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Square Enix is conducting an official Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ user survey


From February 24th until March 3rd, people currently playing the Japanese version of Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ can participate in a survey being conducted by Square Enix. The survey asks questions about your experience playing the game, what you feel could be improved, and what medals you would like to see in the future. Upon completion of the survey, players will receive 600 jewels to be used in-game. Also during this time, all AP costs for missions will be halved.


You can fill out the survey here.


If you plan on completing the survey, you can find a translation of the questions/responses below thanks to News Team member Katie Armstrong.


Q1: Please enter your User ID number


Q2: Please select your gender




Q3: Please select your age range

-Under 13








-Over 50


Q4: Please tell us your occupation.

-Company employee (i.e. full time, salaryman)


-Government/public service








Q5: If you answered 'Other' for Q4, please elaborate below. (255 characters max)


Q6: Please tell us what OS you use to play.




-I don't know


Q7: Please tell us what device model you use to play. (255 characters max)


Q8: What other hardware do you use to play games?





-PS Vita

-Xbox One

-Wii U

-Nintendo 3DS



Q9: When did you start playing Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ?

-Since the beginning (September 2015)

-October 2015

-November 2015

-December 2015

-January 2016


Q10: How did you find out about Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ?

-Saw it on a news site

-Saw it on the official home page

-Saw it on a social network or blog

-Saw a magazine article

-Heard from a friend

-Saw a TV commercial

-Saw it in the app store



Q11: If you answered 'Other' for Q10, please elaborate below. (255 characters max)


Q12: Do you follow the official Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ Twitter account?




Q13: How do you get your Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ news?

-In-game notifications

-From the official website

-From the official Twitter

-Another news site



Q14: If you answered 'Other' for Q13, please elaborate below. (255 characters max)


Q15: Do you know the people you play Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ with?




Q16: Have you performed a data transfer?



-I don't know how


Q17: What aspects of Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ do you enjoy? (You may select multiple choices)

-The Kingdom Hearts story

-The Disney worlds and characters

-Collecting and evolving medals

-Playing the main quest

-Event quests

-Customizing your avatar

-Raid Bosses

-The Coliseum

-Individual Lux rankings

-Party Lux rankings



Q18: If you also selected 'Other', please elaborate below on what you enjoy in the game. (255 characters max)



Q19: Please choose how much you agree with the statement "I am a Disney fan".

-Strongly agree



-Strongly disagree

-No opinion


Q20: What medals do you want to see? Please answer below. (255 characters max)


Q21: What events do you want to see? Please answer below. ( 255 characters max)


Q22: Do you want to see collaborative events with other apps?




Q23: If you answered 'Yes' to Q22, which apps would you like to see collaborative events with? (255 characters max)


Q24: Please tell us what aspects of gameplay you like. (510 characters max)


Q25: Please tell us what aspects of gameplay you dislike. (510 characters max)


Q26: Please leave any other feedback. (510 characters max)


Feel free to discuss your answers in the comments below!

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i wrote in some answerboxes, like in Q25, "i don´t like that it´s in japanese" and for Q26 "when comes the english version out?" :D

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Every time I see news about Unchained X only for it to be about the Japanese version and NOT the English version we have heard so little about, another part of me dies. Seriously Square, why you do this? -_-"

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Okay, so first, there's the neat lil' IPhone covers, and now there's this here survey?  Hmm, could Squared Elvis be teasing us here...?  I mean, for all I know, this probably means absolutely nothing, but hey, next month seems like the month Unchained X could come out for the rest of the world...I'm pretty sure we'll be getting a release date in the first days of next month...and it'll probably release like around March 20 or so!  But then again, I'm probably reading way too deep into this, and it's just absolutely nothing....


But this Merc With A Mouth wants to bust some Heartless asses!!!  I want Unchained X already! D:

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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Everybody fill it out in English to give them the message they need to hear

I actually did that, and for every question that asked about future content I put "I want the game to come out in English" and for the very last one I wrote a paragraph about how long we have been waiting and how we really want this game to come out. Everyone please do the same but please be respectful. I am going to advertise this on reddit and to a few kingdom hearts youtubers and maybe we can get a movement starting here. Again just be respectful.

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With every fill-in answer I made sure to bring up the issue of non news about the English version in as polite a manner as I could. I don't know if this will really have any effect, but at the very least I hope it prompts them to release at least some kind of information about the progress of the English version.

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