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Ultimate Favorites!

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I don't play video games that much, but I like the Higurashi and Umineko series. :3


What's your favorite candy/chocolate?

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I like every kind of candy. .-. But my favourite would probably be Creme Savors ;; And as for chocolate, Symphony bars are good. >w<


What's your favourite colour? 8'D /shotforaskinganoverusedquestion

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(fffff, math is awesome <3 except when we have to take 5 page long tests about solving expressions D8 )

My favorite place is...eh, idk. xD I guess wherever there's books, a computer, and tons of ice cream. /shotdead


What's your favorite time of day?

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Either Mindless Self Indulgence (Though I hate most metal bands...I love them to death. ?u?), Owl City (I lahv technoooo), or Paramore (Haley is my idol~). Oh, and Superbus (french pop music is love).


Your favorite book?

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