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T (Terra), V (Ventus), A (Aqua) kk? ;3


Eh... no o.o Don't keel meeeeeee


Do you like sparkles? 8D



If you did the bbs names short why didn't you do Sora, Kairi, and Riku's?! xD


You know I've never tried putting soysauce on everything I eat. But I agree that it tastes good on something things.

Topping your popcorn with soysauce instead of butter? Now imagine that


What's your favorite number?

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Herbal Essences 8DDDD It's the only shampoo that doesn't make my hair all greasy and yucky. >.> It takes me days to wash Pantene out of my hair. .-.


What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

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People who say "Hella cool"


What are your views on the current state of our economy?


Our economy is screwed up and we are about to face a recession worse than the previous one


What is your favorite country?

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