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So Between E3 and TGS

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So between the E3 and TGS event that happens every year which one out of the two do you honestly enjoy more? Me? Well, that's actually kind of a tough question. But I guess I'd say the E3 events more since they are kinda a bit more interesting (though I'll admit that the recent few E3 events have been a little lackluster) 

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E3 since that's here in America so it feels more relevant and I can actually understand what people are talking about half the time. That and it's sort of like the game company olympics, everyone is really trying their best to wow you so you can follow them at other conventions afterward. Basically the point of E3 is to impress you so much that you check out events like TGS to follow them afterwards, building more hype for their games. At least, that's what I think.

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E3 has all of the conferences with major announcements, and great gameplays coming out. It's such a big and enjoyable event. The only one I really look forward to every year.

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Well, for me, I can't really decide on just one, for the different gaming conventions that happen throughout the year always have their fair share of surprises, ya know? At one point, there's a news blowout of major gaming franchises, and at times, things are more silent!  But when it comes to it, I love E3! You can feel the spectacle and scope! It's like going to a Comic-Con event, only that it's exclusively for video games! :3

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