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Which game do you most want to see at the PSX Keynote?

Which game do you most want to see at the PSX Keynote?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Which game do you most want to see at the PSX Keynote?

    • Final Fantasy 7 Remake
    • Horizon:Zero Dawn
    • Crash Bandicoot Remake
    • Resident Evil 7
    • Days Gone
    • Ni No Kuni 2
    • The Last Of Us 2 (Reveal)
    • God Of War 4
    • Spiderman PS4
    • Marvel Vs Capcom 4
    • Nier Automata
    • Another game? Tell us down below!

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Resident Evil 7 definitely. Just saw the recent gameplays and the more they reveal for the game, the more it looks exciting. It's already feeling like Resident Evil 1 only in first person.


With this, there might be a new demo for the game released tomorrow, so that adds to the hype.


While I am excited for 2.8 and FF7R, I'm more eager to see RE7. It looks pretty scary as hell, and I'm obsessed with survival horror xD

Edited by Moochieh32

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i'd say Resident Evil 7 but i'm already going to buy it and i feel like Capcom has the right idea of trying not to show too much of the game. i definitely want to go in blind for it so if it doesn't have a huge presence at PSX i'll be good. 


Nier: Automata would be cool to see more of, i guess. that or maybe a crazy reveal. Bloodborne 2 would be great. but if we're talking about crazy out of left field reveals then how about a new Medievil or Klonoa game? there's not really any grounds to expect reveals like that though, so i'm just going to wait and see what goes down. 

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Rockstar has a partnership with Playstation for Red Dead Redemption 2. Even though there is a very very very very small chance that it would be showcased there, I hope it does happen.













































































































































































































































































































































Edited by Geralt

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Crash all the way. Not much more that I'm all that interested in in the upcoming lineup, sadly.


Sly 5 would be really cool to see too, but Sanzaru said that there aren't any plans for another sequel, even after the cliffhanger secret ending 4 had...

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I thought Nomura said no FF Remake until next year? Can anyone correct me?

He never said that. I've read every interview with him throughout this entire year multiple times xD However he did say this in October


Nomura: Like with the 15th anniversary of [KH], I'm thinking I'd like to plan something or other. It's just that, since we've been keeping busy with productions, including the game [WOFF] that I showcased today, I don't think I will be able to share any new news until after things calm down.


Technically things have calmed down now, WOFF and XV are out-Square aren't releasing anything 'big'  until 2.8. 



Executive Producer of the KH franchise Shinji Hashimoto said this


On Final Fantasy VII Remake


Hashimoto didn’t bring any info to the event, but says they’re working hard on the game and asks fans to please wait a little longer for more. About the rumors online on the game releasing in 2017, he says that the company hasn’t announced anything yet, so those are just rumors for now.



Edited by Barry Bacon Allen

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I would go with Ni No Kuni 2 like what´s up with the game? We haven´t got anything since last year. I haven´t even play the first one xD


Also that Crash Bandicoot Remake... I´m not a Crash Fan but i want to see what the team is up to.

Edited by KairiKeybasH

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Crash Remastered I'm definitely looking forward to. Here's hoping we'll see some FF7R goodness.


I doubt it would happen, but if something on Sly Cooper comes up I will be super excited.


While I'm happy that The Last of Us 2 may be revealed, I feel a sequel is unnecessary. I would still play it though no doubt. I'm excited to see what' coming next for Uncharted 4, as single-player DLC was confirmed long ago and the multiplayer should be getting a significant/major update soon. I've been playing the Uncharted 4 multiplayer and will continue to. It's keeping me busy until I get my hands on Final Fantasy XV.


Also I'm looking forward to seeing the Spider-Man game. Hopefully it's fresh and not like any of the previous "movie games". The other games I could care less about.

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I doubt we'll get anything on Last of Us, Naughty Dog will probably do something on Uncharted 4 DLCs. And, is Insominic even appearing at the show, can't expect Spider-Man if they're not. But anyway, anticipating some Nier, REVII and Psychonaunts

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A new Marvel Vs Capcom is long over-due. Marvel are now mainstream ever since the Disney acquisition so the franchise can have a far wider demographic.

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it's happening.


Well well well... this just made may day!

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