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Clueless Gamer: FINAL FANTASY XV

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Oh man, I really hope he'll do KH2.8HD next xD. He never "reviewed" a Kingdom Hearts game yet. To see him do FFXV made my day.


His best ones were Tomb Raider and Witcher III xD

Edited by Moochieh32

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Elijah's reaction to the Adamatoise is just priceless! LOL 



15 HOURS TO BEAT ONE BOSS!!? Didn't know they were trying to replicate Final Fantasy XI

According to https://squareportal.net/2014/09/22/all-in-one-final-fantasy-xv-article-five-interviews-and-tons-of-new-information/

"Tabata also revealed it will take 30 days to beat that huge Adamantoise which was shown in the trailer last week. That would mean about fifteen hours in real time! Quite a super boss! (If Tabata wasn’t just teasing us!) Just watch out you don’t get hit by Adamantoise’s foot!"

It's probably the same Adamantoise.


Ha ha, he said Smash Wii U was garbage.


It'd be priceless to see what he'd say about this... if I cared.

I mean.... the video is right there. And he's funny imo

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According to https://squareportal.net/2014/09/22/all-in-one-final-fantasy-xv-article-five-interviews-and-tons-of-new-information/

"Tabata also revealed it will take 30 days to beat that huge Adamantoise which was shown in the trailer last week. That would mean about fifteen hours in real time! Quite a super boss! (If Tabata wasn’t just teasing us!) Just watch out you don’t get hit by Adamantoise’s foot!"

It's probably the same Adamantoise.


I mean.... the video is right there. And he's funny imo


Ok. When you weaken Adamtoise one day (possibly 3 hours) will it's health stay there, so you can weaken it some more? 

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Ok. When you weaken Adamtoise one day (possibly 3 hours) will it's health stay there, so you can weaken it some more? 

Maaaaaybe? I read a comment mentioning that that was a thing but I honestly have no clue xP

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Just before fans of the series could write a rant:Clueless Gamer is a show hosted by Conan o Brien in which he plays some games that are close to coming out or popular.The whole point of it is,just as the title say,is that he knows nothing about games but he admits the fact and try to have fun and give people a good laugh




It just blows my mind that,out of aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall episodes of the show,this is the one where I saw the most amount of pissed off fanboys who completely missed the point of the whole thing




15 HOURS TO BEAT ONE BOSS!!? Didn't know they were trying to replicate Final Fantasy XI

Welp,there goes any attempt to 100% the game for me in the future


Sorry but after seeing Yiazmat in 12 I refuse to fight any of the bullshit superbosses that take more than 4+ hours to beat

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