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Seracus frowned as he witnessed Beanie and the girl make their escape, and noticed a broken phone on the roof, and picked it up, examining it. But the frown disappeared quickly, and he looked over at Tyler, and smiled, and jumped down from the roof, and walked over to him, his Keyblade disappearing. "Ah, it would seem we have another guest. My name is Seracus, and these peopel here are fellow Vanguards who have pledged to fight against the Darkness. Who might you be?" Asked Seracus, asking Tyler a question. Tyler looked at Seracus, studying him, and smiled. "The name's Tyler, and I came from the World of Twilight Town. I was sent here by my Keyblade Master, Thomas, to join a group called the Vanguard to help protect the Light. He's also my Father, and I've been training under him for years, and most of that training was to use this Keyblade." Said Tyler, talking to Seracus. Tyler raised his hand into the air, and shockingly summoned the Keyblade used by Gula. Seracus looked at the Keyblade with shock for a brief moment, and he looked at Tyler with what seemed to be anger, which quickly faded with his shock, replaced by a smile. "Ah, so you posses an... Interesting Keyblade. Do you mind if you explain what it is?" Asked Seracus, asking Tyler a question. Tyler smiled, as he looked at everyone, although he was slightly bothered by Seracus' earlier look, but he didn't think much of it. "Sure, the Keyblade I've been trained to use is the Keyblade wielded by the Foreteller who led the Leopardos Union... It was one of the only blades to have survived the Keyblade War." Said Tyler, talking to everyone.

Wasn't Seracus on the ground?

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Just to let you all know, the first Keyblade War that happened in this RP occurred three thousand years ago, there's a reason for this, but it would end up spoiling things.

not sure if these are still open but im gonna throw fill this out anyway[/size]

~*Character Sheet*~[/size]Name: Empty Vanitas [/size]Age:???[/size]Gender:Male[/size]Appearance:[/size]for some reason it wont let me post with image but he just looks like masked vanitas.Alignment: Darkness[/size]Personality: Dosent talk much but when he does its in a low hollow tone.Has a tendency to become loyal to a single person quickly. HATES BEING CALLED VANITAS prefers to simply be called V.Bio: This version of vanitas is simply whats left of him. After going through so much his ideals have changed and he judges based on situation to situation. Somewhat neutral but tends to lean towards the bad guy roll. This vanitas can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. his Backround is shrouded and nobody really understands why he even exists. He often appears in places he shouldnt be even once appearing to the real Vanitas ,who was very confused. This Vanitas feels compeled to loyalty and following the every command of the person he choses to follow. Never takes his mask off unless ordered to only to show no face but pure darkness emanating from the inside.Weapons: Void Gear. , darkness , unversed, (normal vanitas powers exept there a bit more darkness to everything he does)[/size]Theme song (optional): [/size]




I am claiming Xion and Lightning.


~*Character Sheet*~[/size]Name: Zion de Wynter[/size]Age: Immortal[/size]Gender: Female[/size]Appearance:[/size]

oathkeeper136_oc___zion_by_lunabenihime-Alignment: Light[/size]Personality: Bubbly, kind, sweet, clumsy, and a will of pure divine steel, one unbreakable yet so fragile.[/size]Bio:[/size]

Born in Twilight Town years ago, she met her wife, Xion, at the clock tower. Her adventures that led to marriage were many and happy, but her destiny was not one of quiet and calm. Thrown into a new war, she fought with all she had...but she died. After a period of slumber though, she returned, this time as a God...the Goddess of Light. She has presided over the Realm of Light since then, suffering victory...and defeat. With the loss of her wife and the dangers posed[/size]Weapons: Double-ended keyblades: Forward Unto Dawn, Sunrise Everlasting, Unbreakable Connection, and Long and Dark December.[/size]Theme song (optional): [/size]







Name: Deseo (Deh-Seh-Oh)Age: 14Gender: MaleAppearance:






Alignment: DarknessPersonality: Pessimistic, unapologetic, emotional, delusional, slightly unpredictable, childish. Bio: Deseo was an only child, loved by his parents as they lived in a calm, simplistic world. As the war between the light, darkness and everything in between waged on, Deseo's parents did their best to keep their son oblivious to the dire situation of the war. But it would be futile, as their small world soon became part of the battlefield. In the turmoil, his parents were quick to become casualties of war all while protecting him. After witnessing the death of his parents, he along with many others struggled to survive from all sides, Deseo witnessing atrocities of all kind by a young age as he was forced to do whatever it took to get out alive, willingly or not. Slowly despair began to set in, and with that multiple negative emotions, such as paranoia, regret, anger, all building up and beginning to consume his heart. By the time anyone realized what had been happening to him from the inside, it was all too late. He attracted the darkness, and all that came with it, and in a single night, his group of survivors were ruthlessly killed off by Heartless while Deseo watched. It's been two years since this incident, and Deseo now travels spreading the darkness as he sees fit. After all, if he couldn't have a happy ending, why should anyone else have it?Weapons: Dual Sword-Whips (Think of the Threaded Cane from Bloodborne, but swords)Theme song:




Oh, she would be working for Hotaru's family. Aranea was hired after she saved Hotaru from a heartless attack as his bodyguard a few hours after she ended up in Twilight Town. She's been around Hotaru ever since, making sure he grows stronger and making sure he is safe.



Alright, quick check in to make sure everyone is doing well.

There have been a couple of people who haven't posted yet and a few more who haven't posted much. If y'all are still interested, I don't want to leave y'all behind. If you feel I'm posting too fast, we can try to work something out. At the very least, I'll leave hooks for characters to get back into the game and I'm perfectly willing to offer summaries, if that would be helpful.

I don't mean to pressure anybody who doesn't have the time and/or interest anymore for the game. This is honestly a bit more to appease my own sensibilities concerning running a game and making it fun for everyone. Just making sure the options are known.

Okay, what else? Ah yes. Currently, teams are being formed to deal with two different missions. There will generally be multiple threats to deal with at one time, but teams will be flexible, to you can switch teams if you think your character would prefer a different task.

For those of you who participated in the first battle, I would like to apologize for the lack of targets. It was a good step on the story I have in mind, but it did leave some characters with little to do. But worry not! There will be plenty to do later >:]

Anyway, thank you for your time, attention, and consideration.


Alright. I think that's it. Wait, a quick case of pestering.


Oy! Still some chairs open, if you're interested. Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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Alright, quick check in to make sure everyone is doing well.


I'm fine and good to go.

I'm mostly busy from monday to thursday, but I always check the site at night when I'm home, weekends is when I can check the site more often.

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Alright, quick check in to make sure everyone is doing well.

There have been a couple of people who haven't posted yet and a few more who haven't posted much. If y'all are still interested, I don't want to leave y'all behind. If you feel I'm posting too fast, we can try to work something out. At the very least, I'll leave hooks for characters to get back into the game and I'm perfectly willing to offer summaries, if that would be helpful.

I don't mean to pressure anybody who doesn't have the time and/or interest anymore for the game. This is honestly a bit more to appease my own sensibilities concerning running a game and making it fun for everyone. Just making sure the options are known.

Okay, what else? Ah yes. Currently, teams are being formed to deal with two different missions. There will generally be multiple threats to deal with at one time, but teams will be flexible, to you can switch teams if you think your character would prefer a different task.

For those of you who participated in the first battle, I would like to apologize for the lack of targets. It was a good step on the story I have in mind, but it did leave some characters with little to do. But worry not! There will be plenty to do later >:]

Anyway, thank you for your time, attention, and consideration.


Alright. I think that's it. Wait, a quick case of pestering.

Oy! Still some chairs open, if you're interested.


I'm doing fine, I have no intention of quitting.

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Alright, quick check in to make sure everyone is doing well.

There have been a couple of people who haven't posted yet and a few more who haven't posted much. If y'all are still interested, I don't want to leave y'all behind. If you feel I'm posting too fast, we can try to work something out. At the very least, I'll leave hooks for characters to get back into the game and I'm perfectly willing to offer summaries, if that would be helpful.

I apologize for not posting more frequently.  I've had difficulty posting for a number of reasons.  One is that it seems that I'm at a bit of a disadvantage for not having participated in the initial Vanguard, for I'm having a bit of difficulty engaging my characters.  It seems like only some characters will interact with others, and when I try to fit mine in they are quickly left behind.  When the action kicked in I tried to find my place in the battle, but once an update came there were too many other back-to-back posts with players that already resolved the situation, so I was sort of struggling to figure out how to get back in again.


I too noticed that some people haven't posted yet, or haven't posted in a while.  I was partly waiting on Sabre and Yuffie before posting again because I didn't want them to fall too far behind, but maybe this wasn't such a good idea.


Maybe things are happening too quickly without involving all of the players?  I think we had too many characters in one group (so I'm glad that you're splitting people up, that should definitely help), with some characters chaining a series of events without waiting for the other characters to respond.  It makes it difficult for those characters to get back into the fray again.  Perhaps it is just a little too fast-paced for me, which I am sorry for, though I guess it's been these situations that have sort of made me hesitate to post again.  I don't want to slow anyone down and I'm sure everyone else is having fun, so I will try to shove my characters in a bit more aggressively and try to stay on top of things (or at least recover to the best of my ability).

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I apologize for not posting more frequently.  I've had difficulty posting for a number of reasons.  One is that it seems that I'm at a bit of a disadvantage for not having participated in the initial Vanguard, for I'm having a bit of difficulty engaging my characters.  It seems like only some characters will interact with others, and when I try to fit mine in they are quickly left behind.  When the action kicked in I tried to find my place in the battle, but once an update came there were too many other back-to-back posts with players that already resolved the situation, so I was sort of struggling to figure out how to get back in again.


I too noticed that some people haven't posted yet, or haven't posted in a while.  I was partly waiting on Sabre and Yuffie before posting again because I didn't want them to fall too far behind, but maybe this wasn't such a good idea.


Maybe things are happening too quickly without involving all of the players?  I think we had too many characters in one group (so I'm glad that you're splitting people up, that should definitely help), with some characters chaining a series of events without waiting for the other characters to respond.  It makes it difficult for those characters to get back into the fray again.  Perhaps it is just a little too fast-paced for me, which I am sorry for, though I guess it's been these situations that have sort of made me hesitate to post again.  I don't want to slow anyone down and I'm sure everyone else is having fun, so I will try to shove my characters in a bit more aggressively and try to stay on top of things (or at least recover to the best of my ability).

Thank you for bringing this up. Concerns are bound to pop up, so please feel free to voice them.

The interaction problem sounds like the tunnel vision that can happen when there is a large gathering of characters. If I missed your characters talking to mine, I do apologize. Things should get a little more less hectic when the teams split up. The battle itself was poor planning on my part. I'm glad the seed of story planted by the battle was put in place, but pitting all the characters versus one opponent who wasn't big boss level didn't leave much to be done. That being said, you did contribute to the battle. If not for Clarice, Deseo's attempt to snare the intruders would have ended differently than it did. There will be more opportunities for character interactions and contributions moving forward.

Please don't feel that not being part of the first go at Vanguard is a handicap. if you're having trouble engaging your characters, that's mostly my fault for not providing a better avenue for engagement. I'm still working off some rust on my GMing skills, but I'm getting the old feeling back.

Don't worry too much about your posting leaving people behind. Since I try to keep a hand in on most (if not all) aspects of the story, I can adjust the posting of new information and responses to keep people from falling too far behind, or bring them up to speed and back into the game, as necessary. I have been posting at a brisker pace then I normally do, but I also have a tendency to put off posting, which can cause a game to stagnate. As the game goes on, a happy medium of posting speed will hopefully develop.


Once again, thank you for sharing your concerns and I will do what I can to address them.



This is my bad I'll be posting as soon as possible.

No worries. Life happens. Just making sure you weren't being left behind because I forgot to tell you things were moving.

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Okay, based on some feed back I've gotten, I am going to slow down a little to give more time to reply. I'm planning on setting a personal goal of two posts a week and we'll see how it goes. I'm gonna wait until Tuesday to post again, giving Arya and TheKeyofRose a time to post.

Thank you all for your patience.

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Working on my post now don't expect all that much other then setup gonna wait for a good hook that draws Shirou in if that's alright don't wanna just hop in outta nowhere.


Primary stuff is just showing how Selfless Shirou is and all not much really to say that it leaves thing open to who he runs into

Edited by TheKeyofRose

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Okay, I finally managed to get a post in.  This one was short and sweet to catch back up to current events, but next time I'll go into greater depths once I have a little more time to do so.

Thank you for bringing this up. Concerns are bound to pop up, so please feel free to voice them.
The interaction problem sounds like the tunnel vision that can happen when there is a large gathering of characters. If I missed your characters talking to mine, I do apologize. Things should get a little more less hectic when the teams split up. The battle itself was poor planning on my part. I'm glad the seed of story planted by the battle was put in place, but pitting all the characters versus one opponent who wasn't big boss level didn't leave much to be done. That being said, you did contribute to the battle. If not for Clarice, Deseo's attempt to snare the intruders would have ended differently than it did. There will be more opportunities for character interactions and contributions moving forward.
Please don't feel that not being part of the first go at Vanguard is a handicap. if you're having trouble engaging your characters, that's mostly my fault for not providing a better avenue for engagement. I'm still working off some rust on my GMing skills, but I'm getting the old feeling back.
Don't worry too much about your posting leaving people behind. Since I try to keep a hand in on most (if not all) aspects of the story, I can adjust the posting of new information and responses to keep people from falling too far behind, or bring them up to speed and back into the game, as necessary. I have been posting at a brisker pace then I normally do, but I also have a tendency to put off posting, which can cause a game to stagnate. As the game goes on, a happy medium of posting speed will hopefully develop.

Once again, thank you for sharing your concerns and I will do what I can to address them.

Thank you for accepting concerns so warmly, and for addressing them as you have!  I really appreciate your thoughtfulness, and I do think you're a great GM.  I think a lot of the issue is that I don't have as much time to RP as I used to, and when I see a lot of back-to-back posts I go, "Ughhh, too far behind now and too much to read.  My character's been left in the dust so there's no point in responding anyway."  It's a bad habit of mine, but I really appreciate the pacing.  I think it'll be much easier for all characters to interact before a shift in events this way, not leaving characters with no one to respond to and too many posts to make up for.


I'm sure it's tough trying to keep track of all characters, too, with such a large roster and so many things happening at once.  I think you're doing well, so no worries there. : )  I will try my best to be a better contributor and stay on top of things!

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3rd post complete getting a feel for things. Ironic experience considering Shirou's adoptive father whole beginnings in a since were on an island town on a beach.


Funny how the beginning of a new adventure for his son begins on a Beach. I suppose Irony favours the bold.

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~*Character Sheet*~

Name: Thomas
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Appearance: A tanned-skinned man with short grey-colored hair and green-colored eyes, and has a small beard on his chin, and a scar running down his right cheek. He wears a black-colored shirt with a white-colored mantle on his shoulders, laced with black-colored ribbons, and white-colored armor-like pauldrons are present on his shoulders, with gold-colored markings. He also wears black-colored pants with a leg brace going down his left lower knee. He wears grey-colored boots.
Alignment: Light
Personality: He is a kind man, but at the same time, he was stern towards others. He loved his son, Tyler, and wanted to train him to surpass him when he grew up as a Keyblade Wielder, often giving him advice regarding things. He also had an interest in studying the Keyblade War, and uncovering it's secrets to pass down the knowledge he uncovers to people he trusts, and had dug up a lot of information about it by now, and was determined to use the knowledge of the events of the Keyblade War to help safeguard the Worlds from Xehanort's threat. 
Bio: Thomas is a man who is a Keyblade Master, and is Tyler's father, who's mother died giving birth to him, and lives in a World called Gauria, which was a World that was filled with Light, and vast lands, and most of the cities floated in the skies. Before this, thirty years ago, he fought against his brother, Valzor, who had given his Heart to Darkness to gain the power to consume all Worlds in Darkness, and Thomas fought Valzor in their homeworld after seeing him kill thousands upon thousands of people and leaving places ablaze in Darkness, put an end to him, but this battle took a toll on him, he gained a scar on his right cheek, and his left leg grew weak, causing him to wear a leg brace on it to keep his balance. After this gruesome event, he met the woman who would become his wife, and fell in love with her, and married her. Two years later, she gave birth to Tyler, but passed away hours after giving birth to him, leaving Thomas in depression, but had to remain strong to raise Tyler. Around that time, he had began studying the Keyblade War, desiring to find a way to keep the Darkness away from the Worlds as they were now, and safeguard the Light, and to give that information to those he trusts. Years later, during one of his quests for knowledge, he came across the Keyblade that belonged to Gula in Gula's tomb in Gauria, and took it with him, intending to study it, but eventually, the Keyblade chose Tyler, much to Thomas' astonishment, and began to train Tyler as a Keyblade Wielder. As of right now, Thomas had sent Tyler to seek out the Vanguard to help them protect the Worlds from Xehanort's threat, while he examined a mysterious artifact he recently uncovered and brought home known as the Tablet of Crystallia.
Weapons: Astral_Blast_KHD.png
Theme song (optional): 

Edited by KHLegendIII

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As much as I would like to continue, I am afraid that I am going to have to bow out of this RP.  For some reason I cannot feel a connection to my characters and the plot, and I know that I've held people up many a time already.  I apologize for the trouble, and many thanks for having me!  It was great participating with all of you. : )

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As much as I would like to continue, I am afraid that I am going to have to bow out of this RP.  For some reason I cannot feel a connection to my characters and the plot, and I know that I've held people up many a time already.  I apologize for the trouble, and many thanks for having me!  It was great participating with all of you. : )

No worries. Not like I've been doing a good job keeping the story moving.


I think I'd better call the RP here. I keep meaning to get back into it, but my life is currently in a bit of a metamorphosis, so time and brain power are iffy resources to run a game like I want. I do apologize for the blah ending. Thank you all for joining in and I hope to play with you all in other games.

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No worries. Not like I've been doing a good job keeping the story moving.

I think I'd better call the RP here. I keep meaning to get back into it, but my life is currently in a bit of a metamorphosis, so time and brain power are iffy resources to run a game like I want. I do apologize for the blah ending. Thank you all for joining in and I hope to play with you all in other games.

Aww, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to contribute to the RP's death. :/ I know that I haven't been posting very regularly for a while now.


Wishing you all the best with things on your end!

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Aww, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to contribute to the RP's death. :/ I know that I haven't been posting very regularly for a while now.

Wishing you all the best with things on your end!

Less a contribution, more of a reminder of how long it's been since I tried to post. I just can't seem to get the umpf I want to tell the story. Oh well. That's life.


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No worries. Not like I've been doing a good job keeping the story moving.

I think I'd better call the RP here. I keep meaning to get back into it, but my life is currently in a bit of a metamorphosis, so time and brain power are iffy resources to run a game like I want. I do apologize for the blah ending. Thank you all for joining in and I hope to play with you all in other games.

Take your time, Riku. Maybe you will make another game in the future when you can have more free time.

I know your games can be awesome thanks to personal experience, and I will wait until you are in shape to make a new one.

Wish you good luck, friend!

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