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The Transcendent Key

Film Anyone Remember This Little Jingle!?

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Hey there, humans! Bill Cipher here! So then, I've been stumbling upon hours upon hours of video footage from the archives you all call Youtube! And upon inspecting all the things that have come and gone over the years, I found this little jingle which seems to be of the classic variety! I showed it to Transcendent, and he said it was from a film he loved very much! I think you'll all safely recognize this song! 



In a world of absent-minded animals, this Owl seems to be the most intelligent one of them all! He was single handedly planning ahead the destruction of those other impudent little animals, and I couldn't have been happier! Especially with Skull! That scared the living bones out of those little cretins! B)


But um, anyways, heh, nostalgia, eh? :3

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Never watched the movie. But what a cutesy song.

Gawsh I remember this movie SO MUCH LOVE FOR IT


This and the Tigger Movie my fave kinda-sequels (are they sequels?)

The Tigger Movie was one of the movies that i like still to this day. But it doesn´t count as a sequel, for what i know.

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Does this mean that you, Bill Cipher, actually watched (and enjoyed) this movie?


Indeed! I enjoyed how these foolish little animals attempted to find Ristopher Crobin! And they almost died in the attempt! Yes, I feed on the despair of others! B)


Gawsh I remember this movie SO MUCH LOVE FOR IT


This and the Tigger Movie my fave kinda-sequels (are they sequels?)


Yes, they are very good, and nostalgic! And I believe they are sequels, human!


Never watched the movie. But what a cutesy song.

The Tigger Movie was one of the movies that i like still to this day. But it doesn´t count as a sequel, for what i know.


Yes, the song is definitely catchy! 


And Tigger's movie is actually a really sad tale of despair...and I love it! B)


I'm crying, like literally crying (not really). Man I remember this song when I was little kid. Especially this song! Oh man those childhood memories!!!  <3


Yes, childhood memories...I will extract them from each and every one of you humans! The nostalgia shall be in the palm of my hand!


I used to watch this stupid movie almost daily when I was 7 or 8.. haven't seen it in years xD

Only film that Disney made that attempted to sort of be a sequel to "The Many Adventure of Winnie The Pooh", if i remember correctly. 


Transcendent hadn't watched it for about ten years, so he decided to watch it recently, for nostalgia's sake! You should've seen him! He looked like a toddler watching the film! Hmm, all this sequel talk has me curious. I would think that this is a sequel, but heck, what do I know?


You humans can sometimes be confusing...


I remember this movie :D i really liked it as a kid but that skull used to scare so much as a kid that i wasn't able to sleep sometimes. still really liked the movie



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