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Kingdom Hearts SUCKS, how to make it better, a blogpost by me

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I... can't decide if this is actually a serious post. Is it bad that I kind of want a live-action movie, even if just for kicks?  :happy:

Edited by Lordrogersmith6485

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Additional step: get rid of all that crappy music on the soundtrack by that Yucko-whatsherface bitch.


The new KH needs a music style to fit its new image. The answer? Easy. Early 2000s nu metal. With special emphasis on Limp Bizkit tracks.

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Season passes 60 euro/dollars

These games need 60 dollar season passes or else the games will never reach it fullest potentional. I want to pay for Keyblade colour changes and to unlock them for every world!


Pre order DLC

We need this so more people will buy KH3


Nomura needs to go GTA

Mickey needs to be a pimp, Maleficent and Pete are drug dealers, Sora needs to be one bad ass motherfiretrucker and a player

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