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Vanguard: 1; the troops moving at the head of an army, 2; the forefront of an action or movement.


For over a decade, the worlds have been rocked by Dark attacks. Orchestrated by the Dark Keyblade Master Xehanort, these attacks were designed to bring about another Keyblade War, but that isn't the only result. Other beings, craving power and control, have begun moving to take advantage of the chaos to exert their own wills. The witch Maleficent is but the tip of the spear of these threats, leaving the hero Sora and the other 7 Lights frantically trying to fight on multiple fronts.

You can change that. Recently, you were either given or found a note, challenging you to make a difference. To protect what you care about and drive back the Dark. If you have the heart, you are invited to meet in Traverse Town's First District, where you will meet others like you. Are you ready, Vanguard?



1. Have fun. Yes. It's a rule. Don't violate it.

2. No godmoding, as it usually leads to a violation of rule 1.

3. If there is anything you wanna keep secret about your character, send me a PM.

4. No killing another PC without express permission.

5. Characters from Disney and/or Square Enix products are acceptable, but not the Lights (Namely Sora, Riku, Kairi, Aqua, Ventus, Mickey, and Lea).

6. There is a rule six, but it only applies if rainbow eating unicorns that poop butterflies show up.

7. General PG-13 rating

8. If there is something you'd like help getting in the story, send me a PM.

9. Anything else I forgot.

10. Questions? Please feel free to ask.


~*Character Sheet*~





Alignment: (Light, Twilight, Darkness)




Theme song (optional):


Play thread: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/103414-kingdom-hearts-vanguard-rebirth-rp/

Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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Name: Hotaru

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Alignment: Twilight

Personality: Calm, collected, easy going, honest.

Bio: One of the most recent Keyblade Wielders around the World. Hotaru has been a wielder for just a couple of years, although he kept away from the conflict between the Light and Darkness. He thinks that balance is needed between the two forces to help the World be in equilibrium, but the Heroes of Light are trying to eliminate the Seekers of Darkness, this doesn't mean that the Seekers are without blame, for their leader, Master Xehanort, has an apparent obsession with the ancient Keyblade War and what lies beyond it. The young Wielder has decided to help the side of Light for the time being since the Seekers must be stopped before the balance is broken.

Weapons: Keyblade Forward unto Dawn




Theme song (optional):



Name: Aranea Highwind

Age: 22

Gender: Female



Alignment: Twilight

Personality: Free spirited, mischievous and serious in combat.

Bio: A young mercenary from the world of Eos who obtained the title of Captain of the Third Army Corps 86th Airborne Unit. She was hired by the Niflheim Empire to pursue and capture the Prince of Insomnia and his betrothed to stop them from getting the blessings of the Archaeans. After the disappearence of the Prince and the coming of the Night, the darkness engulfed the world and she ended up in Twilight Town were she met her current employer, one of the infamous Wielders of the Keyblade. She has been living a rather simple life until recently now that the so called Masters of the Keyblade are fighting among each other.

Weapons: Magitek lance (in appearence picture)

Theme song (optional):

Edited by Elrandir

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Name: Selvera Dame

Age: 17

Gender: Female




Alignment: Neutral

Personality: Harsh and critical, powered by an imperceptible need to please and prove, yet unwilling to cop to anyone's desires for her personality to shift. With a flare for the dramatic, Selvera is lonely and looking for a home but simply finds it difficult to trust people farther than she can swing her sword.

Bio: A wanderer by nature, Selvera was a young girl when her home was consumed by darkness. Finding herself in Traverse Town, she grew up there an orphan, but the moment she could, she left. Selvera has been meandering about from world to world with a blade in hand looking for munny and purpose. She bears little specific hatred for the darkness, despite it destroying her home. Rather, she bears a universal hatred for most anything. Upon receiving the letter, she traveled back to Traverse Town, hoping for a job.

Weapons: A simple arming sword. A coin that can create portals is her most treasured possession, as it enables her wandering lifestyle.


Name: Nikolai

Age: 19

Gender: Male




Alignment: Light

Personality: A fun-loving, flirtatious foreign power, Nikolai travels with a bright smile and charming eyes wherever he goes. He's arrogantly confident in himself and his abilities, but in the end, he's fiercely loyal and passionate for ensuring his world's safety.

Bio: A prince born in a foreign world, when it was threatened by the darkness, his father drove it off with the armies at his back. But Nikolai knew that he could not rest until he was certain it was banished forever. He asked his father for a ship, and was granted such. He left, and traveled to try and find allies that had the same idea as he. He encountered Hiroki, who joined him in his ship until they both received the note. They head now towards Traverse Town.

Weapons: A pair of boots designed to make kicks hurt like hell, and a saber.


Name: Hiroki

Age: 19

Gender: Male




Alignment: Darkness

Personality: Quiet. He doesn't say much but to criticize and reign in his allies, one in particular. He prefers to keep things grounded in reality, and everyone practical. He stays within moral right whenever possible, and will fight to the end to serve his purpose.

Bio: A boy who grew up within a monastery atop a mountain. The monks' purpose was to beat back the enemies of the town below, full of innocent farmers and the like. When Hiroki was young, he thought this purpose silly. There hadn't been enemies for decades, why worry about it at all. But the monks assured him, that if they let down their guard, it would come. The monks were not evil folks, but understood the power of darkness. They found that by leading lives of compassion and meditation, darkness could become one's ally. They trained Hiroki in this, and true to their word, the darkness did come. They beat it back, but knew it would not be the end of the threat. They sent Hiroki out into the world through a dark corridor. It was not long before he encountered and joined Nikolai. Now they've both received notes, and are headed for Traverse Town.

Weapons: A bowstaff. Also experienced in unarmed combat.

Edited by Arya Stark

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Hotaru, Araena, Selvera, Nikolai, and Hiroki accepted.

Quick questions:

@Elrandir, who does Araena work for? If you want it secret, pm me.

@Arya, Hiroki has no weapons section. His bio does indicate a bare handed fighting style. If that is the case and he has no weapons, all good. If not, please add the section.

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~*Character Sheet*~
Name: Seracus
Age: Unknown, looks to be in his 40s.
Gender: Male
Appearance: He is a tanned-skinned man with long black and yellow-colored hair, with silver-colored eyes. He wears a black and grey-colored shirt with white-colored lines forming a Dragon-like head on the center of the shirt, and wears a black-colored jacket with silver-colored pauldrons on his left and right shoulders, which resemble that of a knight's. He also wears black-colored pants with a grey-colored flame-like pattern at the ends of the pants. He also wears grey-colored boots.
Alignment: Twilight
Personality: He is a mysterious man, being of unknown origin, other than that he is a smart man with an unusual power of Light and Darkness. He can be known to be cryptic, often leaving behind cryptic riddles, and often giving advice to others. He seems to be interested in observing the battle between the Light and Darkness, but it's currently unknown what his reasons are, and why he appeared now.
Bio: Seracus is a man who travels the Worlds, for unknown reasons. He often leaves advice towards Keyblade Wielders and allies alike, but he doesn't seem to be on a side of his own, and he observes the battle between the Light and Darkness. What could he be up to?
Weapons: Unknown, will be revealed in the RP.
Theme song (optional): 

Edited by KHLegendIII

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Hotaru, Araena, Selvera, Nikolai, and Hiroki accepted.

Quick questions:

@Elrandir, who does Araena work for? If you want it secret, pm me.

@Arya, Hiroki has no weapons section. His bio does indicate a bare handed fighting style. If that is the case and he has no weapons, all good. If not, please add the section.

Oh, she would be working for Hotaru's family. Aranea was hired after she saved Hotaru from a heartless attack as his bodyguard a few hours after she ended up in Twilight Town. She's been around Hotaru ever since, making sure he grows stronger and making sure he is safe.

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6. There is a rule six, but it only applies if rainbow eating unicorns that poop butterflies show up.




As the proud owner of a flower with such creatures, it would honour me to hear what rule six is should they make an appearance.


But seriously now, this looks like a cool premise.  I'll see if I can mustre up enough of the fifth dimension to make a character and unique ice-based weapon.

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As the proud owner of a flower with such creatures, it would honour me to hear what rule six is should they make an appearance.


But seriously now, this looks like a cool premise. I'll see if I can mustre up enough of the fifth dimension to make a character and unique ice-based weapon.

Ah, I was afraid she would come up. Well, Rule 6, as needed





But equally seriously, love to have ya. There's gonna be a bit of a delay before we start (due to personal finals and hoping that FF XV will work its way Mostly out of people's systems), so you don't have to rush.

Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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Decided to pop in other characters here.
(Note I didn't see anything about characters from other series so just dependent on that atm.)

Name:Shirou Emiya

Due to the trauma he suffered during the great fire, Shirou has a constant emptiness in his personality and suffers from tremendous survivor's guilt. He feels that, as the only survivor, it is unfair to the deceased to prioritize his own needs before those of others. He has a distorted sense of values where he only finds self-worth from helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act “helping people” is its own reward. He believes it is highly unfair that some people survive and others do not. When it comes down to receiving an injury or even giving up his life to help someone, he will do it without a second thought. The people who see this side of him are often very worried and attempt to correct his behavior, though they are unable to change his opinions. Kiritsugu often talked about how he used strive to protect the innocent from the world's many perils, even at the cost of his own humanity, and how he was saddened by the reality that whenever he was able to spare one life, another person was fated to die. Although Kiritsugu was tormented by his inability to save everyone, Shirou always admired his efforts. Right before Kiritsugu's death, Shirou pledged to be a Hero of Justice in Kiritsugu's place and strive to protect everyone at the cost of his own life. Everything that he is thus far is the result of that very pledge. He has made it his dream to become a "Hero of justice" who will save everyone regardless of what happens to his own life.

Shirou takes his ideals to the limit during the Fate scenario, where he constantly attempts to protect Saber from harm and keep her from fighting other Servants, despite the fact that she is many times more powerful than he and that even his odds of mere survival, not winning, are hopelessly low against those he personally fights. This is because he cannot stand the idea of someone else being harmed for his sake. He never gives up his ideals during the route and injures himself numerous times to uphold it. During the Unlimited Blade Works route, Shirou, through constant arguing with Archer, begins to see the hypocrisy in his ideals. Though he refuses to give them up entirely, he works his way towards a middle ground where he will strive towards fulfilling ideals, despite knowing they are impossible to achieve. He faces his largest dilemma during Heaven's Feel, where he is forced to choose between maintaining his ideals and protecting the life of Sakura. He eventually forsakes them, with the exception of the "Superhero" ending, where he becomes as resolute as Kiritsugu in his prime, allowing Sakura to be executed for the greater good. He strives only to protect Sakura, though he is presented with conflict a number of times.

Shirou is extremely stubborn once he sets out to accomplish something, such as spending hours attempting to perform a high jump that is nearly impossible for him. This action, as watched by Rin and Sakura, is one of the initial factors that causes them both to develop feelings for Shirou. He will stubbornly defend his own viewpoints, no matter how wrong they may seem to others, even to the point of causing them great mental anguish. Though he does his best to help others, if he feels that a person brought about their own ruin, he will simply watch instead of helping. Nasu has stated that Shirou and Shiki Tohno would definitely get along badly.

Shirou's love interests varies from Saber, Rin and Sakura depending on the routes. However, he has a mutual long running admiration and crush on Rin and shown to have attraction towards Saber the moment he saw her, after she was summoned though both gradually became platonic in the alternate routes.

Bio:(For this Roleplay Shirou will be a mixture of Fate,UBW and Heaven's Feel routes along with things from Grand Order and Kaleid... This Shirou is most definately destined to become ARCHER and you'll begin seeing that as this war of darkness rages on.) Shirou suffers from a tramatic event that came about after the 4th Great Holy Grail War which destroyed his home and gave him memory loss he was resuced from the flames from Kitisyuga Emiya from here Shirou would live a semi-normal until destiny had a calling for him and the 5th Grail War began 50 years early then usual.

During the Grail War Shirou overcame many odds and with the help of his Servant Archer and his Ally turned Best friend Rin Tohsaka the trio fought trough impossible odds. Shirou having to face himself Archer a future version of Shirou who attempts to kill Shirou in order to remove Shirou Emiya's existance from the world. This fails in the end and by the time everything comes to it's conclusion The Corrupted Holy Grail is destroyed.


Two years after the incident and Shirou goes with Rin and a Saber who has not returned to Britian where the two go to Clockwork for Mage training after a trip to where Saber's real self. 'King Arthur' lays Shirou decides to leave Clockwork and goes out to become a Hero of Justice his idealism never fading.


After a magical discharge Shirou fines himself in a war between Light and Darkness a time for Heroes and Villians to rise up and Shirou accepts this calling card with Kanshou and Bayaka and his skills as a Hero of Justice in hand and his Idealism he'll fight until his last breath.

Weapons:Bow, Sniper Rifle, Kanshou and Bayaka, Reinforcing magic, Unlimited Blade Works.

Theme song:

Name:Dante 'Tony Redgrave' Sparda

Personality:Dante is a go with the flow loud mouth demon hunter. That's the best way to describe the Son of the Sparda however under that is someone who has an idealogies and a person who just of recent events has come to term with his Demonic Heritage he relies on the support of the people he has met at this point being a sort of partner in crime 'Lady'. Dante can be described as humorous and cocky but when needed he's serious and fight for what he believes is right.


Dante is a mercenary and private investigator specializing in paranormal cases, preferring those that call for demon slaying. He is muscular, has white/silver hair, icy-blue eyes and is usually seen wearing red dusters/trench coats. Dante's arsenal usually consists of firearms and melee weapons, including "Ebony and Ivory", twin handguns that never need reloading, as well as a variety of swords such as the "Rebellion" and "Force Edge", Devil Arms created by his father. The guns are handmade with "For Tony Redgrave, By.45 Art Warks" written on them (Tony Redgrave is the alias used by Dante). He possesses superhuman strength, agility, stamina, reflexes, coordination, and resistance to injury that approaches invulnerability as a result of his half-demon heritage. This gives him the ability to enter a heightened state called "Devil Trigger". In this state, Dante possesses greater strength and speed, his health regenerates at a steady pace, and further abilities with his equipped melee weapon, including flight. 

Dante is one of the twin sons of Sparda, the demon knight who sided with humanity and drove back an invasion of the human world by demons roughly 2,000 years prior to the events of the series. After Sparda's death, Dante and his identical twin brother Vergil were raised by their human mother, Eva. When Dante and Vergil were children, the family was attacked by demons, resulting in Eva's death. This event led to Dante's commitment to hunting demons in pursuit of those that killed his mother. Dante is confident in his encounters with opponents, and frequently taunts enemies before battling them. With the exception of Devil May Cry 4, Dante says the phrase "Devils never cry" in every game, implying that no matter how much of a demon he may prove to be, his ability to cry makes his human side precious to him.

Weapons:Force Edge, Agni and Rudra, Cerberus, Ebony and Ivory, Double Barrel Shotgun.

Theme song (optional):

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Decided to pop in other characters here.

(Note I didn't see anything about characters from other series so just dependent on that atm.)

Name:Shirou Emiya[/size]Age:19[/size]Gender:male[/size]Appearance:a3f81de61cd3f3aba8d386646392cd654e90c1b2[/size]Alignment:Twilight[/size]Personality:

[/size]Due to the trauma he suffered during the great fire, Shirou has a constant emptiness in his personality and suffers from tremendous survivor's guilt. He feels that, as the only survivor, it is unfair to the deceased to prioritize his own needs before those of others. He has a distorted sense of values where he only finds self-worth from helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act “helping people” is its own reward. He believes it is highly unfair that some people survive and others do not. When it comes down to receiving an injury or even giving up his life to help someone, he will do it without a second thought. The people who see this side of him are often very worried and attempt to correct his behavior, though they are unable to change his opinions. Kiritsugu often talked about how he used strive to protect the innocent from the world's many perils, even at the cost of his own humanity, and how he was saddened by the reality that whenever he was able to spare one life, another person was fated to die. Although Kiritsugu was tormented by his inability to save everyone, Shirou always admired his efforts. Right before Kiritsugu's death, Shirou pledged to be a [/size]Hero of Justice in Kiritsugu's place and strive to protect everyone at the cost of his own life. Everything that he is thus far is the result of that very pledge. He has made it his dream to become a "Hero of justice" who will save everyone regardless of what happens to his own life.[/size]

Shirou takes his ideals to the limit during the Fate scenario, where he constantly attempts to protect Saber from harm and keep her from fighting other Servants, despite the fact that she is many times more powerful than he and that even his odds of mere survival, not winning, are hopelessly low against those he personally fights. This is because he cannot stand the idea of someone else being harmed for his sake. He never gives up his ideals during the route and injures himself numerous times to uphold it. During the Unlimited Blade Works route, Shirou, through constant arguing with Archer, begins to see the hypocrisy in his ideals. Though he refuses to give them up entirely, he works his way towards a middle ground where he will strive towards fulfilling ideals, despite knowing they are impossible to achieve. He faces his largest dilemma during Heaven's Feel, where he is forced to choose between maintaining his ideals and protecting the life of Sakura. He eventually forsakes them, with the exception of the "Superhero" ending, where he becomes as resolute as Kiritsugu in his prime, allowing Sakura to be executed for the greater good. He strives only to protect Sakura, though he is presented with conflict a number of times.

Shirou is extremely stubborn once he sets out to accomplish something, such as spending hours attempting to perform a high jump that is nearly impossible for him. This action, as watched by Rin and Sakura, is one of the initial factors that causes them both to develop feelings for Shirou. He will stubbornly defend his own viewpoints, no matter how wrong they may seem to others, even to the point of causing them great mental anguish. Though he does his best to help others, if he feels that a person brought about their own ruin, he will simply watch instead of helping. Nasu has stated that Shirou and Shiki Tohno would definitely get along badly.

Shirou's love interests varies from Saber, Rin and Sakura depending on the routes. However, he has a mutual long running admiration and crush on Rin and shown to have attraction towards Saber the moment he saw her, after she was summoned though both gradually became platonic in the alternate routes.[/size]

[/size]Bio:(For this Roleplay Shirou will be a mixture of Fate,UBW and Heaven's Feel routes along with things from Grand Order and Kaleid... This Shirou is most definately destined to become ARCHER and you'll begin seeing that as this war of darkness rages on.) Shirou suffers from a tramatic event that came about after the 4th Great Holy Grail War which destroyed his home and gave him memory loss he was resuced from the flames from Kitisyuga Emiya from here Shirou would live a semi-normal until destiny had a calling for him and the 5th Grail War began 50 years early then usual.

During the Grail War Shirou overcame many odds and with the help of his Servant Archer and his Ally turned Best friend Rin Tohsaka the trio fought trough impossible odds. Shirou having to face himself Archer a future version of Shirou who attempts to kill Shirou in order to remove Shirou Emiya's existance from the world. This fails in the end and by the time everything comes to it's conclusion The Corrupted Holy Grail is destroyed.[/size]


Two years after the incident and Shirou goes with Rin and a Saber who has not returned to Britian where the two go to Clockwork for Mage training after a trip to where Saber's real self. 'King Arthur' lays Shirou decides to leave Clockwork and goes out to become a Hero of Justice his idealism never fading.[/size]


After a magical discharge Shirou fines himself in a war between Light and Darkness a time for Heroes and Villians to rise up and Shirou accepts this calling card with Kanshou and Bayaka and his skills as a Hero of Justice in hand and his Idealism he'll fight until his last breath.[/size]Weapons:Bow, Sniper Rifle, Kanshou and Bayaka, Reinforcing magic, Unlimited Blade Works.[/size]Theme song:[/size]

Name:Dante 'Tony Redgrave' Sparda[/size]Age:20's[/size]Gender:Male[/size]Appearance:devil_may_cry_3_se___coatless_dmc1_dante[/size]Alignment:Light[/size]Personality:Dante is a go with the flow loud mouth demon hunter. That's the best way to describe the Son of the Sparda however under that is someone who has an idealogies and a person who just of recent events has come to term with his Demonic Heritage he relies on the support of the people he has met at this point being a sort of partner in crime 'Lady'. Dante can be described as humorous and cocky but when needed he's serious and fight for what he believes is right.[/size]Bio:

[/size]Dante is a mercenary and private investigator specializing in paranormal cases, preferring those that call for demon slaying. He is muscular, has white/silver hair, icy-blue eyes and is usually seen wearing red dusters/trench coats. Dante's arsenal usually consists of firearms and melee weapons, including "Ebony and Ivory", twin handguns that never need reloading, as well as a variety of swords such as the "Rebellion" and "Force Edge", Devil Arms created by his father. The guns are handmade with "For Tony Redgrave, By.45 Art Warks" written on them (Tony Redgrave is the alias used by Dante). He possesses superhuman strength, agility, stamina, reflexes, coordination, and resistance to injury that approaches invulnerability as a result of his half-demon heritage. This gives him the ability to enter a heightened state called "Devil Trigger". In this state, Dante possesses greater strength and speed, his health regenerates at a steady pace, and further abilities with his equipped melee weapon, including flight. [/size]Dante is one of the twin sons of Sparda, the demon knight who sided with humanity and drove back an invasion of the human world by demons roughly 2,000 years prior to the events of the series. After Sparda's death, Dante and his identical twin brother Vergil were raised by their human mother, Eva. When Dante and Vergil were children, the family was attacked by demons, resulting in Eva's death. This event led to Dante's commitment to hunting demons in pursuit of those that killed his mother. Dante is confident in his encounters with opponents, and frequently taunts enemies before battling them. With the exception of Devil May Cry 4, Dante says the phrase "Devils never cry" in every game, implying that no matter how much of a demon he may prove to be, his ability to cry makes his human side precious to him.[/size]

Weapons:Force Edge, Agni and Rudra, Cerberus, Ebony and Ivory, Double Barrel Shotgun.[/size]Theme song (optional):[/size]

I am a bit conflicted about allowing in non-Disney/Square Enix characters (other than OCs). I'm gonna have to give it some more thought and research on Shirou as I'm not familiar with that franchise. I'll have a ruling well before game start.

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I am claiming Xion and Lightning.


~*Character Sheet*~
Name: Zion de Wynter
Age: Immortal
Gender: Female

Alignment: Light
Personality: Bubbly, kind, sweet, clumsy, and a will of pure divine steel, one unbreakable yet so fragile.

Born in Twilight Town years ago, she met her wife, Xion, at the clock tower. Her adventures that led to marriage were many and happy, but her destiny was not one of quiet and calm. Thrown into a new war, she fought with all she had...but she died. After a period of slumber though, she returned, this time as a God...the Goddess of Light. She has presided over the Realm of Light since then, suffering victory...and defeat. With the loss of her wife and the dangers posed
Weapons: Double-ended keyblades: Forward Unto Dawn, Sunrise Everlasting, Unbreakable Connection, and Long and Dark December.
Theme song (optional): 


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I'm going to be putting in a sheet for a character or two very soon.  I've got a lot of final stuffs to catch up on, but I just wanted to affirm that I am still interested and will definitely be joining in.


Also, are Chrono Trigger characters permitted in the RP?  Not sure if I'll do it for sure, but I just wanted to ask beforehand.  I know that you had mentioned that Square games were permitted, but since Chrono Trigger hasn't actually made an appearance I wasn't sure if it qualified.

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Name: Deseo (Deh-Seh-Oh)
Age: 14
Gender: Male


Alignment: Darkness
Personality: Pessimistic, unapologetic, emotional, delusional, slightly unpredictable, childish. 
Bio: Deseo was an only child, loved by his parents as they lived in a calm, simplistic world. As the war between the light, darkness and everything in between waged on, Deseo's parents did their best to keep their son oblivious to the dire situation of the war. But it would be futile, as their small world soon became part of the battlefield. In the turmoil, his parents were quick to become casualties of war all while protecting him. After witnessing the death of his parents, he along with many others struggled to survive from all sides, Deseo witnessing atrocities of all kind by a young age as he was forced to do whatever it took to get out alive, willingly or not. Slowly despair began to set in, and with that multiple negative emotions, such as paranoia, regret, anger, all building up and beginning to consume his heart. By the time anyone realized what had been happening to him from the inside, it was all too late. He attracted the darkness, and all that came with it, and in a single night, his group of survivors were ruthlessly killed off by Heartless while Deseo watched. It's been two years since this incident, and Deseo now travels spreading the darkness as he sees fit. After all, if he couldn't have a happy ending, why should anyone else have it?
Weapons: Dual Sword-Whips (Think of the Threaded Cane from Bloodborne, but swords)
Theme song:

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I am a bit conflicted about allowing in non-Disney/Square Enix characters (other than OCs). I'm gonna have to give it some more thought and research on Shirou as I'm not familiar with that franchise. I'll have a ruling well before game start.

No problem if not I can easily switch characters to something else.

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I am claiming Xion and Lightning.

Claiming Xion just to have her dead? That's cold.

Anyway, Zion accepted. Xion and Lightning are reserved, though if they are going to have active roles, I'd like character sheets for them.


I'm going to be putting in a sheet for a character or two very soon.  I've got a lot of final stuffs to catch up on, but I just wanted to affirm that I am still interested and will definitely be joining in.


Also, are Chrono Trigger characters permitted in the RP?  Not sure if I'll do it for sure, but I just wanted to ask beforehand.  I know that you had mentioned that Square games were permitted, but since Chrono Trigger hasn't actually made an appearance I wasn't sure if it qualified.

Since Chrono Trigger is a Square game, I'll allow it.









Name: Deseo (Deh-Seh-Oh)Age: 14Gender: MaleAppearance:






Alignment: DarknessPersonality: Pessimistic, unapologetic, emotional, delusional, slightly unpredictable, childish. Bio: Deseo was an only child, loved by his parents as they lived in a calm, simplistic world. As the war between the light, darkness and everything in between waged on, Deseo's parents did their best to keep their son oblivious to the dire situation of the war. But it would be futile, as their small world soon became part of the battlefield. In the turmoil, his parents were quick to become casualties of war all while protecting him. After witnessing the death of his parents, he along with many others struggled to survive from all sides, Deseo witnessing atrocities of all kind by a young age as he was forced to do whatever it took to get out alive, willingly or not. Slowly despair began to set in, and with that multiple negative emotions, such as paranoia, regret, anger, all building up and beginning to consume his heart. By the time anyone realized what had been happening to him from the inside, it was all too late. He attracted the darkness, and all that came with it, and in a single night, his group of survivors were ruthlessly killed off by Heartless while Deseo watched. It's been two years since this incident, and Deseo now travels spreading the darkness as he sees fit. After all, if he couldn't have a happy ending, why should anyone else have it?Weapons: Dual Sword-Whips (Think of the Threaded Cane from Bloodborne, but swords)Theme song:




Yep, I've listened to the hooded frog many times in situations like this.

Deseo accepted.


No problem if not I can easily switch characters to something else.

We'll give it a try. Shirou accepted. I'm holding off on Dante, as you didn't give him a good reason for being involved with Kingdom Hearts characters. If you can come up with one, you should be good to go.

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First 2 characters from me. I'm gonna finish up at least one more before starting and will post some for major characters as they appear in game.


Name: Vaner

Age: mid-40s

Gender: male

Appearance: A man of average height and weight. Collar length, dark brown hair with a few streaks of grey. Beard to match. Dark brown eyes. While face is rather nondescript by itself, it is framed with a network of burn scars. He wears a simple long sleeved off-white shirt, a black vest, blue pants, and black boats. Topped off by a dark brown duster with a hood.

Alignment: Twilight

Personality: Intelligent, clever, charismatic, witty, regretful, and harsh at times.

Bio: A man who ended up in Traverse Town about a year before Sora's first adventure, Vaner began working with Leon and the gang to fight against the Darkness. After Sora restored the worlds, Vaner chose to wander the worlds, saying his world was beyond his reach. During his travels he helped along the way, but tried to keep out of the bigger picture due to bad experiences. A few months ago, Vaner was approached by Leon and King Mickey, believing him to be a great ally for the war to come. After hearing the situation, he reluctantly agreed to help, but on his own terms. For the next few months, he travelled the worlds, gathering intelligence. Now, with a list of names for recruitment and knowledge of the enemy, he's ready to form his Vanguard.


Retractable sword;




Theme song (optional): Lost Forever by Van Canto


Name: Stella Nox Fleuret

Age: 24

Gender: Female





Alignment: Light

Personality: Honest, polite, assertive, direct, caring, smart, and empathetic.

Bio: Stella Nox Fleuret was a resident of the world of Eos who gained special powers from seeing the light of the Kingdom of the Dead. She reluctantly was drawn into a conflict between her family and land against the royal family of another land, particularly its prince, Noctis. As they prepared to battle each other, time distortions rocked they're world. Protected by their powers, Stella and Noctis sought to find the source of this distortion. In they're travels, they found that Eos's heart was connected to two other worlds, Gran Pulse and Orience, and time paradoxes on Gran Pulse were effecting Eos and Orience. After meeting and recruiting a group of magic students from Orience, Stella and Noctis attempted to sever the bonds that held the three worlds close together. After a long ordeal, only Stella made it to Gran Pulse's heart and cut Eos and Orience free, allowing the other two worlds to spin away and heal from the time paradoxes. All except her were reset on their worlds, with history reforming to repair the damage. She tried to returned to Eos, but found it different then she remembered, even finding someone else had been born in her place. Without a place, Stella slipped into the Lanes Between and into sleep. She was recently found and brought back to the worlds by a wanderer named Vaner. After explaining the threat the worlds face and his plan to stop it, Stella agreed to help protect the worlds at large.

Weapons: Rapier

Theme song (optional): Locked Within The Crystal Ball by Blackmore's Night

Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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I'm working on putting together my character sheets, but during which I was wondering what the twilight alignment happens to be?  Is this a neutral character?

Alignment isn't about morals. It's about which element does the character gravitate to. Twilight means a balance of Light and Dark, like Riku.

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Alignment isn't about morals. It's about which element does the character gravitate to. Twilight means a balance of Light and Dark, like Riku.

Ah, gotcha. That makes a lot more sense. Thank you! So I'm assuming that we cannot make villains?

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Ah, gotcha. That makes a lot more sense. Thank you! So I'm assuming that we cannot make villains?

You can, actually. In hindsight, a good/neutral/evil section would have been useful, but c'est la vie. Just indicate evil intent in the Bio or PM me if you want to keep their evilness on the down low.

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3rd character for beginning of game.


Name: Niles O'dalla

Age: 15

Gender: Male



Alignment: Light

Personality: Eager, optimistic, Naive at times, friendly, energetic, and kind.

Bio: A young man from a backwater world, Niles' life was largely uneventful till Heartless attacked his world. The strength of his heart called out to the Keyblade, allowing him to summon it and defend his world. After his world was safe, he received a note to come to a new world if he wanted to help save more lives. Eager to help, he travels there now to start his adventure.

Weapons: Starlight Keyblade


Theme song (optional): Immortals by Fall Out Boy

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not sure if these are still open but im gonna throw fill this out anyway

~*Character Sheet*~
Name: Empty Vanitas 
Appearance:for some reason it wont let me post with image but he just looks like masked vanitas.
Alignment: Darkness
Personality: Dosent talk much but when he does its in a low hollow tone.Has a tendency to become loyal to a single person quickly. HATES BEING CALLED VANITAS prefers to simply be called V.
Bio: This version of vanitas is simply whats left of him. After going through so much his ideals have changed and he judges based on situation to situation. Somewhat neutral but tends to lean towards the bad guy roll. This vanitas can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. his Backround is shrouded and nobody really understands why he even exists. He often appears in places he shouldnt be even once appearing to the real Vanitas ,who was very confused. This Vanitas feels compeled to loyalty and following the every command of the person he choses to follow. Never takes his mask off unless ordered to only to show no face but pure darkness emanating from the inside.
Weapons: Void Gear. , darkness , unversed,  (normal vanitas powers exept there a bit more darkness to everything he does)
Theme song (optional): 

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not sure if these are still open but im gonna throw fill this out anyway[/size]

~*Character Sheet*~[/size]Name: Empty Vanitas [/size]Age:???[/size]Gender:Male[/size]Appearance:[/size]for some reason it wont let me post with image but he just looks like masked vanitas.Alignment: Darkness[/size]Personality: Dosent talk much but when he does its in a low hollow tone.Has a tendency to become loyal to a single person quickly. HATES BEING CALLED VANITAS prefers to simply be called V.Bio: This version of vanitas is simply whats left of him. After going through so much his ideals have changed and he judges based on situation to situation. Somewhat neutral but tends to lean towards the bad guy roll. This vanitas can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. his Backround is shrouded and nobody really understands why he even exists. He often appears in places he shouldnt be even once appearing to the real Vanitas ,who was very confused. This Vanitas feels compeled to loyalty and following the every command of the person he choses to follow. Never takes his mask off unless ordered to only to show no face but pure darkness emanating from the inside.Weapons: Void Gear. , darkness , unversed,  (normal vanitas powers exept there a bit more darkness to everything he does)[/size]Theme song (optional): [/size]

Indeed, we are still open. Just giving some people sometime to get stuff together, this being a pretty busy time.

Empty Vanitas accepted.

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