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2.8 delayed release date

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I don't really care about Kingdom Hearts being delayed as it's understandable from a business perspective. But this was FFXV's fault, and I didn't like it being delayed at all, specially after having a whole event revealing the exact release date. I still think KH3 will be out in 2017, though. We have another 11 months to look forward to, as my prediction is December 2017.

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There's no reason to be salty. I admit, I never thought that FFXV would have that much of an impact on 2.8's release, but I guess I was wrong. A one month delay really isn't long at all, and it gives people a larger time frame to get money to buy the game, play other games, etc.

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Honestly, I'm bummed out that we won't be able to play the game in December, but I'm happy we'll be getting it in January!  This at least addresses the concern I had about Final Fantasy XV blanketing over 2.8 from a sales standpoint!  But now that 2.8 is set to release on January, that won't be much of a problem, and 2.8 can enjoy healthy sales, ya know? :)

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Normally I would be, but since the delay is only a month it really doesn't bother me. There's still some polishing the game needs anyway. The only scenario in which I'd get upset is if the game got delayed again and again.

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