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Insanely Dream Interest Check

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Hey awesome roleplayers! I wanted to share this insanely awesome dream I had with you guys, to see if you would participate in it if it's turned into a roleplay!


Basically my dream was this; a giant coliseum competition with all these characters from a wide variety of cartoons, anime and games. It's a friendly competition, to see who's the most powerful. Think of Smash Bros but with everything. The problem was, there was this masked person that was eliminating the competitors one by one, causing mass hysteria for the viewers. Those who are still active must band together to find out who's behind it all.


So the idea would be that. You can be any character you want (just don't be something ridiculous please)

Anyone interested? Questions?

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It's an interesting concept for sure and I probably would join in.  I'm a little concerned about being in more roleplays than I can manage, but I would try my utmost to keep up.  I think I know just the character that I would throw into the mix, too!

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Ooh, this sounds interesting!  I might join if I'm not super busy with school.  I'm also trying to think what character(s) I'd wanna be...

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