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Tetsuya Nomura's message in the Kingdom Hearts Series Memorial Ultimania translated


The Kingdom Hearts Series Memorial Ultimania released today in Japan and included in is a message from director of the Kingdom Hearts series, Tetsuya Nomura. The message included concerns Kingdom Hearts III and the Kingdom Hearts series in general. You can read it below thanks to SQEX.info.

Message from Tetsuya Nomura


If I had to pick, I am a person more on the dark side like Xehanort and co., I harness the burning anger in my heart into what I create. Kingdom Hearts III’s current development explodes very much in this sense. Each time, it’s a battle with Sora and co. who are the exact opposite of myself, it’s been over 10 years and yet we haven’t reached a conclusion.


This battle will surely last longer.


In Kingdom Hearts III as well, I am scheming many challenges that Sora and his friends must overcome, because I myself cannot lose either. And in preparation for the great battle that lies ahead, we have this one book that looks back on their entire journey.


When I think about it, I had an explosive mindset when I made the first Kingdom Hearts as well.


Thus when I look back at all the material, I feel that fever again. Fans who will continue the journey so far alongside Sora and his friends will also recall their own feverish enthusiasm. With that passion, we will not lose to darkness, and Sora’s journey will continue onwards.


The journey still continues, but I would be overjoyed if you stuck with us until the very end.

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"If I had to pick, I am a person more on the dark side like Xehanort and co., I harness the burning anger in my heart into what I create."


someone's been pissin Lord Nomura-sama off


I will stick with you 'till the end. =)

Isn't "Lord Nomura-sama" a little redundant? "Sama" is already how you address your superiors in Japanese, is it not? :P

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My reaction from the first and second sentence: "Well, darn Nomura!" LOL 


I'll continue loving Kingdom Hearts though. :) It's the reflection of my childhood after all, with all of the Disney movies I've seen, combining my interest into Final Fantasy.

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Reading the first sentence I was like "Aww hell, don't tell me he's gonna do something horrible to Kairi." 

After reading it, I'm still not sure what to think, and I'm still scared what he has in mind for the future.

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"If I had to pick, I am a person more on the dark side like Xehanort and co., I harness the burning anger in my heart into what I create."


someone's been pissin Lord Nomura-sama off


I will stick with you 'till the end. =)


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SEE??! Even the great Nomura himself is on the villain's side!!!


And ya'll called me a fool....hmph! We shall see. *Sips Orange Fanta*

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