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Hey all!  Hows it goin?


Im surprised I haven't seen a topic on this yet, but it was something that I've been pondering.


You you think that Mickey will be a party member when he meets Aqua?  I sorta have a hard time believing he will only be present for a cutscene or two.  I think this would be a great way for Nomura to show off what he was talking about when it comes to increased AI independence with party members, it would give Mickey more screen time and would open up the gameplay.


I thought this might be a possibility when looking at the Cover Art.  I see Aqua and Mickey standing together, and I know it could just be because they meet up with each other, but I get the sense of more of an Adventure when I see the two of them standing there.


Maybe Mickey helps Aqua through the 3rd World we haven't seen and possibly Aqua helps Mickey Find the Kingdom Key D.  Its a theory of mine that the Kingdom Key D is being guarded by that massive onslaught of Darksides we saw in the second trailer, perhaps in that fight Aqua is helping Mickey defeat the Darksides to obtain the Kingdom Key D, and it doesn't show him in the trailer because Nomura didn't want this spoiled.


I think this would be awesome and I'm pretty sure I'm correct.  What do you guys think?

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I think of Mickey being a part member for a while (obviously, he won't be permanent due to him leaving Aqua at some point, but we don't know if it would be the end of the game once he leaves) to show  what the AI can do now.


As for the Kingdom Key D scenario, we can see that Mickey is wearing his COM outfit. So, these events should be taking place after the events of KH1, meaning he already has the Kingdom Key D.

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I think of Mickey being a part member for a while (obviously, he won't be permanent due to him leaving Aqua at some point, but we don't know if it would be the end of the game once he leaves) to show  what the AI can do now.


As for the Kingdom Key D scenario, we can see that Mickey is wearing his COM outfit. So, these events should be taking place after the events of KH1, meaning he already has the Kingdom Key D.

I've been thinking would recon that since Mickey had kind of a place holder outfit in KH1. So it would make since that he would be wearing his CoM outfit entire time he was in the RoD since he shouldn't have access to another change of clothes.

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I can't believe that I never thought of this myself. It makes complete sense. Maybe the reason why Mickey left Aqua in the Realm of Darkness could be explained in game when Mickey is in Aqua's party.

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