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KHUX NOVA level?

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Hey guys I was just wondering if someone could try to explain how to boost your NOVA level. i am a little bit confused by the process???? Thanks  :biggrin:

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So far the only things I know regarding Nova Leveling is: 


If you have medals that are guilted but not maxed gulilted, it'll increase your Nova level by one. 


If you have medals that are guilted at max, it'll increase your Nova by more than one? I think seven? I might be wrong with this point. 


Here's a video that should help you. 


Edited by RikuFangirl2008

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Easy, it goes up every time you guilt a medal. And it even goes up again if you manage to max that guilted medal's special attack bonus, as in you push the guilt multiplier all the way up till the number turns orange. So essentially, the more guilted medals you have and the more you max their potential, the higher Nova levels you get. Kind of a win-win since having guilted medals by themselves already benefit you, they're just really hard to come by cheaply.

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Unlocking guilt gives 1 level per medal, maxing it gives another 5.  Each medal is potentially worth 6 levels, however you can only earn the levels for each medal once.  Example: You unlock the bonus on Stitch, it gives you one level.  You max the bonus on stitch, it gives you five levels.  You unlock the bonus on a SECOND Stitch, you get nothing.

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I still dont get it.

I've maxed the yellow dots on a pair of medals but my NOVA lvl stills the same (5. I know. Imma N00b)

So "guilting" is evolving tons of the same medal into one same medal¿? Even if the yellow dots are full¿?

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I still dont get it.

I've maxed the yellow dots on a pair of medals but my NOVA lvl stills the same (5. I know. Imma N00b)

So "guilting" is evolving tons of the same medal into one same medal¿? Even if the yellow dots are full¿?


The only ways of leveling up your Nova is:


1. You can only guilt different medals. Not the same one. If you do guilt the same medal, it's not going to count. Your level will stay the same.


2. Depending on what type Level Guilt medal you have, it has to hit Max or Not close to max. If it hits max, your Nova Level increases to 5. If not max, it'll increases to only 1. For non-max guilted medals, you have two options. Either use Magic Mirrors (which I only recommend if your the Level is close to it's max, like 1 to 3 points closer, just to save you up some Magic Mirrors.) or Re-roll by leveling/evolving up a medal up to six star, only if you can get yourself another medal. 

Edited by RikuFangirl2008

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The only ways of leveling up your Nova is:


1. You can only guilt different medals. Not the same one. If you do guilt the same medal, it's not going to count. Your level will stay the same.


2. Depending on what type Level Guilt medal you have, it has to hit Max or Not close to max. If it hits max, your Nova Level increases to 5. If not max, it'll increases to only 1. For non-max guilted medals, you have two options. Either use Magic Mirrors (which I only recommend if your the Level is close to it's max, like 1 to 3 points closer, just to save you up some Magic Mirrors.) or Re-roll by leveling/evolving up a medal up to six star, only if you can get yourself another medal.


Ok. So to activate the Nova orb in my medals that are marked with a black Nova icon, it's necessary to level it to the fullest or the yellow dots and expect a very lucky roulette¿?

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Ok. So to activate the Nova orb in my medals that are marked with a black Nova icon, it's necessary to level it to the fullest or the yellow dots and expect a very lucky roulette¿?


Yeah. It's necessary to fill up those orbs, and expect either a maxed percentage or a non-maxed percentage.


Casing point: An old picture of one of my medals, that's already guilted. The orbs are lit and the Level 3 Guilt is also lit.


Edited by RikuFangirl2008

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Yeah. It's necessary to fill up those orbs, and expect either a maxed percentage or a non-maxed percentage.


Casing point: An old picture of one of my medals, that's already guilted. The orbs are lit and the Level 3 Guilt is also lit.

Right¡! I just did the fusing of another 6* medals and got a max skill lvl, that also made my Nova climb to a 10lvl...

I think I kinda get it now. Thanks¡!

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