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Do You Think They'll Nerf Ansem's 2nd Form In DDD HD?

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So I remember back when KH: DDD came out on the 3DS people were complaining/saying that the 2nd form against Ansem SoD was extremely overpowered. So do you think they'll nerf the 2nd form of that boss fight like they did with No Heart in BBSFM HD?

Edited by Tails

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People complain that it's hard because a lot of DDD's bosses have poor boss design, due to minimal staggers and boss's combo breakouts based more on RNG than actual chains.


But other than that, I don't believe it's that hard of a fight. You just need to take your time. They're not going to nerf it.

Edited by Rocketboy

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Well, they might nerf him, but odds are they won't!  I don't remember any story bosses from the ReMixes being nerfed, so I doubt that Ansem will get nerfed in DDD, since he's a story boss, ya know?  Fighting him is a pain, but with the right strategy, and assurance of dodging those dang laser balls, the fight is cake! Just make sure to dodge those dang laser balls!


Did I mention I hate the laser balls? xD

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I Don't think they'll need him, though that is always a possibility. It makes me wonder though, since bad boss design and lack of staggering have persisted for a while now (mainly in bbs and DDD) if 0.2 will have this same problem. It will definitely give us insight into boss fights in kh3.

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