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The 13th Kenpachi

Final Fantasy 30th anniversary leaked plans-FF7R, FF13 Trilogy on PS4, FF collection

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That Crystal Complete Edition sounds way too crazy to be real. It's possible I guess, but that's a lot to pack together and I doubt many people would get it, considering the inevitable high price.


If they do the collection, that might be tempting, especially if they actually translate the original versions of II, III, and V. It cuts off at the last non-MMO main series game I really enjoyed, too... I'd consider looking into it I guess, just not the last collector's edition.


Also, I, II, and III don't have SNES versions. They were on the NES/Famicom. Kinda wish they stuck to giving the original/recent versions of the PS1 games, but I have VII and IX on PSN and probably wouldn't touch VIII anyway so it's not such a big deal.

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Probably fake. He didn't site a source, which is usually the first sign that it's false. And like I said before, there's no way that FFVII Remake Part I could be released after just two years of full development. He's probably just trying to leach off of the hype generated by FFXV's release.

Edited by A Heartless Nobody

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Oh god, that last collection sounded too godly and expensive to be true. But then again, XV's collector's edition was through the roof crazy with all the stuff they jam-packed into that, and even a few KH collector's editions got pretty packed too, so I wouldn't entirely dismiss this as a possibility, since Square just loves to make money on their FF nostalgia...and other things apparently. If they are doing that, I'm not sure if I'll get it since I'm neither rich nor that devoted of a FF fan (I'm still slightly casual, I'm gradually building up though), but I know for a fact that a friend of mine will have the means and love for the series to order that thing as soon as it's announced and up for pre-order. May god have mercy on his wallet.


I'd definitely go for any of them though. Maybe I would change my mind about the Crystal one actually, since I was telling myself for a long time that I wanted access to ALL of Final Fantasy's main series before I started getting into it, so maybe this is the excuse I was hoping for all those years ago...but I guess we'll need to see if it becomes true or not.

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In case that FFXIII trilogy does come to PS4, inb4 Sora96 saying "I called it"





Also, the FF collection 1-9 seems nice. Hope it's true


Dannnng, haven't seen him in forever. Would be nice if he just pops in and comments about this, haha. I've only ever played FF3, FFX, FFX-2, FF15, FF13, and FF7 and Crisis Core. This would be pretty awesome to get if it's real!

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Final Fantasies 1 through 9 (inclusive) will be released on PS4 in a single disc. 

1 to 6 will have the SNES versions but also the mobile versions.
7,8 and 9 will be based on their latest ports. So for 9 it's the PC version since that came out this year and has a ton of features, for 8 it's the PC version since it never came to PS4 and 7 I think it's the PS4 version.

Wait wait wait, this is way too good to be true. Seriously... But if it is I'm getting it day 1.


And how much would that Crystal Edition even cost? 300-400$?

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Dannnng, haven't seen him in forever. Would be nice if he just pops in and comments about this, haha. I've only ever played FF3, FFX, FFX-2, FF15, FF13, and FF7 and Crisis Core. This would be pretty awesome to get if it's real!


He left :(



*Scans for Final Fantasy XV PC.*


*...Sees nothing*



Will happen, but not for a while.

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He left :(

  Will happen, but not for a while.




I can't wait this long.


Moochieh32, on 06 Dec 2016 - 7:37 PM, said:

FF13 sounds really nice in 60fps and in 1080p :)


FFXV sounds even better on 1440p/70FPS

Edited by Clouded Sun

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I would really hope this is real (at least the collection one) I would love to pick up FF 1-9 on one neat little disk that would be great.  Honestly I'm surprised that they didn't announced the Final Fantasy XVIII trilogy coming to current gen (I'm assuming it will also come out to XBox One since it was on the 360 but if not oh well) sooner and if that is true I'm not surprised but I'm guessing they just want to focus more so on Zodiac Age first

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Okay, this sounds waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too good to be true! Although, for it being a 30th Anniversary thing, it doesn't sound impossible! It would be pretty damn awesome if this turned out to be true! We'd literally have the entire Final Fantasy numbered collection in our hands! And I'd get to play II, V, VI, VII, XII and Lightning Returns! It sounds like a damn good deal! :O


And I'd get the chance to play VI! Frickin VI! I keep hearing it's one of the best Final Fantasies ever, and I'm dying to know why! X_X

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Yeah, I read this yesterday. I sure hope it's true! They also leaked info about the NX back in September as well as the renaming of Final Fantasy XV info back in 2013 before it was announced (although they reported it as a PS4 exclusive which we now know was false). Plus, they talked about the Uncharted DLC being unveiled at PSX...but they did say the DLC was about Sam. I'd say it's an okay source...their is often some kind of truth to their statements

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Those compilations are interesting for those who never played Final Fantasy before.Hundreds of hours of FF goodness. If this is real,I wonder what they'll do with Final Fantasy 3,the NES version was never translated,so we'll probably only get the DS version

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1-9 on a single disc? I don't know much about game sizes and disc space but that seems like a lot.

... Then again, 1.5+2.5. Idk.

I'll stick with getting them individually, especially b/c I wanna get IVDS and find physicals for VII and IX (realistically IX tbh)


And how much would that Crystal Edition even cost? 300-400$?

As if. The FFXV Collector's Edition was... *checks* 270 USD. Granted, the bulk of that was probably from the Noctis figure, but this Crystal Collection thing has waaaaay more stuff. With a bajillion games and half a bajillion extra things, it's gonna be... I don't even know. Square could charge more arms and legs than you could even have for all this stuff. (And people would still get it.)

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Those compilations are interesting for those who never played Final Fantasy before.Hundreds of hours of FF goodness. If this is real,I wonder what they'll do with Final Fantasy 3,the NES version was never translated,so we'll probably only get the DS version

The leak said that II and III would get new translations for the NES/Famicom versions. No word on V getting the same treatment, though. :/


1-9 on a single disc? I don't know much about game sizes and disc space but that seems like a lot.

... Then again, 1.5+2.5. Idk.

I'll stick with getting them individually, especially b/c I wanna get IVDS and find physicals for VII and IX (realistically IX tbh)


As if. The FFXV Collector's Edition was... *checks* 270 USD. Granted, the bulk of that was probably from the Noctis figure, but this Crystal Collection thing has waaaaay more stuff. With a bajillion games and half a bajillion extra things, it's gonna be... I don't even know. Square could charge more arms and legs than you could even have for all this stuff. (And people would still get it.)

Yeah, IX isn't tough to find at all. xD VII isn't... too bad if you can find it in a store I've heard? One of my friends got it at a retro game store for something like $30, which isn't a bad price for that one.

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Wait, is there even a mobile version of FF XI?




*Scans for Final Fantasy XV PC.*


*...Sees nothing*




Dude look at the link. The site says mid 2018 for that.




I'm gonna call fake; there's no way SE would skip PSX if FF7R was coming out next year, maybe early 2018 at the earliest.

It's the FF7 remake, they could come out and say it's coming next week and It'd still sell just as much as FF15.



Probably fake. He didn't site a source, which is usually the first sign that it's false. And like I said before, there's no way that FFVII Remake Part I could be released after just two years of full development. He's probably just trying to leach off of the hype generated by FFXV's release.

It's VGleaks, not some random bloke. It's very credible and VG leaks can never cite sources, else the source will get slammed for copyright or whatever. It has been in development since 2014, remember when Shinji Hashimoto trolled people into thinking FF7R was coming out but it was the PS4 port of FF7? It's been in development since before that.

In case that FFXIII trilogy does come to PS4, inb4 Sora96 saying "I called it"





Also, the FF collection 1-9 seems nice. Hope it's true


1-9 on a single disc? I don't know much about game sizes and disc space but that seems like a lot.

... Then again, 1.5+2.5. Idk.

I'll stick with getting them individually, especially b/c I wanna get IVDS and find physicals for VII and IX (realistically IX tbh)


As if. The FFXV Collector's Edition was... *checks* 270 USD. Granted, the bulk of that was probably from the Noctis figure, but this Crystal Collection thing has waaaaay more stuff. With a bajillion games and half a bajillion extra things, it's gonna be... I don't even know. Square could charge more arms and legs than you could even have for all this stuff. (And people would still get it.)


Those compilations are interesting for those who never played Final Fantasy before.Hundreds of hours of FF goodness. If this is real,I wonder what they'll do with Final Fantasy 3,the NES version was never translated,so we'll probably only get the DS version


Yeah, I read this yesterday. I sure hope it's true! They also leaked info about the NX back in September as well as the renaming of Final Fantasy XV info back in 2013 before it was announced (although they reported it as a PS4 exclusive which we now know was false). Plus, they talked about the Uncharted DLC being unveiled at PSX...but they did say the DLC was about Sam. I'd say it's an okay source...their is often some kind of truth to their statements


Okay, this sounds waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too good to be true! Although, for it being a 30th Anniversary thing, it doesn't sound impossible! It would be pretty damn awesome if this turned out to be true! We'd literally have the entire Final Fantasy numbered collection in our hands! And I'd get to play II, V, VI, VII, XII and Lightning Returns! It sounds like a damn good deal! :O


And I'd get the chance to play VI! Frickin VI! I keep hearing it's one of the best Final Fantasies ever, and I'm dying to know why! X_X


I would really hope this is real (at least the collection one) I would love to pick up FF 1-9 on one neat little disk that would be great.  Honestly I'm surprised that they didn't announced the Final Fantasy XVIII trilogy coming to current gen (I'm assuming it will also come out to XBox One since it was on the 360 but if not oh well) sooner and if that is true I'm not surprised but I'm guessing they just want to focus more so on Zodiac Age first





I can't wait this long.


Moochieh32, on 06 Dec 2016 - 7:37 PM, said:

FF13 sounds really nice in 60fps and in 1080p :)


FFXV sounds even better on 1440p/70FPS



i leave this here


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Yep, I never said there was.

Oh, okay.

It's just that you quoted everyone and just dropped the link so I assumed you were actually responding to everyone you quoted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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