kind of like a grammar nazi; whenever I see misplaced commas, my brain automatically wants to correct it, lol. 


     I think that's all I have to say about me. Again, I'm sorry for not just signing up and not being active. I hope you all have a good day!

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