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[UPDATED] Sora is coming to World of Final Fantasy this winter


UPDATE: Sora will be available as DLC in World of Final Fantasy on January 12th, 2017!



woff sora


Shinji Hashimoto, on stage, has announced that Sora from Kingdom Hearts will be making an appearance on World of Final Fantasy this winter.


The translation for the picture above reads as follows. Thanks to Goldpanner (@_KH_ENGLISH) for the translations!

WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY for PlayStation 4/PlayStation Vita


January 12 2017 (Thu)

Champion Summon: Sora

Available for Free Download!


<Download Period>

Jan 12 2017 - Mar 31 2017


Sora will be available as a DLC. You can check out a picture of him below.



The Square Enix Press Center is quoted as follows:



Sora to be Available for Limited Time Only This Winter


LOS ANGELES (Oct. 27, 2016) – SQUARE ENIX® today announced that Sora, the beloved star of the KINGDOM HEARTS series, has been given an adorable WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY™ makeover, and will be available as free downloadable content for the game this winter.


Commemorating the release of KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue early next year, Sora will be available for download for a limited time only, appearing in his KINGDOM HEARTS Dream Drop Distance HD outfit. Further information on how to obtain the Sora champion summon will follow at a later date.


Will you be purchasing World of Final Fantasy and getting the Sora DLC? Let us know in the comments!

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You see that Disney copyright there? That proves that Disney has ownership to all characters original to Kingdom Hearts.

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Wow I was not expecting that considering that this is a game to celebrate the FF series. That's a pretty neat cameo appearence.

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You see that Disney copyright there? That proves that Disney has ownership to all characters original to Kingdom Hearts.

Wait, all characters?


I thought it was just Sora.

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Wait, all characters?


I thought it was just Sora.


Yes, all characters original to Kingdom Hearts. Even the obscure ones like Hayner, Pence and Ollette.

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I still hope Cecil will be there.


You see that Disney copyright there? That proves that Disney has ownership to all characters original to Kingdom Hearts.

People still don't know this?

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People still don't know this?


Surprisingly yes, people still don't know this. I have to give them the reminder.

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Now since sora is finally appearing in games outside KH, please i want him to be a guest star in Skylanders.

Edited by MarieltheKeybasHGirl

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I wonder how Sora will react to Lann looking a bit like Roxas? Maybe something like "You look a bit like somebody I know".

um unforatually sora going to be like the sepiorth dlc but proablly have a line or two

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I never quite thought that I'd see the day when Sora makes it into something other than Kingdom Hearts. ; )  I have mixed feelings about the game myself, so I don't know if I'll be getting it, but I think it is awesome that Sora is finally going to expand his horizons.  Now they just need to make DLC with Kingdom Hearts for Theatrhythm.

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Well this is a KH fansite. What did you expect? :P

Yea i know...but getting a game just for a peice of dlc? Cameos are great I'm excited for it beyond belief I'm just a fan of both I guess..

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um unforatually sora going to be like the sepiorth dlc but proablly have a line or two


Oh so is he jst going to be a summon? !95 playable? 94 any additional side story too why he is there?


?75 my theory if they add any story element too it, seeing the game focussed around finding lost memories and dreams, lol maybe sora is jumping in to this dream world or sleeping world xD

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Oh so is he jst going to be a summon? !95 playable? 94 any additional side story too why he is there? ?75 my theory if they add any story element too it, seeing the game focussed around finding lost memories and dreams, lol maybe sora is jumping in to this dream world or sleeping world xD

that would be cool but seeing they did not add side story for sephiroth it highly unlikely they do the same for sora plus if they did they nomura would make it cannon

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