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Does anyone get criticized because you love Kingdom Hearts????? I get that a lot! And most people criticize me by saying that I'm gay. Does that happen to any other guys that play Kingdom Hearts Games??? And they say I'm gay because Disney is part of the main plot region! Does this happen to anyone else???

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Most of my new school LOVES Kingdom Hearts. They even have a KH Club there.

For te people who say it's gay, they either haven't played it or didn't like it. Everyone has their own opinion. I dislike Halo Reach but I LOVE BBS. I'll probably be called stupid or gay or some other insult, but it doesn't change what I think.

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I am always suprised whenever I find someone else at my school that likes KH. But of course, I don't say anything. The nuisances of teenage emotions would leave them and besiege me instead.

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My school is full of closet KH fans such as myself. If I think someone is a fan then I would just say some completely random KH quote that only a KH fan would understand but someone who isn't would be confused.


So far I unearthed about 4 fans. I think there could be more but most of the people in my school have never heard of KH.


But like I said I'm a closet KH fan. I only talk about KH in real life when I know someone plays it. I don't go around announcing it to everyone. A kid in my school gets bullied a lot for liking final fantasy (since most of the dumbasses in my grade think that the only good game is MW2 which is a disgrace to first person shooters). I can't imagine what would happen if they discovered KH fans.

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Well sense im a girl its not as bad to tell people you like Kingdom Hearts. I have a few friends, mostly guys, who play Kingdom Hearts more then I do and they own every game, book, I think one of my friends said he owned a cartoon movie. (If that even exist) Really, its whatever you like and no one can change that.

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Most of my new school LOVES Kingdom Hearts. They even have a KH Club there.





I know, it's annoying. People think it's gay just because it has the word 'hearts' in it. I'm pretty surprised when I meet someone else who likes Kingdom Hearts, but most people I know in real life who like it don't even understand the story, they just think they do o_o

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Most of my new school LOVES Kingdom Hearts. They even have a KH Club there.





I know, it's annoying. People think it's gay just because it has the word 'hearts' in it. I'm pretty surprised when I meet someone else who likes Kingdom Hearts, but most people I know in real life who like it don't even understand the story, they just think they do o_o


Let me guess, they like the game because


"Sora/Roxas/Riku/Axel/any teenage boy in the series is so cute!"

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Not many people except close friends know I love Kingdom Hearts. It just never comes up in conversations much. Someone in my foods class last year apparently loved Kingdom Hearts just as much as I did, but we never had time to talk about it so neither him nor I knew we loved the same game. Where I live, not everyone plays or likes video games too, and to be honest it really isn't very often you hear someone talk about a video game unless it's some mainstream game on the Xbox or something.. =3= If anyone understands what I'm saying. I don't really know how to put it... >.>;

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man, the hot topic where i live sells KH shirts with keyblades on them and i saw a guy in my class wearing one so i assumed he played. i tried to talk to him about it and he sed he only got it because the keyblade is cool and that i was a queer and said he was gonna jump me after school. its just not right. i KNOW that people around my area play, i just dont know who. i always see people with KH shirts but im way to scared to ask after wut happened the first time.

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