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For Radiant Garden I'd like-Cloud, Noctis, Lightning and Squall. 


Olympus-Hercules, maybe Zeus and Auron too.


Tangled-Rapunzel, the horse and the thief (I think his name was Flynn Rider)


Big Hero 6-Baymax and the members of Big Hero 6


Castle Oblivion-Aqua and Riku


Not sure about the others :D

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We know Rapunzel is a party member and she fights with her hair, but I still hope there is some kind of Limit where she uses a frying pan with Sora, because that was the most iconic thing about that movie. If we get two party members per world, simply because that sounds great in theory, I'd love Maximus, and then HE could fight with a frying pan.


Besides that, I hope Hercules is actually a party member this time around, instead of only fighting in the same place as Sora sometimes, even though I really liked Auron. If not Hercules, it will probably be a Final Fantasy character again, but as I'm not really a FF fan, I couldn't say which one I want.


For BH6, I REALLY want Baymax, he's just great and it would be fun to see what he would be able to do. Maybe a cool Limit where you get to ride him around as he flies for some special attack, it's fun.


And I can't really think of other worlds, honestly. There are some that I think would be fun, but none I'm really that expectant of?

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From the underwater city of Atlantis, I'd go with the savage babe Kida! She's a feisty warrior, and she's got all the makings of a strong human! Ability wise, she could possess great strength and give others increases in strength!


From the stars, I'd go with Jimbo Hawkins! Or maybe Captain Amelia...? Hmm, I'm not sure on this one yet...


From South America, I'd go with Kuzco, cuz llamas rock! Heh, he could llama kick Heartless into submission! His ability could be a boost in item drops or something, whatever the human designers think of, right?


That's all I can think of for now, human! :3

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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