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Tetsuya Nomura writes message for Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ reveal


Tetsuya Nomura, the director of the Kingdom Hearts series has written a message for the reveal of Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, the port of the web browser game, Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] for iOS & Android devices. Nomura explains the reasoning behind the title "Unchained" and confirms the web browser version will continue to run. You can read it below thanks to misomilk from Tumblr.

Dear Users of the Keyblade, it has been a while.

This time, we have announced the smartphone app 『KINGDOM HEARTS Unchained χ』.


Since we've adjusted it for smartphone applications (smartphone usage), you'll notice you can enjoy it in a shorter time, and much more freely [than in browser format]. That's how in calling it "Unchained", we've put in a feeling/meaning/sense of "release".

It also connotes how you can take it out with you on your phone, but you'll see this [release] sense in the story, too.


『χ』 and 『Unchained χ』. These two 『χ』, in terms of world and story, have both similarities and differences they share. Your meeting and parting with Ephemera, the hints of mystery surrounding Chirithy may already come to your mind. Then there's also the Foretellers starting to move according to their own [convictions].


Be that as it may, it will still take some time until 『Unchained χ』 comes out. Of course, 『KINGDOM HEARTS χ[chi]』 will keep running its course. I'd like to extend my thanks to those who keep playing it.


Please expect that there will be more events linking to 『Unchained χ』. It will please us well that you, already Users of the Keyblade, and also those who are to become (will become) Users of the Keyblade, continue to enjoy 『KINGDOM HEARTS χ[chi]』.


Kingdom Hearts Series


Tetsuya Nomura

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cool... well i would have rathered a console game like KH3D remake or birth by sleep volume 2 but what can we do. This is still good news and i look forward to playing it.

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"Users of the Keyblade"


I like that. X3


Just like how I'm surprisingly liking the idea of Unchained χ.

Meh, I prefer Keyblade Wielders.

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Everyone...we can be in a guild together! we'll destroy all


OH HECK YES. Please, let's make this happen! We can do a poll of the day to figure out which guild we should all join!


Now the question is, if some parts of the plot match KHX and some don't, which one is canon?

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OH HECK YES. Please, let's make this happen! We can do a poll of the day to figure out which guild we should all join! Now the question is, if some parts of the plot match KHX and some don't, which one is canon?

Probably both. It's basically the same game.

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cool... well i would have rathered a console game like KH3D remake or birth by sleep volume 2 but what can we do. This is still good news and i look forward to playing it.

Don't worry about KH3D that is already confirmed in 2.5. We should see it at the e3.

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