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Idea for Kingdom Hearts spin off/shared universe

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There's so much that Disney has under their belt. But we always seem to think of the movies the most, even though Disney has done so much more. Like animated series on Zoog, Disney Channel, Toon Disney, Jetix & Disney xD. But I don't think (with the exception of Gravity Falls due to it's popularity) most of these shows would fit in KH3 as they would be just thrown in at the last installment of the Xehanort saga. And I did think of the idea of putting them in the next Saga right away, but I think I got a better idea. Remember when Disney was going to make their own Kingdom Hearts game for iOS? Well what if we did a similar thing?


A Kingdom Hearts spin off for PS4 centered around Disney animated series.


I think this idea alone has potential as we could add shows like Gravity Falls, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Kim Possible, American Dragon, Duck Tales, Dark-wing Duck, Rescue Rangers, Phineas and Ferb, Lilo & Stitch the animated series, Recess, Motorcity, Wonder over Yonder, the Replacements, ect. Most of these shows wouldn't even fit in the main Kingdom Hearts games due to some of their tone, settings & personality differences between these shows and the movies. A spin-off starring a new cast of characters could fix that though.


This could also lead to experimentation with ideas that the normal series wouldn't do. Like maybe a turn based game or straight up hack & slash. Or maybe just a platformer based on KH gameplay. Imagine a 3D platformer with KH RPG elements while using the drop sequence.


One last thing could be a shared universe like Marvel's Avengers has. This could lead to a climatic ending for the 2nd Saga (as it would be too late to make a shared universe for the Xehanort Saga as KH3 is in development.


Marvel & Star Wars could get in on the fun as well with some of their animated series like the Amazing Spider Man cartoon on Disney xD or Star Wars the Clone Wars.


No what about the live action shows. NO, OH GOD NO! Secondly, even if that was a good idea, we would have to remake the characters in an animated form as simply dropping them in the game would use the likeness of the actors.


But besides that, Do you think a KH spin off series with the animated series could work? Especially to add a shared Universe to the next Saga?


OR, here's another idea, A spin-off based on the old Disney Shorts from the Black & White era, to the early colored toons, to the House of Mouse shorts and to the newer shorts, Maybe even an appearance of Silly Symphonies?

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honestly i could see Disney being more likely to make a cross over game with just their Disney channel shows similar to what Nicktoons used to do with "Nicktoons Unite" and "Nicktoons: Battle for Volcano Island." the KH aspect would probably complicate things and if they really wanted to they could just do it themselves and have more control over the project. 


as for the shared universe idea....i feel like this first saga has been confusing enough to keep up with on its own without spin offs and cross overs and shared universe games. the last thing we need is another story that gets spread out across 9 games. 


i'd love it if the next saga was just a simple trilogy with no bridge games or prequels. just a straight forward narrative over three games. 

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Disney should never, ever, ever do a solo KH game again. remeber V cast? And Fragmented Keys never even got off the ground. 

Eh, wether it be Disney, Square or another company. But no, I don't know what V Cast is.


honestly i could see Disney being more likely to make a cross over game with just their Disney channel shows similar to what Nicktoons used to do with "Nicktoons Unite" and "Nicktoons: Battle for Volcano Island." the KH aspect would probably complicate things and if they really wanted to they could just do it themselves and have more control over the project. 


as for the shared universe idea....i feel like this first saga has been confusing enough to keep up with on its own without spin offs and cross overs and shared universe games. the last thing we need is another story that gets spread out across 9 games. 


i'd love it if the next saga was just a simple trilogy with no bridge games or prequels. just a straight forward narrative over three games. 


I wouldn't mind a Disney United (as long as it's made well) and as for the shared universe thing. I don't think it needs to be required. Maybe it could be a new game that takes place in the same universe.

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