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The Last Guardian Gets Delayed Again

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Source: http://www.siliconera.com/2016/09/12/last-guardian-delayed-month-december-6-2016/


The Last Guardian has been delayed by a month and will be released on December 6, 2016. Man first FF XV gets delayed now The Last Guardian. But I guess it's not a big deal since it only got delayed by a month. So it's not too bad. At least we still have World of Final Fantasy to look forward to (I'm actually a lot more excited for that game than FF XV surprisingly lol).

Edited by Tails

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I'm happy to wait if it means that the game is in a less buggy state. The December release is a real kicker though as there is a lot coming out both in November and December, but I'm still confident the game will be great.


I'm not confident Sony will market either The Last Guardian or Gravity Rush 2 well though.

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Damn, looks like I'll be waiting until March to get this one. I've got Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 in October, Final Fantasy XV in November, 2.8 in December, Pokemon Sun in January (because I can only do one game a month), and Persona 5 in February.

Edited by Isamu Kuno

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December seems to be a Game-Filled Month.


I'm not particularly interested in The Last Guardian, but I've heard about it (along with the Memes.) and it does look good...yet I fear, like KHSora, that it won't be marketed very well, just to be a real kicker.


And FFXV, well, I can wait for that, I'll be playing Overwatch and Destiny: Rise of Iron to occupy myself. The Platinum Demo was pretty good, so I am eager to see what FFXV has to offer, even if it was delayed.


I have no issues with delays, because they usually have the best intentions, but I do dislike them when they take the piss (Mighty No.9) and seem to accomplish nothing. This delay for The Last Guardian, I hope for the fans sake, better not be one of those.

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I don´t hate on The Last Guardian, but World of Final Fantasy had no chance against The Last Guardian. That game was waited for years and the other game was annonced last year. Delays, delays everywhere.

Edited by MarieltheKeybasHGirl

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Well this is interesting!  This game has seen its fair share of delays, and it looks like it'll get delayed again!  But hey, at least it's not getting cancelled or anything, so that's good!  I hope all those people who've been waiting on this game get to enjoy it once its in their hands! :D


This is also probably a move to make The Last Guardian PS4 Pro compatible, ya know?

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