Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted November 5, 2016 Hey guys, I just wanted to discuss a rather silly but sucky situation I've been going through for a while. As you know, I absolutely adore Birth by Sleep. Aqua is my favorite character of all time (although honestly Roxas is my bby). It's obvious. I'm Aqua7KH, my icon is Aqua, AquaxTerra is my life, I want Terra apart of me- well, Terra is pretty awesome. Anyway, I've been having a problem and it just sucks. You guys know by now I have an anxiety disorder and tend to freak out over really stupid shit, so bare with me. Anyway, it all started when I was watching a new BBS blind let's play. I won't say who it is, but I was really eager to see it. Long story short, he hates the game, spends every waking moment talking about how terrible it is, how it's the worst game ever and how people are crazy for liking it. Literally everything- the game itself, the characters, the story. I mean, usually I just ignore it, but sadly he doesn't end up liking it by the end of tbe game, and I've just been seeing the comments full of people screaming at him because of it, or people also saying the game is like the cause of death or some stupid thing. Anyway, I've also been seeing everyone think th same thing too, and it's just been bringing me down. Not saying BBS is perfect, no game is perfect, but it sucks being told your favorite character is terrible, or a game you hold close to your heart is just the worst thing ever. Everyone has their opinions and I don't care, but when I actually feel like I'm a bad person or something for liking it, it just sucks. It's not even because of that too, there has also been huge fights and just overall turbulence in the Let's Play that the entire thing is just utterly toxic. If you know who I'm talking about you definitely know what I mean. This is just really giving me a hard time, because I can't even see BBS without even thinking of that. And it sucks even more because I can't be excited for 2.8 like everyone else is. I see the trailer where Terra Ventus and Aqua are falling together in the sky and I can't even enjoy it because it's giving me anxiety and making me feel shitty as I'm thinking about all that and all the things people are saying like "their friendships aren't believeable at all" and "it's fake" and whatnot. Again, opinion doesn't bother me. Especially opinions that spark conversation. It's just the fact that the entire thing became so toxic due to fighting and whatnot. It just really sucks. I was wondering if anyone had words of encouragement, reassurance and just overall discussion. I also wonder if anyone else feels this way or has experienced something similar. Thanks guys. 6 Deadpool, Solarclaw, KHUndertaleFan25 and 3 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dabestgamer 62 Posted November 5, 2016 I don't mind the characters; my beef is with the game's mechanics. But yeah, I get that feeling, too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Axeken 181 Posted November 5, 2016 BbS is a fine game, not a terrible game at all imo.While I have a few issues, like the floatiness of the gameplay and the voice acting but other than that, I love the game Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isaix 924 Posted November 5, 2016 Remember that its just a random guy's opinion on the Internet,it shouldn't impact you.I like Birth By Sleep,its such a fun game to play. I've heard people saying they don't like The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time,my favorite games of all time.To me they are pretty much perfect game,but Egoraptor spend like 30 minutes ranting about Ocarina of Time and the 3D Zelda games I love so much and a lot of people agree with him,but that's fine,you can't expect everybody to share your opinion. Some like apples,others don't,some prefer hockey over football and vice versa,some will vote for Trump this Tusday,others for Hillary,some like Birth By Sleep and others don't,humans all have different opinions,you can't stop everytime someone has an opinion that differs from yours.Just keep enjoying BBS 16 Nero Kunivas, Dio Brando, Setrex and 13 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WayfindersDestiny 172 Posted November 5, 2016 Birth By Sleep will always remain my favourite game and I wont let even people I know personally sway my decision. We are as entitled to their opinion as they are their wrong one. B] 8 IwasBornAsVentus, Movies798, PenguinRoxx and 5 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Syenyho 22 Posted November 5, 2016 "but it sucks being told your favorite character is terrible" I know that feeling all too well. My favorite character is Terra and he gets a lot of negative responses. I can understand constructive criticism (I love those!), but there are also reasons that seem too nitpicky. I tend to just let everyone have their opinions, but the constant negativity I keep seeing is quite draining. But don't let that get you down! Aqua's your favorite character and that's cool! For BBS, I like the story. I just wish the story could've been expanded. However, I think the amount we got was enough for one game. For now, the BBS trio only got the spotlight in one game. (This is the reason I am excited for 0.2). I don't think their friendship is fake, but we don't have much detail about it that it might seem like they're not as close of friends. The story could've added more flashbacks of the interactions between Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. I also would've liked to know the characters' inner thoughts. Why did they did what they did? Before I keep adding things I would've love to see in BBS, I still enjoyed it. If you enjoyed it, then that's great! Man point (sorry for all of this ... felt like I needed to mention it): Don't let someone's opinion put you down. I remember watching a rant by someone on YouTube about the reasons that person hated Terra and I felt like I am an idiot for liking him. However, this is just one person's thoughts and I know not everyone thinks that way. 3 Solarclaw, WayfindersDestiny and The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deadpool 1,200 Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) Hey, don't let it get you too far down. BBS is awesome and has a lot of great mechanics! It's one of my fav KH games in terms of story and gameplay! EDIT: No, but, seriously--I LOVE melding commands. It was so fun leveling up moves and fusing them to get advanced versions or entirely new powers. Growth abilities were handled really creatively, grinding each command was always rewarding. Having three fresh new characters all with their own story modes and gameplay styles was awesome too, not to mention the bonus episode(s). There's a lot of great content and replayability in BBS. My only issues with it are probably some of the minigames in it, like the Command Board one. Aqua is also one of my favorite characters too! She's one of the better handled female characters in the series, has an awesome hair color, and is really unique.I can't wait to see what unfolds for her in 2.8, KH3, and the rest of the series. Again, don't let some angsty guy on YouTube who probably doesn't even understand the basic mechanics of BBS bother you with his likely misguided opinion. Lackluster criticism for KH is all over the place from people who put in little attempt to understand the series or the non-numbered games. Edited November 5, 2016 by Deadpool 2 The Transcendent Key and Movies798 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) Well keep ignoring it then You shouldn't get anxious or worked up just because someone else's opinion doesn't match with yours And if he's an asshole who says people suck for liking something he doesn't in a disrespectful manner then just.........ignore him again I do have my share of games that I love but some other people absolutely hate and sure back then it used to bother me thinking it made my opinion invalid but then I learned to not care about this and just do whatever I like to do without being too anxious about what others think of it I hate Birth by Sleep to be honest but I won't go around telling people to stop liking it so this guy is the type of internet trolls that you should just not care what they say Edited November 5, 2016 by Smash Mega Koopa 2 The 13th Kenpachi and Solarclaw reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Key of the Brain 49 Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) Don't be silly, your opinion should be the most important for you, it's just some guys who don't like the game, don't think on it, think on how it is actually great and think on the fact is the favorite or one of the favorites game of many people (it's the second game I love most, second only to Dream Drop Distance... did you see? Not everyone love KH1 and KH2 [i love it of course but they are the KH games I like less... I prepare my self to have a lot of sh*t asd] but thats fine ) and keep in mind this... almost everyone in the KH-fanbase love Aqua and not just for her design (and a lot of people hate Terra, but is still one of my favorite character of all times, just like Aqua and Ven... the BBS trio is just freaking amazing just like BBS AND their friendship for me they aren't the best but they are anyway amazing) P.s. and just for inform you... my best friend doesn't like the Kingdom Hearts and it says is for kids because of the disney part, but I stil love the saga and it's still my best friend, just ignore them. P.p.s. sorry for my bad english Edited November 5, 2016 by The Key of the Brain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thatkingdomheartsguy 153 Posted November 5, 2016 Your own opinion should be one thing that people can't change from you. There's this really important difference that a lot of people seem to misconstrue; a game being objectively bad in terms of design does not mean it's objectively a bad game. The latter is completely subjective to ones opinion, and no one can change that. I'm not gonna try and defend BBS; it was not a well designed game from either story or gameplay. However, that by no means, does it imply "everyone must hate this game". Some people enjoy the mechanics, even if they're told its objectively bad. Others enjoy the story, even if a majority would argue that the story wasn't well made. In the end, it really comes down to personal opinion. Don't let objective facts that others tell you become a factor for you to have anxiety and conflict over your own opinion, because no one should be able to change that. Do I dislike BBS? Personally, yeah, I'm not a big fan of it. That DOESN'T mean that others are obligated to dislike it as well, nor will I ever convince anyone else to ever change their opinion. Most people who criticize BBS are most likely stating their own views on the game, which is perfectly fine. If it helps, maybe even try reconstructing the reasons why you enjoy BBS. It might help you figure out what the difference of thinking between you and others are, because there's nothing wrong with just enjoying a game. 2 Sendou Aichi and SkullMajora reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The 13th Kenpachi 4,279 Posted November 5, 2016 You shouldn't feel bad for liking a game that others dislike. Not everyone will share the same opinion as you, it's just how life works . 3 Mr. Boba, Dio Brando and Sendou Aichi reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sorarocks93 678 Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) No, just no. You can't let some random person - on the internet - affect you like that. If it's the lper I think you're talking about then he also complained about stuff in the other games? (like how kh1 only got good at Hollow Bastion and that the Demyx fight is absolute shit?) Then yeah, just don't watch him. I just stopped after I realized he complains about everything. If you want to watch a good LP watch NicoB or GearsofDN. I really like their KH LP's. Also, considering the trio's friendship and stuff, it's quite believable really, we just met them at a very weird time. The thing is, no game is perfect, not for everyone atleast. The only one who should change your opinion about the game is yourself. Maybe replay it again and think how wrong the LP'er was? Whatever helps you I guess. Just don't let others make you feel like that. Edit: Oh and btw, I know how it is to be affected by toxic communities. I suggest not looking at comments where you know they will be toxic (can find out by just looking at the video really.) Edited November 5, 2016 by Sorarocks93 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shuy 110 Posted November 5, 2016 It is just a game and everyone has opinions. If you didn't like his negativity, why did you keep watching his Let's Play? 1 Dio Brando reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felixx 6,646 Posted November 5, 2016 I know that feel. For me it's DDD Sora. I really like Sora in DDD, for different reasons, but almost everyone I know on here, and most of the people in the KH community in general (apparently) see that differently. I hear things like "DDD ruined his character development", "Sora got so dumb in DDD", "it should've been a Riku only game" and so on. And yeah I kinda feel bad then too. Cause I just don't get the hate for him, so I sometimes get the feeling I'm too dumb or so Or that I don't know what good character development is and such, and that, if I did, I should hate him too. Well in the end I still love him Can't help it, and all the negative comments kinda make me like him even more. Cause I feel like I have to protect him then. So what I'm trying to say is, everyone has their own opinion. Even if no one but you likes a certain thing you still shouldn't get the feeling to think the same. Just be yourself and enjoy the things you like. And don't let some random guy affect you in any way. Oh and btw I love BBS too! 1 Deadpool reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted November 5, 2016 It is just a game and everyone has opinions. If you didn't like his negativity, why did you keep watching his Let's Play? I was about to say this exact same statement but I feared I'd come off as rude considering my reputation here when it comes to my opinions on KH games Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Way2Dawn 80 Posted November 5, 2016 Try not to let it get you down. The only thing that matters is that you love the game and the characters. This guy probably heard from somebody before hand that it was a terrible game, and when that happens people usually go into it already ready to look for flaws at every turn. I love BBS and Aqua too, so you definitely arent alone Unfortunately this game gets a lot of hate from a lot of angles, some of it warranted and some not, but you have to choose what to listen to. For me, I hear almost nothing but hate for Atlantica, but I loved it! In both KH1 and KH2. I loved Atlantica in KH2 especially because it was fun and it was a great break from the game at times. But I usually drown out the hate and think about how much I loved hearing Donald try to sing, it was terrible! haha I hope you feel better, but try not to listen to those people and just remember all the things you love about the game Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Boba 63 Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) That dude's clearly a hater. The thing is is that everything that he spoke of is merely an opinion, albeit immature. They aren't exactly factual. And of course, there's going to be people that won't like something. After all, not everyone can be satisfied by that one exact thing. Anyways, Kingdom Hearts is a popular franchise since the majority that know it like and enjoy the living heck out of it. If the majority didn't like it, it wouldn't be so big in the first place. But it is though because a lot of people do love this series. Edited November 5, 2016 by GGDude00 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RikuFangirl2008 1,368 Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) Just because there's this one person that hates something you adore, doesn't mean you should feel down of the negative things he's saying about it. He hates BBS. So what?! That shouldn't affect you at all. Your love towards BBS is far more bigger than his opinion. It just like me once, when Final Fantasy XIII-2 came out and my friend doesn't like it or anything Final Fantasy XIII related. At the local Game Stop, he had the nerve to take a picture of the empty cardboard shelf that the FFXIII-2 was on, posted it on Facebook, and said: "Finally", on his Facebook status. I was triggered by it as well as the negative comments everyone says about FFXIII as a whole. In the inside it made me mad, while I see all of the fans talking about how cool XIII Versus (Final Fantasy XV at the time) will be. At the time, it made me not looking forward to it. My interest towards it was slipping away. I felt the anger inside me, as it started to grow. But as I see the trailers within those 10 years even now, I'm looking forward to XV but not at their level of "hypeness". I could even bring up the Twilight Saga. There is a lot of folks that hates it, and a lot of folks including my mom and myself that loves it. Did any hater beat me up because I love it? No! Even if they did, I will try and kick their ashtrays, cause I was taught: "Never start a fight and if they are the ones that starts the fight, don't back down on one either". But I have to be smart at it, so I won't get in trouble. Sorry for going off at the matter at hand here, with my two examples. What I'm trying to say is, don't let this punk or whatever he is, make you stop loving BBS. Let him talk the talk and you keep loving it. Edited November 5, 2016 by RikuFangirl2008 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted November 5, 2016 I was about to say this exact same statement but I feared I'd come off as rude considering my reputation here when it comes to my opinions on KH games It is just a game and everyone has opinions. If you didn't like his negativity, why did you keep watching his Let's Play? I did stop. It's just that the let's player I was really enjoying playing through the games (he loved Days) it's just that he is the type of person who just constantly goes on about how much he hates it. While he was playing Days he still rants about how terrible KH1 was to him. Opinions never really bothered me, it's just that after a while the toxicity of it all just gets to you. I don't care if he doesn't like the game, it's his opinion it's just that he keeps going on about it, and he actually said that if you like BBS you're crazy. I'm not watching him anymore, although I'd like to see if he enjoys the other KH games but I know he's going to keep going back to before. Look, I don't want to seem like I'm butt hurt or whatever, which I guess I kinda am, and I never been one to care about other people's opinions. It's just being in that toxic situation just sucked. Even though it's over, you tend to see the same things elsewhere and it starts draining you yknow? I dunno, I've also been kinda down anyway in general, so that could be another thing to. I just wanted to make this thread to see if other people feel the same way Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iggy 76 Posted November 5, 2016 Birth By Sleep will always remain my favourite game and I wont let even people I know personally sway my decision. We are as entitled to their opinion as they are their wrong one. B] Oh you badass you. 2 Aqua7KH and WayfindersDestiny reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sorarocks93 678 Posted November 5, 2016 Birth By Sleep will always remain my favourite game and I wont let even people I know personally sway my decision. We are as entitled to their opinion as they are their wrong one. B] I haven't even played BBS and I like it a lot.(lot's of playthroughs and LP's watched) But then again I'm biased towards anything and everything KH, even coded which most people dislike or even hate. 1 WayfindersDestiny reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The 13th Kenpachi 4,279 Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) I did stop. It's just that the let's player I was really enjoying playing through the games (he loved Days) it's just that he is the type of person who just constantly goes on about how much he hates it. While he was playing Days he still rants about how terrible KH1 was to him. Opinions never really bothered me, it's just that after a while the toxicity of it all just gets to you. I don't care if he doesn't like the game, it's his opinion it's just that he keeps going on about it, and he actually said that if you like BBS you're crazy. I'm not watching him anymore, although I'd like to see if he enjoys the other KH games but I know he's going to keep going back to before. Look, I don't want to seem like I'm butt hurt or whatever, which I guess I kinda am, and I never been one to care about other people's opinions. It's just being in that toxic situation just sucked. Even though it's over, you tend to see the same things elsewhere and it starts draining you yknow? I dunno, I've also been kinda down anyway in general, so that could be another thing to. I just wanted to make this thread to see if other people feel the same way I don't think that the let's players views on KH1 or any KH game should cause anyone to label him as being toxic. Being toxic is a whole different story. If he was toxic, he'd go on and on about how he hates that one game, rudely attack people who like the game etc. If he is just a really opinionated guy then I don't think he's toxic. He just has a strong dislike for BBS, which is very reasonable. Edited November 5, 2016 by Barry Bacon Allen 1 Terranort9406 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted November 5, 2016 I did stop. It's just that the let's player I was really enjoying playing through the games (he loved Days) it's just that he is the type of person who just constantly goes on about how much he hates it. While he was playing Days he still rants about how terrible KH1 was to him. Opinions never really bothered me, it's just that after a while the toxicity of it all just gets to you. I don't care if he doesn't like the game, it's his opinion it's just that he keeps going on about it, and he actually said that if you like BBS you're crazy. I'm not watching him anymore, although I'd like to see if he enjoys the other KH games but I know he's going to keep going back to before. Look, I don't want to seem like I'm butt hurt or whatever, which I guess I kinda am, and I never been one to care about other people's opinions. It's just being in that toxic situation just sucked. Even though it's over, you tend to see the same things elsewhere and it starts draining you yknow? I dunno, I've also been kinda down anyway in general, so that could be another thing to. I just wanted to make this thread to see if other people feel the same way Again,don't let it get to you Video games,just like movies,books,novels....etc are subjective pieces of media it's not uncommon to find someone ranting about a game you like but they hate As for the whole thing of him saying you're crazy if you like this or that it depends on the tone.......some let's players make jokes like this but don't mean it and others say it seriously like an asshole I have people ridiculing my games all the time For example:Shin Megami Tensei IV is my favorite game of all time,yet some people in the fanbase hate it but I move on and keep on enjoying it Unless someone comes to insult me personally for having a different opinion(which KH13 members did to me on numerous occasions) I won't give a shit and neither should you relax and chill.Heck I suggest you go back and play Birth by Sleep.You might find stuff you didn't notice about the game before be it good or bad stuff Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) I don't think that the let's players views on KH1 or any KH game should cause anyone to label him as being toxic. Being toxic is a whole different story. If he was toxic, he'd go on and on about how he hates that one game, rudely attack people who like the game etc. If he is just a really opinionated guy then I don't think he's toxic. He just has a strong dislike for BBS, which is very reasonable. He does. I'm not saying he's a bad person, he just doesn't really do well when he's angry. If you ever saw him you know what I mean. It doesn't help that people fight with him back too. So that just makes it even worse. But he has said that it's a fact that Birth by Sleep is the worst game, and anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy. I feel sorry for him to because people in the comments make it worse for him, making him hate the game even more. He has gotten into really bad personal arguments with people. The whole thing has gotten personal for him and those who argue. Luckily I myself have been just staying away from it, but I still think about it. Edited November 5, 2016 by Aqua7KH Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exiblade7 1,917 Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) I can relate to that. I know a person irl who always says to me that video games are dumb and stupid and that makes me feel like it's wrong to play video games.I know it may be difficult to do, but you should try to not take those kinds of comments as seriously because at the end of the day, they are just opinions, no matter how negative they are or how "factual" they are. Edited November 5, 2016 by Zeldablade7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites