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Well we know for sure Sora will be the protagonist there won't be a new one, for sometime. 

New villain is a definite, as well as a new saga what they will be about is undefined. 


My only hope for the next installments of Kingdom Hearts, as well as the current ones we have now, is that they show up on Steam.


Oh and Keyblade's out for Harambe

Edited by Casper Formadi

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Well of course I'd like to see new villains and a new Saga, I mean isn't that a given already? But as for a new protagonist, while I would like more protagonists added in future games, I'd still rather see Sora remain the MAIN protagonist, and Nomura has expressed the same sentiment. But that doesn't mean we can't get more additional ones to aid and strengthen the story, like how Roxas, Aqua, and everyone else has so far.

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For sure we're going to get a new villain, or villains!  Who will they be is something that is still up in the air, because we don't know what outcome the Xehanort Saga will bring, ya know?


As for there being a next saga, that's a given!


And as for what the future installments should be about, I think they should be about how the worlds are restructuring back into one complete world after the events of the Xehanort Saga, ya know?  I'm sure Sora and friends will encounter some new threat, so that's going to be interesting!  As for new protagonists, I'm sure there will be a few, but I do believe Sora will always remain the special focus, ya know? :)

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For future installments I would like a new main villan that in no way shape or form is related to Xehanort AT ALL and not bring up the time travel stuff ever again. Other than that I´m ok with the series going nuts and wild with any idea.

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I'm of the exact opposite opinion, that the franchise should end with Kingdom Hearts 3. For starters, there are only so many times that Sora can be knocked back to level 1 before it gets stale, Heartless and Nobodies have already been done to death, Unversed don't exist anymore and Dream Eaters can only exist in the Realm Of Sleep, and given the cosmology of the franchise there really can't be any other enemies unless they decide to do something like bring in monsters from beyond the the Realms of Light, Darkness, In-Between, Nothingness, and Sleep. In terms of specific villains, how could they possibly top Maleficent and the Xehanorts? Plus, there are only so many Disney movies to take worlds from without becoming repetitive or using the really obscure ones. I know that this is a cash cow franchise but I say go out while on top instead of falling into mediocrity.

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What would you like to see in future Kingdom Hearts games?


 - New Villain?

 - New saga?

 - New Protagonist? - maybe but i doubt it....


What do you think the next saga will be about?

The protagonist will remain the same. Nomura in an interview said so.

It will be a new saga, but I think it would be about returning the true Kingdom Hearts to light.

I would imagine a new villain, but I have no clue who it could be. It might be someone completely new; not connected to Xehanort at all.

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