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Saying Goodbye..(?)

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Soooo I've been thinking a lot lately and I think it's finally time to leave, not because I hate you guys or anything I'm just getting the feeling it's time, ya know? I turned 18 a couple months ago, and I'm finishing up my last year of high school before I go off to live the rest of my life and suchness! Don't get me wrong I'll forever love this community, as well as the Kingdom Hearts series( I mean I've been playing he games since I was four no going back now lol).


Plus I stopped really being active here awhile ago, I just come on to check up on you guys and see what's happening. Imma be honest like half the friends I have left I think cx I mean i started here in 8th grade and I'm finishing senior year now.


So just to wrap things up I love you guys so so sooooo much and thank you for the wonderful 4-5 years I've had on here and thanks in general for being such amazing people!


If by chance you really do wanna keep in touch I'll be more than happy to provide: Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr , etc!!


Love you all and keep having a good life!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ( I'll try to finish up this week just to say goodbye to my friends) and who knows maybe once I have a path planned out in life I'll stop by to say hello like I usually do cx ( I also realize how hard it is to say goodbye so Imma go ahead and end this post before it's a book)

Goodbye! ~~~~

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Ahhh I know! Believe me I miss the days I would talk with people in the chat room for like hours on end and participate in role playing but I stopped doing that a couple years ago(I think??). I wish I had more time to be here but sadly I just don't have motivation to talk here anymore(??) but like I said I'm open to other means of communication cause I can't loose all my friends here, I'd miss you guys to much!

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Could I contact you? 



If you want new friends, just ask :) Im always on skype for a chat



Haha just realized not even a week in I forgot to give out all that info cx


Skype: aliceliddellinwonderland

Tumblr: Paopufruitsandicecream


Um I have snapchat buuut i don't really know how comfortable people are about sharing that, as well as instagram but if you want those than just get them through me on either of those places!


Okay NOW I leave!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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