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Text The Author war- Round two

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Change in plans. There wer suppose to be three rounds but this is the second AND FINAL round.


It's all vs eachother


Antrium vs Sorage55 vs -Ventus- vs Ivan-chan vs Hinako_U


The same rules apply as from the last round. Everybody have fun and good luck. There can be only one winner; may the best poet/writer win!


Final round begins now :D

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To be honest I am here to say things I have always wanted to say...

I wanted to tell you that I loved you and cherished you...

How I would die for you...

I would protect you.

I would do anything if it meant you would be happy...

I lay myself in front of you... I

expose myself to you and let you see me for who I really am and not for what I was.

If you can see my inner feelings, could you give me redemption?

If you saw the demons I have faced...

Would you still hold me?

I am a sinner and yet I am a saint...

I am the one who shows the light and sometimes brings the darkness...

I am troubled and alone, or at least I was... Until I met you.

You showed me the that I can tell you the darkest things and you do not judge me, instead you love me more because i am willing to tell you these things.

If this is how it feels to be free of guilt, then let me be free and let me be shown to the world for who I am and not for who I was...

Show me that I can have redemption with no retribution and no transcendent payments...

I will honor my promise and I will protect you with my life, I will hold you when you get scared, I will be at your side when things start to crumble, and when you feel threatened... I will stop it. I will hold your hand when you need me to and I will make sure that you are taken care of... You are the only person for me...

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(oh my, looks like I need to go all out if i'm actually going to win my first contest ever.)



Dead End


Born into this world,

Innocent and soft,

Crawling and running,

Between deathly coughs,


I scatter this pathyway,

Through doors that are unlocked,

Keys in hand,

Large as a sheep's flock,


10 years later I was running out of keys,

Doors became less and less at ease,


The roads I traveled became more and more narrow,

I met a fellow on the way as damned as a scarecrow,


"Hello child, care to walk with me?

I am lonely and sad and not very free."


"Ok, sure! What be your name?

I am Kevin Packwood, child age 10."


"My name is naught for I was just born,

My mommy forgot me so I am torn."


"Thats not good,

I'll find you a name!

My friends are all gone,

I just moved away.


Will you be my friend?

If I may ask,

I wont ask again,

If you wont last."


"Dear boy do not cry,

Take those tears from your eye,

Look around us,

As you can see,


The sunlight's ending for you and me,

Its dark outside on this open road,

I'll be your friend,

A friend so bold."


We walked and talked for about an hour,

I wish we hadn't because of his power,

It grew and grew as time went on,

We still kept on walking through this road of Sun,


This boy I was grew up in time,

Longer and longer than these words in rhyme,

The friend I met wasn't like before,

He held the map to which I would explore,


"Go this way,

Go that!

This map tells where its at,

Let me see you when we're older,

And reveal you my heavy boulder."


I walked the ways he told me to be,

My friend and I,

Daemon and me,

We were fighting once, twice, and more,

Daemon showed me how he had bore,


A monster from below,

Looking for a show,

To a child who would let,

A monster to be kept,


I was tricked!

I was fooled!

Holy Lord!

What do I do?!


Now i'm 16 and at my last door,

Daemon gave me the final key he had bore,

I opened the door,

I opened the door,

I couldn't believe,

The sight at its core,


A dead end....evermore....

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Well since none of the other contestants are posting, I might as well just judge the writing above.


The winner between Antrium and Sorage55 is Sorage55


(oh my, looks like I need to go all out if i'm actually going to win my first contest ever.)



Dead End


Born into this world,

Innocent and soft,

Crawling and running,

Between deathly coughs,


I scatter this pathyway,

Through doors that are unlocked,

Keys in hand,

Large as a sheep's flock,


10 years later I was running out of keys,

Doors became less and less at ease,


The roads I traveled became more and more narrow,

I met a fellow on the way as damned as a scarecrow,


"Hello child, care to walk with me?

I am lonely and sad and not very free."


"Ok, sure! What be your name?

I am Kevin Packwood, child age 10."


"My name is naught for I was just born,

My mommy forgot me so I am torn."


"Thats not good,

I'll find you a name!

My friends are all gone,

I just moved away.


Will you be my friend?

If I may ask,

I wont ask again,

If you wont last."


"Dear boy do not cry,

Take those tears from your eye,

Look around us,

As you can see,


The sunlight's ending for you and me,

Its dark outside on this open road,

I'll be your friend,

A friend so bold."


We walked and talked for about an hour,

I wish we hadn't because of his power,

It grew and grew as time went on,

We still kept on walking through this road of Sun,


This boy I was grew up in time,

Longer and longer than these words in rhyme,

The friend I met wasn't like before,

He held the map to which I would explore,


"Go this way,

Go that!

This map tells where its at,

Let me see you when we're older,

And reveal you my heavy boulder."


I walked the ways he told me to be,

My friend and I,

Daemon and me,

We were fighting once, twice, and more,

Daemon showed me how he had bore,


A monster from below,

Looking for a show,

To a child who would let,

A monster to be kept,


I was tricked!

I was fooled!

Holy Lord!

What do I do?!


Now i'm 16 and at my last door,

Daemon gave me the final key he had bore,

I opened the door,

I opened the door,

I couldn't believe,

The sight at its core,


A dead end....evermore....


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All I have to say is, "W.T.F". I find this decision totally unfair! Okay, so no one posted within a week. I know I said I'd post mine before the end of the week, but I had some things come up. I had a history test to study for, I had a project to do for chemistry, I had to faking analyze Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream" speech for my public speaking class. And, I don't want to sound like a charity case, but my grandpa died. I couldn't focus on writing, and I'm sure you wouldn't be able to as well. I'm sorry that I'm complaining, but you should give everyone a fair chance in this competition. Not everyone is going to have time to pull an awesome poem out of their arse within a day, so give everyone some time. We all have school, college, or some kind of job, and aren't going to have the time to write -at least the serious writers won't. I'm sorry if I didn't write fast enough for your liking, and I'm sorry for complaining, but I just find your decision to just judge Antrium and Sorage55, totally uncalled for, Zexion's_Lover_46. You should've waited another week or so, pm'ed us to remind us to post, or done something to alert us instead of deciding to judge what you've got. I'm a busy person, and as much as I like being on this site, my family and school come first. And I'm positive it's the same for most everyone else.

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All I have to say is, "W.T.F". I find this decision totally unfair! Okay, so no one posted within a week. I know I said I'd post mine before the end of the week, but I had some things come up. I had a history test to study for, I had a project to do for chemistry, I had to faking analyze Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream" speech for my public speaking class. And, I don't want to sound like a charity case, but my grandpa died. I couldn't focus on writing, and I'm sure you wouldn't be able to as well. I'm sorry that I'm complaining, but you should give everyone a fair chance in this competition. Not everyone is going to have time to pull an awesome poem out of their arse within a day, so give everyone some time. We all have school, college, or some kind of job, and aren't going to have the time to write -at least the serious writers won't. I'm sorry if I didn't write fast enough for your liking, and I'm sorry for complaining, but I just find your decision to just judge Antrium and Sorage55, totally uncalled for, Zexion's_Lover_46. You should've waited another week or so, pm'ed us to remind us to post, or done something to alert us instead of deciding to judge what you've got. I'm a busy person, and as much as I like being on this site, my family and school come first. And I'm positive it's the same for most everyone else.


You had more than a week to do it and never did so sorry, you failed.

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Didn't you just read what she had to say?



Yes, I lost my father when I was suppose to write and I did it, we gave you a warning back in the first round that there would be multiple rounds to do, so thus you had time to prepare.

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Well there really wasn't an official deadline and I do agree -Ventus- that some people take a long time to write so how about this. We start the round over. All v.s. eachother with the same rules. I will send you all a PM and about it and this time the deadline will be Oct.11. Is that okay with you guys?

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Hell is where you came and Hell is where I will send you

You consume my soul like a demon consumes the night

You take control through my emotions

Turning everybody against me

With your ivory claws you pierce my heart

And with your black skin you cover my body

Your red eyes eclipsing my heart...

At the point of my fall you laugh, echoing through my mind.

Death is the only way to get rid of you

So then that is how it must be... Death of the innocent to appease the merciless?

This makes no sense, but yet this is how the world is...

Now watch me as I show you my scars and all the pain I have endured.

Here is the end...

With a shining light I watched the darkness go away...

I saw the ivory claws slide from my chest

I watched the blackened skin slowly fall off

And I watched as light cleansed you from my soul...

Now I am whole.

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Refuse to Regret


How could a person be both born and

raised in isolation? Completely locked

away from society? It is simple, people

Like me are raised in such a way, but

That doesn

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They're all good but Sorage55 hasn't submitted yet. I know the deadline passed but I'll send him another PM as a reminder. Also sorry about not putting up the winner yet I was at the hospital.


No problem, hope ya feel better soon :)

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Darn mine was deleted. Oh well:

(This poem was inspired by my crush at school, the first letter of each stanza spells out her name)


(Hidden) Muse:



Naught of ever have I noticed,

Over the forested trees,

That in the leaves I had focused,

All my memories,


In these grasses,

Soft and cool,

Into the masses,

I dived like a fool,


Cease these demons flying about,

They can never reach the Heavens,

On my tumblings I fell to doubt,

The lush green sevens,


Onto the field I come at late last,

To the beauty standing beside me,

She is there ever in my past,

And does not fear he out of me,


Listening trees close in,

Whispering a prayer,


Ever wonder what the trees thought of,

When Adam and Eve were here?

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I msut say, it must be realy for Reikon to chose the winner :D:D:D:D:D:D:D Since author's War round one I've been folowing this contest, in my silence, keeping my toughhts to me only -how selfish - Now, when the last poem has been posted in the last round, I 'm finally, showing my existence in here: :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

May the winner be revealed!!!!


And, as for Reikon who was at the hospital, hope she's already better :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


I should shut up for now, I going a bit off-topic...

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