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Hey, everyone! It me, Veemon, and I'm back to show you how you can have fun online, while also doing a great thing at the same time! ;)


It's as simple as these three words:


Type in Pink.


Now, this isn't for any "huge company advertising", because I still don't have a job! Please don't rub it in... But, typing in pink does do some things that are really cool.


Not only will typing in pink make posts look interesting, but it will (hopefully) help raise cyberbully-awareness. That's a pretty cool thing! :D


If you're wondering why I ask this of you guys and girls, it was because of a video I watched about cyberbullying. I won't go into all the dark, depressing details, but basically, if you type in pink along with many other online users, we can help raise awareness against cyberbullying. If you ever witness a cyberbully threat, or become a victim to cyberbullying, typing in pink will help you get connected with fellow anti-cyberbully supporters.


Obviously you don't have to type in pink even if you want to help fight against cyberbullying, but this idea is out there for those who want to help out to the MAX! :)


Have a nice day, everyone!



Rock on!

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Typing in pink eh? Regardless of purpose, it sounds like something this guy would do


Heck, you just reminded me of him xD


On a serious note, this is great. There have been so many victims of cyber-bullying.


But let's face the harsh reality, as pessimistic as it may be. We can't stop cyber-bullying. It's like pirating. You can't stop something that is so common and widespread and is like a Hydra. Cut one head off, two more grow in its place. It's impossible to stop. We can however, support any and all victims. Let them know that we are all there for them, even if we are just some random strangers on the Internet. By raising awareness, we can raise the amount of supporters for this cause. While this won't reduce the amount of cyber-bullies, it will reduce the number of victims until no one is vulnerable and then maybe, just maybe, even though I'm contradicting my earlier statement, this would eliminate cyber-bullying as a whole. I mean, if they have no one to pick on, how can they pick on anyone?

But we all need to stick together. For a brighter future.

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TBH, I think it should be a different color because thinking about it, pink would be something cool to do for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.



Both are really cool causes! Hopefully this will raise some awareness not just on KH13.com, but across the board as well. <3

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