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Sora is Terra's sucessor, not Riku?

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After watching some videos, i have come to thinking - Could Sora actually be Terra's successor, instead of Riku?


During Birth By Sleep, when Terra encountered Riku, he let him touch his keyblade, but later on, they mention that the keyblade rejected Riku and passed onto Sora, because Riku had turned to the darkness.


During CODED, Namine says to Sora that he (Sora) met two of the previous keyblade masters, which was Aqua and Ven, but said the third was connected to him in a way (Terra?)


I'm not sure if i got this the wrong way around...but the way it seemed, it sounded like Terra was the reason Sora can wield the keyblade

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Pretty sure the two keyblade wielders Namine meant were Aqua and Terra, not Ventus.


He's connected to Ven cause he has his heart inside of him, but they never met actually.

And Terra is not the reason Sora can wield a Keyblade, Sora can wield it because he is worth it and his heart is strong enough.

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I'm in agreement with Felixx.  I'm pretty sure that Sora is connected to Ven, not Terra.


Riku did indeed inherit his Keyblade from Terra, and from there I am pretty sure (though I could be wrong if this changed from the first installments) that he received the Keyblade from Sora because of his descent into the darkness.

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You're mincing information, riku's keyblade went to Sora because Riku's heart was weak during the time the keyblade was going to go to riku, so it chose the next best person in the vicinity aka Sora. Riku is most definitely Terra's successor as alluded to the battle with lingering will and the outright confirmation in BBS itself. I never liked the way Namine phrased that sentence, but I'm pretty sure she was talking about Sora meeting LW and LW is Terra's mind.

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Riku was originally going to have the Kingdom Key, but since he gave himself into the darkness, the Keyblade went to the closest weilder at hand, which was Sora, due to having Ven and Kairi's heart, at that time, within him.  

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The two he met where Terra and Aqua, remember he saw Riku talking to Terra and talked to Aqua himself, he never met Ven physically, just connected to his heart, there's where the "special conection" comes in.
Riku and Sora both had potential to wield from the get go Terra sensed that potential in Riku and performed the ceremony on him which gave hm the abilty to wield. When Riku's Keyblade emerged, Sora came into contact with his heart and intercepted it, it then chose Sora for good when Riku gave into darkness. So in a roundabout way I guess you could say Sora is Terra's sucessor, albeit unintentionally.

Edited by Isamu Kuno

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The Keyblade itself was not inherited from Terra. You are confusing two things: The Keyblade and the ability to wield it. When Terra and Riku performed the Keyblade inheritance ceremony, Riku didn't inherit the Kingdom Key, he inherited the ABILITY to wield a Keyblade. And that is why, even though he lost the Kingdom Key to Sora, he can still wield a Keyblade. He inherited the power to wield one and no one can take that away for all we know. So yeah, no one inherited the keyblade, they inherited the power to wield it.


The Kingdom Key, which Sora wields, was originally "assigned" to Riku. But when Riku fell to darkness, it went to Sora instead. Sora was worthy of the key and had the strength of heart necessary to wield it. His ability to wield the Keyblade wasn't inherited, he "developped" it in a way.

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After watching some videos, i have come to thinking - Could Sora actually be Terra's successor, instead of Riku?


During Birth By Sleep, when Terra encountered Riku, he let him touch his keyblade, but later on, they mention that the keyblade rejected Riku and passed onto Sora, because Riku had turned to the darkness.


During CODED, Namine says to Sora that he (Sora) met two of the previous keyblade masters, which was Aqua and Ven, but said the third was connected to him in a way (Terra?)


I'm not sure if i got this the wrong way around...but the way it seemed, it sounded like Terra was the reason Sora can wield the keyblade


No, you got it the wrong way around. Riku only inherited the ABILITY to wield the Keyblade from Terra, he wasn't directly inheriting the Kingdom Key. The Kingdom Key is the Keyblade of the Realm of Light, it doesn't come from anyone. Riku was getting that Keyblade from the Realm of Light originally cause the Realm likely thought he was worthy right up until he let Darkness into his heart, but when Sora intervened the realm deemed him as more worthy, so he was able to wield it instead of Riku. At that point Riku could only take it from Sora because he was originally the Realm's first choice and he is still has the ability to wield a Keyblade. He didn't summon his own Keyblade until KH2, when he got The Way to Dawn. He doesn't inherit a Keyblade from Terra, just the ability to wield one.


And in Coded Namine was referring to Aqua and TERRA as the two masters he had met (Ven isn't even a master yet), and you can plainly see in BbS that Sora only ever physically encounters Terra and Aqua. He never meets Ventus in person, he's only ever encountered his heart, he doesn't even know what he looks like. Ventus is the third one that is connected to Sora in a special way, it is literally referring to the fact that Sora holds Ven's heart within him. While Sora doesn't really interact with or exchange any words with Terra, he still encountered him and knew that he spoke to Riku about something, so that still shows enough that he's met him before. He doesn't really have a special connection to Sora in any way beyond the fact that he allowed Riku the ability to wield a Keyblade which is half of the reason the events of KH1 even happened.

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Well, Sora wasn't meant to have the Keyblade...at least not immediately!  Aqua saw the potential Sora had, but instead of bequeathing the power of the Keyblade onto him, she instead asked that he be there to guide Riku, should he lose his way, ya know?  Aqua didn't want Sora to have the life of a Keyblade Wielder!  When Riku fell to darkness, the Keyblade passed on to Sora because it deemed him worthy of being a wielder of the Keyblade, because of his strong heart!


But had he not received Riku's Keyblade, I'm sure he would have had his own somewhere down the line, maybe a short time later, maybe some years later, who knows? :)

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Pretty sure the two keyblade wielders Namine meant were Aqua and Terra, not Ventus.


He's connected to Ven cause he has his heart inside of him, but they never met actually.

And Terra is not the reason Sora can wield a Keyblade, Sora can wield it because he is worth it and his heart is strong enough.

This exactly. Besides, Terra performed the Inheritance Ceremony on Riku so I have no clue how the idea that Sora could be Terra's successor came to be.

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